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��grad. N.Y. School of Philanthropy, 1906. Served the Philadelphia Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children as visitor for three months, now life mem. Favors woman suffrage. FYesbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Cornell Univ. Recreation: Trav- eling in U.S. and abroad. Mem. Cornell Wom- en's Club of Ithaca. PITKn*, Edith Winifred, Congers, N.Y.

Phvsician; b. Albany, N.Y., Mar. 7, 1877; dau. Wolcott H. and Mary (SoutJiwick) Pitkin; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '06 Interne Memorial Hospital for Women and Children, Worcester, Mass., May, 1907, to May 1908, and Oct., 1908, to Jan., 1909; practicing as physician in Congers, N.Y., since Feb., 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Wo- man's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, County of Rock- land Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreations: Camping, driving, horseback riding,' bird study. PITMAN, Annie Maria, 414 N. Henry St., Madi- son, Wis.

Teaching; b. Madison, Wis., 1874; dau. William Goddard and Eugenia Shelton (Bemls) Pitman; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.A. '97; Ph.D. '03; American School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1900-01; Greek scholar, 1897; Latin fellow, 1898, and again 1899, Univ. of Wis. Teacher in extension division, classical dep't of Univ. of Wis., 1905 — . Mem. Madison organization oppwsed to woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. American Archaeolog- ical Ass'n, Madison Art Ass'n, Woman's League of the Uulversity Kappa Kappa Gamma fra- ternity. Traveled for a year in Europe, 1900-01, and again 1909-10; summer in England, 1911. PITTMAN, Hannah Daviess (Mrs. Williamson Haskina Pittman), 4923 Washington Boule- vard, St. Louis, Mo.

Author; b. Harrod&burg, Ky., Nov. 18, 1840; dau. Major William and Maria (Thompson) Daviess; ed. in Presbyterian Coll., Harrodsburg, Ky.; m. Harrodsburg, Ky., July 6, 1859, William- son Haskins Pittman (deceased). Prominently identified with patriotic societies; mem. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Descendants of Colonial Governors, Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century, Daughter of Founders and Patriots of America. Author: Americans of Gentle Birth and Their Ancestors (2 vols.); The Belle of the Blue Grass Country; The Heart of Kentucky; Go Forth and Find. PITTS, Kate Isabel Dn Val (Mrs. Henry Sul- livan Pitts), B551 Van Versen Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Bom Texas; ed. San Antonio (Tex.) High School, the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03; student, Univ. of Grenoble. 1905-06; m. 1908, Henry Sullivan Pitts. Teacher in Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and tutor, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-05, 1906-07; Instructor in English, Simmons Cflll., Boston, 1907-08.

PIUTTI, Anna Adams (Mrs. Max Pluttl), Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.

College dean; b. King Ferry, N.Y., Apr. 3, 1858; dau. Samuel and Sarah M. (Smith) Adams; ed. public school and Wells Coll., B.A. (valedic- torian), '77: m. King Ferry, N.Y., June 19, 1S79, Max Piutti (died 1885); one daughter: Minna. Prof, of hygiene and physiology. Wells. Coll., 18S8-1907; since then dean. Presbyterian. Rec- reation: Golf. Mem. Literary Club, Golf Club. PLANTZ, Myra Goodwin (Mrs. Samuel Plantz), Appleton, Wis.

Born Brookville, Ind., July 2, 1856; dau. Thomas A. and (Content (Craft) Goodwin; ed. Indianapolis public schools; grad. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 16, 1885, Samuel Plantz; children: Elsie C, Florence E. Teacher De Pauw Univ., 1883-85; lecturer W.C.T.U. for a short time, also public speaker at State and National conventions of religious organizations, such as the Epworth League, the Woman's For- eign Missionary Soc. of M.E. Church, etc. Mem. Wis. State Cabinet of Y.W.C.A.; Interested In and mem. of W.C.T.U., holding various ofiBces of local character and in home and foreign mis- sionary work. Books: Why Not; Corner Work;

��A Great Appointment; several hundred poems and many short stories published in various periodicals. Mem. Wednesday Club of Appleton, Wis. Methodist Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. PLATT, Aletbea HiU, Van Dyke Studios, 939

Eighth Av., N.Y. City.

