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��Author: Food and Dietetics; pamphlet: Food for Children; contributor to Smith College Monthly, Elementary School Teacher, Journal of Home Economics, and newspaper articles on Domestic Science. Congregationalist. Progressive Repub- lican. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Am. Chemical Soc., Nat. Education Ass'n; mem. Exec. Com. of Am Home EcononLics Aas'n; mem. Religious Education Ass'n, College Fcliti- cal Equality League, Immigrants' Protective IjcagTie, Drama Le^t^ue. P.scieations: V/alking, reading. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Chicago College. Alumnae truciee of Smith Coll., 1904-07; prea. class of 1882, Smith Coll., In Senior year.

NORTON, Grace Fallow, Woodstock, Ulster

Co., N.T.

Writer; b. Northfield, Minn., Oct. 29, 1876. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Politi- cal Union, N.Y. City. Author: Little Gray Songs From St. Joseph's, and many pwema in magazines. Agnoetic. Socialist. Mem. Liberal Club of N.Y City.

NORTON, Jeanie (Mrs. Porter Norton), 33 Gates

Circle, Buffalo. N.Y.

Born Buffalo, N.Y., 1855; dau. Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer and Sarah Van Dolfsen (Sher- man) Watson; ed. at home and abroad by gov- ernesses and at Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School, N.Y. City; m. 1878, Porter Norton (lawyer); chil- dren: Porter Huntington, Gertrude Van Dolfsen. Known in social life, in activities of the Episco- pal Church and in philanthropic and woman suf- frage work.

NORTON, I^ottie Elonlse Gove (Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton), The Elms, Kearney, Neb. Capitalist; b. Tomah, Wis.; dau. Judge Elijah Atwood Gove (eminent jurist) and Maria Louisa (Haynes) Gove (writer); grad. Minneapolis High School; six years in Catholic convent; m. Charles Oliver Norton; one son: Oliver Gove. Interested In charitable enterprises. Newspaper and maga- zine writer. Has published several pamphlets on historical subjects. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames In Mass. and charter mem. of the Associate Society in Nebraska; mem. Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century, Daughters of Colonial Governors; organizing mem. and first vice-pres. of U.S. Daughters of 1812; State regent D.A.R. In Nebraska; mem. Neb. State Historical Soc; Daughters of Founders and Patriots. Recrea tions: Riding, walking, autoing. Only woman mem. of Commercial Club In State; mem. and vice-pres. Trail Memorial Commission; mem. International Peace Arbitration Committee.

NORTON, Mabel Gardner White (Mrs. Arthur E. Norton). 13 Walker St.. Cambrldgre, Mass. Born Johnston, R.I. ; dau. Albert Nelson and Martha (Easton) V/hite; grad. Woman's Coll., Brown Univ., Ph.B. 19C0; m. Providence, R.I., Sept. 5, ISOO, Arthur E. Norton; one son: Gard- ner Atherton Norton, b. 1905. Congregationalist.

NORTON, Mary Castle (Mrs. David Z. Norton),

7301 Euclid Av., Cleveland. O.

Born Cleveland, O., May 19, 1854; dau. Will- iam B. and Mary (Newell) Castle; ed. Cleveland Acad.; Vassar Coll. and Lausanne, Switzerland; in. Cleveland, O., Oct. 11, 1876, David Z. Norton; children: Miriam, Robert, Laurence. Pres. Fort- nightly Musical Club; pres. Advisory Board Oft the College for Women of Western Reserve TTniv.; pres. Vassar Students' Aid Soc. (Cleveland branch); pres. Church Home for Aged and Friendless; chairman Board of Lady Managers of Lakeside Hospital. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

NORTON, Mary lionise (Mrs. Nathaniel W.

Norton), 978 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, July 3, 18G4; dau. James P. and Margaret (Westcrvelt) Golding; ed. public schools In Jersey Citv and later In Buffalo; m. (1st) Jan. IB, 1883, Bradbury J. Cilley; two chil- dren (died In Infancy); m. "(2d) Buffalo, June 17, 1903, Nathaniel W. Norton. Connected with various organizations for religious, social and philanthropic work. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. Presbyterian.

