��PHTLBRICE, Inez C, 1023 H St., Lincoln, Neb. Physiuian; b. Taft©n (now Bloomington), Wis., 1866; flau. Philetus Harvey and Malah (Brackett) Philbrick; grad. State Univ. of Iowa, B.S. '86; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '91. One of early women resident physicians at Philadelphia Hospital (Blockley), Nov. 1, 1S91, to Mar. 1, 1S93. Has been vice-prea. of Nebraska State Med. Soc. and sec. of Lancaster Co. Med. Soc. some years. Examiner for best old-line insurance compaaies, etc. Pres. Med. Women's Clubs; physician to State School for Dependent Children. A sup- porter of charity organization society. Favors woman suffrage; pres. of Neb. Woman Suffrage Ass'n four years; pres. and sec. Lilncoln Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Has written several papers for various medical and lay sooieties on medical topics, medical school inspection, suffrage, etc. Unitarian. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Lancaster Co. Med. Soc., Lincoln Medical Women's Club, Lancaster Co. W.C.T.U., Neb. State Soc. Med. Wortien, Neb. State Womaji Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Club of Lincoln.
PHTLUPS, Elsie LaGrangre Cole (Mrs. Wilbur C. Phillips), care of Charles B. Cole, 45-47 Wall St., N.Y. City.
Social worker; b. Albany, N.Y., Sept 24, 1879; dau. Charles Wadsworth arid Joan (Mc- Kown) Cole; grad. Vassar, A.B. '01; Elngllsh scholarship, 1901-02; m. N.Y. City, May 16, 1911, Wilbur C. Phillips. Taught college preparatory English for two years In Albany Hl^ School; one year as sec. in N.Y. and Philadelphia for Nat. League of Women Workers (an association working-girls' clubs) ; for two years was head of Placement Bureau in N.Y. Manhattan Trade School for Girls; one year ass't sec. of the Mil- waukee Child Welfare Commission. Mem. Wom- en's Trade Union League, Associate Collegiate Alumnas, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Business Women's Club of Milwaukee. Episcopalian. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Political Ekjuallty League and Collegiate Equal Suffrage Soc. Socialist; voter in the party.
PHILLIPS, Florence Hall (Mrs. John C.
Phillips), Rockford, Wilmington, Del.
Graduate Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '80; student in Berlin, 1884-85; graduate student In Teutonic philology and Spanish, 1888-89; student in Han- over, Germany, 1895; m. 1897, John C. Phillips. Teacher of German in Friends' Central High School, Philadelphia, 1893-97.
PHILLIPS, Harriet Sophia, Colonial Studios,
39 West Sixty-seventh St., N.Y. City.
Artist-painter; b. Delta, N.Y., 1849; dau. Man- sir Greene and Mary Ann (Babcock) Phillips; ed. Fort Edward (N.Y.) Sem.; Fredonla (N.Y.) Normal Acad.; art studies in N.Y, City; the KUnstlerinen Verein, Munich, Bavaria, and the art schools of Paris, France. Has exhibited work in Munich, Bavaria, with hon. mention, also in the Champs de Mars, Paris, and in sev- eral of the larger cities of the U.S. Interested In advanced normal work in Sunday-school, re- ligious and philanthropic societies; pres. of For- tign and Home Missionary societies. Mem. D.A.R., Champion Debora Chapter, Nat. Scenic and His- toric Preservation Soc, Woman's Press Club. Clubs: Manhattan Study, Nat. Arts, Municipal Arts, Pen and Brush. Recreation: At summer residence at The Hague on Lake George, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Interested In paper manufacturing concern In which was for nine years actively and successively engaged as em- ployee and partner. PHILLIPS, Mary Martha, "The Bherbrooke,"
Montreal, Can.
Artist; b. Montreal, Canada; dau. William A. and Mary A. (Johnston) Phillips; received gen- eral and art education in Montreal. Landscape painter in oils and water colors, specializing in Canadian scenes and particularly in Montreal subjects. Has given exhibitions of her work both in landscapes and marine vieiws. Specially distinguished as founder of the Handicrafts movement in Canada and as the first president of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild, which gave the movement Its chief impetus. Was also for several years pres. of the Woman's Art Ass'n
��of Montreal. Mem. Woman's Canadian Club (Montreal), Victoria League (liondon, England). PHILLIPS, Maud OiUette, Round Hill, Spring- field, Mass.
