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��Congress of Mothers; spoke in Washington at rnternational Convention of National Congress of Mothers— The Relation of the State to the Fatherless Child; introduced bill in 1911-12 ask- ing for nommission to study the needs of widowed mothers with minor dependent children; was appointed mem. of commission by Governor Foss; acted as sec. of commission; introduced in 1912 a bill in Massachusetts Legislature for State and towns to subsidize the children of good wid- owed mothers up to the legal working age; writes and speaks on child welfare topics and on widows' pension plans in Ameri-ca and Australia. Mem. Fathers' and Mothers' Club, Boston Union of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Boston. Writer of occasional short stories and articles in magazines; now writing ror news- paper syndicate. Recreations: Pastel painting, sketching. Unitarian. Progressive. PARK, Edith Beam (Mrs. John Allan Park),

Hayward, Cal.

Born in Washington State; dau. George W. and Almira N. (Wright) Beam; descendant of pioneers of Cal. and Wash., grandfather (Wright) having located in Cal. in 1849; ed. In public schools of San Francisco, Cal.; m. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 16, 1890, John Allan P&rk. Mem. Aid Soc. of Trinity Church; Associated Charities of Hayward. Chairman of Philan- thropy of the Hill and Valley Club, Hayward (organized club a^d was its pres. and director). Mem. Civic Center of Hayward. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Independent in poli- tics. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Recrea- tions: Walking, motoring, card club, entertain- ing friends, music. Mem. Ebell Club of Oak- land, Cal. PARK, Grace Burtt (Mrs. J. Edgar Park), 3

Winthrop St., West Xewton, Mass.

Bom Andover, Mass., Jan. 31, 1876; dau. Ed- ward W. and Emma (Jefferson) Burtt; ed. Punch- ard High School, Andover, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. 1900: m. Andover, Mass., April 29, 1906, Rev. J. Edgar Park; children: Rosemary, William Edgar, Eileen Elizabeth. Head of mathematics dep't Bridgewater High School, 1900; head of mathematics dep't Andover High School, 1901-06. Mem. Boston Wellesley Club, West Newton Educational Club. Congrega- tionalist. PARK, Lottie Crego (Mrs. A. V. Park), 1641 W.

First St., Los Angeles, CaJ.

Physician; b. Marquette, Wis.; dau. John Dephendorph and Eliza (Redner) Crego; ed. pub- lic school, Rochester, Minn.; Woman's Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D. '81; Law School of Southern CaJ., LL.B. '04; m. Rochester, Minn., 1874, A. V. Park. Appointed resident physician to Girls' Dep't of Cal. State School at Wliittier, Cal., 1898; appointed mem. of State Lunacy Board of Cal., 1912. Examining physician of Psychopathic Soc. and consultant of Rest Haven. Worked in suffrage movement, W.C.T.U. and Humane and Audubon societies. Author of short stories, poems and plays, published under nom-de-plume in magazines. Theosophist. Socialist. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Acad, of Science, Order of Rebecca, Los Angeles Humane Soc, Psychopathic Soc, Rest Haven Soc. (for mental cares). Clubs: Southern Cal. Press, San Diego Woman's, Scribblers' (Los Angeles), Morris (San Francisco). PARK, Marion Hklwards, Oberlin, O.

Teacher; ed. Gloversville (N.Y.) High School, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98, A.M. '99, graduate student, 18^8-99; Univ. of Chicago, 1900-01; Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1901-02. Instructor in classics, Colorado Coll., 1902-03, 1904-06, and acting dean of women, 1903- 04; teacher of English in Miss Wheeler's School, Providence, R.I., 1006-07, and of classics, 1907-09.

PARK, Maybelle M., office. 300 Arcade Bld'g;

residence. 1134 Eighteenth Av., Seattle, Wash.

