��OBNSTEIN, Martha, 30 E. Fifty-seventh St.,
iV.Y. City.
Teacher; b. Vienna, Austria; dau. Wilhelm and Sofie (Ruh) Ornstein; ed. Vienna Madchen Gymnasium; recipient of Competitive Trustees' scholarship, Barnard Coll., 1886; Harvard En- trance scholarship ($300), Barnard, A.B. '99, A.M. 1900 (graduate scholarship in mathematics) (Phi Beta Kappa). Head of Martha Ornstein's Classes since 1900. Sec. and treas. Woman's Po- litical League, 1907-10. Recreations: Skating, mountain climbing, walking trips in Europe. Specialist in college preparatory work; has taught many men, preparatory to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Coll. Took one year's course in law, N.Y. La/w School; graduate work in Columbia Coll. and Cornell Univ.
ORR, Eliza A. (Mrs. James W. Orr), 2420
Gough St., San Francisco.
Club woman; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1854; dau. James Jennings (M.D.) and Eliza A. (Clark) Jennings; ed. in high school and normal school; m. Vineland, N.J., 1875, James W. Orr; one daughter: Florence J. Long active in club work; past pres. of California Club of San Francisco; now pres. California Federation of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; voter (Progres- sive Republican). Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R.
ORR, Frances Morris (Mrs. John Bruce Orr),
628 Maple Lane, Sewickley, Pa.
Born Springfield, Mo., 1880; dau. Edward Parmalee and Charlotte (H'.:mphrey) Morris; ed. private school in New Haven; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-1902., A.B. '02; m. New Haven, Sept. 26, 1906, John Bruce Orr (lawyer); children: Charlotte, John Bruce. Has written articles in behalf of suEra^e in the Pittsburgh papers; in- terested in a Home for Unfortunate Women, a temporary retreat which attempts to find situ- ations for them afterward. Mem. Equal Fran- chise Fed. of Western Pennsylvania and Wom- an's Club of Sewickley Valley. Congregationalist. Has worked at landscape painting in water colors and oils, and has exhibited in New Haven and Pittsburgh.
ORRIS, Mae M. (Mrs. William N. Orris), Stan- ton, Neb.
Born Keewaunee Co., Wis., Feb. 22, 1870; dau. Lyman H. and Loretta (Whitney) Perkins; ed. Western Normal Coll., Shenandoah, la.; Morning- side Coll., Sioux City, la., and Chicago Musical Coll.; m. Marne, la., Sept. 1, 1891, William N. Orris (then sup't of schools); children: Irmel, b. 1894 (eometist and now music student at Chicago); Elwyn Bruce, b. 1898. Previous to and after marriage was primary teacher for seven years; now associate with husband In business as funeral directors and undertakers. Always actively interested in home and foreign mis- sions, holding many important offices in mis- sionary work, local, district and State; educated a girl in Phalera, India, who married a native preacher. Especially interested in the education of girls for home-making. Has spoken before many Nebraska clubs on subject: The Education of the Girl, and delivered address before the Educational Session of the Biennial Convention of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912 (to which she was a State delegate from Nebraska), on the Vocational Training for Girls. Con- tributor of educational articles, short poems and verses to newspapers. Public reader; pres. two years of Woman's Literary Club of Stanton; ex- chairman Educational Dep't Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs and active in raising money for its Scholarship Fund. Mem. D.A.R. ; one an- cestor, Cornelius Whitney, served four years in the Revolution and was at the battle of Bunker Hill; another (Powers) was with Washington at Valley Forge; another, Abraham Whitney, left the field in which he was working to help Paul Revere spread the alarm of the approach of the British; also a distant relative of Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin. Mem. Eastern Star Chapter, W.C.T.U., Tribe of Ben Hur, State Con- ference of Charities and Correction. Methodist. Republican. Favors woman suffrage.
��ORROK, Jessie Waldo (Mrs. George A. Orrok), 2 32 E. Seventeenth St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Scotland, Conn., June 29, 1859; dau. George and Sarah Ellen (Jagger) Waldo; ed. Cornell Univ.; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 24, 1898, George A. Orrok; children: Laura Davenport, George A. Jr. Favors woman suffrage.
