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��PETTIGBEW, Belle T., Sioux Falls, S.Dak.

Teacher, missionary; b. Evansville, Wis.; grad. Rackford (111.) Sem. (now college), 1859. and afterward took special studies, at three different times. In Univ. of Chicago. After leaving col- lege devoted her life to teaching and missionary work; for 12 years represented the Woman's Baptist Home Mission Soc. as missionary among the negroes, and three years as general mission- ary in South Dakota. Traveled in Europe seven months In 1893; later lived several years in Washington, where was mem. Columbia Chap- ter D.A.R., W.C.T.U. and AnU-Saloon League. Took trip around world for two years, 1902-04, during which made visits to missions In Burma, China and Japan; since 1904 resident of Sioux Palls, S.Dak., where has been active as local officer and as State sup't of press dep't, W.C.T.U.; also active in work of Baptist Church.

PETTIJOKN, Grace Smith (Mrs. Fred L. Pettl- John), 2423 Central Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Bom in Hamilton Co., Ind., May 10, 1876; dau. Samuel M. and Aletha Ann (White) Smith; grad. Friends Acad., Westfleld, Ind.; completed course of English and history, De Pauw Univ. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Noblesvllle, Ind., Sept. 12, 1901, Fred L. Pe1;ti)ohn, M.D.; children: Aletha Harnett, Martha Grace. Has written a history of the Smith-Pickens family of South Carolina (original), now being published. Mem. Parent Teacher Ass'n of School No. 45, Indian- apolis; Woman's Dep't Club, Present Day Club, Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae, all of Indian- apolis. Mem. M.E. Church (SuBday-«chool teacher) Against woman suffrage.

PETTUS, Frances Stevenson (Mrs. a Hajnlet

PettuB), Harris Springs, S.C.

Born Felton, Del., Mar. 1, 1872; ed. Swarth- more Coll., A.B. '93 (Phi Beta Kappa), (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Felton, Del., Oct. 26, 1899, C. Hamlet Pettus; children: Lydla Jeffress, Mary Roselynd, Frances Stevenson, Hamlet Jr., Morris. Interested In child culture, hygiene, schools, home-making, history. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, driving, reading, study, piano, distributing good literature In homes. Ex-mem. Avon Club in Felton, Del.


PETTTJS, Isabella Mary, 350 West Seventy-flrst

St., N.Y. City.

Lawyer; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. James Thomas and Mary A. (Hoefflla) Pettus; ed. Abbott's Coll. Inst; N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B., LL.M. Admitted to bar of N.T. State 1898, and to Dlst. and Circuit Courts of U.S., Southern Dlst. of N.Y. Acting pres. Woman's Legal Education Soc; pres. the Alumnae Ass'n of Woman's La/w' Class, N.Y. Univ.; lecturer on Law, Woman's Law Class. Has written articles on legal matters for the Albany Law Journal and the Woman Lawyers' Journal. Baptist; mem. Fifth Av. Church, N.Y. City. Mem. Am. Social Science Ass'n. Soc. for Judicial Settlement of Interoat. Disputes, Woman's Auxiliary of Army and Navy Y.M.C.A., Baptist foreign missionary societies. Recreation: Painting. Mem. Fed. of Women's Clubs, State of N.Y.; Fed. City of N.Y.; Portia Club; Woman Lawyers' Club. Has practiced extensively In Ckinnectlcut as well as N.Y. State in courts of record, as well as In bankruptcy and surrogate courts. PETTUS, Maia, Athens, Ala.

Writer; b. Elkmont, Ala., 1874; dau. Dr. J. A. and Musie (Cartwright) Pettus; grad. Cox Coll., Atlanta, Ga. Author: The Princess of Glendale; Meda's Heritage. Has contributed to the Sunny South, Cosmos, (Amsterdam, Holland), and other periodicals. Mem. United Daughters of the Con- federacy. Recreation: music. PETTUS, Martha Elvira, 350 West 71st St.,

N.Y. City.

Writer; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. James Thomas and Mary A. (Roefflin) Pettus; ed. Abbott's Col- legiate Inst., Eberhard's Conservatory of Music. Mem. Alumnaa Ass'n of Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ., Ladies' Christian Union, Woman's Auxiliary Army and Navy Soc, the Auxiliary of George Jr. Republic, Baptist Home, Foreign and

��City Missionary Societies, Sabbath Alliance. Contributor to magazines and religious press, poema and historical sketches: Annals; Preela'a Dream and Other Poems; Statues to Noted Women; Three Chinese Women; Ivan of Flan- ders; Antigone and Her Sisters. Mem. State and City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreation: Music. Baptist.

