��America, also in educational problems, particu- larly in methods of teacMng English. Against woman suffrage. Has written travel letters for various newspapers and talks on literature. ProtesLant Episcopal. Formerly mem. Athensum, Kansas City, Mo. and Every Other Week (his- tory) Club, Kansas City, Mo.
PUMPTON, Etta Ferry (Mrs. George L,.
PUmpton), Tllton, N.H.
Bom Brimfield, Mass., Apr. 22, 1867; dau. Lo- renzo Converse and Lydia (Alexander) Ferry: ed Hitchcock Acad., Brimfleld, Mass.; Westfield (Mass.) Normal School; Boston Univ. (Tri Delta); m. Palmer, Mass., Aug. 10, 1892, George Lincoln Plimpton; children: Esther Elizabeth, Theodore Ferry, George Lincoln Jr. Pres. Tilton and Northfield Woman's Club. Mem. Methodist Epis- copal Church.
PLIMPTON, Helen Louise Sheppard (Mrs. Al- bert Plimpton), 640 W. 139th St., N.Y. City. Business woman; b. St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1878; dau. Joseph William and Louise (Bauer) Sheppard; ed. Stoddard School, SL Louis High School, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.; Chase Sdiool of Art, Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Julten Acad, of Art, Paris, France; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 27, 1909, Albert Plimpton. Founded, own and manages the Sheppard Co., N.Y. City (im- porters and designers). Favors woman suflrag*; leader 21st Assembly Dist Woman Suffrage Party; me<m. Equal Suffrage League and Wom- an's Political Union, N.Y. City; public speaker on suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Art, music, designing, political science; interested in the study of economics and social conditions. Mem. Nat. Progressive Party; treas. of the Nat. Progressire Party for 21st Assembly Dist. ; mem. of the County Com. Nat. Progressive Party, N.Y. City, and camipalgn speaker for that party.
PUMPTON, Jenny Faulkner (Mrs. George Arthur Plimpton), 80 Oakland Place, Bufealo, N.Y.
President Homoeopathic Hospital; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Major Frederic and Jenny (Faulkner) Harding; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1899, George Arthur Plimpton; children: George Faulkner, Chester Harding. Pres. Conference of Charities. Mem. D.A.R., Twentieth Century Club, Park Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.
PLUM, Margaret Budiugton (Mrs. Harry Grant
Plum), Black Springs, Iowa City, la.
Bom Kingston, N.Y. ; dau. Henry Joseph and Anna Hawley (Trump hour) Budington; ed. pri- Tate school (Kingston); Kingston Acad, (valedic- torian), '96; Vassar Coll.. A.B. 1900; Univ. of lU. Library School, 1900-01; mem. Beta Lambda (III.) Chapter, Kappa Kappa Gamma, later aflaliated with Aliunnse Chapter of Beta Zeta at Iowa Univ.; m. Kingston, N.Y.,' Nov. 30, 1505, Harry Grant Plum (prof. European history in Univ. of Iowa); one daughter: Alice Katharine, b. Oct. 31, 1907. Cataloguer CLncinnati Univ. Library, 1901- 02; cataloguer Iowa State Univ. Library, 1902; librarian State Historical Soc. of Iowa, 1902-05. Mem. Advisory Board of Univ. Y.W.C.A., 19th Century Club (Iowa City); former mem. Am. Library Ass'n. Interested in civic improvement and home economics. Mem. Am. Ass'n of Home Economics; life sec. of class of 1900, Vassar Coll. Writer of magazine articles and bibliographies in connection with library work; editor Annual Class Bulletin of Class of 1900, Vassar Coll. Mem. Re- formed (Dutch) Church of America, now in Pres- byterian Church. Recreations: Walking, reading. Mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Ase'n, Vas- sar Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Against woman suf- frage. PLCMMER, Cora Elisabeth Burbank (Mrs.
Stajiley Plunimer), Dexter, Me.
