��Univ. of Glasgow; Queen Margaret Coll., Vienna, A.UBtria; M.B., CM. (Glasgow), Licentiate Royal College Physicians and Surgeons (Scotland); m. Stirling, Scotland, April 13, 1898, Dr. Charles AJlen Porter; children: Isabel De Courcy, Mar- garet Dewar, Charles Burnham. Macintosh Bur- sary in GlasgoTV Univ., P.M.O. at Crichton Asy- lum, Dumfries; house surgeon in Children's Hos- pital, Sheffield. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Scottish Univ. Women's Suffrage Union, Mass. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian. Mem. Chil- ton Club of Boston, Mass.
PORTEK, Marion Otis (Mrs. Melvin Park Por- ter), 15 Day's Park, Buffalo, N.Y. Born Deer River, N.T., Sept. 26, 1875; dau. Stephen S. and Emma A. Otis; ed. Carthage (N.Y.) High School; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '97; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 23, 1897, Melvin Park Porter; children: Ellen Lois, James Otis. Resi- dent at Westminster House, Buffalo, N.Y., 1898- 1900; head worker Neighborhood House, Buffalo, 1903-08. Initiated the movement for public play- grounds In Buffalo in 1899; has been designated "The Mother of Buffalo Playgrounds." Mem. Parent-Teachers' Ass'n of School 36, Housewives' League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (chairman of educational com), Westminster Women's Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of exec. com. Woman Suffrage Headquarters; chair- man campaign com.
PORTER, Melissa Patterson (Mrs. Charles R.
Porter), 5604 Pocussett St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Nov. 9, 1873; dau. Abram C. and Georgia (Jones) Patterson; ed. Pennsylvania Coll. for Women, A.B. ; post-grad. Bryn Mawr; m. Pittsburgh, ■ Oct. 31, 1S95, Charles R. Porter; children: Edna Patterson, George Curtis, Abram C., Harry Vernon. Against woman suffrage. Mem. United Presbyterian Church. Clubs: (Col- lege, Collo<iuium (Pittsburgh). PORTER, Rath Wadsworth Enmess (Mrs.
James Foster Porter), Hubbard Woods, 111.
Bom Chicago, 111.; ed. Miss Rice's Collegiate School for Girls, Chicago; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96; special student, Barnard ColL, 1898-99; m. 1898, James Foster Porter. Ass't teacher of Greek and Latin, Kirkland School, Chicago, 1896-98; teacher of Greek, University School for Girls, Chicago, 1897-98. Mem. B'd of Education of Winnetka, 111., 1905-09.
PORTER, Susan Creighton (Mrs. Valentine Mott Porter), Mission Canyon, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Born Martinsburg, W.Va. ; dau. Meade Creigh- ton and Elizabeth (Riddle) Williams; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Ogontz School, Pa.; m. Mackinac Island, Mich., Sept. 21, 1907, Valentine Mott Porter. Has contributed verses to maga- zines and specialized in the study of Celtic folk- lore. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, National Conservation Ass'n, and various chari- table organizations. Clubs: Wednesday Club (St. Louis), Ttiesday Morning Club (Santa Barbara). Recreations: Motoring, horseback riding. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage.
PORTER, Therese Study (Mrs. Albert Brown Porter), 1024 Lake Shore Drive, Evanston, III. Born Centerville, Ind. ; dau. Thomas J. and Therese (Widup) Study; grad. Univ. of Michi- gan, B.S. '92; special student at Johns Hopkins Univ., '92-94; Northwestern Univ. School of Music, '98-1902; m. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 22, 1892, Albert Brown Porter. Governing mem. Chi- cago School of Domestic Science; mem. Chicago Anti-Craelty Society, and of Evanston Branch 111. Humane Soc. Recreation: Automoblling.
