��in St. Mary's Hall, Knoxville, 111., until mar- riage, when she went to AJaska. PEARCE, Nina Marie Ma<'CIure (Mrs. Robert M.
Pearce), 3115 Fifth Av., Beaver Falls, Pa.
Born Jacksboro, Tex., Oct. 14, 1879; dau. Will- iam James and Clara (Glasgow) MacCIure; ed. public and high schools. Belle Center, Ohio; Geneva College; m. Belle Center, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1901, Robert M. Pearce; children: Dorothy Jean- ette, Alice Elizabeth. Sunday-school teacher for 15 years; teacher of Missouri Study Class for five years; sup't of Literature of Pittsburgh Pres- byterial of Reformed Presbyterian Church. Mem. New Brighton Woman's Club, Outlook Club of Beaver Falls, College Hill Book Club. Favors woman suffrage. PEARMALN, Alice Whittemore Upton (Mrs.
Sumner Bass Pearmainl, 388 Beacon St.,
Boston, Mass.
Born East Jaffrey, N.H., 1863; dau. Peter and Barah Miller (Duncan) Upton; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '83, M.A. '90; m. East Jaffrey, N.H., 1886, Sumner Bass Pearmain; children: William Rob- ert (died), Edward Paget (died), John Duncan, Margaret (Mrs. Manfred Bowditch). Pres. Nat. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, 1897-99; pres. College Club, 1896-98, 1906-07; chairman of House Com. of College Club, 1905-1914; pres. Boston Students' Union, 1909-12 (vice-pres. 1912); sec. Woman's Municipal League of Boston, 1910-14; president Wellesley College Alumnae Ass'n, 1912-14. Has written magazine articles in Am. Statistical Ass'n Magazine, publications of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, newspapers, etc. Mem. Women's Edu- cation Ass'n, Mass. Infant Asylum, Internat. Inst, for Girls in Spain, Twentieth Century Club, The Chilton Club; The College Club, Boston; The Lyceum Club, London. Favors woman suf- frage. Progressive. PE.ARSON, Elizabeth Ware WInsor (Mrs. Henry
Greenleaf Pearson), Dudley Road, Newton
Centre, Mass.
Ekiucator; b. In Massachusetts; ed. High School, Winchester, Mass. ; Harvard Annex, 1889-90; Bryn Mawr, A.B. '92; m. Weston, Mass., Sept. 6, 1898, Prof. Henry Greenleaf Pearson, of Mass. Inst, of "Technology. Teacher of Greek, Latin and iSnglish composition. Miss Winsor's School, Boston, 1892-98. Teacher of sight singing, 1903-05; private tutor, 1906-08; teacher of private primary school since 1906; also since 1906 ass't director of the Winsor School, Longward, Boston. Mem. Com. on Women's Residence, South End House, Boston; mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n (mem. academic com.).
PEARSON, Helen Sleeper, Bryn Mawr, Pa- Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '81, A.M. '83; graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll. (In mathe- matics), 1891-99. Teacher of mathematics in Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1892-1906; Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, since 19()6. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. PE-ARSON, Lola Clark (Mrs. John Cannon
Pearson), Marshall, Okla.
Born Maquoketa, la., Nov. 29, 1871; dau. F. J. and Lydia (Burgin) Clark; grad. Kingsley (la.) Higli School, '88; Cornell Coll., Morning Side Coll., la.; m. Pierson, la., Sept. 6, 1899, John Cannon Pearson; children: Manon, John C!annon Jr., Clark William. Principal of schools, Mo- vllle. la., 1892-94; prin. of schools, Pierson, la., 18i)6-Li9. Mem. Board of Education, Marshall, Okla., 1907-11; sup't Ladies' Dep't Local Fair, Marshall, Okla., 1910-12; cor. sec. Logan Co. W.C.T.U. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Pres. Marshall Woman's Club; rec. sec. First Dlst. Federation of Women's Clubs of Okla. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. PEARSON, Lucy Wright (Mrs. Dana Pearson),
