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��(•died Auburn, Me., Mar. 31, 1912); one son: Clar- ence Lester Capen, b. Aug. 30, 1870 (adopted by George L. Peaslee, M.D., and name changed to Clarence Capen Peaslee). Favors woman suf- frage; has spoken in behalf of suffrage at several heartngs before the Legislature of Maine and once before U.S. Senate Committee. Congrega- tlonalist. Charter mem. Auburn W.C.T.U. (ex- pres.), charter mem. Mary Dillingham Chapter D.A.R. (ex-regent), Maine State Council D.A.R. (ex-chaplain), American Missionary Ass'n (ex- State pres. for Maine) ; charter mem. Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Auburn Art Club (ex- pres.), Central Maine General Hospital, Lewiston, Me.; Woman's Literary Union of Androscoggin Co. (ex-pres.). Parlor Congress Club, Wednesday Morning Club; pres. Twin City Parliamentary Club, 1913-14. Representative to the World's Con- gress of Representative Women of the Columbian Exposition.

PEATTIE, Elia Wilkinson (Mrs. Robert Burns

PeatUe), 7660 Bond Av., Chicago, III.

Writer; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 15, 1862; dau. Frederic and Amanda (Cahill) Wilkinson; ed. public schools; m. Chicago, May 10, 1883, Robert Burns Peattie; children: Ekiward CahiU, Barbara Peattie Erskine, Roderick, Donald. Began work as a reporter on the Chicago Trib- une; served for eight years as editorial and special writer on Omaha World-Herald; for the last ten years has been literary editor of Chicago Tribune. Interested in democratic and patriotic movements, particularly the work of the settle- ments; frequently read to them. Has made a specialty of the short story; fict'on has appeared in Collier's, Scribner's, Harper's Monthly, Har- per's Bazar, Twentieth Century, the Smart Set, Ainslee's, Youth's Companion, the Red Book, the Woman's Home Companion, Good Housekeeping, The Housekeeper, St. Nicholas, etc.; does reading of club papers and her own action. Books: The Children's Crusade; The Story of America; A Mountain Woman; Pippins and Cheese; Ickery Ann; The Beleaguered Forest; How Jacques Came to the Forest of Arden; The Love of a Caliban; Castle, Knight and Troubadour; The Edge of Things; The Shape of Fear; Edda and the Oak; Azalea. Mem. Col- onial Dames. Clubs: Fortnightly, Little Room. Recreations: Housekeeping, gardening, walking In woods, rowing. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Suffrage Ais'n. PECK, Alice >Ialana (Mrs. Friend Joseph Peck),

Mt, Carmel, Conn.

Bom Woodbrldge, Conn., Sept. 10, 1851; dau. George Merritt and Laura (Truesdell) Northrop; ed. Seymour High School; Troy Female Sem.; m. March 31, 1874, Friend Joseph Peck; children: Leon Friend, Florence Malana, Alice Dayse. Mem. Exec. Board Hamden Civic Ass'n (on Edu- cational Com.); mem. Emma Willard Ass'n of N.Y., Mt. Carmel Club (literary) ; yice-pres. Conn. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Congrega- tionalist.

PECK, Alice Russell (Mrs. Henry Porter Peck),

Mount Vernon, N.H.

Bom Boston, Oct. B, 1857; dau. Thomas Hast- ings and Maria Louisa (Wiswall) Russell; ed. Boston private schools; m. Boston, May 24, 1882, Rev. Henry Porter Peck; children: Henry N. Peck, b. 1883; Russell Hastings Peck, b. 1885; Marion Louise, b. 1887; Charles Russell, b. 1889. Interested in church, club and social work. Au- thor: A Ritual for the Use of the D.A.R.; also several plays and lecture talks. Officer on N.H. State Federation of Women's Clubs, and N.H. State D.A.R. ; regent of Milford (N.H.) Chapter D.A.R. for three years; pres. Woman's Club of Mt. Vernon for many years. Congregationallst.

