��articles on educational subjects, suffrage and travel. Editor "Vassar Miscellany" during two years of college course. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel, tennis. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (sec. two years, pres. one year.) Has traveled extensively in this country and abroad. In 1910 made cruise around the world. PAYNE, Mary Earle (Mrs. Frank Howard
Payne), 1931 Home St., Berkeley, Cal.
Born Fremont, 111., April 3, 1856; dau. Moses Lee and Maria Eliza (Breckenridge) Earle; ed. Rockford (111.) Coll.; m. Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 30, 1884, Dr. Frank Howard Payne. Interested in church and many clubs — political, philanthropic, musical, dramatic and social. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Political Equality League (Berkeley), Civic Center (San Francisco). Recreations: Music, dancing, physical culture, riding, driving. Mem. San Francisco Musical Club, Pacific Musical Club, Berkeley Piano Club, Berkeley Musical Ass'n, Town and Gown Club (Berkeley), Forum Club, Channing Auxiliary (San Francisco). PAYSON, Fanny Sturgis (Mrs. Walter Morse
Payaon), 3 Welden St., Roxbury, Mass.
Born Quincy, Mass., 1871; dau. Caleb L. and Susannah (¥/hiton) Sturgis; ed. Roxbury, gram- mar and high school; m. Roxbury, Oct. 10, 1893, Walter Morse Payson. Interested in Home for Crippled Children, Cullis Consumptives' Home (or Incurables, Roxbury Charitabie Ass'n. Pres. Women's Home Literary Club of Dorchester, Women's Book Review Club of Dorchester, the Evening Study Club. Universalist. PEABODY, Anna Howe, 105 Centre St., Danvers,
Physician; b. Danvers, Mass., Oct. 31, 1876; dau. Gieorge Howe and Augusta (Mudge) Peabody; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. '99; Tufts Coll. Med. School, Boston, M.D. '02. Ass't physician, Danvers State Hospital, 1905—. Congregationalist. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc. New England Soc. of Psychiatry, Danvers Womap's Ass'n. PEABODY, Elizabeth Gertrude, Holland Patent,
Teacher; b. Holland Patent, N.Y., June 25, 1864; dau. Edward William and Elizabeth Coe (DeAngelis) Peabody; ed. Union Free School, Holland Patent, N.Y.; State Normal School, Cortland, classical diploma, Wellesley Coll.; Cornell Univ., A.B. '02. Taught lor 21 years, engaged in the insurance business two jears In N.Y., 1910-12; now teaching in the Utica (N.Y.) Free Acad. Episcopalian. Favors wo- man suffrage. Progressive in political views. PEABODY, Josephifie Preston (see Marks,
Josephine Preston Peabody). PEABODY, Lucy Evelyn (Mrs, W. S. Peabody),
I'lSO Corona St., Denver, Colo.
Deputy register, State Board of Land Commis- sioners; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1865; dau. A S and Lucy A. (Fox) Davison; ed. in con- vents'; m. Washington, D.C., Mar. 4, 1895, Major W. S. Peabody. Mainly instrumental in securing passage of Act of Congress establiehing Mesa Verde Nat. Park, Colo., thus preserving for fu- ture generations the most remarkable remains of prehistoric architecture on this continent. Peabody House named in honor of Mrs. Peabody by Dr. Edgar L. Hewell, director Am. School of Archaeology of the ArchEeological Inst, of America (six years required for the work). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Democrat (voter). Life mem. Colo. Soc. of the Archaeological Inst, of America; one of founders of the Am. Anthropological Ass'n; mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, Direct Legislation League, Woman's Club of Denver. PEABODY, Lucy W. (Mrs. Henry W. Peabody),
Beverly, Mass.
Born Belmont, Kan. ; dau. John and Jane (Hart) McGill; ed. Rochester Academy, Rochester, N.Y. ; m 1st, 1881, Norman Mathf.r Waterbury; 2d, 1906 Henry W. Peabody; children: Norma R. Waterbury, Howard Ernest Waterbury. Five years missionary, Madras, India. Eighteen yeaxs sec. Woman's Board of Missions. Editor The Helping Hand for ten years, King's Messenger
��for ten years; at present editor of Everyland (a children's magazine). Chairman Com. on United Study of Missions; chairman Northfield Summer School Committee; pres. Beverly Woman's Aux- iliary Y.M.C.A. ; Am. mem. Edinburgh Continua- tion Committee. Author: Editorials and pam- phlets, children's stories. Baptist. Recreations: Gardening, housekeeping.
