��FECKffAM, Ethel Anson Steel (Mrs. Wheeler Hazard Peckham), Davenport Neck, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Bom Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 3, 1879; dau. Will- iam White Garri&ues and Juliet (Ranch) Steel; ed. in England at private schools and with gov- ernesses; m. Nov. 1, 1906, WTieeler Hazard Peck- Iwm; one daughter: Content Rathbone Peckham, b. Jan. 7, 1909. Mem. Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Consumers' League, Nat. Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild, board of governors New Rochelle Day Nursery, Brotherhood League; pres. Garden Club; mem. Civic Com. of Woman's Club, Phil- adelphia Cricket Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal B^nchise League of New Rochelle.
PECKHAM, Helen Woostei, 245T Scott St., San
Francisco, Cal.
Teacher; b. Pulaski, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; Univ. of Cal., A.M. '01. Teacher, Washington Sem., Atlanta, Ga,, 1896-98; Plain- field (N.J.) High School, 189S-99; San Bernardino (Cal.) High School, 1901-03; Miss West's School, San Francisco, since 1903.
PECKHAM, Lilla Pierce (Mrs. Elislia Angell Peckham), Middletown, P.O. 298, Melville, H.I. Newspaper correspondent; b. Unity, Me., July 19, 1864; dau. Dr. Abraham P. and Mary A. (Per- kins) Pierce; ed. in Boston public schools; m. Boston, Aug. 15, 18S6, Blieha Angell Peckham; children: Edith May, b. July 16, 1887; BUsha Ray- mond, b. Nov. 24, 1889. First impetus to a public career began as a telegraph operator in the Boston main office of the Western Union Telegraph Co. ; second in newspaper work, club work, grange and temperance work; mem. School Com., school enumerator for past four years. Mem. Women's Foreign Missionary Soc, Grange Club, W.C.T.U. (sup't scientific temper- ance instruction in public schools and of tie Peace Dep't). Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Charter mem. Aquidneck Grange; mem.. Epworth League, Newport County Suffrage League, Newport County Pomona Grange. Rec- reation: Metaphysical reading. Pres. four years Oliphant Reading Club, Middletown, R.I.
PECKHAM, L,ncy Creemer (Mrs. John A. Peck- ham), 141 Greene St., New Haven, Conn. Physician; b. Milford, Conn., Mar. 27, 1842; dau. Joshua R. and Mary (Smith) Gore; ed. public schools of New Haven; took course in New Haven School for Nurses, grad. '79, and was in charge of the House of Mercy, Pittsfleld, Mass., 1880-82; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Philadelphia, M.D. '85; m. (1st) July 25, 1865, Charles N. Creemer (died 1885); (2nd) Aug. 30, 1889, John A. Peckham. Since 1885 engaged in practice of medicine at New Haven, Conn. Author: Sea Moss (volume of poems), 1891; also many contributions to magazines and news- papers. Universalist.
PEDDIE, L«ta Holman (Mrs. Alexander Ped- dle), Houston Heights, Houston, Tex. Born Rossville, la., Sept. 2, 1870; dau. Harrison West and Harrlert N. (Smith) Holman; ed. Inde- pendence (la.) High School; music in public schools of Chicago, 111., and Cleveland, O., 1S90- 91; m. Aug. 15, 1900, Alexander Peddie; children: Thomas Holman, Harrison West. Interested in literary and musical clubs at Independence and Emmetsburg, la.: Christ Church Guild of Houston, Tex. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Recreations: Horse1)aok riding, dancing, golf. Pres. Woman's Club of Houston, Houston Heights Music Study Club.
