��of Women's Clubs, and Nat. Fed. of "Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; mem, E>qual Rights League of Champaign and Urbana. Has written poems for several public occasions, and some have been publisihed. Helped organize the first literary society for girls in Univ. of Wis., and was Its first pres.
POBTEB, Delis L.ymaii (Mrs. Frank Chamberlin Porter), 266 Bradley St., New Haven, Conn. Bom New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3, 1858; dau. Chester S and Delia Williams (Wood) Lyman; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1876-77, 1880 (a founder of Zeta Alpha Soc.); m. New Haven, June 10, 1891, Frank Chamberlin Porter, prof, of Biblical theology, Yale; children: Lyman Edwards, Will- iam Quincy. Pres. Lowell House Mothers' Club; mem. Lowell House Council, New Haven; mem. of commission appointed by Governor of Conn, to select a woman factory inspector for Conn. Au- thor; Calendar of American History; Blues Cure; The Measuring Rod and Other Stories; An Anti- Worry Recipe and Other Stories; Year Book of Good Cheer; Yeai- Book of Ideals; Life of E. H. Freeman (in Scribner's Magazine) ; Time and Tommy; How Polly Saw the Aprons Grow (in St Nicholas); also other articles in magazines and papers. Congregationalist. Mem. Conn. Soc. of Colonial Dames, D.A.R. Recreation: Piano playing. Mem. New Haven Saturday Morning Club, Civic Fed. Founded Zeta Alpha Soc. in Welleeley Coll.; founded People's Choral Union In Nefw Haven; founded Lowell House Mothers' Club, and Lowell House Noon-Day Club for Girls. Largely through her efforts a bUl was passed to establish a woman factory inspector in Conn.
POBTEB, Ella Camthers (Mrs. J. N. Porter),
Park Hotel, Dallas, Texas.
Bom Caruthers Valley, Tex., 1864; dau. Capt Samuel and Lula C. (Cox) Caruthers; ed. Nash- ville Coll. for Young Ladies; Chicago Univ., cer- tificate of proficiency in history; m. Kimball, Tex., 1878, J. N. Porter; children: Mary, Stella, Lillian Porter. Appointed by governor as dele- gate to organization of Nat. Congress of Moth- ers, Washington, B.Ots 18S8; State organizer of Nat. Congress of Mothers; organized and 1st pres. of Texas Congress of Mothers; sup't Moth- ers' Dep't Texas W.C.T.U. 12 years; sent as delegate to World's Temperance Convention, Ed- inburgh, Scotland, 1900. Favors woman suf- Irage. Hsls contributed articles to numerous publi- cations on responsibility of Motherhood. Metho- dist. Mem. Dallas Mothers' Council, Dallas Wom- an's Forum, Texas Conference for Education, W.C.T.U., State Soc. of Charities and Correc- tions, Y.W.C.A., State Social Hygiene Ass'n, Dallas.
FOBTXIB, Mrs. Morence Colliiis, 733 S. Alvarado
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Writer, editor; b. Caribou, Me.; dau. Samuel W. and Dorcas (Hardison) Collins; ed. in public schools and academy of Me. ; m. Caribou, Me., Nov. 3, 1873, Rev. Charles Porter (died 1893); children: Helen Louise, Florence Spaulding, Charles Winthrop. Removed from Maine to Cal. 1900; on editorial staff of Los Angeles Herald, 1900-05. Especially active in McKlnley Boys' Home, Los Angeles. Pres. Los Angeles Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Writer for periodicals, also for- mer publisher of a weekly newspaper; on edi- torial staff of California Outlook and The Woman Citizen of San Francisco. Congregationalist. Repuilican. Mem. Friday Morning and Ebell Clubs; vice-pres. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1904-06; pres. Me. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1898- 1900. Delegate to Chicago Nat. Republican Con- vention, 1912 (first woman to vote in such a con- vention) ; named as one of the thirteen Presi- dential electors on the Roosevelt-Johnson ticket, 1912.
POBTEB, Gene Stratton (Mrs. Charles Porter) — Bee Stratton-Porter, Gene.
POBTEB, Georgia Pulsifer (Mrs. Charles B.
Porter), Old Town, Me.
