��zine articles In Chautauquan (Pestalozzi) ; Coun- try Life (birds) ; Touth's Companion (Wrds) ; Ohio Farmer f birds). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Independent In politics. Mem. CleTe- land Woman Suffrage Party, Cleveland Animal Protective League, Cleveland Kindergarten Union, Cleveland Women's Press Club, Ohio Audubon Society, Nat. Shorthand Reporters' Ass'n; life mem. Schweizerische Bund fur Naturschutz (Na- ture Conservation League of Switzerland). Rec- reations: Nature, birds, gardening, photography.
PATTISON, Alice M. G. (Mrs, Everett W. Pattl- son), 4254 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Art critic; b. Portland, Me., 1860; dau. William Edward and Emma (Dow) Gould; ed. the Misses Symonds' School, Portland; tutors In Portland, Boston, and in Europe; m. North Conway, N.H., 1892, Everett W. Pattison. As painter, exhlbite'l, 1888-96, In Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Paris; lectured on art and eivic art before many Important organizations. Chairman Art Dep't General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1908-12; vice-pres Am. Federation of Arts, Washington, £>.C. ; mem. Fine Arts Com. of Civic League of St. Louis; chairman Art Section Wednesday Club, St Louis, 1896-1900 and 1907-09. Author: Hand- book of Art in Our Own Country, first edition, 1908; second edition, 1911; also many articles on art subjects In magazines. Mem. the Wednesday Club, St. Louis; charter mem. the Woman's Club, St. Louis. Recreations: Cards, cross- country tramping, social duties. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
PATTISON, MwT Stranahan Hart (Mrs. Frank
A. Pattison), Colonla, N.J.
Domestic engineer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1869; dau. George and Diantha Fitch (Bun- nell) Hart; ed. Jackson Sem., Metuchen, N.J.; Clark Univ., Am. Acad, of Dramatic Arts, N.Y. City, and under private tutorage as an engineer; m. N.Y. City, June, 1892, Frank Ambler Pattison; children: Diantha Hart, Maynicke Munn. Inter- ested in the home, founder of Housekeeping Ex- periment Station at Coionia, N.J., and interested in all household efforts for greater efficiency and the solution of the servant problem. Ex-pres. of N.J. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and Gen. Fed. sec. for N.J. Favors woman suffrage, and is a Pro- gressive. Contributor to Scientific American and Success Magazine; has in progress of publication a book on Domestic Engineering. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Alumni of Am. School of Dra- matic Arts; one of the founders of the Mountain Laurel League of America, the Borough Improve- ment League of Metuchen, N.J., and the Coionia Civic Circle; hon. mem. of Perth Amboy Wom- an's Club, and The Quiet Hour, Metuchen, N.J.
PATTON, Bertha Estelle Meader (Mrs. Avery
Patten), Greenville, S.C.
Born New Orleans, La., Jan. 27, 1880; dau. H. F. L. and Susie Lee (Equen) Meader; grad. from H. Sophie Newcomb Coll., New Orleans, La B.S. '99 (mem. Alpha Omicron PI); m. Ashe- ville, N.C., Sept. 12, 1906, Avery Patton of Green- ville, S.C. ; one daughter: Susie Lee Patton (b. Feb. 4, 1909). Sec. and mem. of Social and Historic Soo. ; mem. Fort Sumpter Chapter Daughters of Confederacy; pres. Thursday After- noon Club; auditor of Ingleside Ass'n (a home for working girls) under a small salary; first vice-pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Pres- byterian.
PATTON, Cassia, Sitka, Alaska.
Teacher; b. Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1861; dau. Hugh Campbell and Matilda Peden (Caley) Patton; ed. Cochranton Acad., Allegheny Coll. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Private sec. to the Governor of Alaska and ex officio sup't of public Instruction, 1901-05. Mem. Civic Improvement Com.; mem. Alaskan Soc. Natural History and Ethnology, Nat. Educational Ass'n. Vice-pres. Social Service Club; formerly pres. Sitka Wom- en's Club. Recreation: Walking. Presbyterian.
PATTON, Francine Elizabeth (Mrs. James W.
Patton), 937 S. Fourth St., Springfield, 111.
Bom Springfield, 111., Dec. 24, 1846; dau. Charles Henry and Margaret (Crenshaw) Lanpihler; ed.
