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��position. Received Young Fortnightly prize at Chicago Art Institute (1907), and Marshall Field prize, Chicago (1907). Represented in permanent collections at Chicago Art Institute (Municipal Art League permanent Exhibition of Chicago Soc. of Artists, etc.); and at Archfi Club, West End Woman's Club, N;>:6 Club, Klio Ass'n, and Jewish Woman's Aid; also in many other cities of the country. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chicago Soc. of Artists, Chicago Water-Color Club, Chicago Art Guild, Chicago V/oman's Club (Dep't of Art and Literature), Municipal Art League; hon. mem. North Side Art Club (Chicago); hon. mem. Lake View Woman's Club (Chicago), etc. Recreations: Travel, thsatre, motoring.

PALMER, Rose Amelia, 3846 Woodley Road,

Washington, D.C.

Classifier, International Catalogue; b. Wash- ington, D. C. ; dau. Samuel Claxton and Mary Susanna (Claxton) Palmer; ed. public schools and Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. Vassar, A.B. (Phi BeU Kappa) '96. Classifier, since 1901, for the U.S. Regional Bureau of the Interna- tional Catalogue, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington. This catalogue is issued in 17 volumes yearly, each Regional Bureau furnishing index slips for the scientific literature published in its territory, and all the principal countries in the world cooperate.

PALMEK, Sarah Ellen, 483 Beacon St., Boston,


Surgeon; b. Exeter, N.H. ; dau. John R. and Sarah Ellen (Dodge) Palmer; ed. Robinson Fe- male Sem., Exeter; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Philadelphia. Engaged in practice in Boston since graduation, specializing in surgery. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Alumna Ass'n of Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Mass. Club of Robinson Sem., Folk Lore Soc., Copley Soc. Congregatlonalist. Favors woman suffrage.

PAXMER, Virginia Lincoln (Mrs. Truman Gar- rett Palmer), 4022 X. Forty-first Court, Chi- cago, 111.; also New Ebbitt, Washington, D.C. Born Chicago, 111.; dau. Harry Mortimer and Marion Charlotte (Deming) Lincoln; ed. Balti- more, Md., at private schools, also in Chicago public and high schools (whence was graduated); m. Chicago. June 13, 1SS3, Truman Garrett Pal- mer. Organizer of the Woman's Aid and Loan Soc' of Irving Park, Chicago, a charitable organization of 250 members (pres. eight years) ; one of -or- ganizers of Irving Park Club (ex-pres.). Against woman suffrage. Reformed Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Music, travel, driving, automobiling. Mem. Klio Ass'n of Chicago; former mem. Chi- cago Woman's Club; two years chairman Phil- anthropy Com. of 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Woman's Welfare Dep't, Nat. Civic Federa- tion (Washington Section).

PAXMER, Zoe Wyndham (Mrs. Walter Launt Palmer), 5 Lafayette St., Albany, N.Y. Born Cockermouth, England; dau. Horace and Ruth (Bragg) Wyndham; ed. in England, France and Germany; m. New Brunswick, N.J., De- cember, 1895, Walter Launt Palmer, N.A. ; one daughter: BeaArioe Wyndham Palmer. Epis- copalian.

PAXMIE, Anna Helene, 11422 Mayfleld Road,

Cleveland, O.

Professor of mathematics; b. Brooklyn. N.Y., 1863; dau. Edward D. and Therese C. (Thiel) Palmie; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '90; fellow in mathematics, 1890-91; Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI (mem. Alpha Phi). Instructor in mathe- matics, 1892; asso. prof, mathematics, 1S93-95; prof, mathematics since 1895 in Coll. for ^Vomen, Western Reserve Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League and Woman Suffrage Party of Ohio. Unitarian. Mem. Am. Math. Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Aluiinnse. PAXMIE, Marguerite Thiel, 44 Strong Place,

Brooklyn, N.T. ; summer, Point Pleasant, N.J.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Edward Daniel and Theresa (Thiel) Palmie; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Cornell Univ., A.B. (mem. Alpha Phi). Former Bcc. of the Armstrong . Ass'n of N.Y. City. Favors woman EuSrase. Uniiaxian.

