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��lied Arts, Society of Artists. RecreatlonB: Golf, tennis, riding and swimmliLg. Mem. Country Club, Twentieth Century Club. PIERCE, Grace Adele, Santa Monica, Cal.

Author; b. Randolph, N.T. ; dau. John Crowley and Marion A. (Pengrey) Pierce; ed. Chamber- Iain Inst., Randolph, N.Y., and under private In- structors. Engaged on the Chautauqua publica- tions, 1901, and with various publications In Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-06. Contributor of stories, prose articles and verses to leading magazines, lecturer on literature and the art of writing and versifloation. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: Child Study of the Classics, 1898; The Sil- ver Chord and the Golden Bowl (verses), 1901; alai various leaflets on social questions, etc. PIERCE, Helen Frances, 6 North St., Plymouth,


Physician; b. Plymouth, Mass., Mar. 1, 1861; dau. Melzar and Abby (Morse) Pierce; grad. Ply- mouth (Mass.) High School, '78; Boston Univ. School of Medicine, M.D., '87. General practi- tioner of medicine at Plymouth, Mass., since 1889, also lectures occasionally to girls' clubs and to the nurses of Jordan Hospital. Inter- ested In church and temperance work. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy, Mass. Homosopathlc Med. Soc, Mass. Surgical and Gynecological Soc. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Clubs: Plymouth, Woman's, Twentieth Century Medi- cal (Boston).

PIERCE, Imogene S., 3912 Vlncennes Av., Chi- cago, 111.

Teacher, lecturer; b. Chicago, 111.; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Sem. (now college), 1877. Since gradu- ation has divided time between teaching and decorative art in Chicago, New Tork and Phila- delphia. Established a large private school in Chicago and became Its principal. Has been actively identified with N.Y. Soc. for Political Study, Kindergarten Ass'n of Washington (D.C.), Woman's Sanitary League of Philadelphia; ex- pres. of Ass'n tor Higher Education of Women. Has delivered courses of lectures on Shakespeare before Chautauqua assemblies and in New York and Philadelphia. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Shakespeare Club.

PIERCE, Lucy France, 4847 Grand Blvd., Chi- cago, -111.

Journalist, playwright; b. Chicago, May 2, 1877; dau. George Webster and Bertha (von Bluhem) Pierce; ed. Vassar Coll; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Mem. Alumnse Ass'n of Univ. of Chicago. PIERCE, Mary Rosetta Fitch (Mrs. Charles C.

Pierce), 216 W. Twenty-third St., Los Angeles,


Born Walton, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '87; m. Sept. 2, 1891, Charles C. Pierce; two daughters. Teacher Randolph, Mass., 1888-90; Dedham, Mass., 1890-91; Los Angeles, Cal., 1899- 1900. Compiler: Child Classics in Poetry; Child Classics in Prose. PIERCE, Ulrica Dahlgren (Mrs. Josiah Pierce),

1325 Massachusetts Av., Washington, D.C.

Born Washington, D.C; dau. John A. Dahl- gren, Rear-Admiral of the U.S. Navy, and Madeleine (Vinton) Dahlgren; ed. at home by tutors and governesses and at Sacred Heart Con- vent iEnfant de Marie); m. country place, "Dahlen," Md., Sept. 15, 1891, Josiah Pierce; children: Josiah, b. 1892; Vinton Ulric, b. 1896. Identified with various religious, social and phil- anthropic activities. Catholic. Favors limited suffrage for both men and women. Republican. P1ER8, Constance Fairbanks (Mrs. Harry

Piers), 134 Shirley St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born Dartmouth, N.S., May 10, 1866; dau. Lewis Piers Fairbanks and Ella (De Wolfe) Fairbanks (granddaughter of Hon. C. R. Fairbanks, master of the Rolls and judge of Court of Vice Admi- ralty of N.S.); ed. Dartmouth, N.S.; m. Halifax, Jan. 7, 1901, Harry Piers (curator of Provincial Museum of N.S. and librarian of Provincial Science Library); one son: Edward Stanyan F. At first was secretary to Dr. C. F. Fraser, prin- cipal of School for the Blind, and editor of the Critic. Took editorial charge of the Critic (Hall- fax), as assistant editor, 1890-92; assoc. editor