��Visitation Convent, St Louis, Mo.; grad. Sprias- field High School; m. Springfield, 111., Dec. 8,
1869, James W. Patton; children: William Lan- phier, Lanphier M., James M., Charles Lanphler, Henry Lanphier. Interested in all social and philanthropic work. Vice-pres. Springfield Asso- ciated Charities; leader King's Daughters Circle; was mem. of 111. Woman's Board World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago; director in Old Ladies' Home; asso. mem. of Home for Friendless and of the Tuberculosis Ass'n. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club, ETei7 Wednesday Literary Club, 111. Country Club.
PATTON, Harriet A., 827 E. University Av.,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Lawyer; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 16, 1840; dau. WUllam and Harriet (Haven) Patton; ed. high school Ann Arbor; Univ. of Mich., LL.B. '72. Mem. Liberal Church. Favors woman suf- frage.
PATTON, Isabella Ma«k (Mrs. Charles E.
Patton), Ko Chow, via Canton, China.
Medical missionary; b. Columbus, O., 1878; dau. Rev. William E. and Nancy (Latimer) Mack; ed. Coll. of Emporia, Smith Coll., A.B. '98; Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '03 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Belleville, Kan., June 11, 1908, Rev. Chas. E. Patton. Resident phy- sician in the Women's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1904; went to China (Canton) as a med. mis- sionary. Only physician of Western training la six counties, witliin a radius of 100 miles of Ko Chow City; Interested In training Chinese women; lecturer on care of Infants, hygiene. Mem. Alumnse Ass'n of Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., Med. Missionary Ass'n of China, and East- em Ass'n of 'rroi)ical Medicine. Presbyterian.
PATTON, Nannie Leary fMrs. James D. Pat- ton), 501 Franklin St., W., Richmond, Va. Born Edenton, N.C. ; dau. Thomas Haughton and Elizabeth K. (Wagener) Leary; ed. Miss McCarroli's, at Easton, Pa.; m. Richmond, Va., Feb. 27, 1889, James D. Patton; ctiildren: Nancy Leary, James D. Jr. Mem. Country Club of Va. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.
PAUL, Alice, Moorestown, N.J.
FeUow at Univ. of Pa.; b. Moorestown, N.J., Jan. 11, 1885; dau. William M. and Tacie (Parry) Paul; ed. private school, Moorestown, N.J. ; Swarthmore Coll., B.A. '05; Univ. of Pa., M.A. '07; grad. N.Y. School of Philanthropy; student at Unlvs. of Birmingham, London (England), 1907-09; has held fellowship at Swarthmore Coll., Univ. of Pa., Am. Coll. Settlement Ass'n, Wood- brooke Settlement (England). Interested in set- tlement work; for one year resident of N.Y. Coll. Settlement; has also been a resident worker of various settlements in England; charity or- ganization soc. work; formerly ass't sec. Dalston District of London (England) Charity Organiza- tion Soc; formerly visitor for N.Y. Charity Or- ganization Soc. and for Birmingham (England) Charity Organization Soc. Quaker. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Exec. Board Pa. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n; while in England was three times imprisoned in connection with activities in the suffrage movement in that country.
PAUL, Eleanor Frances, Sherborn, Mass.
Bom Sherborn, Mass., Aug. 17, 1875; dau. Edwin Ruthven and Esther Goldthwaite (Dorr) Paul; ed. Rogers Hall School, Lowell, Mass., '92-'94; Smith Coll., '94-'98. Teacher at Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass, 1898-1902; farmer, 1902. Favors woman suf- frage. Unitarian.
PAUL, Mary Frances (Mrs. J. N. Paul), care St Paul National Bank, St. Paul, Minn. Banker; b. St. Joseph, Mo.; dau. Samuel and ElmJra (Mitchell) Paul; ed. the Convent of Lor- retto, St. Louis, Mo., 1867; m. Kansas City, Mo., 1868, Judge J. N. Paul; children: Charles How- ard, Herbert Jay, James Leonard, Wlllard Sam- uel. Pres. of Oconto (Wis.) State Bank; stock- holder and director in Overton Bank and Cen- tral Nat. Bank of Kearney, Neb., and vice-prea. St. Paul Nat. Bank. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Self-Culture Club, P.E.O. Sisterhood.