PECK, Annie Smith, J. B. Pond Lyceum Bu- reau, Metropolitan B'ld'g, N.T. City. Explorer, lecturer, writer; b. Providence, R.I. ; dau. George Batcheller and Ann Power (Smith) Peck; ed. public schools, high school, normal school. Providence; Dr. Stockbridge's School for Young Ladies; Univ. of Mich., B.A., M.A. ; studied in Germany, and one year as first woman student In Am. School of Classical Studies, Ath- ens, Greece. Ehigaged as teacher for years in

��schools of Providence, R.I. ; high school of Sag- inaw, Mich.; in private girls' school at Cincin- nati, and the high school of Montclair, N.J., and was afterward prof. Latin in Purdue Univ. and in Smith Coll. ; gave lectures on Greek and Roman archaeology, and later on travel and exploration. Has attained distinction as a moun- tain climber: among many others ascended the Matterhorn in 1SS5; Popoeatapetl, 1897; Ori- zaba, which she was first woman to Scale, 1897; and Fuffingerspitze, in the Tyrol, in 1900; reached height of 20,500 ft. on Mt. Sorata, Bolivia, 1904, and during several following years made ex- plorations among the highest peaks of Peru, in- cluding the highest summit of the Raura Range (18,000 ft.), ascent of a previously unexplored rock mountain (16,300 ft.); reached, with two Swiso guides, summit of north peak of Mt. Huarascan (21,812 ft.) on Sept. 2, 1908, which is 2,500 ft. higher than any man residing in the United States had attained; resumed explorations in Peru, 1911, and in July scaled Mt. Coropuna, Peru, making the first ascent of two peaks hav- ing an altitude of about 21,000 ft. Writer of magazine and newspaper articles. Books: A Search for the Apex of America, 1911; also (in preparation): The South American Tour — A Guide Book of South America. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, Nat Geographic Soc. ; hon. mem. Pan- American Trade Ass'n; hon. vice-pres. Internat. Peace Forum; mem. HoTvell Woman's Whist Club (Boston); original mem. Alpine Club. Official delegate of United States to the Internat. Con- gress of Alpinists, Paris, 1900. Recreations: Whist, bridge, dancing, tennis, swimming, row- ing. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Club, Woman's Political Union; hon. mem. Joan of Arc Suffrage League; vice-pres. N.Y. County Suffrage Ass'n. Baptist.

PECK, Edith Weld, 224 McGregor Av., Mt.

Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Lawyer; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; dau. Hiram David and Harriet Emily (Weld) Peck; ed. Miss Nourse's School, Cincinnati, Ohio; Univ. of Cin- cinnati, B.L. ; graduate work, Univ. of Cam- bridge, Univ. of Chicago, Boston Univ., LL.B., in. J. Interested in settlement work; lecturer for woman suffrage. Mem. Ohio Woman Suffrage Ass'n. -Author of travel articles and of Revision of Peck's Township Officers' Guide. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., College Club, Cincinnati Woman's Club, Civic League. For two years instructor of English in Univ. of Cincinnati.

PECK, Emelyn Foster, 237 Parkwood Boul., Schenectady, N.T. ; office, Schenectady County Court House, Schenectady, N.Y. Social worker; b. Warren, Ohio, Max. 13, 1878; dau. Benjamin Harvey and Margaret (Matthews) Peck; ed. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '03; N.Y. School of Philanthropy, '06 (Phi Beta Kappa). Private sec. to Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenks, of Cornell, 1904-05; Schenectady Co. agent of N.Y. State Charities Aid Ass'n, 1907-13. Mem. Nat Con- ference of Charities and Corrections, N.Y. State Conference of Charities and Corrections (mem. com. on children, 1913), Albany Capitol District Conference of Charities and Corrections (chair- man Children's Section, 1913), N.Y. State Con- ference of Poor Law Officials, College Club of Schenectady. Recreations: Tennis, boating, walking, music.

PECK, Eugenia Caldwell, "Tanglewood," Phelps,


Retired teacher; b. Oaks Corners, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1860; dau. Ezra Jones and Anne Lingan (Bartlett) Peck; grad. Homer Acad, (classical and scientific courses), with valedictory, 1879 and ISSO; special course of two terms at Cornell Univ., 1883-84 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta, Cornell). High school teacher three years. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian.

PECK, Julia Darling, Shelburne, Mass.

Writer; b. Shelburne, Mass.; dau. Albert and Nancy (Darling) Peck; grad. public schools of Shelburne; Arms Acad., Shelburne Falls. Active in church work; mem. Library Com. of Shel- burne, Mass. Favors woman suffrage. Contribu- tor for 30 years to the Youth's Companion, Con- gregationallst, Springfield Republican, and many


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