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��NtJTE, Marion, 461 Washington St., Dorchester,


Physician; b. Boston, Nov. 5, 1873; dau. Charles H. and Geor^lanna F. (Smith) Nute; ed. Boston public schools; Wellesley Coll., 1891-93; Univ. of Mich., M.D. '97 (mom. Alpha Epsllon Iota). Vlsting physician and obstetrician New England Hospital for Women and Children. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Med. Soc, Mass. Med. Soc, New England Hospital Med. Soc.

NTJTTAXL, Zelia, Casa Alvarado Coyoacan,

Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

Archaeologist; b. San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Dr. Robert Kennedy and Magdalena (Parrott) Nut- tall; ed. in schools of France, Germany and Italy, and Bedford Coll., London, England. Has made extensive explorations -in Mexico, and has given years of study to the languages, folk-lore, history, ethnology and archaeology of that coun- try, its early and later native tribes. Colonial records and antiquities, including some particu- larly illuminating researches into the ancient pic- ture writings. Has published the results of these researches in numerous papers contributed to va- rious publications, and a monograph contributed to the Pcabody Museum of American Arche- ology and Ethnology, on the "Codex Nuttall," fac-simile of an ancient Mexican Codex, with in- troduction and notes. Honorary ass't in arch- aeology, Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass. ; hon. prof, archaeology, Museo Nacional, Me.xico. Fellow A.A.A.S. ; mem. Am. Folk-lore Soc. (vice- pres). Am. Philosophical Soc, Am. Archasological Ass'n, and numerous others in U.S. and abroad.

NUTTTNG, Abi I.. Preston (Mrs. John K. Nut- ting), Auburndale, Fla.

Physician, minister; b. Plymouth, 0., 1853; dau. Rev. E. T. and Mary .lane (Chambers) Preston; ed. Univ. of Iowa, M.D. '86; m. Baxter, la., 1894, Rev. John K. Nutting. Practised medi- cine in this country, then went to Turkey as mis- sionary, returned and was ordained to ministry, and has served many churches as pastor. Con- gregationallst. Greatly interested in advancement of education of women, of art, of the home, and of religion ; has adopted two boys and two girls, and is educating them. Mem. Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Orni- thology, art, orange groves and lake pastimes.

NUTTING, Mary Adelaide, Teachers College,

Columbia University.

Teacher of nursing; b. Waterloo, Quebec, Can., 1858; dau. Vespasian and Harriette (Peasley) Nutting; ed. at h»me and in private schools; studied nursing and grad. from Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses, Baltimore, 1892. Sup't of nurses and principal of Training School for Nurses, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 189-1-1907; professor nursing and health. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., 1907- . Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. and of Woman Suffrage Party. Author: History of Nursing (Joint author with Lavinia Dock) ; Educational and Professional Position of Nurses (Bureau of Education), 1907; Educational Status of Nursing (U.S. Bureau of Education). 1912. Episcopalian. Progressive In politics. Mem. Am. Soc. o^ Sup'ts of Training Schools for Nurses, Intemat. Council of Nurses, Am. Society for Prevention of Infant Mortality, .\td. State Ass'n for Nurses, Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. City), Women's Faculty Mem. Rocktord Woman's Club, Mendelssohn Club.

NYE. Irene. Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. College prof.; b. Eureka. Kan., Nov. 12, 1874; dau. Capt. Ira P. and Esther (Chesebro) Nye; ed. Southern Kan. Acad., Eureka, Kan.; Wash- burn Coll., Topeka, B.A. '95; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '11. Fellow In classics at Yale for two years. Teacher in Latin and Greek at Southern Kan. Acad., 1895-1901; instructor In Latin, 1905-08; prof. Latin, Washburn Coll., 1911—. Author: Sentence Connection, Illustrated chiefly from Livy, 1912. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Inst, of Archaeology, Am. Philological Ass'n, Classical Ass'n of the Middle West and South (vlce-pres. for Kan., 1912—), Ass'n of Classical Teachers of Kan. and Western Mo., D.A.R.