10 Ilenstiaw Av., Northampton, Mass.
Born Northampton, Mass., Jan. 6, 1864; dau. Ansel and Sarah (Fitts) Wright; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86; m. Northampton, June 29, 1887, Dana Pearson; children: Dorothy, b. June 2, 1888; Elizabeth, b. Apr. 1, 1891; Dana Edmund, b. Sept. 16, 1898; Chauncey Wright, b. 1904. Vlce- pres. of Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- dren; vice-pres. Soc. for Prevention of Tuber- culosis; director Dickinson Hospital Aid Ass'n;
��ex-pres. Women's Alliance of the Unitarian Church. Ex-regent Betty Allen Chapter D.A.R. ; pres. West Mass. Smith Alumnae Ass'n; first pres. of Nineteenth Century Club. Unitarian. PEART, Josephine DIebitsch (Mrs. Robert
Edwin Peary), 1820 Belmont Road, Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Washington, D.C; dau. Herman H. and Magdalena A. Diebitsch; ed. In schools of Wash- ington; m. Washington, D.C, 1888, Lieut, (now Rear Admiral) Robert Edwin Peary, discoverer of the North Pole; one daughter; Marie Ahnighito, born in Greenland, and the most northerly-bom white child in the world, and a son, Robert E. Peary, junior. Accompanied the Peary expeditions of 1891-92 and 1893-94 as far as winter quarters in Northern Greenland, and again in 1897; went north to meet her husband In 1900 and was caught in the Ice, wintui- Ing at Cape Sabine, and has maide other trips north. Author: My Arctic Journal, 1894; The Snorw Baby, 1901; The Children of the Arctic, 1903. Mem. Am. Alpine Soc, Alaska Geograph- ical Soc, Philadelphia Geographical Soc. PEASE, Eva May (Mrs. Earle Myron Pease),
Grand Rapids, Wis.
Bom Hlgganum, Conn., Oct. 22, 1870; dau. Richard and Viola E. (Bailey) May; ed. Braln- erd Acad., Haddam, Conn.; Mt. Holyoke Sem., South Hadley, Mass.; languages, literature and art under private instruction; m. Hlgganum, Conn., Feb. 10, 1892, Earle Myron Pease. Cor. sec. Wis. Christian Woman's Board of Mis- sions, 1897-98; pres. Wis. Christian Woman's Board of Missions, 1898-99; cor. sec. Wis. Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, 1908-10; first vice- pres. Wis. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1910-12. Interested in church, Sunday-school, missionary and Christian Endeavor work; civic Improve- ment, public schools, hospital, library and charities. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, Audubon Soc. W.C.T.U., Grand Rapids City Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, Travel Class, Hlgli Street Women's Club, Wis. Federation of Wo- men's Clubs. Recreations: Traveling, boating, driving, nature studies, birds, trees, ferns, fiow- ers. CongregrationalisL PEASE, Laurette Eustis Potts (Mrs. Lewis
Frederic Pease), Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Born Pennsylvania; ed. Bellefonte (Pa.) Acad., Bryn Mawr, A.B. '97; graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98; reader in English, 1897-99; fellow in English, 1899-1900; student, Univ. of Munich, 1900-01; m. 1905, Lewis Frederic Pease. Mistress of Pembroke Hall, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-96. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ciollegiate Equal Suffrage League of N.Y. PEASE, Rose Winchester (Mrs. Henry R.
Pease), 402 First Av., S.E., Watertown, aDak.
Born Apr. 13, 1842; dau. Samuel Winchester (aeronaut 1852) and Luclnda (Hall) Winchester; grad. Toledo (O.) High School, '58; Phlpps (N.Y ) Sem., 1858-61; m. New Orleans, La., 1866, Henry R. Pease; children: John Henry, Rose Emma, Harry Winchester, Oliver Morton. In 1864, went South with others as missionary to the freedmen; stopped at Natchez, Mlse. ; afterwards went to New Orleans and was principal in school knoTra as Mechanics' Inst 'They were the first free public schools In the South, and were attended by the freedmen and a few poor whites. Pres- ent activities consist chiefly of church work and In the Fed. of Woman's Clubs; pres. Health Dep't of S.Dak., 1908-09; appointed delegate by Governor of S.Dak. to the International Tuber- culosis Congress, in Washington, D.C; now pres. Trinity Guild (Episcopal (Dhurch). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps; Health and EJflaciency League of America. Clubs: Progressive Study, Literary. PEASLEE, Abbie Ann (Mrs. GeorK« L«B«ron
Peaslee), 42 Goff St., Auburn, Me.
Born Biddeford, Me., April 3, 1849; dau. John Marston and Ann Maria (Haziett) PhUbrook; ed. public school, Lewiston, and Biddeford (Me.) High School; Chautauqua Literary and Scien- tific Circle, N.Y., grad, 1886; m. (1st) Biddeford. Me., July 28, 1869, Cyrus Lowell Capen (died Maj 15, 1871); m. (2d) Lynn, Maas., Jan. 8, 1874 George LeBaron Peaalee, M.D., of Wilton, Me