Born Webster, N.H., Nov. 8, 1864; dau. David Emery and Mary Melintha (Eliot) Burbank; ed. High School, Hanover, N.H. ; Normal School, Salem, Mass.; Business Coll., Boston; m. Hon. Stanley Plummer, Dexter Maine. Official re- porter Superior Court of Mass., 1897-1903. Pres. Me. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-13. Favors »omaa suffrage. Author: System of Shorthand Writing, and numerous text-books for use in bus-
��iness colleges. Mem. D.A.R., Dexter Woman's Literary Club; hon. mem. Nat. Shorthand Re- porters' Ass'n, and N.Y. State Stenographers' Ass'n. Traveled through British Isles, European continent, Egypt, Palestine and Turkey, 1903-04, and again visited Europe 1911.
PLUMMER, Mary Bedfleld (Mrs. George W.
Plummer), 611 Forest Av., Oak Park, 111.
Born Delhi, N.Y. ; dau. Alfred and Sarah G. Redfleld; ed. Beloit (Wis.) High School and Beloit CoU.; m. Chicago, Nov. 22, 1892, George W. Plummer; one son: Phyllis, b. April 7, 1900. Charter mem. Progressive Party; was chairman Speakers' Bureau in Middle and Western States in campaign of 1912; charter mem. of New Pro- gressive Club, whioh in two weeks enrolled 1,000 charter members. Favors woman suffrage; sec. and chairman Organization Dep't 111. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Unitarian. Sec. Consumers' League of 111. ; official parliamentarian 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; director Mary Thompson Hos- pital for Women and Children; director 111. In- dustrial School for Girls. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club (Chicago), Nineteenth Century Club of Oak Park, 111., E5qual Suffrage Ass'n.
PLUMMER, Mary Wright, 476 Fifth Av., N,T.
Principal of library school; b. Richmond, Ind. ; dau. Jonathan Wright and Hannah A. (Ballard) Plummer; grad. Friends Acad., Richmond, Ind. ; special student Wellesley Coll., 1881-82; cer- tificated graduate of Library School of Columbia Coll., N.Y. City, 1888. Head of cataloguing dep't St. Louis Public Library, 1888-90; librarian Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1890-%; director Pratt Inst. Library and Library School, 1896-1904; di- rector Pratt Inst. Library School, 1904-11; prin- cipal Library School of N.Y. Public Library since 1911. Favors woman suffrage; chiefly active In paying for and distributing printed suf- frage material. Author: Verses, 1S9G; Hints to Small Libraries (four editions) ; Roy and Ray in Mexico, 1907; Roy and Ray in Canada, 1908; Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid, 1910; com- piler of Contemporary Spain, 1899. Quaker (Hicksite branch). Independent in politics. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. Library Ass'n (State), N.Y. Library Club (city). Long Island Library Club, Daughters of Indiana in N.Y. Recreations: Reading, walking.
PLUMPTRE, Adelaide Mary Wynne (Mrs. Henry Pemberton Plumptre), St. James' Cathe- dral Rectory, Toronto, Can. Bom Shackleford, England, 1871; dau. Rev. W. and M.A. (Alexander) Willson; ed. private school at Weymouth, England; Somerrille Coll., Oxford, 1897-1900; ass' I tutor, 1900-01; honors in modern nistory; m. Hanborough, near Oxford, ISOl, Rev. Henry Pemberton Plumptre; children: Joyce Blary, Arthur FitzWalter Wynne. Sec. of litera- ture, Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of Eng- land in Canada; recording sec. Nat. Council of Women of Canada; first pres. Club for Study of Social Science of Toronto; vice-pres. Dominion Council of Baden-Powell Girl Guides; mem. Im- perial Order Daughters of the Empire. Favors woman suffrage. Has written magazine articles and short stories. Mem. Church of England. Mem. of various religious, social and philan- thropic societies, Toronto Golf Cluti, Social Science Club, Canadian Woman's Club.
PLYMPTON, Almira George, Charles River,
Author; b. Boston, Sept 13, 1862; dau. Charles Pinckney and Almira S. (Braston) Plympton; ed. private schools, Boston. Author: A WUliug Transgressor; Bud of Promise; In the Shadow of the Black River; also juvenile works: Dear Daughter Dorothy; Dorothy and Anton; Betty a Butterfly; The Little Sister of Wilifred; Robin's Recruit; The Black Dog; Granolasset; Rags and Velvet Gowns; A Flower of the Wilderness; A Child of Glee; The School House In the Woods; Old Home Day at Hazel town; Dorcaster Days. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. the Dover League for Equal Suffrage.