��day Club, Hartford, Conn. ; former mem. Qulncy (Mass.) Women's Club, New England Women's Press Club, Boston; hon. mem. Shakespeare Club, Quincy, Mass.; mem. American Women's Club, Berlin, Germany. Recreations: Riding, cooking, shooting at target, piano-playing. PE^IBERTON, Virginia Carroll (Mis. Walter H. Pemberton) 303 E. Sixth St., Little Rock, Ark.
Born Carrollton, Warren Co., N.C., June 5, 1S56; dau. Thomas and Mary Ann Virginia (Daly) Carroll; mem. of the alumnae class of 1873 of Southern Female Coll., Petersburg, Va.; m. Ash- land, Va., Sept. 11, 1878, Walter H. Pemberton, of Little Rock, Ark. (lawyer; prosecuting attorney of Sixth Judicial Dist., three terms). Mem. Woman's Board of Home Missions Methodist Episcopal Church, South, from 1896 until merged into the Woman's Council, 1910; now mem. of Standing Com. of Missionary Council on Educa- tional Institutions and Literature. Mem. of Ladies' Advisory Board Methodist Orphanage, Little Rock. Sustaining mem. Y.W.C.A.; active mem. Southern Sociological Congress; mem. Woman's Auxiliary to the Ark. History Camm'n. Author: Letters from Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Contributor to papers, religious and secular. Recreations: Driving, flower gardening, walking. Mem. Esthetic Club (musical and lit- erary). Little Rock; charter mem. Hawthorne Book Club; mem. Memorial Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy.
PEXDERGAST, Ella Worth (Mrs^. George Henry Pendergast), Somerville, Mass. Born Boston, July 25, 1851; dau. Ira Allen and Emily Thompson (Jones) Worth; ed. High School, Charlestown, Mass., grad. '68; m. Bos- ton, 1873, George Henrj' Pendergast. Life mem. B'd of Directors of the Hunt Asylum for Desti- tute Children. Active in patriotic organizations; mem. D.A.R. (former regent Bunker Hill Chap- ter); was instrumental in organizing the Jona- than Thompson Soc. of Children of the Am. Revolution. PENDLETON, Ellen Fitz, Wellesley, Mass.
President of Wellesley Coll.; b. Westerly, R.I., Aug. 7, 1864; dau. ELOch B. and Mary Ette (Chapman) Pendleton; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '86; M.A. '91; grad. student Newnham Coll., Cambridge, Eng., 1889-90; hon. Litt.D. Brown, '11; hon. LL.D., Mount Holyoke Coll., 1912. In- structor in mathematics, 18S8-1901; sec. of col- lege, 189T-1901; dean and assoc. professor of mathematics, 1901-11; president, from 1911, Wel- lesley Coll. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, A.A.A.S., Mass. Peace Soc, Senate of Phi Beta Kappa, Women's University Club i.N.Y. City), College Club (Boston), Lyceum Club (London). Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. PENDLETON, Mary Fay (Mrs. Joseph H. Pen- dleton), Marine Barraj^ks, Portsmouth, N.H. Born Newport, R.I., Nov. 20, 1863; dau. William Wirt Fay (for 36 years prof, of English at the U.S. Naval Acad.) and Julia Griswold (Phillips) Fay; m. Joseph H. Pendleton, colonel U.S. Ma- rines; children: Helen Fay Pendleton Cole, Edgar Bache Pendleton. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; organized and was first regent of Alaska Chapter, D.A R., and for four years wns pres. of the Woman's Reading Club of Sitka, Alaska. PENFIFFD, Adele Ernst (Mrs. Charles Orrin Penfieldi, Delhi, N. Y. ; temporary, 1097 Green St., San Francisco, Cal.
Born Milwaukee, Dec. 27, 1875; dau. Henry and Ida (Sehwabe) Ernst; grad. high school, St. Paul, '94; m. N.Y. City, June 12, 1906, Charles Orrin Penfleld; one son: James Kedzie 2d. Graduate nurse before marriage; graduated from St. Luke's, Duluth, Minn., '96; practised in N.Y. City for 12 years. Interested In all things per- taining to the advancement and betterment of the town. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Village Improvement Soc. of Delhi, N.Y. (pres. two years). Clubs: Tourist, Wednesday (Delhi, N.Y.), Equal Suffrage Clut). PENFIELD, Anne Wightman (Mrs. Frederic Courtland Penfleld). 787 Fifth Av., N.Y. (?ity, and American Embassy, Vienna, Austria- Born Philadelphia; dau. William Wightman, Dhemical manufacturer; privately educated; m.
