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��PAtTL, Nanette B. (Mrs. Daniel" Paul), IGCl Park Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. Instructor of law; b. Delaware Co., O., Mar. 29, 1866; ed. in couTitry schools; grad. Wash- ington Coll. of Law, 1900: mem. of bar, Dist. of Columbia; m. Apr. 11, 1888, Daniel Paul. Began teaching at 17; teacher of parliamentary law, correspondence course; lecturer on parliamen- tary law, principles of common law. Leader class in historical and in comparative study of religion. Author: Paul's Parliamentary Law; The Heart of Blackstone, or Principles of the Common Law; also short stories and articles. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women, Twentieth Century Club, Alumni Ass'n of Washington Coll. of Law; vice-chairman Legislative Com. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Unitarian. Favors wo- man suffrage; independent and progressive. Mem. Anthony League, D.C. Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. White House Chapter Am. Woman's Republic.

PAUL, Sarah Woodman (Mrs. Edward A. Paul), Kent Place, Summit, N.J.

Principal Kent Place School for Girls; b. Tam- worth, N.H.; dau. Samuel and Eliza A. (Hidden) Woodman; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '81; stu- dent at Cambridge, E^ng., '96 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Washington, L.C., June, 1887, Edward A. Paul. Teacher Washington (D.C.) High School, mathematics, 1883-87; instructor Wellesley Coll., mathematics, 1888-90; sec. of Wellesley Coll., 1890-95; principal Kent Place School for Girls, 1896. Mem. Graduate Council Wellesley Coll.; vice-pres. Town Improvement Ass'n, Summit, N.J. ; Ass'n of Collegiate AIumn», Head Mis- tresses' Ass'n, Fortnightly Club (Summit, N.J.), Women's University Club (N.Y. City). Recre- ations: Walking, reading. Presbyterian. PAULSON, Mary Wild (Mrs. David Paulson), Hinsdale, III.

Physician; b. Pleasantville, N.Y., May 21, 1872; dau. W, H. and M. A. (Hicks) Wild; ed. Univ. of Mich., Northwestern Univ., (ilhirago, 111.; Battle Creek Coll., Battle Creek, Mich.; m. Battle Creek, Mich., 1S96, Dr. David Paulson. Physi- cian at Battle Creek (Mich.) Sanitarium; teacher of obstetrics in Am. Medical Missionary Coll.; head lady physician, Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hins- dale, 111. Mem. Seventh Day Adventist Church. Mem. of Woman's Medical Club, Chicago. PAXSOX, Anna Richardson, Langhorne, Pa.

Teacher; b. Langhorne, Pa., Nov. 2, 1877; dau. William Rodman and Catharine Paxson; grad. George School, '96; Swarthmore (3oll., '02; Cor- nell Univ. fsi.mmer), 1902. Taught German at Friends' Central School, 190^-03; Friends' Sem., N.Y. City, 1903-04; English in Langhorne High School, 1905-10. Mem. Parent-Teachers' Circle, Sorosis (Langhorne Woman's Club), Young Friends' Ass'n. Favors limited suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends, Somerville Literary Society. Recreations: Walking, tennis, skating. PAASON, Helen J. (Mrs. Frederic L. Paxson), 629 Frances St., Madison, Wis. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15, 1883; dau. Jo- seph T. and Hattie (Hale) Jackson; grad. Brvn Mawr, A.B. '05; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1906, Prederic L. Paxson; children: Jane Taylor, Emma Fell. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends. Recreations: Tennis, hockey, writing. PAXTON, Myra Beading Gulick (Mrs. J. Don- aldson Paxton), 323 Lancaster Av., St. Da- vids, Pa.

Born Princeton, N.J.; dau. Alexander and Al- mira (Reading) Gulick; ed. private schools and tutors; m. Princeton,' N.J., Oct. 21, 1897, J. Don- aldson Paxton; children: William M., Myra Reading. Motn. Colonial Dames. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. P.A,YI,OR, I. Irvin, HiKh Point, N-.C.

Writer; b. Thomasville, N.C. ; dau. John D. and Ida Jones (Whitaker) Paylor; ed. Winston- Salem. Pres. of Woman's Club of Dep'ts, viz.: Health. Civic, Music, Social Service, Economics, Literature, Parliamentary Law; historian of United Daughters of the Confederacy. Writer of short stories, feature writer, social correspondent for numerous papers. Mem. of Methodist Episco- pal Church. Mem. W.Q.T- Club (literature).