��NORTON, 8. Mary, 1947 Broadway. N.Y. City. Artist; b. Fort Edward, N.Y. ; dau. James D. and Elizabeth (Eddy) Norton; ed. Cornell Univ., Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Academic Julian and Atelier Colarossi, Paris. Salon exhibitor, both in old and new Salons; awarded Woman's prize ($300) In Exhibition of New England Artists, Boston. Favors woman suffrage. Recre- ations: Walking and horaeback riding.

NORTON, Susan Whittlesey, Valley City, N.Dak. ; home address, Pearland, Texas. Normal school teacher; b. Elmira, N.Y. ; dau. Asahel Wellington and Martha (Sampson) Nor- ton; grad. high school, Oswego, N.Y.; State Normal School, Peru, Neb.; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '98. Teacher, Warrensburg (Mo.) High School, 1898-99; critic. State Normal, Madison, S.Dak., 1899-1907; State Normal, Su- perior, Wis., 1907-10; State Normal, Valley City, N.Dak., 1910—. Owns a small orange orchard at Pearland, Texas. Mem. Sorosis Literary Club, Valley City Music Club. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage.

NORVEI.L, Ida Wood (Mrs. E. E. Norvell),

Wynnewood, Okla.

Born Batesville, Ark., April 30, 1877; dau. Will- iam Anderson and Eliza (Stanley) Wood; ed. In common school, supplemented by musical educa- tion; m. Dec. 26, 1897, Dr. E. E. Norvell; chil- dren: Otis Lawton, Nell Itamay Norvell. Pres. Wynnewood Sanitary Soc. Favors woman suf- frage: was mem. of woman suffrage delegation which appeared before and addressed the Suf- frage Com. of the Okla. Ck)nstitutional CJonven- tlon. Ex-sec. of Okla. Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Methodist (Southern) Church. Democrat, Ex-clerk of Okla. Woodman Circle Convention; now State manager of Woodman Circle Ass'n. Mem. Ladies' Athenaeum Club (pres. 1911, reelected 1912). NORWOOD, Kittle Maxwell (Mrs. Joseph E.

Norwood), Magnolia, Miss.

Born Camden, Miss., July 12, 1876; dau. Willis Leonida and Frances (Thomhlll) Maxwell; ed. public schools of Camden, MIbs. ; m. Camden, Dec. 9, 1896, Joseph E. Norwood. Mem. Meth- odist Ohuroh, Order Eastern Star, Musicians' Club of Magnolia, Miss.; Embroidery Club, Woman's Home Mission Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Horseback riding, fishing, horticulture. NOSS, Mary Graham (Mrs. Theodore Bland

Noss), California, Pa.

Vice-principal of State Normal School; b. Monongahela, Pa., Oct. 21, 1862; dau. .^neaa V. and Amanda P. (Underwood) Graham; grad. State Normal School, California, Pa., '81; student in Berlin and Jena, 1893-94; student at the Sor- bonne, Paris, 1906-07; m. Monongahela, Pa_, May 17, 1883, Theodore Bland Noss (died Feb. 23, 1909); children: Mary Theodora, b. Mar. 20, 1886; Theodore Graham, b. April 4, 1S96 (died July 2, 1910). Lecturer at teachers' conventions and women's clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, Century Club (Cali- fornia, Pa.), New Era Club (Pittsburgh). NOFRSE, Dorothy Qnincy (Mrs. Frederic Rus- sell Nourse), 100 Village Av., Dedham, Mass.

Born Boston, Dec. 4, 1885; dau. Henry Parker and Mary (Adams) Quincy; ed. Miss Ward's School and Miss Hackell's School, Boston; m. Boston, Feb. 7, 1906, Frederic Russell Nourse; children: Dorothy Quincy, Frederic Russell Jr. Mem. of church organizations, such as Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions (local branch), etc. Favors woman suffrage.. Protestant Epis- copal. Recreation: Music. NOURSE, Elizabeth, 80 rue d'Assaa, Paris,


Artist; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; dau. Caleb E. and Elizabeth LeBreton (Rogers) Nourse; ed. In local schools and School of the City Museum of Art; later art studies In Paris at AcadJmle Jullen and as pupil of Lefebvre, Boulanger, Hennen and Carolus Duran. Has exhibited at Paris Salon and numerous exhibitions, receiving medals from the World Columbian (Chicago, 1893), Nashville (1897) and the Louisiana Pur- chase (St. Louis, 1904) expositions; and has


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