��PHELPS, Anna Bedfleld, N.T. State Library,
Albany, N.Y.
Library organizer; b. Syracuse, Mar. 29, 1852; dau. Dudley P. and Lucy B. (Putnam) Phelps; ed. Vassar, A.B. '73; N.Y. State Library School, Albany, 1901. Associated, 1903-08, with the Public Library Commission of Indiana. Library organ- izer for N.Y. State since 1908. Unitarian. Mem. American Library Ass'n, N.Y. State Library Ass'n, New Century Club (Utica, N.Y.). PHELPS, Eliza Bowen, 9 North Burnet St., East Orange, N.J. ; summer, Belmar, N.J.
Physician, kindergartner (retired) ; b. Cincin- nati, Ohio; dau. Benjamin Rice and EUcabeth (Cowdrey) Phelps; ed. Female Sem., Dayton, Ohio (Miss Coxe, principal). Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D., 1870. Began study of medicine under Dr. A. S. Maxwell of Davenport, Iowa; first course of lectures was taken at Philadelphia Med. Coll. for Women and first clinical experience was gained In its hospital wards. Ass't and house physician, N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, two years; resident physician of The Nursery and Child's Hospital, SUten Island, N.Y. ; also served as ass't physician in Iowa Hospital for the Insane, Mt. Pleasant, *Iowa. Studied Froebel kinder- garten work with Miss Van Wagenin at the Church of the Anthon Memorial, New York City; grad. 1882, and opened her own kindergarten In spring of 1883, contiBUing it for ten years with unabated interest. Has written local papers and essays, as on "Ventilation," "Social Pur- ity," "Shall the State Teach Religion?" etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Med. Soc. of Newark, N.J. ; Woman's Auxiliary of the B'd of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Woman's Club of Orange, N.J. Favors womaji suffrage. PHELPS, Elizabetli Steward (Mrs. C E. D.
Phelps), Box 204, New Brunswick, N.J.
Born Bellefonte, Pa.; dau. Rev. G. W. and Frances H. Natt; m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1888, C. E. D. Phelps. Spent some time abroad and began early to write for publications under the nom-de-plume of "Leigh North." Has written for many magazines and newspapers. Au- thor: Allendale's Choice; Predecessors of Cleo- patra, and (together with her husband) The Bailiff of Tewkesbury. PHELPS, Gertrude Lindall (Mrs. A. S. Phelps),
17 West Union Av., Bound Brook, N.J.
Born Brunswick, Me., 1867; dau. Winthrop and Pauline (Patten) Tappan; ed. In schools in Ger- many, Italy, France, Switzerland, England and Wac'r.ington, D.C.; m. Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1889, Rev. A. S. Phelps; children: Winthrop Mor- gan,' Charles Edward, Macy Lappan. Pres. Wo- man's Auxiliary Board of Missions of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the diocese of N.J. Graduate Soc. for the Home Study of the Holy Scriptures. Recreation: Music. Served three terms as pres. of Woman's Literary Club of Bound Brook, N.J. PHELPS, Helen Watson, 5 8 W. Fifty-eighth
St., N.Y. City; and Elizabethtown, N.Y.
Artist; b. Attleboro, Mass.; dau. Thaddeus (M.D.) and Mary S. (Watson) Phelps; ed. N.T. City and Paris; honorary mention at Pan- Ameri- can Exposition, Buffalo; prize of Woman's Aid Club, 1906 and 1909. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party. Protestant E)pis- copallan. Mem. Woman's Art Club of N.Y., Pen and Brush Club. PHELPS, Jessie, 16 N. Summit St., Ypallantl,
Teacher of hygiene; b. Pontlac, Mich., Jan., 1870; dau. Edwin and Mary (Irish) Phelps; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.S. '94; M.S. '98. Chairman Woman's Equal Suffrage League of Mich., State Normal Coll. Has contributed articles to maga- zines. Unitarian. Socialist. Mem. Ass'n for Prevention of Infant Mortality, Washtenaw Co. Social Hygiene Ass'n. PHELPS, Martha Austin (Mrs. Isaac King
Phelps), care of Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh,
Born Georgia, Vt. ; dau. George and Ann (Wil- son) Austin; ed. Smith Coll., B.S. '92; M.A. '09;
��Yale Coll., Ph.D. '98; Univ. feUow at Yale, 1898- 99; m. Easthajnpton, Mass., June 27, 1909, Isaac King Phelps. Taught science, 1892-96; student in chemistry, 1896-1900, with experiment station work during 1899-1900; research chemistry, 1909—. Auttior: Eixtensive contributor of articles on chemical research in technical journals, espe- cially the American Journal of Science, R.I. State bulletins and other publications, including one on Analyses of Prehistoric Bronzes, con- tributed to Vol. 1 of Raphael Pumpelly's Ex- plorations in Turkestan-Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau. Congregationalist. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnas Ass'n, Columbian Women Ass'n of the George Washington Univ. Mem. College Wo- man's Clutb of Washington, D.C.
