��OXIXET, Passie Fenton (Mrs. John King motoring, tennis, camping. Pres San Diego Co Ottley), "Joyeuse," 20 Ponce de Leon Av., Fed. Women's Clu'ba; Friday Club and Olive- Atlanta, Ga. wood Club (NaUonal City, Cal.), Amphion Club Born Columbus, Miss.; dau. Dr. Fenton Mercer (San Diego, Cal.).
and Passie (Butler) McCabe; ed. Mary Baldwin owf'v VMtaht^u ir„„ /-.r tt t-
Rpim StauntriTi Vn • Tn^titiitp nt CnliimhiKs "»yii-JN, ^.Uzabeth Kenyon (Mrs. Herman E.
bem., btaunton Va., institute at OolumDus. owen), 14 Villa Av., San Jos6, Cal.
Miss.; Univ. of Chicago; m. Columbus, Miss., Wrifpr- h T^r, lo im-. .^„,, ■itAV- t-i_ ,
John King Ottley; children: Passie May and iin^l'Mlrv^J!-(l^^nhr.f^-^Tl]^^
John King. One of the founders of the federated WL^■!^^r. o^,7 ^"1^ ^^ii'?.?:^^^"^??;. ^V,??.'-
movement for organized women in Georgia;
��Holyoke Coll., B.S.; Brown Univ., M.A. ; Univ.
��luovement lor orgamzeu womeu lo ueorgia „( Wis ■ in Qor, t^,-^ n„i t i i in,; Vt
actively at work for seventeen years along every ^ OwVn Tn°trf,^^; i^ 'h'^ /^ ^' ^^^' ^^^^^"^
line of social betterment in the State Has fdencrR I sAtP r^,i • L<=^^'°'"^ ,^
written miirh T,Pwsn;,nPr wnrk in thp nntnrP of f"!?'^^^' J^-L^'-^-'e Coll.; asS t in political science,
��written much newspaper work in the nature of educational propagandism and in promoting social betterment movements. Presbyterian. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy; D.A.R., Woman's Dep't Welfare Work; Nat. Civic Fed- eration; Atlanta Woman's Club; History Class
��Univ. of Wis.; prof, of history and politicai science, Mills Coll., Cal. Does active work in the Soc. for the Study and Prevention of Tu- berculosis. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Col- lege Woman's Equal Suffrage League. Repub- lican. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Colle-
��also (through husband) Capitol City Club, Pied- '{"^"- ai irnn'TT n \ i> tTJL %■ ' ^L
mont Drivlne Club and Brookhaven Club. i'fll-r"™'^*.' ^■J'-^_-_ Recreation: Tramping.
Thomas M.
��mont Driving Club and Brookhaven Club. OUTHOUSE, Jlaxy Prather (Mrs. A. B
house), Loup City, Neb.
Born Carlyle, 111., Dec. 19, 1862; dau. James C
��OWEX, Marie Bankhead (Mrs. Owen;, Montgomery, Ala.
Born Noxubee Co., Miss., Sept. 1, 1869; dau. , ^ .,„..,,_ ,, ., V,. X, , '^°^° HoUis and Tallulah (Brockman) Bankhead;
a^a L. A^ (^atts) Prather; ed public schools of ed. public and private schools of Ala,. Ward's
"v-.;.,™- ^""^J- "^- ^v"""- ^^• ^^^I'.^--,?.-o°"*.?°^^= S^^i- Nashville, Tenn.; m. Fayette, Ala., April „>,.i^.„„. Merve^ b. Aug. 25, 1889; Omnia, 12, iS9:i, Thomas M. Owen; children: -Thomas
M., John H. B. (deceased). Feature story and short fiction writer; hoids professional newspaper pcsitioQj one of the few women writers having
b. Jan. 22, 1S91; Winnie, b. Nov. 26, 1893; Orpha, b. Nov. 27, 1898; Albertil, b. June 1, 1897; Ray- mond, b. Dec. 16, 1900. Mem. Ladies' G.A.R.
%^\^\^,^l^°l F'^^r^^' f™^™- "^<>°lf°'= '^'^i'y been'omciallV VivTn en7ree'To"^the pres's'gaireViel
��Club. Methodist. Against woman suffrage
��of both branches of Congress; collaborated with
��OUTLAND, Ethel Grimes (Mrs. J. H. Outland), Margaret Mayo in a play. The Transgressions;
1546 Massax;husetts St., Lawrence, Kan. mem. of original fiction and feature staff of
Born in Ind. ; grad. Earlham Coll., Ph.B. '96; Uncle Remus' Magazine. Methodist. Mem.
Earlham graduate scholar and student in Eug- D.A.R., United Daughters Confederacy. Recrea-
lish, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896; studied in Germany, tion: Theatre. Clubs: Ionian, No Name; former
1S99-19O0; m. 1901, J. H. Outland. Ass't principal prea. Montgomery City Fed. Women's Clubs;
of Bloomingdale (Ind.) Acad., 1897-99; teacher of pres. for Alabama of the Woman's Auxiliary
German in Fort Collins (Colo.) High School, Southern Commercial Congress; Trustee Alabama
1900-01. Boys' Industrial School, East Lake, Ala.
