��byterian. Democrat. Mem. Mothers' Congress and Women's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress. Mem. Alfredian Club, Leeds, N.Dak. ; Study Club, Devils Lake, N.Dak.; auditor State Federation. PAGE, Elizabeth Fry (Mrs. David Samuel
Page), 1304 Sixteenth Av., South, Nashville,
Author; b. Hillsville, Va. ; dau. Col. G«orge Thompeon and Mary A. A. (Cooley) Fry; ed. Girls' High School. Atlanta, Ga,, and by private tutors in English, music and philosophy; m. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1898, David Samuel Pago. Edited Southern Florist and Gardener, 18S4-97; associate editor American Homes, 1896- ; associate editor Taylor-Trobwood Magazine, 1910- . Organized Tenn. Woman's Press and Authors' Club (first sec. and fourth pres.). Teacher of woman's Bible class In Christ Church, Nashville, Tenn. ; sustaining mem. of Nashville Y.W.C.A. Author of books: Vaga/bond Victor (juvenile), 1908; Edward Mac Dorwell— His Work and Ideals, 1910; has written muny stories, es- says and poems in magazines; book of poems accepted. Poet Laureate of Tenn. D.A.R., 1912- 13; also of Tena. Division United Daushters of Confedaracy, 1913; organizer and pres. of Nash- ville Metaphysical Club; mem. Nashville Story Tellers' League, Southern Writers' League, Nash- ville Centennial Club. Recreations: Housekeeping, music, flower gardening. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; cbarter mem. Nashville Equal Suffrage League. PAGE, Ellen Trances (Mrs. Carroll Smalley
Page), The Cochran, Washington, D.C., and
Hyde Park, Vt.
Born Johnson, Vt, Dec. 12, 1842; dau. Theo- philus Hull and Desdemona (Jackson) Patdi; ed. Lamoille Co. Grammar School, Johnson, Vt. ; Palnesville (Ohio) Female Sem.; m. MorrisvUle, Vt., April 11, 1865, Carroll Smalley Page (Gov- ernor of Vt., 1890-92, U.S. Senator from Vermont since 1908); children: Theophilus Hull, Russell Smith, Alice. Against woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Congressional Club, Wash- ington, D.C. PAGE, Gay (pseudonym) — see Sherk, Florence
Nightingale. PAGE, Grace Rand (Mrs. Benjamin E. Page),
Highland Park, 111.
Bom Athens Co., Ohio, 1870; dau. Charles S. and Henrietta V. (Header) Rand; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '91; m. Chicago, 1901, Benjamin E. Page; one son: Robert Rand Page. Teacher mathematics, Lake View High School, Chicago, 1893-1907. Chairman Legislative Com. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Chicago Woman's Club (chairman Minimum Wage Com. and direc- tor Reform Dep't); vlce-pres. Chicago Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumna; chairman College Women's Industrial Com. of 111. Favors woman suffrage; mem. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Consumers' League, Women's Trade Union League, Drama League of America, Anti-Cruelty Soc., Woman's City Club, Chicago College Club, Chicago Smith Club. PAGE, Marie Danforth (Mrs. Calvin G. Page),
128 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass.
Portrait painter; b. Boston, Mass., dau. John Nourse and Hannah M. (Rhodes) Danforth; ed. Gannet Institute and School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; m. Boston, 1896, Calvin Gates Page. M.D. Has exhibited pictures In Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh; Corcoran Gallery, Washington; Art Institute, Chicago; John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis, and Worcester (Mass.) Art Museum. Has made a specialty of children's pictures. Episcopalian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston International Union of Arts and Letters, Paris. Recreations: Folk dancing, walking, reading. PAGE, Sophy EUen, 114 W. Seneca St., Ithaca,
Physician; b. Bethany, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1879; dau. Nathan Whipple and Ellen Elizabeth (Gates) Page; ed. Cornell Univ., Buffalo Medical School, M.D. 1902; licensed N.Y., 1902. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R.
