��POAGE, Josephine K. (Mrs. Thomas Hoage Poage), 11201 Muskegon Av., Chicago, 111. Bom Ohkago. III., Jan. 22, 1867; dau. H. S. and Margaret (Ray) Klelnman; ed. Chicago pub- lic schools. Northwestern Coll., NaperviUe, 111.; Chioago Business Coll.; m. Chicago, Sept. 22, 1886, Thomas H. Poage; children: (jlenn Mar- garet, b. April 29, 1888; Ray Harold, b. Aug. 2, 1890; William Allen, b. July 23, 1904. Interested In church work for years; chairman of social com. ; charter mem. and pres. of Board of DI- rectore of South Deering Neighborhood Center; charter mem. and pres. .of South Deering Women's Club; helped organize both; mem. City Glut) of Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Democrat. Has been much Interested In the playgrounds at South Deering, opened up by the International Harvester Co.
POAGE, Marg-aret Annie, Ashland, Ky.
Advertising writer; b. Ashland, Ky. ; dau. Hugh Calvin and Sarah E. (Davenport) Poage; ed. Ashland, Ky., and Chicago, 111. Presby- terian. Carried off the State Press prize banner for the year 1912 as Press Sup't of W.C.T.U. Mem. -Order Eastern Star; regent and charter member of Poage Chapter D.A.R.; charter mem. and graduate Ashland Chautauqua Circle; char- ter mem. and on Press Com. of Woman's Club, also mem. Nat. Ass'n of Advertisers. Was chosen valedictorian at the School of Oratory at the Athenasum, Chicago, 111. Opposed to woman suffrage.
POENSGEN, LUlie Elizabeth Miiller (Mrs. Carl Edward Poensgen), 565 Summit Av., Jersey City, N.J.
Born Philadelphia; ed. Girls' High School, Philadelphia; holder of City Scholarship at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1903; m. 1910, Rev. Carl Edward Poensgen. Teacher of German, Collegiate Inst, for Girls, Philadelphia, 1903-04; algebra and Latin, Miss Knight's School, Germantown, Phil- adelphia, 1904-05; German and French, 1905-06, and German, 1906-09, Girls' High School, Phila- delphia.
POGUE, Mabel Wood (Mrs. Samuel Franklin Pogue), 4033 Rose Hill Av., Avondale, Cin- cinnati, Ohio.
Born St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 1, 1883; dau. Joel and Emma Jane (Templeton) Wood; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; m. St. Louis, Mo., April 25, 1906, Samuel Franklin Pogue; children: Mabel Wood, Helen Templeton Pogue. Presbyterian.
POINTER, Lela M. Peet (Mrs. Edwin W.
Polnler), Andrews, Ind. *
Teacher; b. Cook Co., 111.; dau. Robert Em- mett and Anne (Cameron) Peet; ed. Chicago puWic school; grad. Chicago High School, 1897; Cook Co. Normal School, 1898; pupil of Musical Coll.; m. Oct. 27, 1903, Dr. Edwin W. Polnler; children: Bmmett W., Norman E. Taught pub- lic school in Chicago, also in Indiana. Active In church work, musical circles. Mem. Christian Church, Order of Eastern Star, Andrews Li- brary Club (pres.). First Mothers' Club of Hunt- ington, Ind.; pres. of Andrews Library Club; mem. of Reciprocity Com. Ind. State Fed. of Clubs. POLAND, Mary L., 15 Myrtle St., Springfield,
Superintendent of schools; b. Dummleston, Vt. ; dau. A. D. and Lucy (Woodbury) Poland; ed. by private teachers. Taught in all grades and in high school. Sup't one year at Brattleboro, Vt. ; now in 20 years' service as sup't schools of Hampden Co., Mass. Has written articles for religious papers and educational publications. Congregationalist. Mem. Historical Club of Springfield, four clubs of Massachusetts. POI>K, Christine Stevens (Mrs. Anderson Polk),
Elmwood Road, Roland Park, Baltimore. Md.
Born Newton, Mass., Dec. 7, 1870; dau. Rev. Henry C. Mayer and Nina Copp6e (Stevens) Mayer; ed. Diocesan Girls' Inst, of Mississippi (now disbanded); m. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9, 1895, Anderson Polk; children: I>avld Stewart, Julia N. M. Polk. In charge of Mothers' Mis- sion, St. Mary's Church, Hampden, Baltimore. Favors woman suffrage. Protectant Episcopal.
