��OSBORN, Florence Viola, 39 Broad St., Manas- quan, N.J.
Music teach«r; b. Manasquan, N.J., Feb. B. 1879; dau. Howard and Julia L. (Curtis) Osborn; grad. Manasauan High School, '95; Freehold (N.J.) Sem., '97; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; Am. Inst, oif Applied Music, '11; N.Y. Univ. Law School (woman's course), '10. Taught music in the Misses Tewkstoury's S<Aool at Briarcliff, N.Y., 1905-08; tescher in Atn. Inst, of Applied Music, N.Y., 1909; pupil of Harold Bauer in Switzerland, sumTuer of 1912. Against woman suffrage. Oongregationalist. Recreations: Walk- ing, tennis, golf, reading, dancing, automoblUBg, theatre and muisc.
OSBORNE, Carrie Morton (Mrs. Charles Archer OsborneK KeysvIIle, Va,
Born Charlotte Co., Va., Nov. 28, 1878; dau. Jacoib William and Annie (Jones) Morton; ed. Ward Sem., Nashville, Tenn.; m. KeysvUle, Va., Dec. 27, 1894, Charles Archer Osborne; children: Annie Elizabeth, Monroe, Caroline. Chairman of Household Economics State af Va. Federation of Women's Clubs, Ladies' Aid Soc., Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, D.A.R., Woman's Club, Social Club.
OSBORNE, Leila Grey (Mrs. James Walker
Osborne), Sherman Square Hotel, Broadway
and Seventy-first St., N.T. City.
Bom Virginia; dau. Augustus and Leila Oor-
don (Wilkins) Van Wyck; ed. Prof. West's
School, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan.
8, 1896, James Walker Osborne; children; James
Walker Jr., Augustus Van Wyck (died 1901).
Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Eclectic Club, Woman's Democratic Club of
OSBORNE, Margrberlta Osborn (Mrs. Frank Wellman Osborne), 194 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass.
Editor; b. Peabody, Mass., Nov. 27, 1878; dau. Samuel E. Cassino (well-known publisher) and Melvina King (Osborn) Cassino; ed. Peabody (Mass.) High School and Radcliffe Coll.; m. Apr. 25, 1899, Dana Lamper Forbes (died Dec. 13, 1902); (2nd) May 7, 1910, Frank Wellman Osborne. Former editor of Everyday Housekeeping; since 1911 editor of Little Folks and the Children's Magazine.
08CANTAN, EUrai Clifford Stone (Mrs. Paul C. Oscanyan), 1156 Broad St., Newark. N.J. Born N.Y. City, Dec. 2, 1874; dau. Charles Francis and Sallie (English) Stone; grad. Miss M. E. Audubon's Private School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 18, 1899, Paul C. Oscanyan; chil- dren: Paul C. Jr., b. Oct. 27, 19{)0; William D., b. Feb. 21, 1902; Carol S., b. Mar. 31, 1905; John C, b. and died Feb. 7, 1908; Montgomery, b. July 11, 1909. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. OSGOOD, Ethel Lewis, 39 High St., Brattle- boro, Vt.
Teacher of French; b. Plymouth, Mass., June 21, 1880; dau. Rev. E. Q. S. and Mary Hobart (Town) Osgood; grad. Hyde Park (Mass.) High School; Smith Coll., B.L. '02; student of Alliance Francaise, Paris, summer of 1905; Dartmouth Summer School, 1913. Tutor in French and Ger- man, 1902-03; teacher French and German in Lebanon fN.H.) High School, 1903-04; Brattleboro (Vt.) High School, 1904-05; teacher of French in N.J. State Normal School at Trenton, 1905-10; In Brattleboro (Vt.) High School, 1911—. Unitarian; mem. Brattleboro Branch Woman's Alliance (Nat. Unitarian organization). Mem. Brattle- boro Civic League, Brattleboro Woman's Club. Recreations: Walking, snow-shoeing, rowing. Favors woman suffrage.
OSGOOD, Etta Haley (Mra. Edward Sher- burne Osgood), 37 W. Louden St., Philadel- phia, Pa.