��St. Johnsbury (VL) Caledonian, 1893 94. Inter- ested In music, literature, art. Favors woman suffrage, but not militant methods. Writer of numerous articles in the Critic, the Caledonian, etc., and many poems, which have appeared in the Week (Toronto), Canadian Magazine (To- ronto), and other journals, and some of which are contained In Dr. Rand's Treasury of Cana- dian Verse. Contributed papers to the Halifax Ladies' Musical Club and various literary so- cieties. Selected and edited, jointly with hus- band, the poems of the late Mrs. William Law- son, published under the title of Frankincense and Myrrh (Halifax), 1893. Mem. Church of Eng- land. Mem. Halifax Ladies' Musical Club (a society organized for the study of music and of the lives of composers and their works). PIERSOL, Florence Lukens (Mrs. George A.

Plersol), 4724 Chester Av., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 186»; dau. Linford and Anna Mary (Reeder) Lukens; ed. Friends School; grad. Friends Central School, Philadel- phia, -82; m. (1st) Philadelphia, April 28, 1886, William Reeder; (2d) June 22, 1898, George A. Piersol: children: Ruth, David K., William T., Anna M. Reeder, J. Marshall Piersol. Mem. West Philadelphia Com. for Philadelphia Orches- tra; vice-pres. Drama League; director and mem. Reconstructed Fourth Ass'n Com.; Mem. County Woman Suffrage Soc., Equal Franchise Soc.'; leader Twenty-first Legislative Dist. of the Pa. Woman Suffrage Party In Philadelphia. Mem. Philadelphia EJthical Soc. Recreation: Music. Clubs: New Century (director), Philo- musian (director and ex-prea.); vIce-pres. State Fed. of Pa. Women; mem. Matinee Musical Club. PIER80N, Emily, Cromwell, Conn.

Woman suffrage organizer; b. Cromwell, Conn., June 25, 1881; dau. Andrew N. and Margaret S. (Allison) Pierson; ed. Middletown High School; Nancy, France, Pensionnat Dure; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; Columbia Univ., A.M. In charge of Eng- lish dep't of Bristol (Conn.) High School two years before entering active suffrage work. In- terested in child welfare, education, social hy- giene, work of Nat. Vigilance Ass'n, conditions of working women and labor problems. State organizer, Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Women's Political Union of New York, Nat. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Am. Automobile Ass'n, Conn. Automobile Ass'n, Colo. Mountain Club, Phi Beta Kappa. Recreations: Swimming, skating, tennis, automobillng, dancing, fishing.

PIERSON, Fanny Eaton (Mrs. Henry R. Pier- son), The Touraine, 23 Clinton St., Brooklyn,


Born Hamilton, N.Y. ; dau. George W. and Eliza H. (Boardman) Eaton; grad. Troy Female Sem.; m. (1st) Charles A. Mott; (2d) Henry R. Pierson : three children, two sons and one daughter. Antl-suffraglst. Baptist. Mem. New England Soc, Sorosls Club. PIERSON, Grace Rappleye, care of Mrs. A. H.

Pierson, Trumansburg, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Trumansburg, N.Y., Mar. 14, 1879; dau. Albert Henry and HarMet I. (Rappleye) Pierson; ed. Trumansburg High School, Cortland Normal and Cornell Univ.. A.B. '04, with honor (mem. Delta Gamma). Was principal of high school, Burlington, NJ.; teacher of German and French in high school, Calumet, Mich. Baptist. Spending year 1912-13 In France In post-grad. study of French language. PIERSON, Margaret, 18 Hlllger St., Orange,


Born Orange, N.J., Oct. 5. 1858; dau. William and Isabel Fiske (Adams) Pierson; ed. Vassar Coll., B.A. '78. Interested in club activities and social home duties. Governor Orange Memorial Hospital; mem. Anti-Tubereulosls League; pres. Visiting Nurses' Settlement. Mem. N.Y. Soc. Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Protestant Episco- pal communicant. Independent in politics. Mem, Alumnae Ass'n of Vassar Coll. Recreation: Out- door life. Clubs: Meriden, Monday Music, Wo- man's University (N.Y. City), Peterborough Golf.


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