��Mem. Soc. C'Olon.Ial Dames and Arundell Clul (Baltimore), Just Government League.
POLK, Sarah Chambers (Mrs. William Jullui Polk), 3733 Llndell Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Fleurissant, Mo., Jan. 3, 1887; dau. Joseph and Mary Delphene (Powell) LaMotte; ed. Sacred Heart Convent of Maryvllle, South St. Louis; m. St. Louis, Jan. 15, 1910, William Julius Polk; one son: William Julius. Inter- ested in Catholic charities. Favors woman suf- frage. Catholic. Recreations: GoU, tennis, riding.
POLLACK, Flora, 1112 Eutaw St., North, Bal- timore, Md.
Physician; b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 5, 1865; ed. public and private schools; studied medicine In the Woman's Med. Coll. of Baltimore, grad. M.D. 1891. Has practised In Baltimore evei' since.
POLLAKD, Grace Putnam (Mrs. Albert Abner Pollard), 607 East Franklin Av., Mlnneapolla, Minn.
Born Toledo, O., May 29, 1871; dau. Samuel Porter and Louise (Howell) Putnam; ed. Qdrla' High School, Boston, 1889; Radcliffe Coll., spe- cial student, 1891-93; m. Lexington, MasB., August, 1905, Albert Abner Pollard. Teacher 10 years in high school work, last five years In Sa.3t Boston High School, Boston, Mass. Leader In social purity work, lecturer and organizer for the past two years. Pres. Liberal Union of Minn. Women, 1911-13. Interested to organize codpera- tive enterprises. Unitarian. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Exec. Board of Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1910-11; organized series of "Legislative Luncheons" during session of State Legislature, February to April, 1911. Lectures on Socialization of Domestic Work.
POLLABD, Zilla Hopkins (Mrs. Milton Pol- lard), Wakarusa, Kansas.
Musician; b. Pulaski, la., April, 1865; dau. An- drew J. and Martha J. (Karr) Hopkins; home education; m. Waveland, Kan., October, 1878, Milton Pollard; children: Milton Claude, b. July, 1879; Hollis Melville, b. Dec. 25, 1887. Sup't of Presbyterian Sunday-school and church worker. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Jewell Reading Club.
POLLEY, Lenore Vance (Mrs. Daniel C. Pol- ley), 992 Capitol Av., Pierre, S.Dak. Born New Athens, O.; dau. Alexander S. and Mary E. (Garvin) McConnell; ed. Creaco (le.) High School; Spencer Business School, Mil- waukee; m. Deadwood, S.Dak., Nov. 15, 1899, Daniel C. Polley; children: Catherine L., Cleland Alexander, Chalmers. Interested In club work, civic improvement and juvenile court movement. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Pro- gressive Republican. Recreations: Camping, fishing, mountain climbing. Pres. two terms Round Table Club of Deadwood. Husband Is one of the new Judges of the State Supreme Court.
POLLOCK, Anna Marble (Mrs. Channlng Pol- lock) ; summer address: The Parsonage, Shoreham, L.I. ; winter address: 124 West 47th St., N.T. City.
Journalist; b. Chicago, May 1, 1876; dau. Ed- ward and Katherine (Wilson) Marhle; ed. public schools of N.Y. City; m. Toronto, Can., Aug. 9, 1906. Channing Pollock; one daughter: Helen Marie. Employed consecutively on Brooklyn Eagle and N.Y. Evening Telegram; original press representative in America for Florodora; press representative for various "gtars," including Rlsie de Wolf; original press representative for Oscar Haminerstein's Manhattan Opera House; four years N.Y. Hippodrome; the Percy WiUlama theatres In Greater N.Y. Author of several one- act plays In vaudeville: In Old EJdam; When Pat was King: author of the Red Moon and other stories for children; now general p.'oss repre- sentative of companies presenting WiLkin the Law.
POLLOCK, Jennie H., SOS West Pike St.,
Canonsburg, Waahlngrton Co., Pa.
Bom Canonsburg, Pa., Oct. 8, 1843; daughter
of Samuel and Esther (McPary) Pollock; ed,
public school, Washington Female Sem. (vale-