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��paintings in many permanent collections in United States, at the Luxembourg in Paris, and in other countries. Elected Associfie, 1895, and Societaire, 1901, of the Societe des Beaux Arts, Paris.

NOURSE, Marie Irvine Crawford (Mrs. Robert Lee Nourse), 1519 Harrison Boulevard, Boise, Idalio.

Born Monmouth, 111., Sept. 2, 1869; dau. Dr. Samuel Knox and Maria (Irvine) Crawford; ed. Chicago, Vienna, Germany; m. Chicago, Nov. 27, 1889, Dr. Robert Lee Nourse; children: Helen Lois (died in infancy), Robert Lee Jr., Norman Crawford. Active in church and philanthropic movements. Served four years on Board of Directors of Idaho Industrial School; mem. Leg- islative Com. of the League of Pacific Northwest Municipalities, Woman's Columbian Club (pres. 1910-12), Saturday Fortnightly Club (pres. 1909- 10). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

NOTES, Agnes Haskell (Mrs. George H. Noyes),

204 Prospect Av., Milwaukee, Wis.

Born Sierra Co., Cal., May 15, 1855; dau. George W. and Hannah S. (Cole) Haskell; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. (Phi Beta Kappa) '76 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma): m. Chicago, Nov. 29, 1876, George H. Noyes: children; Emily H., Katherine C. Haskell, Margaret S., Helen R. Interested in educational and philanthropic work. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse (has been on Board of Directors) : auditor two terms of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Outing in pine woods, bridge whist. Mem. Woman's Club, Social Economics Club, Collegiate Alumnae (local branch), of all of which has been pres.; mem. Country Club, Town Club. NOYES, Anna Gausmann (Mrs. William Noyes),

Leonia, N.J.

Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1873; dau. George E. and Margaret (Moore) Gausmann; ed. Brooklyn Girls' High School, 1889-93; Teachers Coll. (Columbia Univ.), 1896-1901, 1904-06, B.Sc. '06; Chicago Univ. (summer), '02; m. June 26, 1903 Prof. William Noyes; one son: Leonard Noyes, b. Feb. 5, 1908. Teacher of manual train- ing and art in South Orange schools, 1901-04; private open air school, Leonia, N.J. Author: How I Kept My Baby Well; also occasional con- tributor to magazines. Mem. Woman's Union League, N.Y City; chairman Com. on Work and Play of Federation for Child Study, N.Y. City, 1912. Recreations: Walking, skating, dancing, Bwimmlng. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y.

NOYES, EUzabeth Crosby, 1730 New Hamp- shire, Av., Washington, D.C.

Born Washington, D.C, Sept. 22, 1893; dau. Theodore Williams and Mary (Prentice) Noyes; ed. Nat. Cathedral School, D.C, 1905-08; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1908-11. Mem. B'd of Managers of the Associated Chari- ties Housing Com. of Woman's Welfare (Nat. Civic Fed.), Southern Industrial Soc.; organizer (with others) of the Consumers' League of the D C 1911; organizer and chairman of the Junior League of the City of Washington, 1912. Settle- ment worker. Neighborhood House, 1911—. Epis- copalian. Recreations: Riding, tennis. Mem. Chevy Chase Club, Monday Evening Club. Especially interested in amateur dramatics, tak- ing leading part in many society plays presented for charitable purposes. NOYES, Irene Campbell (Mrs. George Walling-

ford Noyesi Kefiwood, Oneida, N.T. Born Oneida, N.Y., June 5, 1873; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '95; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 16, 1899, George Wallingford Noyes; chil- dren: Imogen Campbell, b, Aug. ?4, 1901; Char- lotte MacGallum, b. March 29, 1904; Janet Wool- worth, b. July 27, 1908. Taught Latin In the Mansfield State Normal School under Samuel H. Albro, principal, 1895-99. Favors woman suffrage. Undenominational Christian. Recreations: Ten- nis swimming, dancing. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumna, Cornell Club of Utlca, Kenwood Wo- man's Club. Engaged In various educational aetlTlUes.