Journalist, lecturer; b. Chatham, Carroll Co., N.H.. .Ian. 21, 1853; dau. Thomas Jewett and Lucretla Eaton (Colby) Haley; ed. Mount Hol- yoke Sem., prepared at Fryeburg Acad., where Daniel Webster once taught; m. Fryeburg, Me., Oct. 20, 1877, Edward Sherburne Osgood; children: Ethel Stirling, b. Oct. 20, 1878; Edgar
��Allan, b. Oct. 8, 1880; Arline, b. Aug 13, 1887. Lectures to women's clubs and colleges. Re- ported an entire session of the Maine Legisla- ture as staff mem. Evening E,xpress, Portland, Me. ; interviewed James G. Blaine, Richard Mansfield, Schuman Heink, Sembrich, etc.; was Bar Harbor (Me.) correspondent N.Y. Herald and Boston (31obe. F,ounder and first pres. Maine Mount Holyoke Alumnas Ass'n; also Civic Club of Portland, Me.; State sec. Pa. Mission- ary Soc; life mem. Woman's Board Foreign Missions; active in Child Welfare and Sunday- school work, and mission study. Ten years sec. Maine Woman Suffrage Ass'n; life mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Maine Ass'n, Port- land Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Congregatlonallst. Mem. Livingston Manor Chapter D.A.R. ; Inter- nat. Health Protective League. Recreations: Gardening, music. Mem. Maine Federation Woman's Clubs, Washington Federation, Penn- sylvania Federation, Civie Club of Philadelphia, Pa. Woman's Press Club; ex-mem. New England Woman's Press Club; mem. Pioneer Workers (Nat'l); charter mem. Puget Sound Mt. Holyoke Ass'n; hon. mem. November Club, Andover, Mass.; director Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; hon. pres. Maine Federation, of which was the first pres.
OSGOOD (Mrs.) Ir^ne, Quilsborough Hall, Northamptonshire, England; 15 Cowley St., Westminster, London, England. Novelist and dramatist; b. Virginia, 1875; neo de Belot; ed. privately by governesses and tutors. Humanitarianist. Has lived abroad since the age of 10, principally in France and England, but re- tains American citizenship; granted right to name of Irene Osgood by Royal deed-poll. Interests are domestic, reading, music, pictures, gardening, farming, riding to hounds and many out-door sports. Believes in the sheltered home life for women; an active worker amongst poor children; a protector of wild birds and animals; mem. of many clubs and societies at home and abroad. Author: The Garden of Spices, Illustrated; A Mother in Dreams; A Blood-Moon; An Idol's Passion, Illustrated; The Chant of a Lonely Soul, Illustrated; Litanies to Tanit, Illustrated (adapted from the FYench of Comte Robert de Montes- quion Fezensac; To a Nun Confess'd Servitude; Full Free; Behind the Fan; The Indelicate Duellist, Illustrated (adapted from the French); His Wickedness; also many poems and prose pieces contributed to English. Colonial, American and Continental reviews. Plays: The House of Dolls; Une Aventure du Capitaine Lebrun, pro- duced at the Theatre Moli^re, Paris, Feb. 28, 1913, v/hich received splendid notices throughout the French press and was published serially- In Comcedia, Paris (English version is entitled The Demon Lover); has also written a play dealing with Mexico in the days of Montezuma. Catholic. Mem. of many societies at home and abroad. OSGOOD, Margaret Chapin (Mrs. Robert B. Osgood), 1 Spruce St., Boston, Mass. Bom Brookline, Mass.. Sept. 20, 1871; dau. Nathaniel B. and Harriet (Fisher) Ohapin; ed. private schools; Mrs. Qulncy Shaw's School, Bos- ton; Miss Hideout's School and Mrs. Post's School, Brookline, Mass.; m. April 29, 1902, Dr Robert B. Osgood. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Out-door interests Mem. M*yflower Club.
OSGOOD. Nellie Thome (Mrs. Harry Havlland
Osgood), IS Harralson Av., Atlanta, Ga.
Supervisor of drawing in public schools of Atlanta, Ga. ; b. Monroe, Mich., June 10, 1879; dau. Henry and J. L, (Johnson) Thorne; ed. Chi- cago public schools, Ctucago Art Inst., Jullen and Colorossi Schools, Paris; m. London, England, 1902, Harry Haviland Osgood, artist; children. Ellen, Pauline, Isabel. Exhibited in Salon des Champs de Mars. N.Y. Water Color Club, Phila- delphia Water C!olor Club, American Water CJolor Society. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Georgia State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Atlanta Art Ass'n. OSTERHELD, Hettie Faber (Mrs. Carl Ostcr-
held), 249 Warburton Av., Yonkers, N.T.
Bom Nurnberg, Germany; dau. John and Eu- genia (Worthington) Faber; ed. Whoaton Sem.,