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��serre Univ., 1893-94, and later In Brown Univ. head of science dep't, Milwaukee Coll., 1889-93 Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleveland, O., 1893-96 computer, astronomy, Colunibia Univ., 1896-97 teacher in high school. Providence, R.l., since 1898. Occasional contributor to newspapers. PKIBCE. Leona May, 247 Union St., Spring- field, Mass.

Born Norway, Me., Aug. 4, 1863; dau. Licvl Merriam and Miripm Hobbs (Foster) Peirc«; ed. Springfield High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '86; M.A. '93; Cornell Univ.; Newnham Coll., Cam- bridge, Eng. ; private pupil of Dr. Story, Clark Univ., three and one-half years; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '99 (mem. Kappa Alpha 'ITieta). Trustee Wesson Memorial Hospital, 19C4-13; sec. Visitors' Aid Ass'n, Wesson Memorial Hospital, 1908-12; rec. sec. Sprln^eM Women's Club, 1899-lSOO; pres. Springfield Collete Clut>, 1506-08; delegate to Biennial Convention, Oeneral Fed. Women's Clubs, St. Louis, 1904; pres. Western Mass. Branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1902-04; director Springfield ClvU Service Reform League, :1S07-12. Contributor of articles to local newspapers on public matters. Conj^regationalist. Mean. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Smith CJoll. Students' AM Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, automobiling. Mem. School Board, Springfield, Mass., 1905-14.. PEUBCE, Louise Fagan (Mrs. William Foster

Peirce), Gambler, Ohio.

Bom Wurtsboro, N.Y. ; dau. Ansel and Jo- Bephine (Groesbeck) Fagan; prepared for college at home, Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hacketts- town, NJ. ; Vassar Coll., B.A., M.A., Phi Beta Kappa; m. Hackettstown, June 18, 1891, William Foster Peirce, pres. of Kenyon Coll. Interested in linguistic studies. Elpiscopallan. Recreations: Tennis, bridge. Occasional contributor to re- search periodicals. PfilKCE, Mary Bobinson (Mrs. W. B. Peirce),

25 Parkview Av., Bangor, Me.

Born Bangor, Me., June 9, 1873; dau. Alexander M. and Harriet A. (Meader) Robinson; ed. Ban- gor High School; Mt Holyoke Coll., 1S91-96, B.L. ; m. Bangor, Apr. 12, 1898, William B. Peirce; children: Marion, Natalie, Harriet Robin- son, Jeannette Bridgham. Vice-pres. Maine Mt. Holyoke Aiumnass Ass'n. Favors womaji suffrage. Evolutionist. Rec. sec Maine Fed. ol Women's Clubs, lSlO-12 (chairman Art and Literature Com., 1912-U). Recroations; Travel, study of pianoforte and music In general. Vice-pres. Athene Club, 1912-13. PELRCE, Meilusina Fay (Mrs. Charles Sanders

Peirce), 1014 N. State St., Chicago, 111.

Writer, club woman; b. Burlington, Vt., Feb. 24, 1836; dau. Rev. Charles (Hopkins) Fay; granddaughter of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, bishop of N.H.; sister of Miss Amy Fay (q.v.) and Mrs. Theodore Thomas (q.v.); ed. by private teachers and in the seminary conducted by Prof. Louis Agassiz at Cambridge, Mass.; m. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1862, Charles Sanders Peirce. En- gaged in literary work as reviewer for Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 1868-77; music critic of the Boston Post, 1877-78; Chicago Evening Journal, 1881-84. Has been active as founder and organ- izer of women's societies. Including the Cam- bridge Co6i>erative Housekeeping Ass'n, 1870; Boston "Women's Education Ass'n, 1871; Street Cleaning Com. of Ladies' Health Protective Ass'n, 18S7-88; Poe Cottage Preservative Com., 1895-96; FVaunces' Tavern Restoration Cava, of N.Y., Mary Washington Colonial Chapter, D.A.R-, Women's Philharmonic Soc. of N.Y. and Women's Auxiliary to the Scenic and Historic Preservation Boc. of N.Y. Edited more than twenty editions of Music Study in Germany (by her sister. Miss Amy Fay). Author: Cooperative Housekeeping. PEIKCK, Sara EsteUe (Mrs. Webster E. Peirce),

!.'■> Hartford St., Dorchester, Mass.

Born Weld, Me., Aug. 10, 1862; dau. David and Mary (Butler) Sanborn; ed. Kent's Hill Acad., Me.; m. Boston, Dec. 25, 18S3, by Rev. Mlnot J. Savage, Webster E. Peirce. Specially Interested In the rescue from cruelly of children and ani- mals. Oppoeed to woman suffrage. Unitarian. Three years prea. Weld Club; pres. Dorchester Daugkters of Maine; mem. Woman's Club of Dorchester.

