��Gray Herbarium, Harvard, 1895; ass't patholo- gist In charge of herbarium; vegetable pathol- ogy and physiology, U.S. Dep't Agriculture, 1896-1901; mycologist In charge of pathological collections and inspection work, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1901. Interested in People's Gardens of Washington, Lend-A-Hand Club, and Needle- work Guild of Am. Author of several govern- mental bulletins, and numerous articles for botanical and horticultural journals. Mem. D.A.R., Phytopathological Soc, Nat. Geog. See, Biological Soc. of Washington, Botanical Soc. of Am.; fellow A.A.A.S., Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n, Federation of Women's Clubs. Clubs: Radcllffe (Washington), College Women's (Wash- ington). Unitarian.
PATTERSON, Hannah Jane, 509 South Linden
Av., Pittsburgh, Pa,
Born Smlthton, Pa., Nov. 5. 1879; dau. John Gilflllan and Harriet (McCune) Patterson; ed. Wilson Coll., Chambershurg, Pa., A.B. '01. Sec. People's Bath B'd; vice-chairman Soho Bath B'd; mem. Governing B'd Consumers' League of Western Pennsylvania; mem. Civic Club of Alle- gheny Co., Pittsburgh Playground Ass'n; pres. Alumnee Ass'n of Wilson Coll.; mem. College Club of Pittsburgh. Favors woman suffrage; auditor Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; State chair- man Woman Suffrage Party Com. ; second vlce- pres. Equal Franchise Fed. of Western Penn- sylvania.
PATTERSON, Juliet C, 8 Montrose St., Roxbury,
Trained financial secretary; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. George Herbert and Frances Amelia (Bolles) Patterson; ed. Simmons Coll., A.B. '07, and completed the course in the School of Secretarial Studies of that college. Sup't of Y.W.C.A. Home, Boston, 1909-11.
PATTERSON, Mrs. Lindsay Bramlette, Wln-
ston-Salem, N.C.
Born Castle Rock, Tazewell, Tenn. ; dau. Will- 1am Houston and Cornelia (Graham) Patterson; descended from James Graham, Marquis of Mon- trose; granddaughter of Gen. Robert Patterson, one of the most noted men of his day; cousin of the Miss Patterson who married a Bonaparte; ed. Salem Acad., Salem, N.C; m. Sept. 6, 1888, Lindsay Patterson. Pres. Salem Alumnae Ass'n ; pres. Southern Women's Inter-State Ass'n for the Betterment of Public Schools; pres. N.C. Fed. of Clubs; chairman Jamestown Historical Commission; vice-pres. N.C. Historical Soc.; vice- pres. Wachovia Historical Soc; vlce-pres. gen- eral D.A.R. Author: Days of the Right Hand; Just a Bit of Eden; Diary of General Robert Pat- terson of Philadelphia; Palmyra in the Happy Vailey; sketches for magazines and newspapers, with a specialty of original research work along historical lines. Mem. Nat. Civic Federation, Salem Alumnae Ass'n, Virginia Dare Ass'n, D.A.R., Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Gardening, mo- toring, eatertaining. Presbyterian.
PATTERSON, Margaret Jordan, Arlington
Heights, Boston, Mass.
Artist; b. on Island of Java; dau. Alfred and Sarah Frances (Jordan) Patterson; ed. Boston private and public schools and Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; studied art under Arthur Wes- ley Dow and Charles H. Woodbury of Boston, and in Europe, chiefly in Holland and Belgium. Paintings have been exhibited in the leading art exhibits, including those of the N.Y. Water Color Soc. and Woman's Art Club (N.Y. City), Copley Soc, Boston Art Club and Boston Water Color Club (Boston), Chicago Art Inst., Pennsylvania Acad, .of Fine Arts (Philadelphia), Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, 1904), and others. Was supervisor of drawing in the pub- lic schools of Portsmouth, N.H., and later direc- tor of drawing in Boston public schools.
PATTERSON, Margaret Morehead (Mrs. Rufus L. Patterson), 32 W. Fifty-second St., N.Y. City.