PHELPS, Mary, 255 East 174th St., N.Y. City. Public reader and lecturer; b. Pontiac, Mich.; dau. Edwin and Mary (Irish) Phelps; ed. Cor- nell Univ., A.M. 1900; thesis. The Joy Element in Browning; Poet Lore, 1904; winner of Shake- speare prize, Cornell, 1900. Now engaged in teaching, lecturing and doing public reading. Mem. Lecture Cwrps of Board of Education, N.Y. City.
PHELPS, Mary Ward (Mrs. G. Sidney Phelps),
Kyoto, Japan.
Born Ashland, N.H., May 2, 1878; dau. John T. and Mary (Tewksbury) Ward; ed. High School, Minneapolis; Univ. of Minn., A.B. '97 (Phi Beta Kappa honors), A.M. '98 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 2, 1902, G. Sidney Phelps; children: Sidney Ward, b. Dec. 29, 1905; Miriam Phelps, b. Jan. 20, 1908. In- structor in Hillsdale Coll, 1898-99; general sec. Y.W.C.A. for Minn, and S.Dak. Free Baptist. Mem. Woman's Monday Club of Hillsdale, Mich.
PHELPS, Minna Belle, 21 Mitchell St., Nor- wich, N.Y.
Teacher; b. N.Y.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90; student of Greek, 1906-09, and of Latin, 1909-10, N.Y. Univ. Teacher, Elmira (N.Y.) Free Acad., 1891-1904; East Orange (N.J.) High School since 1904. PHELPS, Pauline, Avon, Conn.
Dramatist; b. Simsbury, Conn.; dau. George Mortimer and Abigail (Case) Phelps; ed. private schools. Author of plays: The Girl from Out Yonder; The Grand Army Man; Sweet Clover (with Marion Short); A Spinster by Preference; The Vengeance, and other writings. Mem. Am. Dramatists' Club (N.Y. City).
PHELPS, Ruth Shepard, University of Minn.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Teacher; b. Aurora, 111., June 18, 1876; dau. Edmund Joseph and Louise A. (Richardson) Phelps; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; Columbia Univ., M.A. '10. Appointed instructor in Italian, Univ. of Minn., 1910. Author: Skies lUlian; editor Sonnets and Songs, by Arthur Upson; writer of magazine verses and essays. Mem. Soc. of Fine Arts, Minneapolis; Modern Lan- guage Ass'n, Woman's Club of Minneapolis, Women's University Club of N.Y. City.
PHLLBRICK, Grace Elizabeth Mathews (Mrs.
Herbert Shaw Philbrick), 809 Rollins St.,
Columbia, Mo.
Born Portland, Me. ; dau. Jonathan Bennett and Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '97; student of history, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1898; m. June 22, 1904, Herbert Shaw Phil- brick; children: Benjamin Mathews, b. Nov. 24, 1905; Shailer Mathews, b. May 11, 1908. Dean of women, Colby Coll., WatervUle, Me., 1899-1902; teacher, Waltham, Mass., 1903-04. Baptist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnaa Ass'n.
PHCLBBICK, Helen Fitch (Mrs. Shirley S.
Philbrick), Rye Beach, N.H.
Born Detroit, Mich., Decemlber, 1880; dau. Robert G. and Emjna (Emmons) Fitch; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '03 (Agora Soc); m. Brookline, Mass., May 6, 19DS, Shirley S. Philbrick; children: Robert L., Ruth. Formerly mem. of Brighelmstone Club, Brighton, Mass. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage.