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��Shakespeare Club, Dickens Club. State regent D.A.R. for Wyoming; pres. Shakespeare Club; pres. Missionary Soc. in the Congregationalist Church.

PATTEN, Helen Philbrook (Mrs. D. Warren Patten), 19 Upton St., Boston, Mass. Writer; b. New Bedford, Mass., Apr. 21, 1868; dau. Rev. Nathan Page and Hannah Hill (San- born) Philbrook; grad. Tilton Sem., '84; Fram- ingham (Mass.) Normal School, '88; m. Sanborn- ton, N.H., Sept. 1, 1892, D. Warren Patten. En- gaged in teaching, 1889, in the Misses Patten's private scbool at Middletown, Conn. ; taught in the Affordby School in Baltimore, Md., 1890-91. Writer of prose and verse for newspapers and magazines. Compiled the Music Lover's Treas- ury, 1905; Intimations of Immortality, 1907. Author: The Year's Festivals, 1903. PATTEN, Jeanie Maury Coyle (Mrs. John Dew- hurst Patten), 1824 Twenty-third St., Wash- ington, D.C.

Born Washington, D.C, Sept. 11, 1855; dau. Randolph and Jane (Moore) Coyle; ed. in private schools in Washington, D.C; m. Georgetown, D.C, Dec. 8, 1875, John Dewhurst Patten; chil- dren: Conrad Magruder, Juliet Craik Patten. Organizer and founder of Audubon Soc. of D.C. On© of four charter members to organize the Friday Morning Music Club; mem. Housekeepers' Alliance; treas. Ladies' Board of Children's Hos- pital. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Epis- copal. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames, D.A.R. , Daughters of the Cincinnati, Colonial Dames Club. Recreations: Music, social life. PATTEIN, Mary Fohlman (Mrs. Samuel Patten), 192 State St., Albany, N.T.

Born New Germantown, N.J., Aug. 24, 1826; dau. Rev. H. N. Pohlman, D.D., and Susan (Cas- sedy) Pohlman; grad. Albany Female Acad., 1845; m. Albany, N.Y., Mar. 4, 1862, Samuel Pat- ten. Second directress of Albany Guardian Soc. and Home for the Friendless. Against woman suffrage. Lutheran. Pres. Woman's Home Mis- sionary Soc and Woman'? Foreign Missionary Soc. of First Lutheran Church of Albany, N.Y. Mem. Semper Fidelus Soc. of Albany Female Acad, and of Friday Morning Club of Albany. PATTEBSON, Ada, 106 W. Forty-seventh St., N.T. City.

Journalist; b. Mount Joy, Pa.; dau. John A. and Elizabeth E. (McDannel) Patterson; ed. Franklin (Neb.) Acad. Kas been special writer on Salt Lake Herald, San Francisco Call, St. Louis Republic and Hearst's system of news- papers, with which she is now connected. Au- thor: By the Stage Door (book of stories of stage life); also Biography of Maude Adams, and m&nv soecial articles and much fiction for maga- zines. Mem. Manhattan Chapter D.A.R. Recre- ation: Out-of-door life. Distinguished aa one of the foremost interviewers of American journal- ism.

PATTEBSON, Alice Higinbotham (Mrs. Joseph Medlll Patterson), Westwood, Libertyville, 111. Born Chicago, 111., Dec. 21, 1880; dau. Harlow Niles Higinbotham (pres. World's Columbian Ex- position, 1893) and Rachel (Davison) Higinbotham; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, C>nn. ; m. Chicago, Nov. 19, 1902, Joseph Medill Patterson; children: Elinor Medill, Alicia. Mem. Board of Chicago Lying-in Hospital, Farmington Soc, Children's Memorial Hospital. Favors woman suHrage; mem. exec. com. of North Side Branch of III. Equal Suffrage League. Epis<'.o.palian. Mem. Antiquarian Soc. Recreations: Gardening, horses, tennis. Mem. Fortnightly Garden Club of Lake Forest, Lovers of Italy. PATTEBSON, Alice Maria, Station A, Faribault, Minn.

Physician; b. Salem, Mass., Nov. 27, 1869; dau. Nathaniel C and Mary B. (Harrington) Patter- son; ed. Boston Univ. and Tufts Coll., Med. Dep't, M.D. Began practice In Peabody, Mass.; continued practice there 16 years; now 2d ass't physician in School for Feeble Minded and Colony for Epileptics at Faribault, Minn. (State institu- tion, 1,600 children). Episcopalian. Mem. Appa- lachian Mountain Club of Boston.