Born Savannah, Ga., Dec. 8, 1874; dau. Eugene and Lucy (L,athrop) Morehead; ed. Raleigh, N.C, and New York; m. Durham, N.C, Nov. 21, 1895, Rufus L. Patterson; children: Morehead, Lucy
��Lathrop. Treas. Winifred Wheeler Day Nursery. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Colony Club.
PATTERSON, Margaret Norrig (Mrs. John Pat- terson), American Presbyterian Mission, Alla- habad, India.
Physician; b. Staffa, Ontario, Canada; dau. Robert Norris; ed. in Ontario schools, Ontario Med. Coll. and medical dep't Northwestern Univ., Chicago, III., M.D. '99; m. Allahabad, India, January, 1906, John Patterson, now Imperial meteorologist to the Government of India. House surgeon to Woman's Hospital, Detroit Mich., 1899-1900; went to India, 1900, taking charge of the Seward Hospital at Allahabad under the American Presbyterian Mission, and when the plague broke out soon after organized plague camps and engaged in medical work among the plague victims with such success that she re- ceived the thanks of the Government and was granted the Kaiser-i-HLnd meda] by the King- Emperor Edward VII on his coronation.
PATTERSON, Mary Frances, 42 College St.,
Providence, R.I.
Artist-craftsman, designer of historic costumes; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y.; dau. Rev. George Her- bert and Frances Amelia (Bolles) Patterson; ed. Lincoln School, Providence (R.I.) School of De- sign; grad. and won the post-grad, scholarship, a course in the theory of design with Dr. Den- man Ross, of Harvard Univ., a year of travel in Europe, also a summer In France. Work has been chiefly teaching of design and Its applica- tion, with talks on this subject; has also been connected with the museum work at the R.I. School of Design in Providence. Episcopalian. PATTERSON, Merib Rowley (Mrs. Geo. W.
Patterson), Ann Arbor, Mich.
Born Adrian, Mich. ; dau. Joslah Cass and Angeline (Brown) Rowley; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '90 (mem. Coll. Sorosls); m. Adrian, Mich., July 2, 1890, Prof. George W. Patterson; children: Gertrude (1891), George W. (1893), Robert Rowley (1895). Joint translator (with husband) of Palaz' Photometry. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Clubs: Women's Indoor Athletic (Detroit), Ann Arbor Golf, Washtenaw Country. Recreation: Golf. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. of Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Ann Arbor.
PATTERSON, Mrs. Theresa Hornet, Hornet's
Ferry, Pa.
"feorn Homet's Ferry, Pa. ; dau. Milton and Mary Ann (Irwin) Hornet; ed. private school and Wil- son Coll. (patron of Phi Sigma Kappa); m. 1901. Mem. Foreign Mission Board of Universallst Church; Interested In educational work In the South, and philanthropic work In the church Universallst. Mem. Board of Woman's Nat. Mis- sionary Ass'n, D.A.R. Recreation: Blrda. Spent winter and spring of 1913 in Japan, studying schools and missions. PATTESON, Susannah Louise (Mrs. G. Wlneton
Patteson), Waldhelm, Cleveland Heights,
Shorthand reporter, lecturer; b. in Switzer- land, Feb. 14, 1853; dau. Jacob and Susannah (Anget) Griesser; ed. Zflrlch, Switzerland; m. May 19, 1880, G. Winston Patteson; children: Griesser Winston (b. Jan. 19, 1883), Annebelle (b. June 6, 1885, died In Infancy). Court re- porter In Cleveland, 18S8-1909; official reporter Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction, ol Nat. Conference on Truant, Backward, Delin- quent and Dependent Children since 1908; Nat. Conference on Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality and other educational conferences, 1912. Came to America from Zilrich, 1868; attended public schools and evening schools; learned telegraphy In 1870 and worked at It for ten years; after marriage, learned stenography. Has given illustrated lectures on My Bird Neighbors, Pestalozzi, Public Education In Switzerland, and The Business Woman. Author: Pussy Meow, the Autobiography of a Cat; Letters from Pussycat- ville; Kitty Kat Klmmle; Text Book on Short- hand— Patteson's Pltmanlc Phonography; ma^-