��gusta (Mrs. E. D. Walter), Bertha Estelle, Edna Gertrude, Ellen Plsher, William Frederick, Eliza- beth. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Against woman suffrage. PENNTMAN, Harriet Wilson Dashane (Mrs.
George Dobbin Pennlman), Roland Park P.O.,
Baltimore County, Md.
Born Baltimore Co., Md., Nov. 15, 1864; dau. John Alexander and Elizabeth Marion (Duke) Dushane; ed. Baltimore and Baltimore Co. by private lessons entirely in French, Grermau, drawing, singing, music, English, etc., by maa- ters; m. Baltimore, Oct. 28, 1S90, George Dobbin Penniman; children: John Alexander Dushane, George Dobbin Jr., Harriet Wilson Dushane, Elizabeth Marion Dushane, Nicholas Griffith. Alto in church choir. Mem. St. Paul's Guild House, Woman's Guild, Church of the Redeemer, the Monday German. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames. Recrea- tions: Swimming, gardening, ■whist, dancing, reading, camping, society. Clubs: Arundel, Bal- timore Country, Woman's Whist.
PENNIMAN, Helen Alison Eraser (Mrs. Nich- olas Griffith Penniman), 609 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md.
Artist; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 26, 1882; dau. Gilbert Henry Cameron (H.B.M. consul-general at Balti- more) and Josephine (Kellogg) Fra^er; ed. by tutors and governesses in N.Y. City, Paris, Miinich, Stuttgart. Florence, -Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Munich (3iuircoal Club (Baltimore), first prizes for portrait in oil, 1912 and 1913, and first prize for figure painting, 1913; m. Nov. 26, 1902, Nicholas Griffith Penniman. Has played 25 different r61es in amateur theatricals in 45 performances, besides about a dozen other ap- pearances in vaudeville, pantomime, solo dances, etc. Active in Woman's Junior League of the National Junior Republic. Mem. Colonial Dames, Women's Auxiliary Md. Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Baltimore Country Club, Wednesday Club (dramatic), Circolo Italiano, Elkridge Dramatic Club. Recreations: Riding, driving, travel, swim- ming, music, acting, dancing, motor-boating. Episcopalian. Favors limited franchise for botk Bexes.
PENNIMAN, Sarah Ella, 488 Broadway, Law- rence, Mass.
Born Lawrence, Mass., May 20, 1868; dau. John B. and Sarah (Sawyer) Penniman; ed. Lawrence public schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '93, M.A. '95, and grad. in organ and harmony from Wel- lesley Coll. School of Music, '95; Harvard Sum- mer School, and a course at Andover Theological Seminary. Interested in aJl work for dumb ani- mals. Mem. Mass. Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Lawrence Dumb Animal Soc, College Club (Boston). Recreations: Reading, music, travel, and doing for animals. Congre- gationalist. Aginst woman suffrage.
PENNINOrON, Jeanne GiUespie, "Cedar Crest,"
Abington, Mass.
Editor, writer; b. New Castle Co., Del.; dau- Benjamin Franklin and EtoJly L. (Jester) Pen- nington; ed. by governess at home, in public schools of Del. and Md. and Liggltt Sem., De- troit. Author: The Sea of Circumstance; Some Marked Passages; Of Varying Fragrance; com- pilations: Don't Worry Nuggets; Philosophic Nuggets; Good Cheer Nuggets; Primers of Peace. Editor of To-Day. Unitarian. Mem. Southern Industrial Educational Ass'n, Women's All'ance, Social League of N.Y. City. Recrea- tions: Music, motoring, walking, driving. Op- posed to woman suffrage. PENNINGTON, Mary Engle, St. Davids, Pa.;
office, 1833 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa,
Bacteriological chemist; b. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1872; dau. Henry and Sarah B. (Malony) Pennington; ed. Univ. of Pa., entered 1S90, re- ceived certificate of proficiency, was a student In Towne Scientific School, Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., '95; university fellow in botany, 1895-96; fellow In physiological chemistry, Yale, 1897-99; researcb worker, dep't of hygiene, Univ. of Pa., 1898- 1901. Pres. Philadelphia Clinical Laboratory since 1900. Bacteriological chemist, 1905-07, and since then chief of the Food Research Labora-
��tory of Bureau of Chemistry, U.S. Dep't o! Agriculture. Was director of the Clinical Laboratory of the Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Philadelphia, 1898-1906; bacteriologist of the Municipal Laboratory of Philadelphia, 1904-07. Contributor to scientific and medical Journals. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Soc of Biological Chemists; fellow Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science; mem. Philadelphia Pathological Soc, Sigma Xi and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority.
