��PIKE, Era Frances, 2289 W. 16th St., Los
Angeles, Cal.
Piano teacher; b. Livermore Falls, Me., Aug. 8, 1857; dau. Jonathan and Rhoda (Parker) Pike; ed. Maine Wesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, Me.; grad. New England Conservatory of Music, Coll. of Music of Boston Univ., 1878-80. Taught Mt. Holyoke Coll., State Coll., la.; Landon Con- servatory, Dallas, Tex.; general recital work; established Piano Normal School in I>os Angeles, Cal. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., New England Conservatory Aas'n of Southern Cal., Mt. Holyoke Alumnse Ass'n of Southern Cal., State Music Teachers' Ass'n. Southern Cal. Division. Mem. Dominant Club of Los Angeles, Cal. Has taken prominent work In State ass'n, giving a program in July, 1912. Has held offices and served on committees Jn all the clubs and societies to which she belongs. Special work in teaching the art of teaching. PttLSBUBY, Nelle Pendleton Winston (Mrs.
Charles Stinson Pillsbury), 100 E. 22d St.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 16, 1878; dau. Philip Blckerton and Katharine (Stevens) Win- ston; ed. Stanley Hall, Minneapolis; Miss Cary's, Baltimore, Md.; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 7, 1901, Charles Stinson Pillsbury; children: Philip Winston, Mary Stinson, Katharine Stevens, Helen Winston. Director Pillsbury Settlement, director Travelers' Aid, director Jonee-Harrison Home. Congregatkinalist. Democrat. Recrea- tion: Golf. Mem. Mlni-Kahda Club, Lafayette Club, Woman's Club, the Hostesses Club. PrNCKNET, Camilla Scott (Mrs. Thomas
Plnckney), Charleston, S.C.
Bom Oalcwood, Va. ; dau. Hon. Robert Eden and Lyons (Henningham) Scott; ed. private schools in Va.; m. Warrenton, Va,, July 12, 1892, Thomas Plnckney; one daughter: Josephine Scott. Mem. Colonial Daimes of America, Charleston Country Club, Palmetto Whist Club of Charleston, S.C.
PINE, Mabel Edua Durand (Mrs. Frank Wood- worth Pine), Oilman Country School, Balti- more, Md.
Born Chicago, April 5, 1874; dau. Calvin and Sarah Gould (Downs) Durand; ed. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '96 (Phi K.ippa Psi); m. Lake Forest, 111., July 9, 1901, Frank V/oodworth Pine; children: James Cone, Calvin Durand, Harriet Durand. Presby- terian. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia. PINGBEE, Harriet Cnmmuigs Blake (Mrs.
Frederick J. Pingree), 115 Windsor Road,
Waban, Mass.
Born Woburn, Mass., May 18, 1859; dau. Bbenezer Norton and Harriet (Cummlngs) Blake; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '80; Library School, Columbia Coll., N.Y. City (special course); m. Jan. 4, 1899, Frederick J. Pingree; children: Laliah Blake, b. June 16, 1900; Fred- erick DeWolfe, b. A^jril 30, 1902. Engaged in catalogue dep't Boston Public Library, 1880-85; in independent library work, 1886-93; has taught dictionary catalogue in the Library School, Al- bany, N.Y., 1893. Teacher in Sunday-school six years; instrumental In establishing reading room and library in Waban, Mass., a branch of the Newton Library. Against woman suffrage. ■E>pls- copalian. Formerly mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alum- nas and Boston College Club; mem. and sec. Wobum Woman's Club, and mem. and sec. Waban Woman's Club. PINKHAM, IsabeUe Eooto (Mrs. Walter S.
Plnkham), 111 Warren Av., WoUaston, Mass.
