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��other periodicals and newspapers, of short stories and verse. Congregationallst. Well known as ■writer of short stories and verse, especially for children.

PECK, Mamie Downard (Mrs. Hal M. Peck), 602 N. Twenty-Sixth St., Corslcana, Tex. Writer; b. Hillsboro, Tex., Jan. 23, 1868; dau. Dr. H. T. and Eliza Frances (Moorman) Down- ard; ed. Athanaeum, Columbia. Tenn., full diploma and special one in English; two years pres. of Euzelian Coll. Soc; m. Bryan, Tex., Oct. 21, 18S6, Hal M. Peck; children: Elsie, b. Aug. 11, 1SS7 (deceased); Le Nolr, b. Jan. 25, 1889 (deceased); Pansy, b. Mar. 24, 1892; Hal, b. Feb. 16, 1898. Newspaper and magazine writer, principally of verse. Interested in all civic im- provement, art, music, literature and the eleva- tion of the human race morally. Favors woman suffrage. Author, two books of verse ready for publication: In Many Moods, and Poems of the South. Episcopalian. Mem. of church and charity societies, Texas Women's Press Ass'n, United Daughters of Confederacy (poet laureate of these for a number of years). King's Daugh- ters, and other organizations. Recreation: Horse- back riding. Mem. Nevin Club (music). Analysis Reader; chairman Third Dist. Press Com.; mem. State Press Club. First poem was published at the age of eight years; her memorial poem to Senator Roger Q. Mills was delivered by her at the exercises held by the Bar Ass'n of Texas and printed in their memorial volume dedioated to Senator Mills; wrote poem Shiloh, dedicated to Albert Sidney Johnson (30,000 copies sold fof benefit of Shiloh moniunent), also many Illus- trated poems, songs, recitations, weekly hu- morous articles, short stories and articles on topics of the day.

PECK, Maria Purdy (Mrs. Washington F.

Peck), Oak Terrace, Davenport, Iowa.

Born Butler, Wayne Co., N.Y., Nov. 16, 1840; dau. Hon. Merritt and Amanda (Sears) Purdy; ed. in public and private schools of Western N.Y. ; m. Butler, N.Y., 1865, Dr. Washington F. Peck (died Dec, 1892); children: Jessie Allen, Mary Alida, Robert Peck. Founder of St. Luke's Hospital Training School for Nurses. Author of series of historical sketches on Davenport and Its Environs (National Magazine), 1893; Fort Armstrong (Annals of Iowa), 1895; Black Hawk (Annals of Iowa), 1896; A Bit of Italy in May (Midland Magazine), 1896. Unitarian. Mem. Mayflower Soc.; past State regent Iowa D.A.R. (now chapter regent); pres. County Historical 3oc. ; mem. Am. Historical Soc, State Historical Soc. (Iowa), Founders and Patriots of America, United States Daughters of 1812; past vice-pres.- at-large of the Nat. Council of Women; mem. Davenport Acad, of Science; charter mem. George Washington Memorial Ass'n; pres. Cli- anian Club; organizer and first pres. Davenport Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.

PECK, Mary Gray, Geneva, N.Y., R.D. 2.

Journalist; b. Seneca Castle, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1867: dau. Henry J. and Mary Diantha (Gray) Peck; grad. Elmira Coll., B.A. '89; Univ. of Minn., post-grad, work in philology; Cambridge Univ., England; grad. work in Old and Middle English. Ass't prof, of English, Univ. of Minn., tor eight years; resigned 19i)9 to go into suffrage work and journalism. Interested in economic and industrial problems of women. Has investi- gated labor conditions in Europe and U.S.; chair- man Drama Sub-Com. of Com. on Literature and Library Extension In Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Charter mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Univ. of Minn. Headquarters sec. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1909-10, in N.Y. City. Fraternal delegate from Nat. Women's Trade Union League to Intornat. Suffrage Congress in Stockholm, 1911. Press chairman of Ohio Woman Suffrage Ass'n during campaign of 1912 for the woman suffrage amendment to the new Constitu- tion. Special correspondent from Internal. Suf- frage Congress, 1911, for Boston Transcript and Dther papers. As journalist has contributed to various Industrial and academic periodicals, mag- Bziues and newspapers research articles, original Investigations, flctiou and verse. Liberal In re-

