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��sumers' League, Nat. Child Labor Com., College Settlement Ass'n, Cambridge Public School Ass'n, Woman's Auxiliary of Mass. Civil Service Re- form Ass'n, Am. Peace Soc, Women's Educa- tional and Industrial Union of Boston. Recrea- tions: Walking, gardening. PAKKER, Bnth LiOnise, 6701 Ridge Boulevard,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Wantagh, N.T. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; Columbia Univ., A.M. '05. Teacher, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1901-03; Woman's Coll., Frederick, Md., 1906-07; lady principal, the Am. Internal. Coll., Springfield, Mass., since 1909. PARKER, Sophy Gordon (Mi:s. Asa W. Parker),

6701 nidge Boulevard, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn,


Born Brooklyn, Sept 3, 1849; dau. Isaac Brinck- erhoS, med. director U.S.N., and Mary Gordon (Waller) Brinckerhoff; ed. Cambridge (Mass.) private and puWic schools; m. Brooklyn, 1870, Asa W. Parker, lawyer of Brooklyn; children: Mary Gordon (deceased), Mabel Gordon, Asa Warren, Ruth Louise, Eleanor Frances (de- ceased), Gertrude Evelyn (deceased). Interested in home and foreign missionary work; vice-pres. of Nat. Indian Ass'n. Presbyterian. Mem. Cam- bridge Club of Brooklyn (pres. 1911-13:), Bay Ridge Reading Club of Brooklyn (vice-pres.). PARKER, Snsan IMroe (Mrs. Byron L. Parker),

Sioujc Rapids, la.

Born in Wis. Aug. 18, 1859; dau. James J. and Agnes (Sands) Dnroe; ed. neighborhood school and the Spencer (la.) Hlgt School; m. Clay Co., la., Feb. 26, 1879, Byron L. Parker; children: Prank B., Eugene S., Louis. Active in mis- sionary socs., Sunday-school, Christian En- deavor Soc. and Ladies' Aid Soc; church clerk for 15 years; has collected books, clothing, etc., to be sent to orphans' homes and boys' clubs In the cities. Congregational! st On Child Labor Com. of Women's Clubs in district. Attended several district ctHiventlons and represented the Local Club on th« program; delegate to many of the Congregational Church district associa- tions, taking part on the program. Mem. Thurs- day Afternoon Club (pres. six years). PARKER, Valeria Hopkins (Mrs. Edward O.

Parker), 68 E. Putnam Av., Greenwich. Conn.

Bom Chicago, HI., Feb. 11, 1879; dau. Anson S. and Martha (Leath) Hopkins; grad. Hyde Park High School, '^ (prize in oratorical contest); Oxford (Ohio) Coll., A.B. '98; Hering Medical Coll Chicago, M.D. 1902 (2d honor); m. Holyoke, Masa. Nov. 25, 1905, Edward 0. Parker, M.D. ; chUdren: Mason, b. June 29, 1907; Leath, b. Jan. 9, 1909. Traveled in Europe for three years after taking medical degree; spent some time in Davos-Platz, Switzerland, with a patient. Mem. Pen and Brush Club of N.Y. ; actively interested In founding Emily Bruce House, a home for chil- dren; especially interested In sex and social hy- giene, special physiology class in The Lanier School-in-the- Woods; actively Interested In any- thing pertaining to the welfare of women and children. Delivered special lectures to senior girls at Rosmary Hall on "The Physiology of Life," June, 1912 and 1913. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Greenwich Equal Franchise League, founded at her home, Aug., 1909 (1st vice-pres., 1909-11; pres., 1911-12; now treas.). Press chairman of Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1910-11. Has written for various newspapers and publications, and ad- dresses delivered in various places, notably arti- cle on the Internat. Congress of Eugenics In London (Woman's Journal, Sept., 1912). Con- gregationalist. Mem. Mothers' Club, Travel Club, Alliance Frangaise, United Workers, Housewives' League, Consumers' League, Conn. Soc. of Social Hygiene; visitor for Conn. Children's Aid Soc.; chairman Emily Bruce House Com. ; mem. Green- wich College Women's Club. PARRTNGTON, E. (Mrs. De Witt Parkington),

Gustlne, Cal.