PENNINGTON, Millie H. (Mrs. Joseph Wyatt
Pennington), Maywood, Ind.
Born Portage, Wis.; dau. WHliam Robert and Martha (Bengess) Wild; ed. in public high school of Iowa and Dresden (Germany) Woman's Coll.; m. Pierce City, Mo., Apr. 15, 1874, Joseph Wyatt Pennington; one son: R. Montrevor. In- terested in religious, philanthropic and social work of Indianapolis, In civics and sanitation and the new Housing law. Favors woman suf- frage. Contributor to various magazines and newspapers. Recreations: Out-door sports and floriculture. Pres. Zetathea Club (literary), which was flrst to take up social service, study social hygiene and the menace of the social evil to the home. PENNTBACKEB, Anna J. Hardwicke (Mrs.
Percy V. Pennybacker), 2606 Whitls Av.,
Austin, Texas.
President of General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1912-14; b. Petersburg, Va., May 7, 1861; dau. John B. and Martha J. (Dews) Hardwicke; grad. of Classical High School, Leavenworth, Kan.; State Normal Coll., Tex.; m. Tyler, Tex., Oct., 1884, Percy V. Pennybacker (died 1889); children: Bonner, Percy, Ruth. Principal of high school, 1884-94; speaker on various educa- tional topics; on board of directors of Confer- ence for Education In Texas. Interested in helping young people who are striving for an education. Author: History of Texas (used for 20 years in public schools of the State), Mem. Am. History Club, Austin; pres. Texas Fed. Women's Clubs, 1901-03; treas. Gen. Fed. Wom- en's Clubs, 1904-06; auditor Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1906-08; chairman Endowment Com., 1911; elected pres. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs at San Francisco, 1912. Recreations: Reading, work- ing, riding, traveling, theatre. Episcopalian.
PENNYPACKEB, Anna M. W., Pennypackers
Mills, Schwenkvllle, Pa,
Registered nurse; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 22, 1876; dau. Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker (gov- ernor of Pa., 1963-07) and Virginia E. (Broomall) Pennypacker; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; grad. of Pa. Hospital Training School for Nurses, Philadelphia, '03. Did visiting nursing through the summer months of 1910, '11 and '12, at the Visiting Nurse Society, Philadelphia. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Protestant Episcopal Church, Ckvnsumers' League, Home and School League of Philadelphia; non-resident mem. Col- lege Club of Philadelphia. PENBOSE, Mary Demingr Shlpman (Mrs.
Stephen B. L. Penrose), 41 College Av., Walla
Walla, Wash.
Born Hartford, Oonm, July 27, 1868; dau. Nathaniel and Mary Caroline (Ro4)inson) Ship- man; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; m. Hartford, June 17, 1896, Stephen B. L. Penrose (pres. Whitman Coll.); children: Mary Demlng Frances Shlpman, Clement Biddle, Nathaniel Shlpman, Vlrg^lnla, Stephen Beaaley LInnard Jr. Interested In foreig;n missions, Sunday-school, college students, Y.W.C.A. Con- gregationalist. Republican. Mem. various col- lege, literary and social societies. Mem. Art Club of Walla Walla, Washington; cor. mem. Saturday Morning Club (Hartford, Conn.); mem. Farmington Lodge Soc; nat. pres. of Y.W.C.A. of U.S.A., 1913-15; mem. at large D.A.R. PENTECOST, Iklarion Wentworth (Mrs. Ernest
H. Pentecost), "Barrack Tor," Topsilold, Mass,
Born Shanklln, Isle of Wight, England, June 3, l&TC; dau. Thomas Wentworth and Catharine Car- nelia (Cooke) Pelrce; ed. Mrs. Shaw's private school, Boston, Mass.; m. Topsfleld, Mass., Nov. 17, 1908, Commander Ernest H. Pentecost (Royal Naval Reserve) ; one son : Richard Wentworth,