��P.\>XOAST, Mary Soper (Mrs. Aaron C. Pan- coast), 102 Turner St., San Antonio, Tex. Born Jersey City, N.J., May 19, 1872; dau. John W. and Louise (Penny) Soper; ed. Swarth- more Coll., B.S. '90; m. Jersey City, N.J., Jan. 8, 1896, Aaron C. Pancoast; one daughter: Elsia Louise. Writer of magazine articles. Recrea- tions: Tennis, swimming, motoring, bridge. Against woman suffrage. Lived for several yeara in both Mexico and Brazil, taking much interest in the latter country.

PAXGBORN, Georgia Wood (Mrs. H. L. Pang-

bornj, 48 Wall St., N.T. City.

Author; b. Malone, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1872; dau. George H. and Mary (Prentice) Wood; ed. in academy at Franklin, N.Y., and Packer Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. October, 1894, H. L. Pang- born. Writer of short stories for the magazines. Author: Roman Biznet, 1902; Interventions, 1911.

"PAJVSY" — see Alden, Isabelle Macdonald.

P,\PE, Henrietta Xouise, 371 Ludlow Av., Clif- ton, Cincinnati, O.

Born Cincinnati, Dec. 20, 1873; dau. Henry A. and Louise (Wisman) Pape; ed. Cincinnati sctiools; grad. Hughes High School and Norma] School, Cincinnati; also in Cincinnati Coll. of Music and later studied voice under Foley; studied law two years for personal benefit. In- terested in reforms, including child labor, the conservation of natural resources, the Anti- Tuberculosis League and the Vigilance Soc. (for suppression of White Slave traffic) and local houses for orphans and for aged. Against wo- man suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Riverside Culture Club, Ohio Club and two smaller clubs.

PARCE, Inez Xorena Taggart (Mrs. Joseph Tale

Parce), 2057 Fairfax St., Park Hill, Denver,


Born in Kansas; grad. Univ. of Kans., A.B. '90, A.M. '92; graduate student in English, Bryn Mawr, 1893-94; graduate student, Univ. of Colo., 1894-96; m. 1899, Joseph Yale Parce. Instructor in English, literature and history in Manual Training High School, Denver, Colo., 1894-99. PARET, Anna Parmly, 101 W. Eighty-fifth St.,

N.T. City.

Editor; b. Bergen Point, N.J. ; dau. Henry and Anna E. (Parmly) Paret; niece of Rt. Rev. William Paret, Bishop of Maryland; ed. private schools in N.Y. City. General newspaper work on New York Herald, 1895-99; associate editor. Harper's Bazar, 1890-1913, and managing editor, 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of stories for children in various magazines and articles on women in industry in Scientific American Ency- clopedia. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Rec- reation: Golf. Mem. Saegkill Golf Club, Yon- kers, N.Y., and prospective (invited) mem. of Lyceum Club PARIS, Frances Johnston (Mrs. John W. Paris),

South Parsons Av., Flushing, N.T.

Born Crestline. O., Sept. 29, 1862; dau. John Davidson and Sarah Ellen (Nessler) Johnston; ed. private schools and Oxford (Ind.) Acad.; m. Ox- ford, Ind., Sept. 30, 1S83, John W. Paris; chil- dren: Rex Lee, Leah, Irene, Helen Paris. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Day Nursery and Woman's Employment societies of Flushing, L.I. Recreations: Golf, landscape gardening. Mem. Good Citizenship League of Flushing, L.I., and Daughters of Indiana, N.Y. City. P.\RK, Clara Cahill (Mrs. Robert E. Park),

Hillside Av., Wallaston, Mass.

Bom Hubbardston, Mich.; daughter of Judge Edward (ex-justice of the Sur:eme Court of Mich.) and Lucy (Crawford) Cahill; ed. Lansing (.Mich.) High School; Cincinnati Art Acad.; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Chicago Art Inst.; studied in Berlin and Strasburg; painted mostly children's portraits; m. Lansing, Mleh., 1895, Elobert E. Park, Ph.D.; children: Edward Cahill, Thc-odosia Warner, Margaret Lucy, Rob- ert Hiram. Educated as an artist and exhibited painting (The Burgomaster's Daughter) in exhi- bition of the Soc. of Western Artists. Took uf work for child welfare after marriage; in 191C became first vlce-pres. Mass. Branch of Nat


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