PETTUS, Sarah L.vdla DeForest (Mrs. William Bacon Pettus), 120 Szechnen Road, Shanghai, China.

Religious worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 1901; m. June 13, 1905, William Bacon Pettus; one son: John DeForest, b. May 1, 1909. Traveling sec. of Student Volunteer Movement, 1901-02; girls' club worker, Madison Square Church House, N.Y. City, 1903-M; teacher, Northfleld (Mass.) Sem., 1904-06. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

PETTY, Julia De Bernlen Davis (Mrs. Charles Petty\ 134 N. Dean St., Spartanburg, S.C. Born Union Co., S.C; dau. John Walton and Mary J. (Gunning) Davis; grad. Limestone Springs Female Coll., with first honors; m. in Union Co., Apr. 12, 1859, Charles Petty, assistant editor of the Spartanburg Evening Journal; chil- dren: Mary (Mrs. J. T. Calvert), Paul, Eva (Mrs. C. J. Shearn), Ruth (Mrs. C. H. Henry), Agnes (Mrs. Ashmead F. Pringle). Episcopalian; mem. church missionary societies, Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary Soc Mem. Tea Cups Club, established 22 years ago; Kennedy Library Club.

PETTY, Mary, 211 S. Ashe St., Greensboro, N.C. Normal college teaicher; ed. Wellesley (Doll., B.S. '85; fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-98. Teacher of Latin, Guilford Coll., 1888-93; teacher of chemistry and physics in State Normal and Industrial Coll., Greensboro, 1893-95 and 1896-99; since then head of dep't of chemistry. Pres. Women's Club, Greensboro, N.C.

PPAnrENBBniGER, Edith Myers (Mrs. Wilbur F. Pfaffenberger), 321 N. Indianapolis Av., Seymour, Ind.

Bom Jeffersonville, Ind., Apr. 16, 1869; dau. Peter and Rachel (Jacobs) Myers; grad. Moore'a HUl Coll., B.S., A.M.; Goucher Coll., BalUmore, and Metropolitan School of Music, Indianapolis, with degree of the Artists' Course; also took Chautauqua course; m. Jeffersonville, July 21, 1902, Wiltjur F. Pfaffenberger. Mem. Civic League. Methodist; mem. Home Missionary Soc, W.C.T.U. Recreations: Country home la sum- mer, flinch, picnics, driving, receptions. Clubs: Monday Musicale, Shakespeare Circle, Tuesday Literary, Indiana, Magazine, Flinch Social. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

PHELAN, Florence B. (Mrs. Joseph Warren Phelan), 60 Brooks St., West Medford, Mojs. Born Cambridge, Mass., June 7, 1872; dau. Luther E. and Emma (Merrifleld) Kimball; pd. Smith Coll., A.B. ; Boston Normal School; Bio- logical Soc; m. Aug. 11, 1900, Joseph Warren Phelan; children: John K., Robert K., Sarah Phelan.

PHELAA, Florence Laaaban (Mrs. WtlUam Daly Phelan), 1311 Denlnston Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Apr. 11, 1880; dau. James K. and Mary (Rily) Lanahan; ed. Georgetown Con- vent, Washington, D.C. ; m. July 10, 1905, Will- lam Daly Phelan (now deceased); children: Mary Lanahan, William Daly. Interested In social service work. Mem. Pa. EUrual Franchise Fed. Has written occasional magazine articles. Catho- lic Clubs; 20th Century, Colloquium, Civic, Consumers' League.

PHELPS, Alvemon (Mrs. George J. Phelps),

ISOO M. St., Lincoln, Neb.

Born Mt. Morris, 111.; dau. Henry H. and "Sophia (Middlekauff) Cleridence; ed. Mt. Morris High School; Mt. Morris Coll.; m. Mt. Morris, III., George J. Phelps; one son: Vernon G. Ac- tive in church and all philanthropic work. Mem. Board of Y.W.C.A., Lincoln, Neb.; the New Atlantis Club, Oregon, 111.; Tuesday Review Clulj, Lincoln, Neb.; Social Service Club; pres. of the Lincoln Woman's Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.


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