��NYE, Martha Waldo, Rockford College, Rock- ford, 111.

College professor; b. De Witt, la., Dec. 15, 1866; dau. Charles Merrill and Emma Catharine (Lowe) Nye; ed. Rockford Coll., B.A.; Univ. of Mich. Has taught mathematics for most of her professional life. In 1906 was made register of Rocktord College and in 1910 head of the dep't of mathematics. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Recreation: Summer travel. Mem. Rockford Woman's Club, Mendelssohn Club.

NYE, Myra Sturtevant (Mrs. W. P. Nye), Covlna, Cal.

Born Cleveland, O., 1879; dau Wilbur and Mary (Davis) Sturtevant; grad. Oberlin Acad., '93; Oberlin Coll., physical training course, '96; m. Oberlin, O., 1898, W. P. Nye; children: Wilbur, Carroll, Ralph, Margaret. Teacher of a young women's Sunday-school class; teacher of adult missionary class; newspaper woman, reporting club work and woman's club conven- tions. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Hearts of Gold (serial novel). Regular contributor of articles and short stories for the Illustrated Weekly of the Times, Los Angeles, Cal. ; also a magazine writer and contributor. Presbyterian. Progressive; vlce-pres. Roosevelt League of Covina. Mem. Monday Afternoon Club of Covlna (women's club), Amphion Club (musical). South- ern Cal. Press Club. Recreations: Occasional trips to mountains.

��CAKES, Carrie Baker (Mrs. George Cakes),

New Richmond. W^Is.

Born Linden, Wis., Oct. 6, 1865; dau. John Uglow and Elizabeth (Dale) Baker; grad. Univ. of Wis., A.B. 'S.'j; m. July 5, 1894, George Oakes; one son: Dale Baker. Mem. Board of Visitors Univ. of Wis., ,1895-1900; mem. School Board New Richmond schools; mem. Home E)conomlcs Club. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. OAKLEY. Imogen Brashear (Mrs. John M.

Oakley), The Gladstone, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Dover, 0., Oct. 14, 1854; dau. Dr. Basil Brorwn and Catherine (Whitacre) Brashear; grad. Bishop Bowman Inst, of Pittsburgh (collegiate school for young women), gold medal and honor pupil; m. Pittsburgh, 1880, John M. Oakley; one son: Thornton. Founded the Health Pro- tective Ass'n of Pittsburgh (pioneer soc. of the State); mem. Board of Directors of Civic Club of Philadelphia; chairman of the Civil Service Reform Com. of General Federation of Women's Clubs. Constantly engaged in civic work. Sec. Limited Suffrage League of Pa. (favoring edu- cational suffrage). Author of many civic pam- phlets and occasional magazine articles, and A Sketch of the HLstory of Civil Service Reform in England, India and the U.S., which has gone through several editions. Unitarian. In- dependent. Mem. D.A.R. ; Colonial Dames of America; Huguenot Soc; U.S. Daughters of 1812; Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Recreation: Traveling. Mem. College (31ub of Philadelphia.

OAKLEY, Violet, Allen Lane, Chestnut Hill,

Philadelphia, Pa.

Artist; b. N.Y. City; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; student of J. Howard Pyle and of Aman Jean, Lazar and Collin, Paris. Designed mural decorations and stained glass windows of All Souls' Church, N.Y. City, mural decorations of the Governor's room in the Pa. State Capitol at Harrlsburg, and has done much work In cover designing and Illustra- tions for books and magazines.

OBENCHAIN, Eliza Calvert Hall (Mrs. William A. Obenchaln), Bowling Green, Ky. Author; b. Bowling Green, Ky., Feb. 11, 1856; dau. Thomas Chalmers and Margaret (Young- love) Calvert: ed. private schools and one year in the Western, a college near Cincinnati; m. July 8, 1886, William A. Obenchaln. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Aunt Jane of Ken-


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