Painter; b. Scaradale, N.Y.; dau. Lewis Can- field Piatt (judge) and Laura S. (Popham) Piatt; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Del6cluse Acad., Paris. Prize received in 1903 from Woman's Art Club, N.Y., and In 1907 her picture received prize and was placed in permanent col- lection, Faribault. Minn. Mem. Am. Water Color Soc, Soc. of Woman Palmers, N.Y. Water Color Club, Pen and Brush Club, Woman's Art Club of N.Y., Nat. Arts Club; also Interested In Art Workers' Club for Women. PLATT, Alice Wadsworth (Mrs. Francis Wheeler

Piatt), 10 Eastman Terrace, Poughkeepsie,


Formerly teacher; b. Blnghamton, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1879; dau. Charles and Louise (Scudder) Wadisworth; ed. Blnghamton Central High School; Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. Binghamiton, N.Y., Aug. 7, 1907, Francis Wheeler Piatt; one daughter: Harriet Piatt. Taught algebra and geometry in Blnghamton High School, 1902-06, winning a State teacher's certificate for life. Manager and sec. Woman's Exchange; manager Home for Friendless; guardian Girls' Camp Fire; sec. Day Nursery Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Writes for Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle. Presby- terian. Mem. Women's Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Tennis, bicycling, canoeing, tramp- ing, dancing. Mem. Tuesday (literary) Club. PLATT, Elsie Hawley (Mrs. Joseph S. Piatt),

1225 Sixth St., Port Huron, Mich.

Born Gratiot, Wis., 1857; dau. Robert and Theresa E. (Way) Hawley; grad. Plattevllle (Wis.) Normal School, 1877; m. 1881, Dr. Joseph S. Piatt. Favors woman suffrage. Sec. of the first organized suffrage society in Port Huron. Author: House of Hawley. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, Ladles' Order of the Maccabees, 'Daughters of 1812. Mem. Ladles' Library Ass'n. Has traveled much. Is Inter- ested in genealogy. PLATT, Julia Barlow, Pacific Grove, Cal.

Graduate, Univ. of Vermont, Ph.B. '82; gradu- ate student, Harvard Annex, 1886-88; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-89, Zoological Station, Naples, lUly, 1891; Univ. of Freiburg in Baden, 1891-92, Ph.D. 1895. Pres. Women's Civic Improvement Club, Pacific Grove, (Jal. PLATT, Laura N., 1831 Pine St., Philadelphia,


Bom Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1865; dau. Charles and Laura (Newbold) Piatt; ed. private school In Philadelphia. Pres. Pa. Ass'n of Women Work- ers; mem. Nat. League of Women Workers; vlce- pres. Philadelphia Consumers' League; mem. Child Labor Ass'n of Pa. (Eastern branch). Pub- lic Education Ass'n (recreations com., etc.); In- structor in School for Social Work. Favors wo- man suffrage (mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of Pa.). Formerly Episcopalian, now eclectic. Mem. Au- dubon Soc, Legal Aid Soc, Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Home and ^School League, Philadelphia Orchestra, Lantern and Lens Club (photographic). Recreations: Climbing, swimming, rowing, canoe- ing. Clubs: Acorn, Civic, College (house mem.), Sedgeley, Social Workers. Chlefiy active as an organizer and promoter of girls' and women's self-governing clubs. PLATTENBURG, Jessie Thatcher (Mrs. 0«orge

H. Plattenburg), Mayvlew, Mo.

Formerly teacher; b. Klrksville, Mo., Feb. 18, 1861; dau. Jesse Coleman and Mary Baker (Griflath) Thatcher (granddaughter of William Griffith, officer In War of 1812); ed. various pri- vate schools in Mo. until 1876; after that seven years In Europe specializing In modern lan- guages and literature in private schools and with tutors: m. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 18, 1903, George H. Plattenburg. Taught three years in Am. School in Larnaca, Island of Cyprus; after- ward IB years in the modern language and Eng- lish dep't of Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. Interested in work of Drama League of


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