Youth's Companion, Cook's Sunday School publications and publications of the different denominational boards.
BANCKER, Mary Clark, 134 W. Seventy-fifth St., N.Y. City.
Teacher Brearley School; b. Jackson, Mich.; dau. Enoch and Lucy White (Clark) Bancker; ed. Wellesley Coll., Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '91; Ph.M. '92; Chicago Univ., '97; Columbia Univ., A.M. '06; attended Oxford Univ. (lectures), England, 1905. Was instructor of History, Oxford (Ohio) Coll.; head of English dep't, Stanley Hall, Minneapolis, 1897-1904; head mistress Miss Caton's and Miss Wilson's School, N.Y. City, 1906-08; instructor Brearley School since 1908. Owner and manager Green Gables Inn, Magnolia, Mass., 1910-12. Mem. Colonial Dames in State of New York, the College Club, Boston; Nat. Geographic Soc. Episcopalian.
BANCKER, Mary Whitaker (Mrs. G. Bancker), 339 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Waverly, N.Y.; dau. James and Lucinda M. (Orser) Whitaker; ed. Waverly Academy; m. June 14, 1900, Gerard Bancker. Eight years on the regular staff of N.Y. Tribune; two years at Washington for N.Y. World; syndicate writer for ten papers. Director N.Y. City Fed. Hotel for Working Girls, Patriotic Women of America. Favors woman suffrage; vice-leader of Seventh Assembly Dist. Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of N.Y. State Women, Am. Criterion Club, N.Y.; N.Y. Theatre Club, James Monroe Relief Corps, Government Club, Current Events Club, Post Parliament.
BANCROFT, Eleanor Stow, Rockefeller Inst. for Medical Research, N.Y. City.
Physician; b. California, June 2, 1874; dau. James M. and Alice (Glass) Stow; ed. Cal. public schools, State Normal, San Jose, Medical Dept. Univ. of California, 1896; mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota; m. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 31, 1900, Frank W. Bancroft; children; Frances S., James S., Martin F. Lecturer in hygiene and medical examiner to women in Univ. of Calif., 1904-12.
BANCROFT, Emma Cooper (Mrs. William Poole Bancroft), Wilmington, Del.
Daughter James and Lucy (Middleton) Cooper; ed. Moses Brown School, Providence, R.L; m. Sharon Hill, Pa., Nov. 1, 1876, William Poole Bancroft; children: Sarah Bancroft Clark (Mrs. Roger Clark, England), Lucy Bancroft Gillett (Mrs. Henry T. Gillett, England). Mem. Soc. of Friends.
BANCROFT, Jessie Hubbell, 500 Park Av., N.Y. City.
Assistant Director Physical Training, public schools of N.Y. City; b. Winona, Minn., Dec. 20, 1867; dau. Edward Hall and Susan M. (Hubbell) Bancroft; ed. State Normal School, Winona, Minn.; Minneapolis School of Physical Training, 1889; Harvard Summer School of Physical Training; honorary diploma, Sargent Normal School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass. Director physical training public schools of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1893-1904; assistant director physical training, public schools of Greater N.Y., 1904. Lecturer physical training, summer session, Columbia Univ., 1901-06; Univ. of Utah, 1908. Chairman Section of Physical Training, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1893-98. Author: School Gymnastics, Freehand; School Gymnastics with Light Apparatus; Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium; Athletics for Girls; The Posture of Children, with its Home Hygiene and New Efficiency Methods for School Training; articles on Games and Physical Training in Encyclopedia Americana, and many miscellaneous articles. Protestant. Mem. and ex-secretary Am. Physical Educators' Ass'n; mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Education Ass'n. Physical Education Soc. of N.Y. City and Vicinity; Public Education Ass'n N.Y. City. Recreations: Outdoor life; tramping, mountain climbing, horseback riding. Favors woman suffrage.
BANCROFT, Margaret Healy (Mrs. Edgar Addison Bancroft), 77 Cedar St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Boston, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '80; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 18, 1896, Edgar Addison Bancroft (now general counsel Internat. Harvester Co.). Was engaged in executive work with the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y., before marriage. Mem. Woman's Club of Chicago, Chicago Literary Club.
BANDY, Mary Albertson (Mrs. George A. Bandy), Hawarden, Iowa.
Club president; b. Cook's Valley, Minn., Mar. 22, 1874; dau. William and Eliza (Hancock) Albertson; ed. Volga, S. Dak.; m. Volga, S. Dak., Mar. 28, 1900, George A. Bandy; children: Dorothy Edna, William Arthur and Mary Elizabeth. Was nine years a school teacher prior to marriage. Presbyterian in name. New Thought in faith; mem. Woman's Missionary Soc. Mem. Twentieth Century Club; pres. Mother's Club.
BANG, Mary Phillips (Mrs. William F. Bang), 710 Russell St., Nashville, Tenn.
Born Mar. 7, 1849; dau. William and Sallie K. (Hooper) Phillips; grad. Packer Collegiate Inst., '66; one year at Nashville Female Acad.; m. Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1869, William F. Bang; children: Nellie, Mary, Frances, Elizabeth, Beulah, Lillian, Louise, Laura, William. Has been active in Sunday-school, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc.; active mem. W.C.T.U. 25 years. Conducted a W.C.T.U. column (weekly) in Nashville, Tenn., five years. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Has written many articles for press in behalf of various reforms. Methodist. Pres. East Nashville W.C.T.U.; cor. sec. of State W.C.T.U.; mem. Exec. Board of Travelers' Aid Soc. Recreations: Gardening. Interested in reform and philanthropic work; appointed delegate to Southern Sociological Conference at Atlanta, Ga. Directly instrumental in getting the age of consent for girls in Tennessee raised from 10 to 16 years in 1895.
BANKS, Charlotte Mooney (Mrs. Charles E. Banks), Falls City, Neb.
Teacher of voice, choral director; b. New Albany, Ind., 1847; dau. William and Charlotte (Henry) Mooney (mother of the Patrick Henry family); ed. public and private schools, Keokuk, Iowa, and Boston, Mass.; musical education in Boston; m. Chariton, Iowa, 1874, Charles Edwin Banks; children: Lilian Carrol, also Edwin H. (adopted in 1882). Was soloist for the old celebrated Mendelsohn Quintette Club at Boston, 1869-72. Contributor of short stories and poems for various magazines and papers; has written articles on subjects of the day, such as Rights of the Child, pronunciations in singing; wrote daily descriptive articles of the World's Jubilee, 1872, and a series of music letters in the Peoria Saturday Evening Call, 1879-80. Mem. of Library Board; conductor Falls City Chorus; pres. Missionary and Aid Soc.; mem. Sorosis Club; brought about the organization of the Falls City Fed. of Women's Clubs Recreations: Recitals, music entertainments. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; was active mem. in Montana.
BANKS, Elizabeth, care of Lyceum Club, 128 Piccadilly, London, England.
Journalist, author; b. Trenton, N.J.; dau. John and Sarah (Briston) Banks; ed. Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee. Began journalism in St. Paul; was sec. to Am. Minister to Peru; lived mostly in London since 1894; writes under own name and under nom-de-plume of "Mary Mortimer Maxwell," also "Enid" on London Referee. Works with various societies for protection of children and animals. Author: In Cap and Apron; Campaigns of Curiosity; The Autobiography of a Newspaper Girl; The Mystery of Frances Farrington (novel); The Luck of the Black Cat (short stories). Mem. Inst, of Journalists, Incorporated Soc. of Authors, Soc. of Women Journalists. Club: Lyceum. Recreations: Playing with children, dogs and kittens. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Women Writers' Suffrage League, London.