��O'COITNOR, Alice Marion Smith (Mrs. Timothy Martin O'Connor), 511 W. 112th St., N.Y. City.
Born Agra, Hinaoostan, India; dau. Charles and Mathllde (Sanderson) Smith; early education In Chicago; finished in Paris, London, and Ber- lin; m. Chicago, Oct. 23, 1902, Timothy Martin O'Connor (of N.Y. City). Interested in charities, settlement work, Knickerbocker Relief Club, Flower Hospital; chairman of Philanthropy In Chicago Woman's Club. Mem. Rubinstein Club, Chicago Woman's Club of N.Y. City, Rainy Day Club. Knickerbocker Relief Club, Flower Hos- pital Auxiliary Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. Father was a nephew of Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, the historian; mother a daughter of E. Sanderson, noted lin- guist and Interpreter and companion of Na- poleon.
O'CONNOR, Alice Stanislaus Kelly (Mrs. Peter Jerome O'Connor), 2409 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Staffordshire, England, July 4, 1873; dau. Patrick Sheridan and Mary (Hannan) Kelly; ed. public and convent schools ot Pittsburgh (first honor); grad. Pittsburgh High School, 1888; grad. Duff's Coll., Pittsburgh; took post-grad, course in Latin and Greek from Prof. Alexander, also music, vocal and piano, and a thorough course in art; m. Pittsburgh, June 26, 1901, Prof. Peter Jerome O'Connor (school principal); children: Francis Don, James, Alice Victoria, Lucile, Betsy Ross (Elizabeth) O'Connor. Teacher of art and writing. Soho public school, 10 years before marriage; first contralto singer of St. Agnes' Roman Catholic Church; was youngest drawing teacher in city of Pittsburgh. Has been mem. Civic Club of Pittsburgh, acting as chair- man for many projects, notably for Child Labor Ass'n, Truant School, Open Air School (for tuber- culous children). Ass'n for the Blind (for the deaf- mute school), De Paul Inst, of Pittsburgh (for orphan asylums) and has given volunteer service to every charity in Pittsburgh, being active mem. Off Associated Charities of Pittsburgh and vice- pres. of Catholic Charities. Mem. Ekjual Fran- chise Ass'n of Pittsburgh. Has written many articles for the newspapers and magazines in the interest of the Playground Ass'n, notably the history of Ormsby Park, and a history of pa- triotism and Betsy Ross. Catholic. Treas, of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine of the Diocese of Pittsburgh; promoter of League of Sacred Heart; director in Catholic Women's League; vice-pres. Conference of Catholic Chari- ties; mem. Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Ass'n, St. Regis Ass'n (home for working girls). Ladles' Auxiliary Seraphic Work of Charity. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving, gardening, fishing. Mem. Daughters O'f Betsy Ross (pres.). House- keepers' Ass'n of Pittsburgh, Teachers Art Club and Marketing Club (Pittsburgh), Civic Club of Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh Playground Ass'n, Congress of Clubs of Western Pa,, State Fed. 'of Pa. Women. Was orgranizer of Daughters of Betsy Ross (350 ladies who helped make the largest flag in the world), June, 1909, and has been pres. from beginning of the association. O'CONNOE, Evangeline M. (Mrs. Joseph O'Con- nor), 99 South Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N.Y. Editor, writer and translator; b. Rochester, N.Y. ; dau. Reuben and Almira (Alexander) Johnson; ed. Rochester Free Acad.; m. 1877. Joseph O'Connor, Jcurnalist, then on the staff of the N.Y. World (died 1908). Mem. Board of Man- agers of the Rochester Industrial Schools, 1900-09. Author: Index to Works of Nathaniel Kawthorne (with sketch of life); Index to the Works of William Shakespeare; Famous Names in Fiction. Translator of Fiamini's History of Italian Litera- ture, and other works from the Italian and German.
O'COiVNOR, iNfllie Johnson (Mrs. John O'Con- nor), 5210 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. Born East Saugus, Mass. ; dau. Rufus Augustus and Ellen M. (Newhall) Johnson; ed. Chauncy Hall School, Boston; two years' special work in Post-Grad. Dep't of Univ. of Chicago; m. East Saugus, Mass., 1SS7, John O'Connor; children: Johnson, Eleanor. Interested In civic wx}rk and
��improvement association; retired pres. of Chi- cago Women's Club; acting pres. of Mary Thomp- son Hospital (Chicago) for Women and Chil- dren. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Friends in Council, City, Round Table. Recreation: Student of nature. Mem. Evangelical Church. Favors woman cuffrage.