ORTHWEIN, Nina Baldwin (Mrs. William Robert Orthwein), 5537 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Chicago, 111., Dee. 19, 1882; dau. Kent Kane and Adelaide (Wallace) Baldwin; ed. Vas- sar, 1902-03; Chicago Univ., 1903-04 (mem. Omega Sigma); m. St. Louis, 1905, William Robert Orth- wein; children: Robert Baldwin, Davis Kent. Mem. Equal Suffrage League. Presbyterian (mem. religious societies). Clufbs: V/ednesday, College, Vassar.
ORVIS, Carrie Emerton (Mrs. Edwin Waitstill Orvis), 58 W. Eighty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born Rumney, N.H., Jan. 10, 1860; dau. Charlea Rufus and Achsah Jane (Sttekney) Emerton; ed. private schools in Yonkers and N.Y. City; m. Jan. 27, 1885, Edwin Waitstill Orvis; children: Warner Dayton, Arthur Emerton, Homer Wait- still, Schuyler Adams. Much interested in char- itable and religious work; treas. St. Mary's Chap- ter, Daughters of the King. Episcopalian; mem. St. Agnes Ohapel, Trinity Parish. Mem. Nat. Soc. of New England Women, Sorosis.
ORVIS, Georgia Sizer (Mrs. Heil F. Orvis), 7101
E. Okmulgee Av., Muskopee, Okla.
Physician; b. Rosendale, Wis.; dau. George W. and Fannie A. (Newman) Sizer; ed. Ripon Coll., Wis.; Oshkosh Normal School, Wis.; Bennett Med. Coll., Chicago; served Lntemeship at Fran- ces Willard Nat. Temperance Hospital Coll.; m. Rosendale, Wis, Jan. 23, 1883, Heil F. Orvis, M.D. Practised medicine in Chicago, Oshkosh, Wis., and now at Muskogee, Okla. Chief templar of Good Templars; mem. W.C.T.U. ; Sunday- school teaoher; examiner for several fraternal societies; charter mem. Woman's League; guar- dian of local Camp Fire Girls. Favors woman suffrage. Has written various club papers, poems, etc. Methodist. Mem. Royal Neighbors, Order of Rebecca, Eastern Star. Recreation: Painting. Mem. Shakespeare Olub, Parliamen- tary Club. Has been awarded three medals on painting; exhibited at World's Fair, Chicago.
ORVIS, Gertrude Swift, Elmira College, Elmira,
College professor; ed. Knox Coll., Galesburg, III., the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-96; diplomee (certiflcat d'etudes francaises) Univ. of Paris, 1912. Teacher of English in St. Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn., 1896-99; ass't in French. Smith Coll., 1902-07; prof. Romance languages, Elmira Coll. since 1910.
ORVIS, .T;;Iia Swift, Wellesley College. Welles- ley, Mass.
Teacher; b. Dixon, III., Nov. 22, 1872; dau. Franklin Keese and Susan A. (Swift) Orvis); ed. Vassar Coll., B.A. 1895; Cornell Univ., grad- uate student in history, 1895-97; abroad (Paris chiefly), on Women's Education Ass'n fellow- ship, 1897-98; Andrew D. .White fellowship, 1898-89. Instructor in history, Wellesley Coll., 1899-1907; associate prof, history, Wellesley Col- lege, 1907. Mem. College Club, Boston. Favors woman suffrage.
OSBORN, Anna Brabham (Mrs. George D.
Osborn'i, Puyallup, Wash.
Born Beverly, O., 1868; dau. Thomas Jefferson and Margaret (Stewart) Brabham; ed. Cornell Coll., Mount Vernon, la.; Western Coll., Toledo, la., B.S. '91 (mem. P.E.O.); m. 1898, George D. Osborn. Author of short stories: The Extry (New England Magazine); Sylvia's Conquest o! Peru (Overland); Frau Druschki Roses (De- lineator), and many in Western magazines, David C. Cook publications and Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday-school publications. Mem. Writers' Club, Seattle, Wash.; Tahoma Club, Tacoma, Wash.; Woman's Club, Puyallup, Wash. Favors woman suffrage.