��b. April 29, 1911. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Mass. Horticultural Soc, Mayflower Club, New Riding Club, Palmetto Club.
PENTBEATH, Ida Shctts (Mrs. John William Pentreath), 395 Warburton Av., Tonkers, N.T. Born Yonkers, June 13, 1869; dau. John Chris- tian and Ida Antonia (Kiister) Shotts; ed. Yon- kers private schools and the Mary A. Burnham Classical School for Girls, Northampton, Mass.; m. Yonkers, Nov. 21, 1S94, John William Pent- reath. Dep't (State) senior vice-pres., sec. and pres. of the Woman's Relief Corps (auxiliary to the G.A.R.); also chairman Nat. Exec. Board of the Woman's Relief Corps. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mam. Nat. Staff Ass'n of the Woman's Relief Corps. Recreations: Read- ing, walking, traveling.
PEPPER, Annie Grassle (Mrs. George Dana Boardman Pepper), Waterville, Me. Born Mains of Kildrummy, Scotland; dau. George and Elizabeth (Field) Grassie; ed. public schools in Bolton, Mass., and at Mt. Holyoke Sem., South Hadley, Mass.; m. Bolton, Mass., Nov. 29, 1860, George Dana Boardman Pepper, distinguished educator and theologian (died Jan. 29, 1913); children: Charles Hovey, b. Aug. 27, 1861; George Field, b. Sept. 5, 1866 (died July 8, 1867); Jessie Elizabeth, b. Mar. 20, 1874; Annie Hutchinson, b. Nov. 6, 1875. Teacher in Barre and Petersham high schools before marriage. Has done a great deal as public speaker for missions, temperance and other philanthropies, as well as clubs. Favors woman suffrage, mak- ing numerous addresses on subject, and took part in hearing in Maine State Legislature, 1911. Baptist. Progressive in politics. Mem. W.C.T.U., Waterville Woman's Club.
PEPPER, Julia, 13 Chapln Av., Providence,
Director of kindergartens; b. Providence, R.I., Feb. 28, 1868; dau. Harvey W. and Sarah (Griggs) Pepper; ed. Providence public schools and train- ing school for kindergartners, Providence, R.I. Conducted private kindergarten, Brunswick, Me., 1889-92; principal of public school kindergarten, Providence, R.I., 1892-1912. Ertrector of kinder- gartens. Providence, since 1912. Baptist Pres. R.I. Kindergarten League three years; sec. of R.I. Ex Club three and a half years; treas. R.I. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, two years, 1911-li. Against woman suffrage.
PEQUIGNOT, Mary Boland (Mrs. George Alexis
Pequignot), 26 Floyd St., Winthrop, Mass.
Teacher; b. Leominister, Mass., Mar. 8, 1852; dau. Lawrence and Brigitta Boland; ed. Lancas- ter (Mass.) Acad.; State Normal School, Fram- ingham, Mass., grad. 1876; Mass. Inst. Tech- nology, three years' work; Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md., lecture courses in medicine, course m practical hygiene (laboratory). In Mass. Inst. Technology did much special work in chemistry and 'biology; studied in Harvard Univ. Summer School (organic chemistry) ; studied French and German in the Berlitz School and with private teachers; also painting and ("rawing; ra. Boston, Mass., Sept. 1, 1900, George Alexis Pequignot. Teacher in public grammar schools of Boston, eight years; private teaching for the past twenty years of chemistry, biology, physiology and dietetics (the latter in training schools for nurses). Taught in training school for nurses, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ; Mass. General Hospital, Boston, Maes.; Boston City Hospital, seventeen years; Newton (Mass.) Hos- pital, Elliot Hospital, Keene, N.H., twelve years; Memorial Hospital, Brattleboro, Vt. ; Waltham (Mass.) Training School for Nurses, dietetics chiefly, lectures and laboratory. Interested in general educational and hygienic subjects. Au- thor: Handbook of Invalid Cooking (under name "Mary A. Boland"); contributor of articles on scientific subjects to various magazines and newspapers. Mem. Nat. George. Soc, A.A.A.S., Harvard Univ. Teachers' Ass'n, Women's Edu- cational and Industrial Union, Am. Home Eco- nomics Ass'n, Mass. Inst. Technology Alumni Ass'n, Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Mass. State Equal Suffrage League.
