��51 1
��Stock Exchange) and Grove (St. Paul, Minn.)- Studied la-w witii her husband so as to aid him in the early years of his practice at St. Paul. Writer In prose and poetry for newspapers and the magazines. Author: Personal Immortality; Evelyn, a Romance of the West and Far East. Identified with public interests and activities in St. Paul, Minn.; reorganized the City Free Dis- pensary and was for eight years its pres. ; was originator and leader of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Northwest Manufacturers' Ass'n; was state chairman for Minnesota of the George Washing- ton Memorial Ass'n. Extensive traveler in U.S. and Europe- During recent years has divided her time between New York, St. Paul and Lon- don, England. Mem. York Club, National Arts Club (N.Y. City); Town and Country Club (St. Paul, Minn.). OPPENHEJCMEB, Ad^le, 125 W. Eighty-sixth St.,
N.Y. City.
Scientist; h. N.Y. City, Apr. 1, 1874; dau. Leo- pold ajid Laura (Sutro) Oppenhelmer; ed. Rad- Cliffe Coll, A.B. '97; Columbia Univ., A.M. '01; received Secondary Teacher's Diploma, '01. Author of monographs: Certain of the Sense Organs of Rhynchobolus dlbranchiatus; Labora- tory Notes on Spirochaeta Obermeieri. Collabo- rator In memoirs: A Study of Pneumococcl; Bone Formation in Arteries; Cyst of the Pros- tatic Urethra; The Site of Origin of the Mam- malian Heart Beat; Nerve Fibrils In the Sino- Auricular Node. Mem. Public Education Ass'n, Hudson Guild, College Settlements Ass'n, Parks and Playgrounds Ass'n, College Equal Suf- frage League, Ass'n Coll. Alumna, Nat. Child Labor Com. (Hubs: Intercollegiate Socialist, Radcliffe, Woman's University. Mem. Soc. for Ethical Culture. OPPENHEIMER, Carol Purse, 402 East Park
Av., Savannah, Ga.
Kindergartener; b. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 19, 1884; dau. Joseph S. and George Belle (Solomon) Oppenhelmer; ed. in Boston; kindergarten train- ing In Savannah, Normal course at Gertrude House, Chicago. Principal Chatham Kindergar- ten, and teacher in Kate Baldwin Free Kinder- garten Training School, Savannah; assistant at Model Kindergarten at Summer School of the South, Knoxville, Tenn., for two years; now superintendent Kindergarten Department of tho UniverBity of Georgia Summer School. Appeared before Eiducational Com. of Ga. Legislature as a representative of the National Kindergarten Ass'n to talk on the subject of allowing (ia. cities to have kindergartens if the Individual city so desired. Interested in all forms of social uplift. Author of numerous kindergarten arti- cles, and a series: Gift Work in the Kindergarten (the Kindergarten Review). Mem. Mothers' Club of Chatham Kindergarten (adviser and di- rector); sec. Southern Kindergarten Ass'n; char- ter mem. Kindergarten Club. Jewish religion-.
OPPKBTHEIMEB, Mary Stoyell (Mrs. Moses Oppenhelmer), 301 E. Sixty-eighth St., N.Y. City.
Writer, reviewer; b. Portage City, Wis.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '77; m. Aug. 18, 1891, Moeea Oppenhelmer. Inspector State B'd of Charities of N.Y., 1897-1906. Writer of articles and reviews tor various publications. ORCUTT, Emily I^oulse (Mrs. Marcus L. Or-
cutt), Springfleld, Mass.; temporary, Cooper's
Mills, Me.
Author; b. Lyndon, Vermont; daughter of Will- iam O. and Louise (Houghton) Fuller; descend- ant of Thomas Olney, who came from England to Salem, Mass., and went with Roger Williams to found Providence, R.I.; ed. Bryan private seminary, Batavia, N.Y. ; Bennington High School, '94; post-graduate course following. Mem. Mercy Warren Chapter D.A.R., Spring- field, Mass., twelve years; historian, two years; and on Board of Managers, one year. Author: The Divine Seal, Esther Mather, Light Beyond the Shadows, The Wail of the Serpent-Drum, Avrora Campbell's Wedding, The Wraith of Mfidellne, The Weight of a Soul, Ezra Townea's Last Shiloh. Unitarian. Favors woman suf- frage. Progressive Republican.