��NOYES, Lucia Clapp (Mrs. William Noyes), 11 St. John St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Born Montague, Mass., Ju^y 23, 1860; dau. George A. and Irene F. (Parker) Clapp; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. 1881; Brown Univ., M.A. '93 (mem. Smith Coll. Alpha Soc); m. Montague, Mass., Sept. 4, 1S&4, William Noyes, M.D. (Harvard '81); children: William 3d, b. Dec. 16, 1896; George Clapp, b. Nov. 25, 1898. Pres. Smith Coll. AlumnjB Ass'n, 1899-1903; trustee Smith Coll., 1907—. Treas. and director Nat. Al- liance of Unitarian Women, 1907 — . Favors wom- an suffrage. Unitarian. Independent in poli- tics. Mem. Woman's Education Ass'n of Boston, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Smith Coll. Stu- dents' Aid Soc., College Club of Boston; honorary mem. of Roxburghe Club (Roxbury, Mass.).

NOYES, Luella Armstrong (Mrs. Walter C.

Noyes), Lyme, Conn., and 31 E. Sixty-third

St., N.T. City.

Born New London, Conn., Jan. 26, 1873; dau. Benjamin A. and Louise (Smith) Armstrong; ed. Miss Burnham's School, Northampton, Mass.; m. New London, Conn., Oct. 22, 1895, Walter C Noyes, U.S. Circuit Judge of Second Circuit; children: Marian, Catherine, Ruth. Interested In art. Congregationalist.

NOYES, Marion Ingalls (Mrs. Walter Henry Noyes), Girls' Industrial School, Lancaster,


Teacher, social worker; b. Abington, Mass., June 27, 1859; dau. Oilman and Isabella (Foster) Osgood; grad. Abington High School, '76; Kin- dergarten Normal School, '91; m. Belmont, Mass., Nov. 29, 1883, Walter Henry Noyes (now deceased). Connected with the Brooklyn (N.Y.) Day Nursery as kindergartner and ass't matron, 1891-92; kindergartner, 1892-93; first grade teacher, 1893-95, in the Home School, Everett, Mass.; first grade teacher. West SomervUle (Mass.) public schools, 1895-1908; since 1908 teacher in the Girls' Industrial School at Lancaster, Mass. Active in summer work In kindergarten and social settlements in West End, Boston. Author: Studies in the Life of Christ (two series of Sun- day lessons for children). Joint author: The Sunshine Primer, 1908.

NOYES, Jlary Eleanor, 403 Moloney Bld'g,

Ottav/a, 111.

Osteopath, physician; b. Perry, Pike County, 111., Jan. 19, 1863; dau. Richard Clement and Cornelia (Carter) Noyes; ed. Jacksonville Fe- male Acad., Denmark Acad., Denmark, la.; Am. School of Osteopathy, Klrksville, Mo. From Kirksville received degree of Doctor of Oste- opathy (mem. Axis Club). Has been In prac- tice of profession for eleven years. Worker in the Sunday-school. (Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Club of Ottawa, especially Interested in the civic and philanthropic dep't.

NUGENT, Florence Baldwin (Mrs. James L.

Nugent), Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Principal of girls' school; b. Fon du Lac, Wis.; dau. William A. and Julia S. Baldwin; grad. Howland School, Union Springs, N.Y. ; grad. work in Cornell Univ., 1887-88; m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1903, James L. Nugent. Taught Latin and mathematics in various schools. Founded in 1888 the Baldwin School, a college preparatory school for girls, at Bryn Mawr, Pa., and re- mained at the head of the school until 1906. In- terested in various charities and conservation work. Most interested in the Baldwin Day Nursery at Kensington, Philadelphia, a work started by the students of the Baldwin School.

NU8SEY, Mabel Dougrlas Keld (Mrs. George L.

Nussey), 21 The Terrace, Spalding, Eng.

Born Palmyra, N.Y. ; dau. William Inness and Mary Narcissa (Smith) Reid; ed. Ithaca High School; CJornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) 1900; fellow Am. School for Classical Studies, Rome, Italy, 1900-01 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. N.Y. Citv, Sept. 17, 1907, George Leathley Nussey; children: George Douglas, Mary Elizabeth. Fa- vors woman suffrage In the United States but not in England. Mem. Church of England. Reo- reations: Traveling, reading, motoring.


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