��PERCrVAI., Olive, 906 Union Tnist Building,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Fire underviTiter, author; b. Sheffield, 111., July 1, 1868; dau. John Howard and Helen (Mason) Percival; grad. public schools, Sheffield, 111., and Cleveland. Mem. the Japan Soc. of London; the Japan Soc. of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Msxico City— An Idler's Note Book; Leal Shadows and Rose Drifi; Short Stories of Chinese Life in America. Congregationalist. Democrat. Mem. L.OS Angeles Chapter D.A.R. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. the Friday Morning Club.
PERCY, Elizabeth Sutton (Mrs. John Crocker Percy), 16 Osborne Terrace, Newark, N.J. Bom Ch«noa, 111., Oct. 6, 1879; dau. Silas H. and Mary (Gager) Sutton; ed. Friends' Sem., N.Y. City; Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '03 (Delta Sigma Rho); m. June 28, 1904, John Crocker Percy: one daughter; Sarah Elizabeth. Mem. of The Religious Soc. of Friends; interested in Its various lines of philanthropic work. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnje. Favors woman suffrage.
PERCY, IsabeUe Clark, 152 Grand Av., Oak- land, Cal.
Artist; b. Alameda, Cal., 1882; dau. George W. and Emma (Clark) Percy; grad. Mark Hopkins Art School; Teachers Coll., N.Y. Studied paint- ing in Europe with Frank Brangwyn and Alex. Robinson; five pictures being in the Paris Salons of 1910 and 1911, one receiving a mention. Has exhibited for 10 years in N.Y. City, Philadelphia, Gal., Germany and Paris (never had a picture re- fused); has designed about 150 book plates. Taught design and composition in Cal. School of Arts and Crafts at Berkeley. Interested in ultra- modernism, the new movement in art, music, drama and literature. Is in touch with many of the advanced writers in Germany; admires the Italian Futurists and is an ardent admirer of Gordon Craig and Reinhardt in their attempts to modernize the stage. Favors woman suffrage. Interested in theosophy. Generally votes Repub- lican (sometimes Socialist). Mem. Nat. Crafts- man Soc, Alumni San Francisco Art Ass'n, Cal. Arts and Crafts Soc. and Cal. Sketch Club. Recreations: One time held record for long dis- tance swim at lionterey, Cal.; traveling, paint- ing, lithography.
PERCY, Mrs. Mary Cruttenden, 254 W. 76th St., N.Y. City; foreign address, care of Brown, Shipley & Co., 123 Pall Mall, London. Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Dr. Alexis Henry Cruttenden, physician and surgeon, and Julia (Stephenson) Cruttenden; ed. high school, Bath, N.Y., and private tutors; grad. Cooper Art School in 1880, with honors: studied in Art League in N.Y. City and in Europe; in charge of art work in Brekeley School, 1884-92; m. Bath, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1892, Welton C. Percy, lawyer. For years man- ager Bloomington Day Nursery Ass'n, and inter- ested in establishing the School for Mothercraft. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc. N.Y. City, N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n. Au- thor: Symbolism in Art (a brochure). Episco- palian. Mem. Armstrong Aas'n, N.Y. City His- tory Club, N.Y. Probation Ass'n, Woman's Muni- cipal League of N.Y., League for Political Edu- cation, N.Y. Peace Soc. Recreation: Travel; spends between four and five months of every year in Europe. Mem. Barnard Club, MacDowell Club.
PERDUE, Rosa M., 469 Hanover St, Milwaukee,
Editorial writer; b. Perdueville, near Paxton, 111., Mar. 27, 1870; dau. Thomas S. and E. Jennie (Edwards) Perdue; grad. Univ. of Kansas, B.A. 1900 (awarded history fellowship for 1901), M.A. '01, and elected to fellowship in economics in Univ. of Wis. ; held Social Settlement FelloT^shlp in Chicago, 1902; principal high school, Evanston, Wyo., 1895-97; factory inspector for State of Wis., 1907-10; editorial writer for Milwaukee Journal, 1910-12; editor Working Girls' Page of Milwaukee Free Press, 1913—. Pres. Y.W.C.A. in college days; treas. Wyoming State Teachers' Ass'n, 1895-97; founder of Big Sister movement in Wis., and now conducting a working girls' home. Only woman mem. of the Social Service