O'DANIEL, Lillie, 1404 Beechwood Av., Nash- ville, Tenn.
Nat. W.C.T.U. lecturer and organizer; b. Kenton, Gibson Co., Tenn.; dau. Alexander O'Daniel (farmer) and Mary (Gilliam) O'Daniel; ed. country school, public school, Trenton, Tenn., and Peabody Coll., Nasihville, Tenn. (elected pres. of class and made class representative on Arbor Day) ; took special course in expression (one year) at Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, and two terms in School of Expression, Boston. Taught expression in Grenada (Miss.) Female Inst.; Hayner-McLean School, Lewlsburg, Tenn., and Brandon Training School, Tullahoma, Tenn. Spoke before the Nat. W.C.T.U. Convention in Philadelphia and before the Legislature in Tenn., 1909 and 1913; also at mass-meeting of 5,000 peo- ple in Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tenn., 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Has made suf- frage speeches beifore conventions and societies. Has written short stories and letters of travel for periodicals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Y.W.C.A., Equal Suffrage League, Trav- elers' Aid Ass'n. ODEiLL, Anna, 32 Adams Av., West, Detroit,
Physician; b. N.Y. City; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; Univ. of Mich., M.D. 1900; mem. A.E.I. Interne Mary Thompson Hospital of Chicago, 111., 1901; general practice, 1902-04, and since 1904 in practice limited to diseases of ear, nose and throat. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Coll. of Surgeons, Am. Med. Ass'n, Mich. State Med. Soc, Wayne County Med. Soc, Blackwell Med. Soc, Am. Acad, of Opthalmology and Oto- Laryngology. Mem. College Club, Chamber of Music Soc, Arts and Crafts. Favors woman suffrage. ODEiLL, Lillian Atherton, Greenland, N.H.
Librarian; b. North Hampton, N.H., Feb. 3, 1871; dau. Joseph W. Odell, M.D., and Martha E. (Daniels) Odell; ed. Portsmouth (N.H.) High School and Smith Coll., A.B. '94. Teacher Presque Isle (Me.) High School, 1895-96; Morgan School, Portsmouth, N.H., 1897-98; private teacher, 1898-1905; librarian Greenland (N.H.) Public Library since 1909. Mem. School Board of Greenland, N.H., since 1907. Congregation- alist; for two years State sec. of junior work in Home Missionary Soc. ; five years county sec of same; also county sec. of junior work in Wom- an's Board of Foreign Missions. Vice-pres. of Graffort Club (Portsmouth, N.H.). ODEiLiL, i..tozeltha Ingram (Mrs. Jabez Theodore
Odell), 330 W. 102d St., N.T. City.
Bom Marysville, Cal. ; dau. Benjamin Franklin and M. (Harris) Ingram; ed. private schools and at home in Cal.; first grad, St. Theresa's Acad., Kansas City, Mo. (boarding school for young women); m. Kansas City, Mo., Jabez Theodore Odell. Favors equal suffrage (with educational standard for both sexes). Protestant. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, N.Y. Women's League for Animals. Recreations: Riding, walking, all out-door exercises. Clubs: National California, Euterpe, Woman's Press, Southern, International Pure Milk League, Tues- day Salon (Ritz-Carlton). ODENHEIMER, Cordelia Powell (Mrs. iFrank G.
Odenheimer), Jessup. Howard Co., Md.
Born Leesburg, Loudon Co., Va., Sept. 29, 1867; dau. Edward Burr Powell (Capt. C.S.A. Cavalry) and Cordelia Sothoron (Armstrong) Powell; ed. private schools, Leesburg, Va. ; Miss Pegram's and The Misses Hall's School, Baltimore, Md. ; m. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28, 1877, Frank G. Oden- heimer, of Philadelphia, Pa.; one son: Frank Gilhams Jr., b. 1890. Interested in educating the illiterate whites In Southern Mountain districts and in bettering children's conditions and sur- roundings. Favors woman suffrage, when not conflicting with State rishts. Author of nu-