��ligion. Recreation: Music. Mem. Gamma Phi Beta, Sorority, Nat. Women's Trade Union League, Woman Suffrage Party, Geneva Political Equality Club, Chicago Women's City Club; life mem. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Modern Language Ass'n, Univ. of Minn. Alumnse Ass n, Drama League of America. PECK, Mary T. (Mrs. James E. Peck), Calexlco,


Born Neola, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1881; dau. Frank G. and Annie (Elvidge) McWilliams; ed. Omaha (Neb.) and Houston (Tex.) public schools, and grad. Ashland (Ore.) High School, '08; Southern Oregon State Normal, at Ashland, '02 (medal for highest scholarship); m. Los Angeles, Cal., June 5 1907, James E. Peck; children: Margery (de- ceased), Winnifred, and James (deceased). Gram- mar grade teacher, Oregon and Cal. schools; mem. County Board of Education of Imperial Co. Cal., 1908-09. Interested in schools and all work of benefit to girls. Mem. Civic Club of Calexico (pres. 1911-12, and acting pres. 1913, chairman literary com., planning and executing work for year); pres. County Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1913-14. Recreation: Music. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. PECK, Minna Eliot Tenney (Mrs. Arthur K.

Peck), 19 Wellington Road, Brookline, Mass.

Lecturer on art and travel; b. Littleton, Mass.; dau. William H. and Charlotte A. (Lane) Tenney; ed. grammar and high school, Littleton, Mass.; grad State Normal School, Salem, Mass.; m. Dec. 23, 1907, Arthur K. Peck. Before marriage a teacher of English and literature in Grant Departmental School in Watertown, Mass. In summer of 1897 traveled extensively in northern Europe and prepared a lecture, A Summer in Norway; subsequent travels resulted in lectures: The Land of the Shamrock; Greece, the Land of Myth and Romance; Picturesque Sicily; Oberam- mergau and the Spirit of the Passion Play; Hol- land and the Art of Rembrandt; Artists' Haunts in Europe; Canada, etc. Mem. Old Boston Chap- ter D.A.R. Ancestors active and prominent in both Colonial and Revolutionary wars, especially in and about Schenectady, N.Y. PECK, Theodora Agnes, 275 College St., Bur- lington. Vt.

Author; b. Burlington, Vt., Oct. ^o, 1882; dau. Gen. Theodore Safford and Agnes Louisa (Leslie) Peck; grad Burlington High School (class poet and also commencement speaker), 1900; special course Univ. of Vt. Author: Hester of the Grants, 1905; The Sword of Dundee, 1908. Mem. of Green Mountain Chapter D.A.R.; registrar Commodore McDonough Chapter Daughters of 1812 (hon. mem. of Vt. Soc); No. 1 Medal of Honor Legion (second class); hon. mem. Soc. of Army of the Potomac; hon. mem. Ninth Vt. Regiment; mem. College St. Congregational (Trinitarian) Church; mem. of Needlework Guild. Mem. Equal Franchise League of Burlington, Humane Soc, Woman's Relief Corps and Kllfa Clu<b (Burlington). Recreations: Music, piano and vocal. PECKHAM, Anna Brown, Kingston, R.I.

University professor; b. Kingston, R.I., Jan. 26, 1870; dau. Jeremiah G. and Elizabeth P. (Had- wen) Peckham; grad. Friends' Boarding School, Providence, R.I., '88; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '93; studied at Univ. of Chicago, Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Univ. of Gottingen; A.M., 1900, from Denison Univ. Teacher in public schools of a.1., 1893-94; teacher in R.I. State Coll., 1894-97; instructor in Denison Univ., 1900-08; associate prof., 1909 — . Congregationallst. Abroad one year. 1898-99, and six months, 1910-11. PECKHAM, Elizabeth GifTord (Mrs. George W.

Peckham), 646 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis.

Entomologist; b. Milwaukee, Dec. 19, 1854; dau. Charles and Mary C. (Child) Gifford; grad. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '76; m. Pine Lake, Wis., Sept. 16, 1880, George W. Peckham; three children. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Joint author (with husband): Habits and Instincts of Solitary Wasps; Wasps Social and Solitary; Sexual Selection in Spiders; Habits and Inetincte of Hymenoptera. Mem. Wis. Audubon Soc., Woman's Club of Wls- coasin.


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