Bom Webster, Mo., July 26, 1872; dau. Allen R. and Emma (Hayt) Foote; grad. St. Louis High School, Smith Coll., B.L. ; m. Wollaston, Mass., July 16, 1900, Walter S. Plnkham; chil- dren: Marjorie, Alden, Doris. Has been actively- Interested in starting a Parent-Teachers' Ass'n in Wollaston, also a Free Kindergarten, which has been run for six years by private subscrip- tion. Mem. and officer of Quincy Women's Club. PINNEO, Dotha Stone, The LIbraTy, Norwalk,
Librarian; b. Cincinnati; dau. Dr. Timothy Stone and Jeanette (Lindsley) Pinneo; father was
��author of Pinneo's Grammar and compiler o( McGufiey's Readers; ed. Greenwich (Omn.) Acad., Dr. Van Norman's School and Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City. Lilwarlan Carnegie Library, Norwalk, Conn., since 1896. Originatoi of entertainment called The Story-Teller's Hour; lecturer on history for New York Board of Edu- cation for ten years; sec. Conn. State Fed. ol Women's Clubs 15 years. Suffragist leader ol Conn. Senatorial Dist. No. 26; lecturer upon suf- frage and sociological matters. Congregatlon- alist. Independent in politics. Mem. Woman'a Club of Norwalk, New Psychology Club of Nor- walk; sec. Civic League of Norwalk, Alumnsa Ass'n of Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City; as- sociate mem. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. PIOTBOWSKA, Helena (Mrs. Stanislaus Plo- trowska,), 416 Lancaster Av., Richmond, Ky. Normal school teacher; b. in Government ol Kovno, Russian Poland, 1873; dau. Sobieslaa Sawicki and Amelia Sawicka; secondary educa- tion and one year in Girls' Coll., Krakau, Galicia, Austria; arrived in America with father, July 4, 1889; received high school and normal school diploma from Buffalo, N.Y. ; grad. CJor- nell Univ., A.B.; m. Chicago, Jan. G, 1894, Stan- islaus Piotrowska. Journalist, editor and corre- spondent of America in Toledo; teacher in night school of Detroit; editor of Slla, Buffalo, N.Y. Teacher in public schools of Buffalo six years. Instructor In psychology and modern languages In Eastern Ky. State Normal four years. Inter- ested In social Improvements and reform move- ment; was mem. Socialist Labor Party, 1898; took part in settlement work in Buffalo, 1899-1900, and In Internat. Inst, for Young Women in N.Y. City, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Author of several publications in Polish about the Govern- ment and schools of United States. Presbyterian. Former mem. Polish Nat. Alliance. Mem. South- ern Educational Ass'n, Ky. Educational Ass'n, Nat. Educational Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Club of Richmond, Ky. ; Parents' and Teachers' Club of State Normal Model School of Eastern Ky. PIPEB, Elizabeth Bridge, 30 Concord Av., Cam- bridge, Mass.
Born Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 19, 1883; dau. William Taggard and Anne Palfrey (Bridge) Piper; ed. Radcllffe, A.B. '06, A.M. '11. Director Consumers' League of Massachusetts, Avon Home for Children, Cambridge Visiting Nursing Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Pro- gressive. Recreations: Walking. Mem. Cam- bridge Boat Club.
PIPEB, Margaret Bebecca, 46 Garnet St., Fitchburg, Mass.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; fellow in English, 1909-10, M.A. '10. Head of English dep't, Windsor (Vt.) High School, 1903-07; Hillsboro (N.H.), 1908-09; Washington (Pa.) Sem. since 1910. PISTOLE, Martha Harris (Mrs. S. W. Pistole). Seymour, Texas.
Teacher; b. Franklin, Ky., April 21, 1865; dau. James G. and Elizabeth (Newman) Harris; grad. Franklin Female Coll., '82; m. Simpson Co., Ky., Dec. 22, 1886, Dr. S. W. Pistole; one son: E^chol Harris. Began teaching at sixteen In the rural school which she had attended and taught six years until marriage, then, after five years, started teaching again. Teacher of Philathea class in Baptist Sunday-sohool. Baptist. Mem. Pierian Club.
PITCHEE, Ethelwyn, Rothesay, New Bruns- wick, Can.
School principal; born in Ontario, Canada; dau. Rev. Joel Tallman Pitcher, Methodist min- ister, and Lucy (Robinson) Pitcher; grad. McGill Univ. B.A. '92, with Prince of Wales medal in mental and moral philosophy. Resident prin- cipal Halifax (N.S.) Ladies' Coll., 1899-1903; since 1903 co-principal of Netherwood School for Girls at Rothesay, N.B. Methodist. PITCHEB, Mary Merrill, Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y., Mar. 26, 1856: dau. Daniel Monroe and Elizabeth (Young) Pitcher; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '79, A.M. '84 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher of Latin and Greek In Lincoln (Neb.) High School, English In St. Joseph High School; retired from teaching 1890;