PEABODY, Natalie Clews (Mrs. George Russell Peabody), Belle Hatch Park, Harpsden, Hen- ley-on-Thames, England.
Born July 30. 1890; dau. John Henry and Jessie (Bradley) Clews; ed. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 16, 1909, George Russell Peabody; one daughter: Natica Peabody. Epis- copalian. Now living abroad.
PEACE, Katberine Heyl (Mrs. Philip Physick Peace), Peacedale, Glen Road, Ardmore, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. George A. and Kate Thomas (Field) Heyl; ed. Miss Irvin'a School, Philadelphia, and by governess; m. Rose- mont. Pa., Oct. 24, 1902, Philip Physick Peace, son of Dr. Edward and Anna (Coleman) Peace of Philadelphia; children: Katherine Field Heyl Peace, Edward Coleman Peace. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia).
PE.4COCK, Virginia Tatnall, 2466 Ontario
Road, Washington, D.C.
Author, journalist; b. Philadelphia; dau. John Brooks and Virginia Tatnall (Marshall) Pea- cock; ed. private tutors, Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa. Began newspa.per work on Washington staff of Philadelphia Times, Dec., 1897; editorial staff of Washington Post since July, 1907; has con- tributed to Lippincott's, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Home Companion. Author: Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century. Mem. D.A.R., Columbia Historical Soc.
PEAKS, Mary Bradford, Vassar College, Pough-
keepsie, N.Y.
Instructor in Latin; b. Muskegon, Mich., Mar. 1, 1880; dau. George F. and Mary S. (Remick) Peaks; ed. public schools, Chicago, and Menomi- nee, Mich; Univ. of Chicago, A.B. 1900; graduate scholar, 1900-01; fellow '03-05, Ph.D. '05, Univ. of Chicago; grad. student Columbia Univ., sum- mers of 1908 and 1910. Teacher of Greek and Latin, Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, 1901- 03; instructor in Latin, Vassar Coll., 1905. Au- thor: The General Civil and Military Administra- tion of Norioum and Raetia (in Chicago Studies in Classical Philology, vol. 4, 1907) ; various short articles and book reviews in classical journals, (iongregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Am. Philological Ass'n, Classical Ass'n of the Atlantic States, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage. PEAKCE, Elsie Simmons (Mrs. Edward Douglas
Pearce), 84 Gushing St., Providence, R.I.
Bom Oct, 11, 1888; dau. Frank D. and M. Eliza- beth (Little) Simmons; m. Providence, R.I., April 14, 1910, Edward Douglas Pearce; one son: Ed- ward Douglas. Mem. Protestant Episcopal Church, Agawan Hunt Club. PEAKCE, Mary Banting (Mrs. Harry T.
Pearce), Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.
Author, lecturer; b. Crosswlcks, Burlington (3o., N.J.; dau. Newbury and Elizabeth (Haines) Bunting; ed. Bristol Boarding School for Girls, Moorestown Boarding School for Girls, N.J. Col- legiate Inst., Bordentown, N.J. (received diplo- ma); m. Bordentown, N.J., Feb. 1, 1871, Harry T. Pearce; children: Evelyn, Joseph, Harry, Kester, Edith. Literature (composer). Civil Reform, So- cial Betterment, Progressive Politics, Ethical Cul- ture, Psychic Research, Educational Advance- ment, the High Criticism. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: New Thought School; High Lights in Science; writer of journalistic essays and poetry (pen name "Paul Avenel"). Recrea- tions: Horticulture, lectures (Univ. Extension Courses), drama. PEAKCE, Mildred Tenney Brown (Mrs. Edward
Ernest I'earce), Candle, Alaska.
Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '01; m. Oct. 2, 190S, Edward Ernest Pearce. Taught in Brunot Hall, Spokane, Wash., and afterward