��Over-Tea-Cups Club, Bridge Club. Recreations: Pleasure clubs, walking, out-door exercisea. Methodist.

PAYNE, Adaline 3Iaria Brown (Mrs. William

Pierce Payne), Nevada, la.

Born South Champion, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1S34; dau. Orville and Lovisa (Phelps) Brown; ed. public schools, and grad. State Normal School (Albany, N.Y.), July 1, 1£54; m. S. Rutland, Jefferson Co., N.Y., Jan. IS, 1859, William Pierce Payne; one son: William Orson Payna, now editor of Nevada (la.) Representative. 'Taught in public schools and teachers' insts. from age of fourteen and a halt; postal ass't in Lynz;, Mass.; Clinton and Nyack, N.Y., for 13 years. Educated son to high school. Worked with hus- band, 1874-80, at Mitchell Sem., Mltchell7U;e: la., and In high school, Nevada, la.; subse- quently taught one year in Sooce and many terms in teachers' institutes; In 1882 engaged with husband in conducting Nevada R.^presenlative at Nevada, Story Co., la.; were joined by son one year later, and continued the work ever since. Has habitually done editorial work, making specialty of local history and biog- raphy; of a dep't encouragicg the literary ef- forts of busy women. Leader in club work, local and State; in village improvement through fed. of clubs; assoc. charities; eec. Story Co. Hist. Soc; promoter of interests of public library. Universaiist. Republican. Pres. City Fed. for Village Improvement; mem. first Ezec. Board Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs. Recreations: Re- search, gardening, lending a hand. Clubs: Ne- vada Woman's; Iowa Women's Press (Dee Moines).

P.\YNE, Annie Amelia Allis (Mrs. Henry Ma«e

Payne), Southold, L.I., N.Y.

Born Wllbraham, Mass.; dau. William Penn and Amelia R. (Baker) Allis; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84; student (chemistry). Harvard Summer School, 1896; m. Aug. 17, 1897, Henry Mace Payne, C.E., Ph.D., Sc.D. ; one daughter: Helen Mace, b. Aug. 16, 1901. Ass't Medway (Mass.) High School, 18S4-85; prof. Greek. Latin and German, Women's Coll., Frederick, Md., 1885-86; Greek, Latin and mathematics, Irving Coll., Mechanlcsburg, Pa., 1888-92; German, Glenwood Inst., Matawan, N.J., 1892-93; principal, Southold (L.I.) Acad., 1894-95; prof, ancient languages. Home Inst., Tarrytown- on-Hudson, N.Y., 1895-96; prof. German and mathematics, Allentown (Pa.) Coll. for Women, 1S9S-97; vice-principal, Stewartstown (Pa.) Col- legiate Inst., 1889-1902. Occasional writer of poems and articles published in local papers and college magazines. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Nat. Soc. D.A.R.

PAYNE, Elizabeth Rebecca Clark (Mrs. Frank

Riley Payne), 127 State St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Born Marion, Wayne Co., N.Y., July 23, 18S2; dau. Isaac A. and Sarah (Durfee) Olark; ed. Geneseo, N.Y., State Normal School, classical diploma, '83; Ingham Univ., Leroy, N.Y., Bach- elor of Painting. '84; Univ. of Mich.. A.B. '88; m. (1st) Lakeville, N.Y., July 6, 1901, Prof. William Harold Payne; and (2d) at Ann Arbor, Mioh, July 6, 1908, Frank Riley Payne. Taught 1883-84, Ingham Univ., Leroy, N.Y. ; Minn. State Normal School, at Moorhead, 1SS8-89; 11 years at Univ. of Nashville, Peabody Normal Ck)U., Nashville, Tenn., 189O-1901. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, King's Daughters, W.C.T.U. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage (progressive); mem. Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage Ass'n.

PAYNE, Jennie MacKay, 417 Thomson St.,

Flint, Mich.

Teacher; b. Richland, Neb., 1877; dau. Robert L. and Jennie (MacKay) Payne; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900 (Phi Beta Kappa); preparatory educa- tion, public schools in Flint, Mich. Instructor English literature and mathematics In high schools in Aberdeen, Wash., and Flint, Mich. Mem. Y.W.C.A.; taught evening class in English literature for working girls; helped organize local chapter of Girls' Friendly Soc. and taught even- ing classes In sewing, English, etc. Pavora woman suffrage. Mem. Mich. State Suffrage Ass'n; chairman Press Com., (Jenesee County Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Has written newspa{>ef


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