��(1st) R. S. C. Walker, mem. of Congress; (2d) 1908, Frederic Courtland Penfleld (author, diplo- mat, now ambassador of U.S. to Aus^tria). Be- came assistant to her father in the management of his great business affairs and property inter- ests, mastering them in such completeness that when he died in 1904, she took active charge and managed the business without any diminution of efficiency, having become sole heir to the |60,- 000,000 estate. Interested in various charities and philanthropies and also in music and art. Catholic. PENFIELD, E. Jean Nelson (Mrs. William
Warner Penfleld), 7 30 B. 242d St., N.Y. City.
Born Green castle, Ind., Nov. 4, 1872; dau. Franklin P. an-^ Eliza Jean (Brannan) Nelson; grad. De Pauw Univ., Ph.B. ; winner of interstate oratorical contest, 1892, only woman who has ever taken this honor, 63 colleges competing (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Nat. pres. 1900-02) ; student Metropolitan Conservatory of Music, 1893-95; m. GreencasUe, Ind., Dec. 15, 1897, Judge William Warner Penfleld; children: Jean Louise, William Warner Jr. (both deceased). Lecturer and col- lege examiner of manuscripts; teacher of par- liamentary law; singer. Chairman Woman Suf- frage Party, N.Y. City; chairman nat, com. to establish the representative district form of or- ganization for suffrage work throughout the country. Author: Penfield's Parliamentary Law Chart. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of 1812, Sorosis, Westchester Woman's Club, Daughters of Indiana in N.Y. PENFIELD. Georgia May, 329 W. 112th St.,
Morningside Park East, N.Y. City.
Born Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Smith Newell and Sarah Elizabeth (Hoyt) Penfleld; descendant of WilliaxQ Penfleld ffrom Wales, 1632), Peter Pen- field (captain in War of the Revolution), and of Simon Hoyt (from England, 1628) and of Walter Hoyt, one of the owners of the town of NorwaJk, Conn.; ed. St. John's School, Miss Anne Brown's School, Evelyn Coll., Princeton, N.J., B.A. In- terested in the Indians, Sabbath observance, mis- sions and education. Episcopalian. Mem. N.Y. City Indian Ass'n, St. John's School Society, Anne Brown Alumnae Ass'n, Woman's Nat. Sab- bath Alliance (of which she is recording sec). College Women's Club. Recreations: Walking, piano. PENFIELD, Sarah Elizabeth Hoyt (Mrs. Smith
Newell Penfleld), 329 W. 112th St., N.Y. City.
Born Brimfleld, 111.; dau. Ephraim and Frances Jane (Brown) Hoyt; flrst ancestor in America, Simon Hoyt, Charlestown, 1628; m. Henry, 111., Smith Newell Penfleld; children: Clara Josephine (deceased), Georgia May, Mary (deceased). In- terested in church work. Author of the tune, "Columbia," written for the words of My Coun- try, 'tis of Thee. Episcopalian. Mem. N.Y. City Indian Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, (Col- lege Women's Club. PEN"N, Philena BI., Amelia, Ohio.
Teacher; dau. Elijah C. and Mary A. (Foster) Peon; related to William Penn, founder of Penn- sylvania, and Bishop R. S. Foster of Ohio; ed. Amelia (Ohio) High School; Longley's Business Coll.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Interested in general philanthropic work of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Ex-pres. the Cler- mont County Fed. Woman's Clubs, the County Club (literary and philanthropic). PENNELL, HannaJi Sharpless. Wawa, Pa.
Teacher of languages; b. Wawa, Pa., April 4, 1878; dau. Joseph and Deborah Stackhouse (Yar- nall) Pennell; grad. Westtown (Pa.) Boarding School, '96; Cornell Univ., B.A. '06; foundation scholar at Bryn Mawr Coll., '10, Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Alliance Frangaise). 'Teacher of Latin and French at Westtown Boarding School, 1903- 05, 1906-09, and at Friends' School. Germantown, Pa., 1911-13. Mem. of Religious Society of Friends. PENNIMAN, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs. WiUiani
Frederic Penniman), Savannah, Ga.
Born Thomasville, Ga., June 9, 1845; dau. Dr. S. Samuel and Mary Frances (Bryant) Adams; grad. Thomasville Inst., '60; m. Thomasville, May 17, 1866, William Frederic Penntman; chil- dren: Mary Sybil (Mrs. C. B. L^oyd), Julia Au-