��PAIGE, Abbie I... Taunton, Mass: Winter — Greenough St., Within, Brookline, Mass. Teacher; b. Taunton, Mass.; dau. Onias S. and Mary L. (Park) Paige; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96 (Phi Sigma). Sec. Brookline High School, 1897-lt07; associate principal, Hosmer Hall, St. Louis, 1907-11; director of social work. Woman's Educational and Industrial Urion, 1911-J2; di- rector Cooperative Employment Bureau, Provi- dence, R.I., 1913 — . Unitarian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Old Colony Historical Soc, College Settlements Ass'n, College Club of Bos- ton, Wednesday Club of St. Louis, Monday Even- ing Club, Boston.
PAIGE, Hildegarde Brooks (Mrs. Sidney Paige),
Box 223 Worcester, Mass.
Author; to. Dresden, Germany; dau. Major Thomas Benton and Hannah (Hulse) Brooks; grad. Swarthmore Coll., B.S. '95; m. Mar. 20, 1909, Sidney Paige. Author: Without a Warrant, 1901; The Master of Caxton, 1902; Daughters of De^eration, 1903; The Larky Furness, 1906.
PAINE, L.ncy Theodora, Episcopal Church Mis- sion, Soochow, China.
Missionary; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '96; student of art. Smith Coll., 1891-92, 1896-97; N.Y. Train- ing School for Deaconesses, 1900-02. Deaconess of Christ Church (Protestant Episcopal), Cincin- nati, O., 1902-05; since 1905 missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Soochow, China.
PAINE, Margaret Humphreys (Mrs. Elmer E. Paine), 4606 Thirteenth St., N.W., Washing- ton, D.C.
Bom Felicity, O. ; dau. Rev. Evan Williams and Sophia Olive (Fairfield) Humphreys; grad. of Granville (O.) Female Sem., A.B.; Univ. of Mich., D.D.S., '82; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1885, Elmer E. Paine; eblldren: George, Roger Warde, Margaret, Dorothy, Janet. Ass't to prof, of clini- cal dentistry, Univ. of Mich., 1883-85. Mem. Daughters jf the King. Against woman suf- frage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Ten- nis, walking, gardening, driving, horseback rid- ing. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Washington, D.C, 1912; Twentieth Century Club, Akron, O., 1892; Women's Club, Xenla, O., 1880.
PAXMEB, Adelaide, Piermont, N.H. ; studio, 739
Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
Artiat; b. Orford, N.H. ; dau. Henry H. and Rosette P. (Quint) Palmer; ed. in Nerw Hamp- shire schools; student of painting with John J. Enneking of Boston. Has specialized in flower and fruit pictures and in landscapes, and has frequently exhibited in Boston, N.Y. City and elsewhere. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston. "PAX.MEB, Mrs. A. Lynde" (pen-name) — see
Peebles, Mary Louise.
PA LATER, Mrs. A. M., 622 W. llSth St., N.Y.
Club woman. Interested In School for Crip- pled Children. Chairman of Special Com. on Mills of N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. the Rainy Day Club; mem. Sorosis, American Playgoers, Colorado Cliff Dwellers, Women's Health Protective Ass'n, Women's Peace Circle, Woman's Press Club, Twelfth Night Club, Gotham Club. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Suffrage League of N.Y., William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n. Republican; mem. Woman's Plepubllcan Club.
PALMER, Anna Alexander (Mrs. Smith
Palmer), Saginaw, W.S., Mich.
Born Groveland, Mich., 1845; dau. John and Eleanor J. (Algoe) Alexander; ed. Saginaw (Mich.) High School and Mich. State Normal School; m. Saginaw, Mich., May 10, 18ia, Smith Palmer. Active In F^rst Methodist Church. Served as pres. of Mich. State Fed. 'of Women's Clubs: mem. H6me Woman's Club. Served two tea-ms on Board of Education, elected 1901. Mem. State Board of the State Home for Girls, appointed by Governor for six years; mem. Board of Trustees Bay View'n, Bay View, Mich. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Board of County Suffrage Ass'n. Has corresponded extensively for newspapers. Mem. Hospital Ass'n, Kinder- garten Ass'n. Has traveled abroad and exten- sively in U.S.