��PATTEBSON, Anne Virgrinia Sharp (Mrs. Rob- ert E. Patterson), Kokomo, Ind. Author, playwright; b. Delaware, 0.; dau. Hon. George W. and (Caroline R. (Snider) Sharp; received private education from father, later in private and public schools and Delaware Femala Coll.; m. Delaware, O., 1866, Robt. E. Patter- son; children: Laura (now Mrs. C L. Mead), Virginia Kimball, Robert George. Was delegate and on the program at World's Fair Congress, Chicago, 1893; edited the first Children's Page in the U.S., occupying two columns of her father's newspaper when she was 13 years of age; contributor to various journals. East and West, under nom-de-plume of Garry (jaines; cor- respondent of many religious papers; lecturer on literary subjects, forestry, etc. Author: The Ckin- tinental Kettledrum and Business Men's Jubilee (plays); The Girl of the Period; Dicky Downy; Lady of the Green Scarf, an entertainment in the interests of conservation of our streams, forests, and birds, for clubs and schools. Mem. Am. Forestry Ass'n. Appointee of Gov. Thomas Marshall (Ind.) to Rivers and Harbors Congress; sup't Dep't of Birds, Federation of Women's Clubs. Founder and hon. pres. Woman's Club, Bellefont&ine, 0. ; mem. Caroline Sharp Club, Kokomo, Ind. Recreation: Gardening. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage.

PATTI<;bSON, Antoinett* DeCoursey (Mrs. T. H. Hoge Patterson), 4231 Walnut St., Philadel- phia, Pa.

Bom Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. Samuel Gerald and Eliza Otto (Barclay) DeCk>urs€y; ed. Miss Sanford's School, Philadelphia; m. Portsmouth, N.H., 1896, T. H. Hoge Patterson. Author: Son- nets and Quatrains; contributor of verse to vari- ous magazines. Episcopalian. Recreation: Sketch- ing. Mem. Sedgeley Club, Philadelphia.

PATTEBSON, Charlotte Wise (Mrs. Henry Stuart Patterson), 130 E. Sixty-second St.,

N.Y. City.

Bom Washington, D.C, Aug. 16, 1879; dau. Archibald and Charlotte Everett (Wise) Hopkins; ed. public schools in Washington, D.C; m. Wil- iiamstown, Mass., Oct 6, 1906, Dr. Henry Stuart Patterson; one daughter: Charlotte Hopkins, b. Nov. 18, 1910. Interested In Housewives' League and eugenics. Recreation: Motoring. Favors womaji suffrage. PATTEBSON, Edith Clarke, St. Helen's Hall,

Portland, Ore.

Singer, vocal instructor; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y. ; dau. George Herbert and Frances Amelia (BoUes) Patterson. Trained for opera and has sung in concert in cities of the Eastern States and on the Pacific Coast. Now head of vocal dep't of St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Ore. Prot- estant Episcopalian. PATTEBSON, Elizabeth Hntchinson (Mrs.

Harry J. Patterson), College Park, Md.

Born Waterloo, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1871; dau. Ellas S. and Mary (Seely) Hutchinson; ed. public school, high school, two years Woman's Coll., Washington, D.C; Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland; m. Washington, D.C, Oct. 25, 1895, Harry J. Patterson; children: Blanche Seely, William Calvin. Teacher and sup't of Sunday- school; has served on Exec. Board of Sunday- school Inst, of Diocese of Washington; in public school as local trustee; in Farmers' Inst, work and grange work as a lecturer on home eco- nomics subjects. Author: Blackboard Lessons on the Church Year; also home economics ar- ticles for National Grange Monthly. Mem. Home Economics Ass'n of Washington, Home Eco- nomics Club of College Park. Episcopalian. PATTERSON, Flora Wambangh (Mrs. Edwin

Patterson), The Decatur, Decatur Place,

Washington, D.C.

Mycologist, vegetable pathologist; b. Columbia, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1847; dau. Rev. A. B. and Sarah (Sells) Wambaugh; ed. by private tutors and at Antioch Coll., Ohio, '60; Cincinnati Wesleyan, M.L.A. '65, A.M. 'S3; Radcliffe, 1S92-95; State Univ. of Iowa, A.M. '95; grad. student, 1891-92; m. Cincinnati, Aug. 12, 1869, Captain Edwin Patterson (died Sept. 7, 1889); two sons, one a surgeon, the other a business man. Assistant


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