��1910. College gen. sec. Y.W.C.A. ; Northwestern Univ., 1904-06; nat. pres. Delta Delta Delta Fra- ternity since 1906 (fourth term expires 1915): dele- gate to National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1904-15; (mem. of exec, com., 1912-15; mem. Y.W.C.A., local church societies, Social Service Com. work (Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae), Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, Northwestern Univ. Set- tlement, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, North- western Univ. Guild, Chicago College Club. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- gressive in politics. P.4RRISH, Celestia Susannah, Department of
Education, Atlanta, Ga.
Educator; b. Pittsylvania County, Va., 1853; dau. Perkins and Jane (Walker) Parrish; grad. Roanoke Female Coll., '78; State Normal School of Va., '86; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96; has three adopted children. Teacher in country public schools, 1871-76; in city schools, Danville, Va., 1876-84; State Normal School of Va., 18S4-92; Randolph-Macon Woman's Coll., 1892-1902; State Normal School of Ga., 1902-11; State supervisor of schools in Ga., 1911-12. Mem. Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnae (organized Ga. branch) ; mem. and one of founders of Southern Ass'n of College Women; mem. Am. Com. Y.W.C.A.; helped or- ganize first college Y.W.C.A. In the South; for- mer pres. Southern Ass'n of College Women; pres. Ga. Congress of Mothers. Writer of arti- cles in Am. Journal of Psychology, The Educa- tional Review, and various newspapers, maga- zines and school journals. Author: The Lesson (book). Speaker before Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Southern Ass'n of College Women, Con- ference for Education in the South, Southern Educational Ass'n, the Nat. Dep't of Superin- tendence, and others. Established the first psy- chological laboratory and taught the first child study class in the South. Baptist. Mem. Ga. Educational Ass'n, Atlanta Woman's Club, Southern Educational Soc, Nat. Educational Ass'n, W.C.T.U., and missionary societies. Rec- reations: Housekeeping, gardening. PARRISH, Clara Weaver (Mrs. William Peck
Parrish), Van Dyck Studios, 939 Eighth Av.,
N.T. City.
Artist painter; b. Selma, Ala.; dau. William M. and Lucia Frances (Minter) Weaver; ed. in Art Students' League, N.Y. -City, and in Paris under Raphael Collin and Colorossi; m. Selma, Ala., Oct., 1889, William Peck Parrish. E^chibited paintings at the Paris Exposition, 1900, and in London as well as N.Y. City. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R., Soc. of Colonial Dames, Municipal Art Soc, Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Women's Art Club, Art Workers' Club, New York Water Color Club, Pen and Brush Club. PARRISH, Edith May Winch (Mrs. J. Scott
Parrish), 928 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va,
Bom Boston, Mass., July 28, 1874; dau. George Frederick and Mary Ella Winch; ed. public and private schools in Brookline, Mass. ; m. J. Scott Parrish; children: Eleanor, Scott. Pres. Instruc- tive Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Interested in various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Presbyterian.
PARRY, Frances Camp, 5090 Forbes St., Pitts- burgh, Pa.
Teacher; b. Constantine, Mich.; dau. Thomas Parry, D.D., and Cecilia C. (Camp) Parry; grad. from Smith College, Mass., A.B., 1899. Teacher of English and history, HoUldaysbnrg (Pa.) Sem. (vice-principal) ; teacher of English, Pittsburgh Central High School; head of Dep't of English, Allegheny Preparatory School, Pitts- burgh; ass't prof, of literature, Margaret Mor- rison Carnegie School. Interested in building an annex to Tuberculosis League Hospital for pri- vate patients. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n of Western Pa. Presrhy- terian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Juve- nile Court Ass'n College Club of Pittsburgh (one of organizers, charter mem. and first recording sec). Smith College Club. PARRY, Josephine Lincoln (Mrs. Howell Vaughn
Parry), Crown Point, Ind.
