��c-essful campaign of 1912. Congregatlonalist Mem. Alumni Ass'n of UnlT. of Kan., W.C.T.U., Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, Civic Improvement League, Cornell Consumers' Lieague. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Child Study Club; delegate to City Fed. ; mem. Cornell Woman's Club (first vice-pres.), Oliver Mathematical Club, Ithaca Woman's Club, Political Study Club (pres.). OWENS, Sara E. (Mrs. John Owens), West
Union, la.
Born Fayette, la., Feb. 10, 1865; dau. Edward and Mary (Melady) Cavanaugh; ed. Fayette pub- lic school and Upper Iowa Univ; Fayette (Zeta Alpha Soc); m. Fayette, 1893, John Owens; children: Robert E. W., Genevieve Eleanor, Mildred Sara, Gertrude Cecelia. Interested in Catholic Ladies' Aid Soc, West Union Public Library, West Union Public School. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Royal Neigh- bors of America, Catholic Foresters of America- Mem. West Union Tourist Club (pres. since 1909), West Union Tuesday Art Club. OWINGS, Pauline James (Mrs. Osmond Toung
Owings), 1002 Elmwood Av., Columbia, S.C.
Author; b. Williamsburg Co., S.C, Aug. 27, 1868; dau. Dr. Joseph Alstone and Sarah Baxter fMcCutcheon) James; ed. at home and by tutors until 14 years old, later at Cheraw Acad, and grad. Winthrop Normal and Industrial School, '89 (mem. Winthrop AlumnaB Ass'n) ; m. Cheraw, S.C, Mar. 21, 1895, Osmond Young Owings fPh.G.); children: Capers, b. Feb. 21, 1896; Mary -Mitohell, b. Sept. 26, 1900; Osmond Young, b. June 24, 1905. Teacher for five years in the city schools of Columbia, S.C, 1889-95. Interested in many phases of church work; mem. and sec. of Columbia Hospital Auxiliary; also mem. As- sociated Charities and tbe Needlework Guild of America. Was mem. of com. that first agitated the question of the regulation of child labor in South Carolina. Author: Phcebe, 1912; has writ- ten for the New Century Club, for the local newspapers and also for various magazines. Presbyterian. Recreations: Gardening, walking, driving, golf. Mem. New Century Club (organ- ized it and was its first pres.), the oldest literary club in Cerfumbia, S.C. (1901).
PACE, Lula, Baylor University, Waco, Tex.
Botanist and teacher; dau. W. J. and Olive L. (Wilder) Pace; ed. public schools in and near Temple, Texas; Baylor Coll., B.S. 1890; Univ. of Chicago, M.S. '02; Ph.D. '07; research stu- dent Univ. of Bonn, Germany, 1910-11. Taught several years in Temple (Texas) City schools. Began teaching in Baylor Univ., 1903; now as- sistant prof, botany. Active worker in Baptist Church. Author of papers in Botanical Gazette, embodying original research: Fertilization in Cypripedium, The Gametophytes of Colopogon, Some Peculiar Fern Prothallia, and others. Baptist. Fellow A.A.A.S. (1911). PACE, Mary Anna, The Colonial, 714 W. 179th St., N.T. City. ^ ^.,,
Author and critic; b. Temple, Tex.; dau. Will- iam J. and Olive (Wilder) Pace; grad. Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex., A.B. '99; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '02; graduate scholar of Yale, 1904-05 (mem. CalUopean, Bavlor). Five years in editorial dep't of Current Literature, N.Y. City, 1905-11; now connected with publishing house of G. W. Dil- lingham Co., N.Y. City. Spent one year In special research and sociological investigation concerning the condition of women wage earners in New York and New Jersey, 1905-06; pres. (Texas) B.Y.P.U., also pres. Self-Culture Club, Texas- delegate to Internat. Sociological Con- gress, St. Louis, 1904. Author: Wanderings in Colorado; Curious Ideas About tbe Soul; Rythm and the Child; Special Interests Struggling for Civilization; Next Door Neighbors; The Storm; The College Woman In Suffrage (uses her own name on all articles; poems are published under the name "Olive Wilder" (mother's maiden natae); book reviews are unsigned. Mem. Inter- Collegiate Socialist Soc, Christian Socialist
��League of America; also United Daughters of the Confedersey. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Club, and Texas Club of N.Y. City. Recreations: Horseiback riding, swimming, tennis, theatre. Baptist. Socialist. Favors woman suffrage; wa.s left color guard, leading N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n in parade of May 4, 1912. PACKARD, Mary Secord, Seekonk, Mass.
