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��also boarding school in France and finishing Bchool In Germany; m. May 21, 18&5, Dr. Carl OstM-held. Mem. various philanthropic societies. Pres. Westchester Co. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. Ycnkers Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Advisory Board of the N.Y. State Women Suf- frage Ass'n. Author of short stories. Episco- palian. Pres. Consumers' League of Yonkers. Recreations: Traveling, art, riding, motoring, swinm^ing, golf, dancing. Clubs: Pen and Brush (N.Y. City), Tuesday (Yonkers). OSTBANDEK, FaBnie Eliza, 606 Elm St., New

Kaven, Conn.

Author; b. North Haven, Conn.; dau. John Milton and Mary Ann (Ladd) Ostrander; ed. Eastern and Western schools; graduate of a Wis. State Normal School; studied under private teachers, and took University Extension work. Teacher over four years; editor and writer for a Chicago publishing house, 1899; writer for same house for several years; contributor verse and prose to papers and magazines. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic work. Author: When Hearts are True, 1837; Beautiful Bible Stories, 1839; Baby Goose, His Adventures, 1900; I<YoIics of the A.B.C., 1901; The Gift of the Magic Staff, 1902; Little Pixies Abroad; Goose Family Tales, 1905; Little White Indians, 1907; The Boy Who Won, 1910. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel, nature, out-door sports, driving, boating, etc. Honorary mem. Scribblers, New Haven. O'SUtXrVAN, Emma (Mrs. D. A. O'SuIlivan),

1155 King St., W., Toronto, Canada.

Superintendent Andrew Mercer (Ont.) Reforma- tory; b. Whitby, Ont., Dec. 26, 1862; dau. W. H. and Emma (Keller) Higgins; grad. Whitby High School (honors); Loretto Abbey, Toronto; med- alist in music, Ont. Ladies' Coll., Whitby; m. May 24, 1881, D. A. O'SuIlivan (M.A., LL.D., Q.C. of Toronto; died); children: John Joseph, Edward Vincent, Elmma Margaret, Anna, Paul Michael, Julia Kathleen. Organist for several years in St. Mary's Church, Toronto, Can. Interested in prison reforms and social betterment. Director St. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses' Ass'n and Rosary Hall Ass'n. Edited Catholic Almanac of Ontario several years; contributed articles to various publications. Mem. Loretto Alumna Ass'n, Tra- falgar Daughters. C-atholic. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Franchise League of Toronto. OTEY, Elizabeth Dabney Langliome I,ewi8

(Mrs. Dexter Otey), 618 Conet St., Lynch- burg, Va.

Born Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 4, 1880; dau. John H. and Elizabeth D. (Langhorne) Lewis; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04; Univ. of Berlin, 1904-07, Ph.D. '07; m. Lynchburg, Va., June 4, 1910, Dexter Otey; one daughter: Elizabeth L. Author: Ein Britrag zur Entwiekelung der BaumwoU Industrie in den Nordamerikanischen Sfidstaaten, 1907; The Be- ginnings of Child Labor Legislation (a compara- tive study), 1910. Mem. Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction. Clubs: Bryn Mawr (N.Y. City), Bryn Mawr (Boston), Lynchburg Equal Suffrage Club. OTIS, Amy, Faunce House, Northampton, Mass.

Artist; b. Sherwood, Cayuga Co., N.Y. ; dau. Samuel Davis and Elizabeth ((Jorham) Otis; ed. Sherv/ood Select School and Cornell Univ.; studied art at School of Design for Women, Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Acad, of Fine Arts, and in Paris at the Colarossl School (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cornell). Has had studio in Fuller Building in Philadelphia for many years, and has painted and drawn many people of note; drawings of well-known people have appeared in the magazines. Favors woman suf- .fragc. Congregationalist. Mem. Pa. Soc. of Miniature Painters, Philadelphia Water Color Club, Plastic Club, Fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts. In the fall of 1911 went to Northampton to take charge of the Art Dep't in Miss Capen's School for Girls, but still keeps up portrait work. OTIS, Blanche He«ly (Mrs. Stanley L. OtiB), 169

W. 140th St., N.Y. City.

Bom Saginaw, Mich., Not. 18, 1871; dau. John

��J. and Laura C. (Bingham) Heely; m. Landing, Mich., May 17, 1893, Stanley L. Otis; children: Kingsley B., Courtlandt S., Winthrop Mark- ham Otis. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of Y.W.C.A. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Treas. Washington Heights Chapter D.A.R.; director Washington Headquarters Ass'n; pres. Washing- ton Heights Soc. Children of the Am. Revoluuon; mem. Woman's Forum and N.Y. Theater Club.