Born Shakopee, Minn., 1884; dau. Isaac and Cora A. (Strait) Lincoln Jr. (on father's side, of
��the Abraham Lincoln family, 10th generation in this country); ed. Crown Point High School, and Metropolitan Business Coll. (honorable mention and diplomas from both institutions); m. Muncle, Ind., Mar. 27, 1907, Howell Vaughn Parry; one son: Lincoln Vaughn, b. June 26, 1912. Officer of the Indiana Federation of Clubs. Devoted to the social service movements of the organization — housing, child labor and health problems of the State. Episcopalian. Mem. of social organ- ization, card clubs, sewing clubs, etc. Recrea- tions: Out-dcor sports. Mem. Woman's Study Club, Library Guild. PARSONS, Alice Knight, Girls' Collegiate School,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Private school principal; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 5, 1855; dau. Samuel Miller and Virginia (Whitwell) Parsons; grad. Wells Coll., A.B. '75, followed by special studies of French and German in Europe. Since 1885 associated as co-principal with Miss Jeanne W. Dennen in conducting pri- vate schools, first in Brooklyn until 1892; since then as principals of the Girls' Collegiate School of Los Angeles, Cal. Presbyterian. Mem. Ebell Club. PARSONS, Alice Tnllis Lord (Mrs. Edgerton
Parsons), 863 Park Av., N.Y. City.
Writer, editor; b. Chicago, Aug. 30, 1878; dau. Daniel Miner and Florence (Tullts) Lord; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '97 (mem. Phi Kappa Psl Soc); m. Chicago, April 23, 1902, Edgerton Parsons; one daughter: Alice Edgerton, b. Oct. 24, 1907. Editor Smith Alumnse Quarterly. Mem. Wom- en's Municipal League N.Y. City, Consumers' League, Nat. Kindergarten Ass'n. Graduate stu- dent Columbia Univ. Favors woman suffrage.. Mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, Equal Franchise Soc, Woman Suffrage Party (sec. 39th Assembly District). Author of short stories in various magazines. Mem. Women's University Club, Wednesday Club (N.Y. City). PARSONS, Clara Doolittle (Mrs. Harry Robert
Parsons), Fort Sumner, New Mexico.
Formerly high school teacher; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 9, 1873; dau. James R. and Clara (Matteson) Doolittle; ed. South Division High School, Chi- cago; Smith Coll., B.L. '97 (Phi Kappa Psl); m. Chicago, May 11, 1901, Harry Robert Parsons; children: William Sterling, (Clarissa Matteson, Critchell. Taught Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, 1897-1901. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic work. Pres. St. John's Guild; vice-pres. Women's Cemetery Ass'n; mem. Moth- ers' Club, The Friendly Club. Recreations: Driving, horseback riding. Protestant Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. PARSONS, Cl^lia Sara Howson (Mrs. Hosmer
Buckingham Parsons), 168 Lincoln Place,
Brooklyn, N.Y. ; (country home) "Rancho
Chlquito," Central Valley, Orange Co., N.Y.
Born Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; dau. Frank and Emma (Richardson) Howson; ed. Barlowr's Sem., Sydney, New South Wales, Aus- tralia; m. N.Y. City, Hosmer Buckingham Parsons (deceased); one daughter: EJmma Lily Arabella (Mrs. Charles Siedier Adams). Inter- ested in Brooklyn Free Kindergarten, Brooklyn Inst. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Welfare Dep't, Nat. Civic Federation. Recreation: Music, reading. P.ARSOXS, Edith Barretto (Mrs. Howard Crosby
Parsons), 204 W. Thirteenth St., N.Y. City.
Sculptor; dau. John Henry and Emily (Hoff- man) Stevens; ed. Art Students' League, scholar- ships and prizes} m. Howard Crosby Parsons; one daughter: Edith Oilman. Designed the i)edi- ment of the main entrance of the Liberal Arta Bldg., St. Louis Exposition, and has also filled many private orders in sculpture and portrait busts. P.\RSONS, Florence Whltln (Mrs. Theophllus
Parsons), Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.
Born Northbridge, Mass.; dau. Harry T. and Gora (Berry) Whitin; ed. Bumham School, North- ampton, Mass; Smith Coll., B.L. ISOO (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Northbridge, Mass., June 4, 1902, Theophilus Parsons; children: Theophllus Jr., Paul Whitin, C. Chauncey, Lorraine Warth. Mem. and ex-pres. Hempstead Woman's Club (liter-