Physician; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '92; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '97. Resident phy- sician, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1897-98; physician to Kingsley House, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1898-1900; Providence, R.I., 1900-08; since then at Seekonk, Mass. PACKEK, Edith Crozier, 79 N. Clinton Av.,
Trenton, N.J.
Born Trenton, Oct. 11, 1878; dau. Samuel Bissell and Sara'h Elizabeth (Crozier) Packer; ed. State Model School of Trenton; grad. St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J., '96; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900. Mem. Philadelphia Chapter of the Soc. of Grad- uates of St Mary's Hall; life mem. Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Vassar Students' Aid Soc.; treas. Woman's Aid to Mercer Hospital; mem. Executive (3om. of Trenton Branch of Needlework Guild of America. Episcopalian. Mem. Contemporary Club, College Club of Tren- ton, College Club of Philadelphia. PACKER, Elizabeth Ella, Glencoe, 111.
Teiacher, ass't principal; b. Columbia, Mo., Dec. 12, 1871; dau. John Packer (over thirty years mis- sionary to Burma) and Frances W. (Pattison) Packer; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96 (Phi BeU Kappa) ; graduate work at Univ. of Chicago. Teacher of Latin for twelve and a half years in New Trier Township High School, Kenilworth, 111.; ass't principal of that school for seven y-ears. Active in church matters and in the life of the societies to which she belongs. Baptist. Mem. Associate Alumna of Vassar Coll., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, North Shore Juvenile Protective Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, rowing, reading, piano playing, good lectures. Mem. Woman's Literary Club of Glencoe, 111. PADDOCK, Caroline Belles (Mrs. George Laban
Paddock), 628 Library St., Evanston, 111.
Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 26, 1839; dau. John Augustus and Catherine (Dix) Bolles; ed. Bos- ton and Winchester, Mass. ; m. Winchester, Mass., Oct. 1, 1862, George Laban Paddock; children: Katherine, Evelyn M., Charles Allen, Caroline B., Richard, George, Margaret. Mem. or constant attendant of Anti-Cruelty Ass'n, Foundlings' Home, Home for Incurables, Chicago Aid Soc, Flower Mission (for distriijution of flowers in hospitals and among employees in department stores); also visiting work and guild work in Episcopal churches. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. local literary society and Travel Class.
PADGHAM, Elizabeth, 65 Ames Av., Ruther- ford, N.J.
Unitarian minister; b. Syracuse, N.Y., June 10, 1874; dau. Amos and Emma (Holloway) Padgham; ed. Syracuse (N.Y.) Grammar School and High School; Pmitb Coll., B.L. '98; Meadville Theo- logical School. Minister Unity Church, Perry, la., 1901-05; minister Church of Our Father, Rutherford, N.J., 1905—. Favors woman suf- frage; pres. Equal Suffrage League of Perry, la., 1902-03-04; mem. Equal Suffrage League, Ruth- erford, N.J. Unitarian. Vice-pre^. N.Y. Sunday- school Union; director of Unitarian Conference of .Middle States and Canada; mem. Unitarian Fel- lowship for Social Justice. Recreations: Walk- ing, gardening, golf. Mem. Smith College Club of N.Y., Smith College Alumnae Ass'n, N.Y. Ministers' Lunch Cluib. PAGE, Birdie Sinclair (Mrs. E. B. Page),
Leeds, N. Dak.
Born St. Charles, Mo., Mar. IS, 1871; dau. Capt. C. J. and Laura Sinclair (Boai) .\tkin; ed. Louisiana, Mo.; m. Cando, N.Dak., Nov. 19, 1.S91, E. B. Page of Girard, 111.; children: Laura Williams, b. June 17, 1893; Elisha Howard, b. Aug. 19, 1894; Walter Sinclair, b. May 24, 1898; Alice Barbara, b. Oct. 28, 1900. Favors woman suffrage. Has written magazine articles. Pres-