��OKCUTT, Uort«nse May, 913 Howard St.,
Savannah, Ga.
Supervisor of Kindergartens In Savannah, Oa.; b. Conway, Mass., Oct., 1874; dau. William B. and Mary E. (Kingsley) Orcutt; grad. Northamp- ton High School, '94; post-grad, course followinf year; grad. Kindergarten Normal Dep't of the Ethical Culture School, N.Y. City, '98. Teacher in Ethical Culture School, N.Y. City, 1898-1900; In Kindergarten, N.Y., public schools, 1900-06; pres. Ethical Culture Kindergarten Alumnae for two years; vice-pres. International Kindergarten Union, tv/o years: supervisor Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten, and prln. training school. Savan- nah, Ga., 1906. Author: Children of Immigrants (Outlook), The Kindergarten, Why Should the Kindergarten Be Part of the Public School Sys- tem? and various magazine articles. Mem. Ethical Culture Alumnae Ass'n, Savannah Kin- dergarten Ass'n, Southern Educational Ass'n, International Kindergarten Union, Soc. for the EXlucation of Georgia Mountaineers, Huntington Clnb (Savannah). Unitarian. Favors wonaan EulTrage.
CRD WAY, Charlotte Partridge (Mrs. John G.
Ordway), 485 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Bom Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 2, 1887; dau. George H. and S. Adelaide (Wyman) Partridge; ed. private schools In Minneapolis and grad. Mies Spence's School, N.Y. City, 1906; m. Minneapolis, Dec. 21, 1909, John G. Ordway; one daughter: Sara Prudence. Interested in Baby Welfare work and work for woman's welfare. Favors woman suffrage; mem. board and of the legislative and educational committees of the Woman's Welfare League. Mem. Spence School Soc. Recreations: Golf, tennis, swimming, riding, dancing, singing, piano. Mem. Town and Country Club, White Bear Yacht Club, Schubert Club.
O'REILLY, Mary Boyle, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Born Boston, May 18, 1873; dau. of the Irish patriot, John Boyle O'Reilly, and Mary (Smiley) O'Reilly; ed. Sacre Coeur, 1880-90; special courses, Cambridge (sociology). Social worker (volunteer). Trustee for Dependent Children of Boston, ten years; prison commissioner for Massachusetts, eight years; editorial writer Boston Herald, trav- eler, lecturer, magazinist.
OBLEMAN, E. Louise (Mrs. John A Orle-
man), 32 Bagg St., Detroit, Mich.
Physician; b. Germany; dau. John C. and Hannah (Webraw) Nehls; ed. German Am. Sem., Detroit; Univ. of Michigan (Homeopathic Dep't), M.D. '87; m. Detroit, 1873, John A. Orleman; one daughter: Elsie M. First woman pres. of Detroit Homeopathic Practitioners' Soc; first woman (and only woman so far) on Grace Hos- pital staff. Mem. Univ. of Mich. Alumni Ass'n, Twentieth Century Club of Detroit. Girls' Pro- tective League; charter mem. College Equal Suffrage League; mem. Am. Inst, of Homoeo- pathy, Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Uni- tarian.
ORME, Mary Phillips (Mrs. Frank Orme), 510
N. Jackson St., Atlanta, Ga.
Born Marietta, Ga., Nov. 6, 1883; dau. Henry Desborough and Nancy Phillips; ed. Girls' High School, Atlanta, Ga. ; m. (1st) Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 7, 1905, Mark L. Tolbert; m. (2d) Atlanta, Ga., April 28, 1909, Frank Orme (one of the principal organizers, sec. and treas. of the Southern States Life Insurance Co.); children: Mark Orm« (posthumous daughter by first marriage, adopted by Frank Orme), Mary Phillips Orme. Mem. St. Luke's Episcopal Church; Interested in philan- thropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Georgia Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Atlanta Chapter D.A.R., Atlanta Woman's Club.
ORMOND, Alice, 239 Central Park, West, N.Y.
Magazine writer and journalist; b. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 29, 1887; dau. James Emanuel and Florence Eliza (Root) Ormond; ed. Atlanta pub- lic schools. Favors woman suffrage; captain 17th Division in N.Y. City; In Atlanta, has re- cently helped to promote the movement by public speaking. Unitarian.