Born New Britain, Conn. ; dau. Walter and May (Hunter) Gridley; ed. New Britain; taught school when young; m. New Britain, Nov. 24, 1860, De Witt Parkington; one daughter: Mabel Park- Ington. Interested in religious and social work. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Prohibi-

��tionist Mem. and past matron Oraer of the Eastern Star; life mem. W.C.T.U. (pres. local union nine years) ; pres. Gustine Club.

PARKTVSON, Amy, 130 Dunn Av., Toronto. Ont

Poet; b. Liverpool. England; dau. Charles Pye and Lucy A. (Ireland) Parkinson; came to Can- ada In early childhood, invalid from age of 12; privately educated. Has written many poems, chiefly of a religious nature, and has been widely called "The Canadian Havergal." Author: Love Through All; A Voice from a Sick Room; In His Keeping; Best; all published as booklets. Also numerous poems printed for private circulation.

PARKS, Frances P. (Mrs. Thomas Nelson Parks), The Willard Rest Cottage, Evanston, 111.

Corresponding sec. Nat W.C.T.U.; b. in Vir- ginia, Feb. 10, 1856; dau. Henry and Laverna E. f Davis) Pride; ed. in State schools of Va. and W.Va. ; m. Fairmont W.Va., 1882, Thomas Nel- son Parks; children: Bm-ma L., William S. High schools teacher; connected with the W.C.T.U. since organized In W.Va., 1883 (State officer ten years); elected to present office in Nat. W.C.T.U., 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

PARKS, Grace Rnnyan (Mrs. Samuel Shaw

Parksl, S231 Fulton St, Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, 111., Deo. 14, 1868; dau. Eben F. and Flora (Avery) Runyan; ed. Chicago public schools, high school and private tutor; m. Racine, Wis., Aug. 6, 1888, Samuel Shaw Parks; chil- dren : Clarence Runyan, Dora Ruth, Jessie Grace. Active in work of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Democrat. Supreme pres. of P.E.O. Sisterhood, 1911-13. Mem. Klio Ass'n, West Side Co-Educational Club, Chi- cago Political Equality League, Illinois Colony Club. PARKS, Margaret, 110 Charlotte St, St John,

New Brunswick, Can.

Physician; b. St. John, Neiw Brunswick; dau. John H. Parks (established first cotton mill in Canada) and Margaret (Ketch um) Parks; ed. In St John, N.B.; medical course in Trinity Univ., Toronto, M.D. CM. '01. Since graduation engaged In practice of medicine in St. John, N.B. Pres- byterian. PARKS, Mary Leitch (Mrs. James Parks),

S347 Boulevard F, Denver, Colo.

Bom near London, Ont., Canada, Apr. 27, 1857; dau. Alexander and Mary (Leitch) Ferguson; ed. in public schools of Canada; m. Laramie, Wyo., Oct. 1, 1878, James Parks; children: George Alexander, Sarah Irene. State pres. Christian Woman's Board of Missions; State parliamen- tarian for the W.C.T.U.; rec sec. Interdenomina- tional Commission of the Rocky Mountain re- gion. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Pro- gressiva Prohibitionist Mem. Order Eastern Star. Ex-pres. Northslde Woman's Clnb, Den- ver; mem. Argyle Club, Denver.

PARLOW, Mary Kathleen, care of Concert Di- rection, Thomas Qulnlan, 318 Regent St., Lon- don, W., and Gt. Central Hotel, Marylebone, liOndon, England.

Violinist; b. Calgary, Alta., Sept 20, 1890; dau. of Charles Henry and Minnie B. (Wheeler) Parlow; studied violin with F. J. Conrad and Henry Holmes of San Francisco; removed to St. Petersburg, 1906, and continued musical stud- ies with Leopold Auer. Since 1908 has played in Germany, Russia, Scandinavia, Holland, Bel- gium and the British Isles, appearing before many of the crowned heads, the Queen of Eng- land, the King and Queen of Denmark, King and Queen of Norway, and other memtsers of the royal families. Recreations: Reading, walk- ing, motoring.

PARMELEE, Amy Olgren (Mrs. Egbert Nelson Parmelee), 7318 North Ashland Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, 111., Feb. 1, 1882; dau. Albert F. and Elizabeth (Gottschall) Olgen; ed. Lake View High School, Chicago; Northwestern Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '04 (mem. Delta Delta Delta— nat. sec. 1904-06); m. Chicago, Sept 12, 1906, Eg- bert Nelson Parmelee; children: Rexford Clark, b. May 10, 190?; Elizabeth Aletha, b. June 22,


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