1885, George Jenison Barker. Sec. of Charity Club since 1898; sec. Musical Club 1890-98, then its pres. 1898-1910. Past Matron of Electa Chapter No. 19, O.E.S., and Deputy Grand Matron for 1912-13; chairman entertainment committee. Congregational Club 1911-1912-1913; treas. Tuesday Club. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Life mem. Am. Art Society; mem. Boston Browning Soc, Waltham H.S. Alumni Ass'n, Auxiliary of Mass. Civil Service Reform, Leland Home Ass'n, Hospital Aid Soc. Recreations: Traveling, opera. Mem. Waltham Charity Club; Waltham Tuesday Club (literary), Waltham Musical Club; Congregational Club (church entertainments); pres. Waltham Woman's Club, 1911-13; mem. The Rangers (travel and nature study). One of the Committee of 100 chosen for the 25th anniversary celebration of the city in 1909 (only few women on that committee).
BARLOW, Alpha Winifred, 89 Bristol St., New Haven, Conn.
Teacher; b. in Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '96; student of Biblical literature, Yale. 1907-08, 1909-10. Teacher of English in Williams Memorial Inst., New London, Conn., 1896-98, 1900-02; teacher of botany, Norwich Free Acad., 1900; New Haven High School, 1902-04. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.
BARLOW, Charlotte Emily (Mrs. F. J. Barlow), Williamston, Mich.
Born Colborne Harbor, Can., Apr. 19, 1855; dau. Allen Lindsay and Anne (Gallagher) Brisbin; ed. in high school, Lansing, Mich., special training as teacher; m. Williamston, Mich., 1883, F. J. Barlow. Teacher for ten years in Lansing and Williamston, specializing in kindergarten work. Teacher in Sunday-school, interested in civic Improvement and charity; especially interested in birds animals and art. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Ladies' Aid Soc, Missionary Soc.; interested in study of mythology. Mem. Williamston Woman's Club (has been pres., sec. and several times delegate to State Federation). Recreation: Study of China, has a large collection of pitchers and jugs. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
BARLOW, Kate Brown (Mrs. Harry N. Barlow), 1005 O St., Washington, D.C.
Born Howard Co., Md.; dau. William and Mary A. (White) Hoslup; ed. privately at home, in Howard and Anne Arundell counties, Md.; descendant in fifth generation from Capt. Charles Griffith, M.D., of Anne Arundell County; m. July 3, 1867, Harry N. Barlow. Inspector for Board of Children's Guardians and interested in the condition of poor and destitute children. Author of poetry published in Washington Capital and letters of travel in the Republic Magazine, 1884-85. Episcopalian; mem. of church societies. Mem. Monday Evening Club and of Conference of Charities and Corrections, Grand Rapids.
BARNARD, Marion Harvie (Mrs. Harry E. Barnard), 5543 University Av., Indianapolis, Ind.
Born Cheshire, England, 1875; dau. Thomas Harvie and Elizabeth (Watt) Harvie; ed. primary school, Cheshire, England; private school in Derbyshire, England; Garnethill School, Glasgow, Scotland; Brown Univ. Ph.B. '01 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Providence, R.I., 1901, Harry Everett Barnard; children: Harvie, Marion Elizabeth. Teacher, Providence, R.I., 1896-98. Interested in Household Economics Dept. of Indiana State Federation of Clubs; treasurer Indiana Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Indianapolis Woman's Franchise League. Congregationalist. Mem. Irvington Parent-Teachers' Ass'n; pres. Irvington Woman's Council (a union of all the clubs of Irvington), and of Irvington Tuesday Club; mem. Irvington Woman's Club.
BARNARD, Therina Townsend (Mrs. E. L. Barnard), Rochelle Park, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Born N.Y. City, April 14, 1875; dau. Edward and Adelaide L. (Turner) Townsend; ed. N.Y. Collegiate Inst; Smith Coll., B.L. '97; m. N.Y. City, June 1, 1901, Everett Larkin Barnard; children: Lucy, Louise Townsend, Edward Townsend. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic interests in N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Smith Club of N.Y. City, Women's Club, New Rochelle.