Born Springfield, Mass.; dau. George Nelson and Elizabeth (Gillette) Phillips; ed. Spring- field High School and by private tutors and Welleeley Coll., A.B. Especially Interested in animal philanthropy. Author: Popular Manual of English Literature; also short stories in va- rious periodicals and articles in behalf of ani- mals. Mem. Sorosis Club (X.Y. City), Springfield Woman's Club, College Club, New York Theatre Cl-ub. Spends winters in N.Y. City. PHILLIPS, Minnie Holman (Mrs. J. H. Phil- lips, 2720 Twelfth Av., North, Birmingham, Ala.
Editor; b. Camden, Ala., Aug. 4, 1861; dau. BuT«Ptte Osborne and Fannye (Moore) Holman; ed. in Camden school (education rathw* desultory, self made); m. Washington, D.C., Aug. 17, 1898, Dr. J. H. PhillipB. Won gold medal at Southern Exposition in Atlanta for teaching primary medel school; selected in Atlanta to demonstrate meth- ods in primary instruction; teacher, first, private school, then Birmingbam public school; principal Training Scbool; principal primary dep't and Inr structor of primary methods, PealK>dy Inst., Nashville. Promoter of kindergarten settlement work; Industrial School for Dependent Girls, al- lied with formation, rather than reformation. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian (mem. all church societies). Recreations; Music, drama. Mem. Cadmean Circle (literary and social). PHUXIPS, Rosalie, 12 The Navarre, Cincin- nati, O.
Social worker; b. Cincinnati, 1876; dau Uriall and Rosalie (Saunders) Phillips; ed. Univ. of Ciucinnati, B.L. (Phi Beta Kiippa) '99. Pres. Dio- cese of Southern Ohio Girls' Friendly Soc. ; mem. Social Workers' Club and College Club (Cincin- nati). Ass't to Director of Schmidlapp Bureau for Women and Girls. Favors woman suffrage. EJpiscopailan.
PHILLIPS, Boslna OUtc, 57 Lancaster St.. Albany, N.Y.
Examiner; b. Naples, N.Y., June 22, 1872: dau. Richard Covell and Rhoda (McConnell) Phillips; ed. Naples Acad.; Cornell Univ., B.S. "90; Univ. of Chicago. Teacher of science, Chicago High School, 1893-98; examiner in science, N.Y. State EMucation Dep't, sipce 1900. Interested In social service welfare work and various religious and philanthropic activities in Albany. Favors wo- man suffrage. Has written several monograph! on scientific subjects; researches in plant and animal life. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Riding, tennis, golf, swimming. Mem. Cornell Women's Club of Albany.
PHILOON, Mary A. .(Mrs. Everett L. Phlloon), 59 Summer St., Auburn, Me. Born Turner, Me., Sept. 13, 1863; dau. Daniel and Celia (Copeland) Lara; ed. In toivn schools till 14, then Westbrook Sem. (near Portland, Me.), grad. A.M. '72; m. Auburn, Me., T.&75, Everett L. Phlloon; children: Daniel L. (deceased), Wallaca
C, James E. Interested In church work; has been pres. Woman's Literary Union of Andros- coggin Co.; interested In all philanthropic work. Favors woman soflrage. Universalist Mem. Or- der Eastern Star, D.A.R., Practical Improvement Club.
PHILP, Mary Roberta (Mrs. Robert R. Philp), 14 Hoffman Av., Oil CKy, Pa. Bom Meedvirie, Pa,, April 8, 1881; dau. Jamee
D. and Flora A. (Forbes) Roberts; ed. MeadvUle High School, ISXiO; Allegheny Coll., L.B. '04 (mem. Alpha Chi Omega); m. Meadville, Pa., August 28, 1906, Robert R. Philp; one daughter: Frances Louise. Mem. Missionary societies (home and foreign). Methodist. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star.
PHUVNET, Ethel Warner (Mrs. Charles Mertoa
Phlnney), Cummlngton, Mass.
Born Cummlngton, Mass., April 9, 1875; dau. Edward Franklin and Ellen (Lovell) Warner; grad. Northampton High School, '93; Smith (3oll., A..B. '97; m. Cmmningrton, Mass., Au£. 30, 1905,