OVERLAND, Martha Uboe, 60 Wall St. and 2 OWEN, Mary Alicia, 306 N. Ninth St., St.
W. 103d St., N.T. City. a ^l^'^' ■'^^°'
Lawyer; b. In Norway; dau. H. A. and Martha Author; b. St. Joseph, Mo.; dau. James Alfred
(Uboe) Overland; ed. in high school, Stavanger, 3-°^ Agnes Jeanette (Carglll) Owen; ed. private
Norway; passed Regents' examination (N.Y. schools; at home by tutors; Vassar Coll.; has
City) with honors. Published Classified Corpora- ^P^'^"^.^ '^ history and made researches in
tion Laws of All States (annual reference bock), ^orth Am. anthropology and Indian folk-lore.
Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Recreation: Pres. Mo. Folk-Lore Society; life mem. Am.
Literature. Mem. Women Lawyers' Club and ^dk-Lore Society; honorary mem. English Folk-
N.Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n. '^°-'^ Society; mem. Gypsy Lore Society of
OVERTON, Gwendolen, 2S27 Howard Boulevard. ^'P^^'-^h, Scotland; honorary mem. Mo. Hist.
��Los Ang-eles, Cal.
Writer; b. Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. IS. 1874; dau.
��Society, St. Louis; Mo. State Hist. Soc. (Co- lumbia, Mo.); mem. British Ass'n for Advance- ment of Science. Author: The Daughters of
��Capt Gilbert Overton, U.S A., and Jane D. (Wat- Alouette, Voodoo Tales, An Ozark Gypsy Folk
kins) (Jverton; ed m public schools o Kansas L^re of the Musquakie Indians, Thf' Sacred
and private schools in France and Switzerland, council Hills; also contributor of papers to In-
Contnbutor to magazines— Bast and West. Au- tprnat Tfniv t r^T-p p\r,<„l; +u i^'^*'"' *•" ^",
thor: The Heritale of Unrest; Anne Carmel; ReH±nf F^cvcfonp^ / ,tf RpI.v .n ^°¥'^fl °'
r^iriPTi Phninc;- Paryt^fn-q nt thp WoHri- T>iP "-ei'Sions, ii,ncyclopedia of Religion and Ethics;
rSnIafn'a DiSkters *'^° P*>^°^^' ^'^°"«^ *°^ travel sketches in vari-
Laptain s Daugnters. ous publications. Mem. Am. Civic Alliance-
OVERTON, Helen Eliia Canfleld, Bellefonte, first vice-pres. Board of Sheltering Arms (for
Centre Co., Pa. care of destitute or mistreated children)- life
Preceptress; b. Eagleville, Centre Co., Pa.; mem. Humane Society of St. Joseph, Mo.- hon
dau. Ezra Witter and Mary Jane (Brickley) mem. St. Louis Chapter, D.A.R. ; horn mem
Overton; ed. public schools of Wilkes-Barre, Wednesday (St. Louis); mem.. Mississippi Valley
Pa. Since 1895, teacher in Bellefonte Acad.; be- Historical Ass'n (Lincoln Neb)
fore that in schools of Minneapolis, Minn. oWENS, Helen Brewster (Mrs.' Frederick Will-
Presbyterian (niem. Missionary Soc.) .Mcrn. lam Owens), 110 Westburne Lane, Itha<i NY
Readlng Club, Civic Club; chairman Julia K. p^i^.^te teacher of mathematics; b. PleSknton'
Fogg Testimonial Com.; chairman btate ' '^■k •- . .- - ^^.^ci^k.^, u. jric<j.»iiiiiA)u
to Prevent Desecration Publicity Com. of Woman' Preserve and Restore
��of the Flae "i-hairman ^°- ^P"' ^- ^^^- "^a"' ^°*ert Edward and n'- Club dmrnif-Ie to ^'^'"^ ^- d^'nt^D) Brew3ter; ed. Univ. of Kan.. Hrstodc Sufs Mem 1897-190L. A.B. 1900, A.M. '01; fellowship in
���OWKN, Anna Reese (Mrs. Carl Owen), National Teaching fellow Untv. of Kan., 1901-02. Teacher
City, Cal. of mathematics. High School,' Lawrence, Kan
Bom Sodus, Mich., Mar. 26, 1878; dau. William 1902-04; priv^Ue teacher of mathematics Ithaca'
S. and Amy (Johnson) Reese; ed. Toledo (la.) N.Y., 1908- . Interested in various organiza-
High School; York (Neb.) Coll.; Westfleld (III.) Uons for civic improvement and high ideals
Coll., A.B. '98; grad. Chicago Polyclinic Hos- Favors woman suffrage; pres. Political Study
pital Training School for Nurses, 1901; trained Club of Ithaoa, N.Y. ; pres. Tompkins Co Equal
nurse, 1901-10; m. Jollet, III., Feb. 2, 190G, Carl Suffrage Ass'n; organizer Sixth Judicial Dist of
Owen, M.D. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- N.Y. for Assembly dlst. work; State organizer
gresslve in politics. Recreations: Swimming, for Kansas Equal Suffrage Ass'n during the sue-