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��PATON, Julia Bayles, 40 Park St., Northamp- ton, Mass.; permanent — 50 Forest St., Hart- ford, Conn.

Teacher; b. E. Orange, N.J., Sept 29, 1874; dau. Robert Leighton Stuart and Henrietta (Bayles) Paton; grad. Northfield Seia., E. Northfleld, Mass., '93; Smith Coll., A.B. 1900, A.M. '12; grad- uate student in biology, Yale Univ., 1908-U; fel- low In botany. Smith Coll., 1911-13. Taught at Orange, N.J., public school, 1S95-97; high school, Brattleboro, Vt., 1900-02 (science); Am. College for Girls, Constantinople, Turkey in Asia, head of Biology Dep't 1902-06; New Haven (Conn.) High School, head of Biology Dep't 1906-13. Has done social and philanthropic work in con- nection with teaching in Turkey, also in Amer- ica. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. A.A.A.S., AsS'n of Collegiate AJumnas, Conn. Classical and High School Ass'n, Vt. Botanical Club, Smith College Club, New Haven, Conn.

PATRIARCHE, Valance St. Just (Mrs. Hugh Racey Patrlarche), 601 Somerset Bld'g, Portage Av., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Novelist, journalist; b. Toronto, Can., 1875; dau. Prof. Charles Valance Berryman, M.A., M.D., and Julia (Brondgrest) Berryman; ed. public schools, Toronto, and Harbord Collegiate Inst.; m. Toronto, 1889, Hugh Racey Patriarche; one son: Valance Heath, b. 1907. Books: Tag, or the Chien Boule Dog; Rory of Willow Beach; also magazine stories, verse, and newspaper articles for Winnipeg, Toronto and Chicago papers. Clubs: Women's Press, Women's Canadian. Recreations: Photography, boating, gardening, reading. Mem. Church of England. Against woman suffrage.

PATRICK, Dora Smith (Mrs. Robert Wayland Patrick), 1207 Jones St., Sioux City, la. Born Lake City, Iowa, Mar. 22, 1869; dau. Peter and Sara A. (Bosley) Smith; ed. high school, L^ke City, Iowa; Callanan School, Des Moines, Iowa; and Art Inst, of Chicago; m. Lake City, Iowa, Mar. 25, 1891, Robert Wayland Patrick. Interested in the Visiting Nurse Ass'n of Sioux City, Iowa; W. W. Charity Circle, Y.W.C.A., Crittenden Home, Boys' and Girls' Home. Mem. Rose Croix Chapter 400, O.E.S.; Sioux City Wom- an's Club, City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Bryant Reading Club; vice-pres. Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Riverside Boat Club. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage.

PATRICK, Fannie Brown (Mrs. Frank G.

Patrick), Arlington Place, Reno, Nev.

Born Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, Aug. 29, 1S64; dau. Isaac H. and Sarah Ellen (Fee) Brown; ed. Pleasant Plain, Iowa Acad., Parsons Coll., Fairfield, Iowa; High School, Fremont, Neb.; m. Fremont, Neb., April 4, 1888, Frank G. Patrick; children: Octa Maude, h. Jan. 15, 18S9 (died June 30, 1889); Lloyd Brown, b. Feb. 24, 1892. Formerly taught scJ:ool and music. First vice-pres. Nev. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Wom- an's Auxiliary of Missionary District of Nevada; mem. Central Com. of Women's Church Work of London, England. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Nev. Equal Franchise Soc. Episcopalian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Reno, Nev.; State Fed. Women's Clubs of Nev. Interested In par- liamentary practice, having taught the subject. Mem. Com. on' Student Loan Fund for Nev. Federation.

PATRICK, Mary Mills, Constantinople College, care of British Post Office, Constantinople, Turkey.

College president; b. Canterbury, N.H., 1850; dau. John and Harriet (White) Patrick; ed. In Europe in German universities, and Univ. of Berne, Switzerland, Ph.D. Has built up the American College tor Girls at Constantinople (now Constantinople Coll.); pres. since 1S90. Mem. of Psychological and Philosophical Con- gresses in various cities in Europe; only woman to read paper in Philosophical Congress in Bo- logna, Italy. 1911. Author: Sextus Empiricus and Greek Skepticism; Sappho and the Island of Lesbos; article on Anaxagoras in James Hast- ings' Dictionary of Religion; Sappho and the Island of Lesbos. Congregationalist.