PEEBLES, Florence, 815 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Teacher, biologist; b. in Kentucky, June 3, 1874; dau. Thomas Chalmers and ETIizabeth South- gate (Cummins) Peebles; grad. Goucher 'Coll., A.B. '95; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900, followed by research work in biology at Woods Hole," Mass., 1895, and summers of 1S96 and 1902, Mary E. Garrett scholar in biology at Bryn Mawr (3oll. (1895-9C), fellow by courtesy (1897-98 and 1910-12), and demonstrator in biology (1897-98 and 1907-10) ; Bryn Mawr Coll., Mary E. Garrett European fel- low, and student at Univs. of Mflnich and Halle, 1898-99; was holder of the Naples Table, 1901, 1907 and 1913; European fellofw (appointed by Bos-
��ton branch) of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, 191"- 13 (Phi Beta Kappa). Instructor in biology (1899- 1902), associate prof, biology (1902-06), Goucher Coll.; instructor in science, Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1906-12; private tutor, Brj-n Mawr Coll., 1910-12. Member and on executive com. Business Woman's Club (Bryn Mawr), executive committee of FedMation of Churches of Bryn Mawr and vicinity. Author of nu- merous monographs and bulletins on biological and embryological subjects in scientific publi- cations, the results of her experimental studies. Mem. Soc. Am. Naturalists; fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Geographical Soc; mem. Am. Soc. of Zoologists, Woman's Rest Tour Ass'n, Health Education League. Recreations: European travel, garden- ing. Reformed Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. PEEBLES, Mary Louise (Mrs. A. A. Peebles),
5 34 Third Av., Upper Troy, N.T.
Author; b. Troy, N.Y. (maiden name was Par- melle), 1833; m. Troy, N.Y., A. A. Peebles. Author (under pen-name of "Mrs. A. Lynde Palmer"): Archie's Shadow; Drifting and Steer- ing; Jeannette's Cisterns; John-Jack; The Littla Captain; One Day's Weaving; A Question of Honour; Stories for Boys; Stories for Girls; Twinkle and Wrinkle; 'Two Blizzards; Where Honour Leads. PEELE, Grace D., 119 Montague St., Brooklvn,
Physician; b. Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1878; dau. Edward and Hannah T. (Dougherty) Peele; grad. Univ. of Mich., B.S. '99; M.D. '07 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Interne New England Hospital, 1906-07; In private practice in Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1907. Physician to Methodist Episcopal Hospital (out-patient dep't) ; physiclaxi to Way- side Home; examining physician Y.W.C.A. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Sigma Xi (hon. sec). PEET, Julia Dumke (Mrs. C. E. Peet), 2252 W.
Adama St., Chicago.
Instructor in Gersian, Lewis Inst., Chicago, since 1S98, b. Manitowoc, Wis.; dau. John F. and Ida (Ricker) Dumke; ed. Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. '98; Univ. of Berlin, 1897-98 and 1906-07; m. June 21, 1902, Charles Emerson Peet, prof, of geology and geography, Lewis Inst., Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Party. PETFEK, Susie Hayes (Mrs. Thomas Clayton
Pefter), Eureka, Kan.
Editor; b. Columbus, Ind., Jan. 2, 1879; dau. J. F. and Rena (McBwen) Hayes; public school education, four years high school; m. Severv, Kan., June 1, 1897, Thomas Clayton Peffer; children: Helen, Thomas Clayton Jr., Virginia. Taught six years In grade and country schools. Held first grade certificate with highest grade in county, four years in office of County Sup't of Schools as deputy, one and a half years editor of Eureka Herald. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst Republican. Clubs: Sorosis, Entre Nous, Women's Civic Improvement. PELRCE, Eliza Met«alf, 607 Broadway, Provi- dence, R.I.
Teacher; b. Providence, R.L; dau. Charles E. D. and Eliza Lane (Metcalf) Peirce; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '89; Brown Univ., A.M. '99. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College Club. PEIKCE, Hattie Wasmnth (Mrs. Paul S.
Peirce), 17 W. BloomJngton St., Iowa City, la.
Born Canton, 111., Aug. 20, 1870; dau. Edward and Orpha (Ward) Wasmuth; grad. 111. Wesleyan Univ., B.S. '91; later M.A. (mem. Kappa Alpha Thcta); m. Pontiac, 111., Aug. 22, 1SS6, Paul S. Peirce; one daughter, Faith, b. Jan. 23, 1909. Teacher of Latin and German in Pontiac Town- ship High School; principal high school, Lei^iston, 111.; Instructor in Latin and German, Hedding Coll., Abington, 111. Sec. Women's Missionary Soc. of Congregational Church of Iowa City. Pres. Art Circle, Iowa City, 1911-12. Congrega- tionallst. PEIRCE, Katharine Dpham, 125 East Manning
St., Providence, R.I.
Teacher; b. East Providence, R.I. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; graduate student. Western Re-