POSSE, Baroness Rose, 1463 Beacon St., Brook- line. Mass.; professional address: 777 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Pres. Posse Normal School of Gymnastics; b. Newburyport, Mass.; dau. Foster Waldo and Catharine Moore (Ballon) Smith; ed. Newbury- port; grad. Salem State Normal School; special student Radcllffe Coll.; m. Newburyport, Mass., 1887, Baron Nils Posse; (2d) Boston, 1904, William T. Strong. Class poetess State Normal School, Sa- lem, 1875; Instructor Latin and French, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 1873-86; di-
��rector Posse Gymnasium, 1896-1913; pres. Posse Normal School of Gymnastics, 1911; editor Posse Gymnasium Journal, 1893-1912; lecturer at con- ventions; contributor to various magazines. Mem. of Am. Civic Ass'n, A.A.A.S.; vice-pres. Am. Physical Education Ass'n; sec. Mass. Medical Gymnastic Ass'n; vlce-pres. and sec. Physical Education Dep't of Nat. EJdn'l Ass'n. Compiler Baron Nils Posse's Manual of Medical Gym- nastics. Mem. Bostoner Deutscher Gesellschaft, L'Alliance Francaise. Favors woman suffrage.
POST, Alice Thacher (Mrs. Louis Freeland Post), care of the Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.
Editor; b. Boston, June 8, 1853; dau. Thomaa and Katharine (Worcester) Thacher; ed. In pri- vate schools of Newtonville, Mass.; Brooklyn and N.Y. City; diploma of Mrs. Sylranus Reed'a School, N.Y. City, 1871; m. Dec. 2, 1893, Louia Freeland Post. Ass't in editorial work on New Church Messenger, Orange, N.J., 1882-93; coadju- tor editor of the New Earth, N.Y. City, 1889-93; coadjutor editor 1898-1906, managing editor since 1906, The Public, Chicago. Mem. (vice-pres.) Anti- imperialist League; mem. (vice-pres.) Am. Pro- portional Representation League. Favors woman suffrage. Swedenborgian.
POST, Janet Greig (Mrs. .Philip Sidney Post),
Winnetka, 111.
Bom Fonda, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1871; dau. Hugh and Jean (McAdam) Greig; ed. public schools, Oneida, 111., and private tutor; Knox Coll., Gales- burg, 111., '94; B.L., M.S. '97; post-grad, study in Germany and France (Sorbonne), and at Univ. of Chicago (mem. Delta Delta Delta) ; m. Craig Knowe Farm, Oneida, 111., Aug. 27, 1902, Philip Sidney Post. Dean of women and Instructor in German, Knox Coll., 1896-1902. Interested in various educational and philanthropic organiza- tions; vice-pres. Knox Co. Free Kindergarten and Orphans' Home, Galesburg, 111., 1902-05; director Arden Shore Ass'n, Lake Bluff, III., 1911-12; chairman Education and Philanthropy Com., Winnetka (111.) Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago College Club.
POST, Mary Elizabeth, Welser, Idaho.
Born Mendon, Monroe Co., N.Y., June 5, 1840; dau. Isaac T. and Nancy (Pope) Post; ed. Friends' schools at Providence, R.I., and Union Springs, N.Y. (Acad.), '56-61; Ph.C. from Univ. of Mich. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Friends' Church. Independent In politics. POST, Mary EUen, 50 S. Sixth St., San Jos€,
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '96; student In Latin, Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 18%-99, and English, 1899-1900. Teacher of Latin and Eng- lish, Washburn School, San Jos6, Cal., 1896-1902; San Jos6 High School, Latin, English, 1902-08; head English dep't since 1908. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, POST, Mary Tanner (Mrs. M. Haynard Post),
5 371 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Bom Jacksonville, 111., Nov. 17, 1868; dau. Edward Allan Tanner (pres. Illinois Coll., Jack- sonville) and Marion (Brown) Tanner; grad. Jacksonville Presbyterian Acad., later studied In Boston, N.Y. City, Paris and London; m. Jack- sonville, 111., Jan. 4, 1906, Dr. M. Haynard Post; children: Edward Tanner, Frederick Woodford. Engaged in various religious, social and philan- thropic enterprises; mem. of several auxiliary boards; interested especially In the problem of giving good hoiising conditions to the working girls. Congregationalist. Recreations: Music, athletics. Mem. St. Louis Country Club. POSTE, Jennie May (Mrs. George S. Poste).
.\shcreek. S.Dak.
Born Pelham, Mass.; dau. Dwight S. and The- resa (Hayes) Warner; ed. Rome Free Academy; m. Rome, 1879, George S. Poste; children: Her- mon W., M. Brainerd, Helen T., Ramon Del- monte, Alson B. Methodist. Was for two years pres. of Woman's Club of Ft. Pierce, where she resided for years. Served on State Fore8tr>' Commission. Interested in matters relating to higher education and the regulation of child labor.