BARNES, Anna Maria, Summerville, S.C.
Author; b. Columbia, S.C, 1857; dau. James Daniel and Henrietta (Jackson) Barnes; ed. in public schools in Atlanta, Ga. Editor of Young Christian Workers, publication of the Women's Board of Foreign Missions of the M.E. Church, South; writer of juvenile books and missionary stories. Author (pen-name "Cousin Annie"): A-chon-ho-ah; Carmio, Mexican Indian Captive; Children of the Kalahari; Chonita; Cousin Annie's Library; David Livingstone; Ferry Maid of Chattahoochee; House of Grass; Izilda—Story of Brazil; Little Burden Shavers; Marti; Matouchon; Ninito, Story of the Bible in Mexico; The Outstretched Hand; Scenes in Pioneer Methodism; Singing Will; Some Lovely Lives; Tatong, the Little Slave; An American Girl In Korea; The King's Gift; Lass of Dorchester; Laurel Token; Little Betty Blew; Little Lady of the Fort; Mistress Moppet; Red Mirrok; A Little Lady at the Fall of Quebec.
BARNES, Frances Julia (Mrs. Willis A. Barnes), 446 Central Park W., N.Y. City.
Born Skaneateles, N.Y., April 14, 1846; dau, C. W. and Letitia (Willets) Allis; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 21, 1871, Willis A. Barnes. One of the early workers in W.C.T.U. as associate of Miss Frances Willard, becoming the first secretary to Miss Willard and also of Chicago W.C.T.U.; became sup't of Y Dept World's W.C.T.U., 1891; now honorary sec. of same; pres. Loyal Legion Temperance Soc. of N.Y. Founded and edited Y Almanac, Mem. Orthodox Society of Friends (Elder); mem. Women's Foreign Missionary Alliance, Women's Sabbath Alliance. Favors woman suffrage.
BARNES, Gertrude Jameson (Mrs. Henry A. Barnes), 1812 Emerson Av., South Minneapolis, Minn.
Painter; b. Tyngsboro, Mass., Oct. 23, 1865; dau. Horatio and Sarah (Jameson) Jenkins; ed. private schools and Duval High School, Jacksonville, Fla.; Minneapolis School of Fine Arts; Cowles Art School, Boston; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; also student of W. L. Lathrop and C. H. Woodbury; m. Alexandria, Minn., Oct. 16, 1891, Henry A. Barnes; children: Philip Jameson, b. Mar. 30, 1894; Henry Lyman, b. Oct. 30, 1901. Prizes at Cowles Art School, Boston, 1886; Minneapolis, 1888; prize State Art Soc. Exhibition, 1904, 1908, 1910, honorable mentions. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Minneapolis Soc. of Fine Arts, Minn. State Art Soc, charter mem. Artists' League of Minneapolis. Recreations: Walking, tennis. Mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis, Minikahda Club, (athletic and social).
BARNES, Margaret Ayer (Mrs. Cecil Barnes), 20 E. Goethe St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Chicago, April 8, 1886; dau. Benjamin F. and Janet (Hopkins) Ayer; ed. University School for Girls, Chicago, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '07; m. Chicago, May 21, 1910, Cecil Barnes; one son: Cecil Barnes Jr., b. 1912.
BARNES, Sarah Short (Mrs. Chauncey Parker Barnes), Louisville, Ky.
Born Paris, Ky.; dau. James McVicker and Sarah Jane (Saunders) Short; ed. Oxford (O.) Coll.; mem. Philulethion sorority; m. 1887, Chauncey Parker Barnes. Principal of private school in Lexington, Ky., 12 years. Club woman. Recording sec and auditor for Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs for 6 years; chairman of Vocational Training and Guidance in Gen. Fed. Opposed to woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Monday Afternoon Club, Woman's Club of Louisville, Ky.
BARNETT, Claribel Ruth, U.S. Department of Agriculture Library, Washington, D.C.
Librarian; b. Kent, O., Mar. 26, 1872; dau. George and Lucina Deuel Barnett; grad. Univ.