Physician, surgeon; b. Dodge's Corners. Wis.; dau. John Wesley and Sarah Luella (Thomas) Park: ed. In district school. Carroll Coll., Univ. of Wis., B.S. '91; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa.. M.D. '94; Post-Graduate School of Homceopathics,

��M.H. '95. First woman to hold the oflBce of county physician, two terms, 1898-99, Waukesha Co., Wis. Mem. Junior Alliance of Unitarian Church, Seattle Ccuncil of Women Voters (treas. and trustee), Social Service Club, Seattle Soc. ol Social and Moral Hygiene, Wash. C'nildren'a Home Finding Soc. Contributor to medical magazines. Unitarian. Republican. Recrea- tion : Gardening. Mem. Med. Women's Club of Seattle, King Co. Med. Soc., Wash. State Med. Ass'n.

PARKER, Adella, 419 Boylston Av., North,

Seattle, Wash.

Teacher, editor; b. in Michigan; dau. William Elbridge and Lily Ruth (Ocobock) Parker; ed. Univ. of Washington, A.B., LL.B.; i>ost-graduata student, Univ. of Wis. and Univ. of W.Va.; teacher of civics and economics (high school). Admitted to the bar in the State of Washington; associate editor of Votes for Women, campaign organ of the Washington suffragists; editor, publisher and proprietor of the Western Woman Voter. Interested in changing the laws of the State and the city in the direction of democracy and community ovmership and activity; also in social problems, philosophy, the Montessori sys- tem of education and the suffrage propaganda. Pres. of the College Suffrage League (Washing- ton Branch); mem. of the Exec. B'd of the Wash- ington Elqual Suffrage Ass'n. Took an active part in the Washington campaign as speaker, press representative and editor of the campaign organ (Votes for Women) and also of special editions of the daily press. Writer of magazine articles: How Washington Women Lost the Ballot; The First Municipal Street Car in America; How Seattle Got the Recall; How Washington Women Regained the Ballot In Col- laboration; The Western Woman Voter — A New Force in Politics; Overheard in the Marriage Congress. Non-partisan; Socialist in aim. In- dividualist in principle. Mem. Single Tax Club, Public Ownership League, Quiz Congress, Seattle Teachers' Ass'n, Seattle Central Council of Social Agencies, Seattle Open Forum. Recrea- tions: Politics, poetry, Ibsenesque drama, camp- ing, dancing. Mem. Young Naturalists' Soc. (clubhouse). Membership in Seattle Federation's Clubhouse. Framed the Recall Amendment of the City Charter of Seattle and organized, financed and carried on the campaign which resulted in its adoption. Lectures frequently on the Montessori Method of Education. Speaks also on Single Tax, Municipal Ownership, Direct Legislation and Economic Theory; assisted in organizing the Seattle Open Forum. PARKER, Alice Bennett, 4541 Boulevard,

Beechmont, Louisville, Ky.

Teacher; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '98. Teacher in Batavia (N.Y.) High School, 1899-1902; Ken- tucky Home School, Louisville, 1902-C4; Louisville Girls' High School since 1904.

PARKER, Augusta Talcott (Mrs. Truman Alfred Parker), Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va. Born Randolph, Va., Aug. 28, 1S77; dau. Col. Thomas Mann Randolph and Nancy Carrington (McPhail) Talcott; ed. governesses; grad. Salem Female Acad., Winston-Salem, N.C.; m. Rich- mond, Va., Apr. 22, 1903, Truman Alfred Parker, M.D.; children: Augusta McVickar, Truman Alfred, Jr., Thomas Mann Randolph, Nancy Car- rington. Interested in Civic Improvement League of Leesburg, Va. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Country pastimes, driving, riding, walking, outings of all kinds, etc.

PARKER, Caroline Miller (Mrs. Augustin Ham- ilton Parker), Charles River Village, Mass. Born Quincy, Mass., Mar. 13, 1874; dau. Lewis Stackpole and Clara (Bigelow) Dabney; ed. Miss Barr's School, Boston. Mass.; Boston Art Mu- seum School; m. King's Chapel, Boston, Nov. 2, 1906, Augusiin Hamilton Parker; children: L/ewis Dabney Parker, Augustin Parker Jr. Mem. Exec. Com. and Educational and Organization Com. of the Mass. Ass'n Opposed to the Further Exten- sion ot Suffrage to Women; mem. Nat. Aes'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage; chairman Dover (Mass.) Com. of Mass. Ass'n. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Soc, Dover Historical Soc, Nat. Civic


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