OTIS, EUta Proctor (Mrs. William Carpenter Camp), 142 W. Forty-fourth St., N.Y. City. Actress; b. Cleveland, 0.; dau, William Henry Otis, banker; ed. in schools of Cleveland, 0.; m. N.Y. City, 1900, William Carpenter Camp. Became professional actress through success as amateur in the productions of the Comedy Club, N.Y. City, and soon attained prominence as Mrs. Eastlake Ghapel in The Crust of Society, and as a star in classic comedy roles, such as Lady Gay Spanker, in London Assurance, and Lady Teazle, in The School for Scandal; after- ward becoming leading woman with Charles Frohman, W. A. Brady, and other managers, one of her most notable successes being Nancy Sikes in her own version of Oliver Twist.

OTIS, Susan Gorham, Sherwood, Cayuga Co.,


Physician; b. Sherwood, N.Y. ; dau. Samuel Davis and Elizabeth (Gorham) Otis; ed. select school, Sherwood, N.Y. ; Woman's Med. Coll. oif Pa., M.D. Resident physician to country branch of Nursery and Child's Hospital three years; later, for eight years, conducted a private hos- pital at Auburn, N.Y.; since then engaged in general practice of medicine. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. N.Y. State Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Ass'n of SUte of N.Y., Cayuga Co. Med. Soc, Med. Ass'n of Central N.Y.

OTT, Eliza Gutmann (Mrs. Charles H. Ott),

Waverly, N.Y.

Born Mauch Chunk, Pa. ; dau. Gabriel and Judith (Frederick) Gutmann; grad. public schoola of Mauch Chunk (salutatorian) '82; m. 1886, Dr. Charles H. Ott (now deceased); children: Miriam Elizabeth, Dorothy Amelia, Charles Henry, Judith, Henry Dorwadt. Serious student of Home Economics, taught the science six years to pupil nurses of Robert Packer Hospital; prom- inent in home and foreign missionary activities,- Sabbath-school teacher 25 years, charter mem. of two musical clubs and working in the literary and civic local clubs; State chairman of Stand- ing Com. for Home Economics in Pa. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. 'Frea- byterian (Moravian ancestry). Progressive In politics. Bx-pres. Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of Towanda Dist., Pa.; mem. Lehigh Valley Child Helping Conference. Recreations: Travel, grand opera and literature. Mem. Ladies' Literary Club (Athens), Monday Club (Sayre, Pa.), Franconian Musical Soc. of Sayre and Athens, Woman's Study Club of Waverly, N.Y. ; vice-pres. Associated Clubs of Domestic Science of America; mem. Am. Home Fconomica Ass'n, Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophy- laxis. Now engaged in addressing women's clubs in Pa. in favor of making the "Science of Right Living" a part of their club study, and later support vocational training in every public school. Aided husband in developing a very superior General Hospital in Northern Pa., in which region women are about erecting a chil- dren's ward as a memorial to his services.

OTTAWAY, Myrtle Bedfleld (Niion) (Mrs. Arthur B. Ottaway), 120 E. Main St., West- field, N.Y.

Daughter of George and Maria (Hunting) Red- field; ed. Weatfleld, N.Y. Union School and Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.; m. (1st) Westfleld, N.Y., Hon. Samuel Frederick Nixon, for many years speaker of Assembly of N.Y. State; (2d) Judge Arthur B. Ottaway; children: Samuel Frederick Nixon, George Redfleld Nixon, Dorothea Frances Nixon, Edith Catherine Nixon. Pres. WestfleJd Y.W.C.A., Chautauqua Co. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Vice-pres. Westfield Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. CHvlc League. Episco- palian.


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