��PATBJDGE, LeUa Ellen, ^47 High St., Rich- mond, Ky.

Author, teacher and lecturer; b. Passumpsie, Vt. ; dau. Orion Bellows and Nancy S. (Thayer) Patridge; grad. Framingham (Mass.) State Nor- mal School, Boston Inst, of Physical Culture, and Philadelphia Kindergarten Class; student at Clark Univ. and Chicago Univ. Taught six years In Philadelphia Normal School, four years in Chi- cago Normal, and since 1909 in Eastern Kentucky State Normal (now prof, of methods and sufter- visor of practice teaching). Has done educational work as lecturer and teacher in 17 States, in- cluding one year at Stetson Univ., Fla. Was a regular speaker in both "whirlwind campaigns" in Ky., and has been an institute instructor In many States. Life mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, State organizer of School Improvement Leagues under the Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; was in the Mich, and Colo, campaigns as a lecturer. Author: The Quincy Methods (illustrated) ; Reports of Talks on Teach- ing. Congregationalist. Was for ten years a mem. of the Philadelphia New Century Club.

PATTEE, Alida Frances, 134 S. First Av., Mount

Vernon, N. Y.

Medical publisher and bookseller; b. Milwau- kee, Wis.; dau. William Warren and Theresa (Douglas) Pattee; ed. Milwaukee public schools and Dep't of Houseiiold Arts, State Normal School, Framingham, Mass. Late instructor in dietetics, Bellevue Training School for Nurses, Bellevue Hospital, N.Y. City; Mount Sinai, Hahnemann and the Flower Hospital Training Schools for Nurses, N.Y. City; Lakeside, St. Mary's, Trinity and Wisconsin Training Schools for Nurses, Milwaukee, Wis.; St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Chicago, 111.; St. Vincent de Paul's Hos- pital, Brockville, Ont., Canada. Author and publisher: Pattee's Practical Dietetics with Reference to Diet in Disease. Methodist. Pro- gressive.

PATTEN, Cora Mel, 4858 Champlaln Av., Chi- cago, 111.

Lecturer; b. Kellogg, Iowa, 1869; dau. William Talbot and Mary E. (Winters) Patten; grad. Newton (Iowa) High School, '87; Soper School of Oratory, Chicago, '95; short courses and private study in various Eastern schools. laught in public schools of Iowa, 1889-92; Uught expression in Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1892-94; Soper School ol Oratory, 1896-98. Founded the Marden School ol Music and Elocution, Chicago, 1899; continued active management for ten years. Favors woman suffrage. Has written on story telling and the drama for various educational journals. Chair- man Junior Dep't of the Drama League ol America, a national movement for bettering all forms of dramatic entertainment offered to the young. Mem. International Lyceum Ass'n. In- terested in social service, settlement and play ground work. Lectures on pedagogy before prominent teachers' organizations throughout the country, and on literary subjects before leading schools and clubs; reads classic plays and the modern dramas dealing with present-day situa- tions.

PATTEN, Edith Sylvia, 339 W. South St- De-

Kalb, III.

Teacher; b. DeKalb, 111.. Dec. 31, 1869; dau, Sylvester W. and Elizabeth 0. (Coffin) Patten; grad. DeKalb High School, '87; 111. State Normal Univ., 93; Wis. Univ., Ph.B. '01. Sec. of Super- intendents' and Principals' Ass'n of Northern 111. for two years; principal of Glidden School. 1901-06; in Normal Training School, critic of gram- mar grades, 190t;-09; assistant in history and psy- chology since 1909. Methodist; active in church and Sunday-school. Mem. Madrigal Club. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

PATTEN, Emily A. (Mrs. Henry B. Patten).

Cheyenne, Wyo., I'. O. Box S94.

Born Blast Windsor, Conn., Sep>t. 23, 1858; dau. Asher and Emily M. (Allen) Allen; ed. Mt. Hol- yoke Coll., '75-'77; m. Enfield, Conn., Mar. 9, 1882, Henry B. Patten; children: Harry Allen Patten, Mame Allen Patten. Favors woman suffrage. Has voted In Wyoming 30 years. Congregation- alist. Reput>lican. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Club


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