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��Women's Clubs (one of founders), Woman's Club of Sidney (pres. 1310-12), Euterpe Club.

POPPENHEHH, Louisa Bouknight, 31 Meeting

St., Charleston, S.C.

Born Charleston, S.C, Dec. 13, 1868; dau. C. P. and Mary E. (Bouknight) Poppenheim ; ed. pri- vate schools in Charlesion and Vassar Coll., A.B. '89 (pres. Students' Ass'n, Vassar; mem. Dick- en.s Soc). Manager of The Keystone (a monthly Journal devoted to Southern women's organiza- tions); vice-chairman first municipal playground In Charleston, S.C; founder of City Fed. ol Women's Clubs; one of organizers of Civic Club, Century Club, Y.W.C.A. and S.C. Audubon Soc. Mem. Soc. Pioneer Workers of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Hon. mem. Soc. of Am. Women, London. For limited woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Rebecca Motte Chapter D.A.R., Charleston Chapter United Daughters of Confed- eracy, S.C Audubon Soc, Vassar Alumnaa His- torical Ass'n, Ladies' Benevolent Soc, Y.W.C.A., Carolina Art Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, driv- ing, traveling in Europe. Mem. Century Club, Civic Club, Intercollegiate Club; pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1900-02; cor. sec. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, two terms, 1902-04, 1904-06; pres. Charleston City Fed. Women's Clubs, 1900-09 (resigned). Has contributed short articles to numerous publications.

POPPENHEIM, Mary Barnett, 31 Meeting St.,

Charleston, S.C.

Born Charleston, S.C, Sept. 4, 1866; dau. C P. and Mary (Bouknight) Poppenheim; ed. private school, Charleston, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '88 (vice-pres. Students' Ass'n at Vassar and mem. Shakespeare Soc). Editor and founder of The Keystone, monthly -publication for Southern women's organizations. As sec. of Ladies' Be- nevolent Soc. (chartered 1813) assisted in estab- lishing district nursing in Charleston. One of or- ganizers of Y.W.C.A. in Charleston, also of S.C Audubon Soc, Civic Club, Century Club, and playground movement. Favors limited woman suffrage. One of editors of South Carolina Women in the Confederacy (Vols. I and II) ; author of short articles in women's publications. Episco- palian. Mem. Rebecca Motte chapter D.A.R., Charleston chapter United Daughters of Con- federacy, S.C. Historical Soc, S.C. Audubon Soc, Vassar Alumnae, Historical Ass'n, Ladies' Benev- olent Soc, Woman's Exchange, Y.W.C.A. Rec- reations: Walicing, driving, reading, music, trav- eling. Pres. S.C. Intercollegiate Club; mem. Century Club, Civic Club. Most active in his- torical and educational work of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; pres. S.C. Di- vls.ion United Daughters of Confederacy, 1905-07. POBRITT, Annie Gertrnde (Mrs. Edward For-

rltt), 63 Tremont St., Hartford, Conn.

Writer and lecturer; b. Manchester, England, 1861; dau. John Stubbins and Mary H. (Krauss) Webb; ed. Elms wood Coll., Manchester, England; obtained honors In higher Cambridge examina- tions, first class, college of preceptors; m. 1891, Edward Porritt (author and journalist); children: Philip W., Longshaw K., Mary G., Marjory W. Had classes and lectures in N.Y., 18S6-90; taught psychology and economics In Miss Sarah Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1890-1901; has written for Outlook, Independent, Yale Review, Am. His- torical Reviews, Political Science Quarterly, Forum and many English journals. Active worker for woman suffrage; sec. of Conn. Woman Suffrage Asa'n, 1910-13, and now in charge of Its press work. Speaks frequently in public for woman suffrage. Author: Causes of the Revolt of the English Women; The English Militant Suffrage Movement; English Legislation in 1907. Joint author (witb husband): Unre- formed House of Commons, 1903. Mem. Society of Friends. PORT, Mary Alice, All Saints' School, Sioux

FaJls, S.Dak.

Private school principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90; student of Greek, I^atln and education, Columbia Univ., 1899-1900, and of Greek and Latin in Europe, 1903-04. Principal, Mattoon (111.) High School, 1890-92; teacher of classics, All Saints' School, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1892-96; head mis-

��trees, Lakevllle (Conn.) School, 1897-99; principal, Wright Sem., Tacoma, Wash., 1900-03; precep- tress, Irwing Coll., Mechanicsburg, Pa,, 1905-06; State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., 1907-10; principal. All Saints' School, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., since 1910. Episcopalian.