Born Ellsworth, Me. ; dau. Dr. Moses Rust and Mary L. (Berry) Pulsifer, of old New EJngland ancestry; ed. public schools, boarding school, and
��several private courses; m. (Jharles B. Porter, M.D. ; children: Karl B., Harry W. Newspaper and magazine writer. Associated Press correspon- dent. Interested in women's clubs, press clubs, D.A.R. Mem. Y/.C.T.U., New England Women's Press Club, King's Daughters, Charity Ass'n, library work. Unitarian. Against woman suf- frage. Has lectured for W.C.T.U. and read pa- pers before clubs. Unitarian conferences, etc.; was one of the prime movers for a library in Old Town.
PORTER, Georgia Whidden (Mrs. George M.
Porter), 60 Longwood Av., Brookline, Mass.
Born Boston, Mass.; dau. Andrew G. and Eliza- beth (Goodwin) Whidden; ed. public schools, Bos- ton; Bradford Acad., Cambridge, Mass.; m. Brookline, Mass., Oct. 6, 1903, George M. Porter, merchant. Active in religious and philanthropla interests. Donor of the Whidden Memorial Hos- pital and from the first a member of its B'd ot Managers. Vice-pres. Boston North End Mission, Boston Y.W.C.A. and identified with other char- itable and hospital boards.
POBTEB, Helen Talbot (Mrs. J. Benton Por- ter), 1433 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa, Writer; b. Providence, R.I., June 1, 1872; dau. William Richmond and Mary Cornelia (Arnold) Talbot; ed. in private schools at Providence; m. Providence, Nov. 7, 1901, J. Benton Porter. Against woman suffrage. Author of short sto- ries and verses in magazines. Ckaigregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Pa, Soc. of New England Women.
POBTEB, Josephine Perry (Mrs. Ellas Hull Por- ter), 1010 South Oakdale Av., Medford, Ore. Bom Worcester, Mass., June 6, 1874; dau. Jo- seph Stone and Lucy Ann (Day) Perry; ed.. graded and high schools, Worcester, Mass. ; Smith Coll., B.L. '96 (Biological Club); m. Worcester, Mass., June 6, 1907, Dr. Ellas Hull Porter; chil- dren: Robert Day, b. Oct. 17, 1908; Bertha, b. teb. 16, 1910; Norris Kent, b. Sept 14, 1912. Interested and active in church and in Good Samaritan Soc. work. Mem. Greater Medford Club, Smith College Club, and of the Woman's College Club of Medford. Recreations: Walking, bowling, outdoor life. Congregationalist FavcH^ woman suffrage. Progressive Republican.
POBTEB, Kate Leiand Lincoln (Mrs. Robert Brastow Porter), 4 Day St., North Easton,
Bom Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '99; m. June 1, 1905, Robert Brastow Porter. Teacher, Beverly (Mass.) High School, 1899-1900; Wakefield (Mass.) High School, 1901-02; Miss Wlnsor's School for Girls, Boston, 1902-03; Bel- low's School, Boston, 1903-05. Mem. Smith Coll. AlumuEB Ass'n.
POBTEB, Katherine, Oakwood Court, Orange,
Physician; b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 30, 1872; dau. Frederic and Esther (Jefferis) Porter; ed. Fi-iends Elementary and High School, Baltimore, Md. ; student in preliminary medical course, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '94; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '98. State sec. Public Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n, 1909-11; chairman Pub- lic Health Education Com. of Essex Co. Med. Soc, 1910 — ; house physician N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City, 1898-99; aas't surgeon until 1904; externe Orange Memorial Dis- pensary, 1900-07; physician to Children's Aid and Protective Soc. of the Oranges, 1899—; med. in- spector of Orange public schools, 1909—. Physi- cian specialist in gynecology and lecturer. Vice- pres. N.J. George Junior Republic Ass'n; mem. Board of Directors of Antl-Tuberailosls League of the Oranges; mem. Board of Directors of Fresh-Air Work of the Oranges. Mem. Am. Vigilance Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Friends; mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Essex Co. Med. Soc., Alumnae Ass'n of Bryn Mawr Coll., Woman's Club of Orange.
POBTEB, Margaret Cochran Dewar (Mrs, Charles Allen Porter), 254 Beacon St, Bo» ton, Mass.
Physician; b. Kandy, C«ylon, April 20, 1872. dau. John Lewthwaite and Amelia (Cochran) Dewar; ed. at school in Edinburgh, Scotland