��PEIXOTTO, Jessica Blanche, care of University

of California, Berkeley, Cal.

Prof, of social economics; b. N.T. City; dau. Rapbael and Myrtiil J. (Davis) Peixotto; ed. Univ. of Cal., Ph.B. '94, Ph.D. '06; student at Sorbonne and College de France, 1896-97. Asso. prof. Univ. of Cal. since 1906. Mem. Central Council of Associated Charities of San Francisco, State Board of Charities and Correction. Author: The French Revolution and Modern French So- cialism; San Francisco Relief Survey, Part V (Charities Publication Com.), 1913.

PEJLHAM, Mrs. Lanra Dainty, Hull House;

office, 1548 Tribune Building, Chicago.

Dramatic agent; b. Southwick, Mass., Aug. 30, 1849; dau. Dr. Charles T. and Maria H. Mount; ed. district school (hon. mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. 1870, Albert H. Dainty; 2d, Milwau- kee, 1892, Fred Pelham; one daughter: Louise Dainty (Mrs. Paul T. Gilbert), died 1912. Pro- fessional since 1871; four years on platform with Redpath Lyceum Bureau as entertainer, and fol- lowing that, 21 years on the stage. Played In stock, repertoire, aad as a star. Visited every State in the Union, and played in nearly every large town and city. SetUement worker; a rest- dent of Hull H»U8€ for seven years. Director and coach of the Hull House Players, and inter- ested In other activities at Hull House. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. Mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Chicago City Gardens Ass'n (pres,). Recreation; Theatre. Mem. Hull House Women's Club.

PELIy. Asna Johason (Mrs. Alexander P'jll).

Mt. Holyoke College, S. Htulley, Mas3.

Instructor in mathematics; b. Hawarden, la., May 5, 1883; dan. A. G. and Amelia (Frieberg) Johnson; grad. Univ. of S.Dak., A.B.; RadcUffe, A.M.; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D.; studied in Ger- many as Alice Freeman Palmer fellow; m. Q6t- tlngen, Germany, 1907, Alexander Pell, .v^vors woman suffrage. Author of articles on Integral Equations. Mem. Am. Math. Soc, Sigma Xi.

PEU., EUa Ferris, 123 South St., riahkia-on-

Hudson, N.T.

Artist; b. St. Louis, 1846; grad. under Prof. William Rimmer at Cooper Union, N.Y. City, 1870; studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Jean Paul Laurens, Gaston St. Pierre and Ferdinand Humbert. Painter and sculptor. Work entered la general exhibitions of this country aad in Paris, France. Eikiblted In Paris Salon, 1889 and 1890; second place of honor for large pic- ture In Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y., 1891. Uni- tarian. Republican. Pres. Liberal Art Leagne; vice-pres. Ladles' Art Soc, N.Y. CMty.

PELTIER, Florence (Mrs. Seth Ellis Pope). 396 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; professional address, care of John F. Leonard, Box 40, Station L., Brooklyn, N.Y. Writer; b. Port Gibson, N. Y., June 22, 1862; dau. Pierre Desnoyers Peltier, M. D., and Maris (Reed) PelUer; ed. Hartford Female Sem., Gen- esee Wesleyan Sem.; also special studies in Med. Dep't., Boston Univ., Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, Boston, and short course at Columbia Univ.; m. (1st), Hartford, Conn., Aug. 16, 1890, Arthur C. Perry; one son, David Clinton Perry, b. Aug. 11, 1891; m. (2nd), Boston, April 2, 1904. Seth Ellis Pope. Literary reviser and critic, contributor to standard magazines; former lit- erary editor of The Connecticut Magazine, alsc department editor in other publications; reader for several publishing houses. Author: Tora'f Happy Day; The. Little Maple Tree; A Japanese Garland. Interested In studying children; cul- tivating love of the beautiful and courtesy In American children; animal protection; psychi- cal research, psychology. Active In suffrage work; has occasionally addressed audiences on suffrage for women; granddaughter of Emily Parmley Peltier Collins, a noted pioneer wxlter and lecturer on woman suffrage (first woman In the world to present a petition for woman suf- frage to any body of men representing govern- ment— N.Y. Legislature, 1848— founder of th« first suffrage society In N. Y. State, and "origi- nal daughter" of the Revolution, and a nurse in the Civil War). Theosophlst. Founder Thurs-


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