PORTER, Alice Downey, Baldwin, Kan.

Prof, of English literature; b. Greencastle, Ind., Oct. 2'o. 18.56; dau. Charles G. and Hester M. (Davis) Downey; ed. DePauw Univ., A.B. '79; A.M. '82; Cornell Univ., fellow in English lit- erature, 1894-95, Ph.D. '99; m. Greencastle, Ind., Rev. Frederick Porter (died Apr. 13, 1892); chll- drea: Anna Downey, Helen FYedericka. Instruc- tor DePauw Univ. Acad., 1881-83 and 1892-93; In- structor Acad, of Northwestern Univ., 1896-96; instructor Wellesley Coll., 189(i-&7; prof. English literatui-e. Baker Univ., 1899 — . Lecturer oti Browning. Favors woman suffrage; second \rk»- prea. of Douglas Co. (Kan.) Ekjual Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.

PORTER, Mrs. Charles Vernon, Natchltochea, La.

Born Port Byron, 111.; dau. James Andrew and Mary Elizabeth (Sullivan) Lawless; ed. Port Byron High School and 111. Univ. ; m. Jan. 27, 1901, Judge Charles Vernon Porter (of Court of Appeals of La.); one son: Blanchard Lawless Porter, b. Aug. 23, 1902. Primary training teacher eight years in La. State Normal at Natchitoches. Pres. of Louisiana Fed. of Women's Clubs. Taught in summer schools of La. : Shreveport, 1894; Preston Chautauqua, 1894; Lake Charles, 189?; Alexandria, 1896; Marksville, 1897, and in Baton Rouge Univ. A pioneer worker in educa- tional work in La. Roman Catholic. Mem. Lesche Club. Attended Paris Exposition in 1900, and the Club Conference there, presided over by May Wright Sewell.

PORTER, Charlotte, Riverbank-Court, Cam- bridge, Mass.; summer home: Ardensea, Isle au Haut, Me.

Author, editor; b. Towanda, Pa.; dau. Dr. H. C. and Elisa Eleanor (Betts) Porter; grad. Welle Coll., A.B., and Sorbonne, Paris. Editor Poetlore since 1889; puc on the stage first performance of Browning's Return of the Druses, Boston, 1902; repetitions, 1903; also in Worcester; first per- formance of Maeterlinck's Sister Beatrice, Bos- ton, 1905. Interested In the Intercollegiate So- cialist Soc. Author: Clever Tales, 1897; editor Camberwell Edition Robert Browning's Works, 1898; Coxhoe Edition Elizabeth Barrett Bro'wn- Ing's Works, 1900; Browning Study Programs (with Helen A. Clarke), 1900; Shakespeare Studies, Macbeth, 1902; 12-yolume edition Shake- speare, 1903; London edition of same, 1906; Poet'a Parleys, 1903; Stage Version Browning's Re- turn of the Druses, 1903; Poetic Translation D'Annunzio's Daughter of Jorlo, 1907; Lips of Music, original poems, 1910; Shakespeare Studies, The Tragedies, 1911; The Comedies, 1912; First Folio Edition Shakespeare, in 40 vols., 1912. Vice- pres. and hon. mem. Boston Browning Soc; di- rector Boston Authors' Cltfb; pres. Am. Drama Soc, Boston; mem. Poetry Soc. of America, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. PORTER, Charlotte Williams, "The Elms," 141 High St., Springfield, Mass. Teacher; b. Hadley, Mass., Oct. 6, 1840; dau. James Bayard and Susanna (Parsons) Porter; ed. Hopkins Acad., Hadley, Mass.; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn. Founder and prin- cipal of The Elms School for Girls, Hadley, Mass., 1866-81; and "The Elms," Springfield, Mass., 1881. Hon. mem. Springfield College Club. Episcopalian.

PORTER, Clara Chamberlain (Mrs. Jasi>«r William Porter), 1304 Church Av., Cham- paign, III.

Born Marshall, Mich. ; dau. William Harrison and Anne Alice (Knight) Chamberlain; ed. Buf- falo (N.Y.) High School; Univ. of Wis., Ph.B.; re- ceived teacher's State certificate in Wis.; m. Milwaukee, Sept. 2, 1873, Jasper William Porter; children: Robert Knight, Horace Chamberlain. Mem. Art Club of Champaign (former pres.). Champaign Social Science Club (now pres.). Has been several times delegate to the 111. State Fed.


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