��Washington, April 30, 1910, Alexander M. Norrls; one daughter: Mary Hoge, b. Mar. 8, 1912. Mem. Civic League Ass'n. Recreations: Tennis, riding. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. NOBRIS, Sarah Dobson (Mrs. Richard Norris),
Ellerslie, Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia; dau. James and Mary Dob- son; ed. Miss M. S. Gibson's School, Philadel- phia; m. Richard Norris; one daughter: Mary Dobson Norris. Mem. School Board six years; actively Interested in Presbyterian Orphanage, Deaconess House, Home for Infants and other philanthropic institutions. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Republican. NOKKI8, Mrs. Zoe Anderson, 338 E. Fifteenth
St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Harrodsburg, Ky. ; dau. Henry T. and Henrietta (Ducker) Anderson; ed. Daughters' Coll., Harrodsburg, Ky. ; m. Karrodsburg, Ky., S. W. Norris. Interested in the poor. Books: Color of His Soul; Way of the Wind; Quest of Polly Locke; Kentucky Colonel Stories; short stories in MeClure's, Ainslee's, Woman's Home Companion, Everybody's Magazine, Cosmopoli- tan, Smart Set, Times, Sun, Press; editor, owner .ind manager for the past four years of the East Side Magazine, treating of the poor of N.Y. Mem. Ragged Edge Klub (her own club, com- posed of her friends and subscribers for her magazine). Mem. Christian Church. NORSWOBTHY, Naomi, 430 W. 118th St., N.Y.
Professor of psychology; b. N.Y. City, Sept. 29, 1877; dau. Samuel B. and Eva (Modridge) Nors- worthy; grad. N.J. State Normal School, '96; Teachers' Coll., B.S. '01; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '04. Teacher in public schools of Morristown, N.J., 1896-99; appointed ass't in psychology, 1901, instructor, 1904, in Teachers Coll. ; associate prof, psychology in Columbia Univ. since 1909. Author: The Psychology of Mentally Defective Children (Archives of Psychology, November, 1906). NOKXH, Dora Brlggs (Mrs. Charles Jackson
North), 51 Johnson Park, Buffalo, N.Y.
Born Wethersfield, Wyoming Co., N.Y., Dec. 7, 1S52; dau. Horace Briggs, Ph.D., and Cath- erine (Morse) Brings; grad. public schools, Cen- tral High School, '71; Buffalo Normal School, '76; m. Buffalo, June 30, 1881, Charles Jackson North. Taught eight years in Buffalo Classical School. Ten years pres. of Woman's B'd Homeopathic Hocpltal; pres. two years of WoEaan'o V/ork in First Presbyterian Church (Buffalo); foreign treas. Buffalo Presbyterian Sec, throe years; treas. sixteen years, Buffalo Chapter D.A.R. ; treas. five years, Niagara Froniler Chapter Daughters of 1812; pres. about fifteen years of Buffalo branch Needlework Guild. Presbyterian (First Church) ; mem. Twentieth Century Club. NORTH, Lila Verplanck, Goucher College, Balti- more, Md.
Bom N.Y. City; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1881-82; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1892-95; A. B. '95 Univ. of Leipzig, 1895-96; Columbia Univ., 1906-07; Johns Hopkins Univ., 1907-08. Asso. principal Classical School for Girls, N.Y. City, 1884-92: instructor Greek and Latin, Taconic School, Lakeville, Conn., 1896-97; teacher of Greek and Latin, 1897- 98; asso. prof. Greek since 1898, Goucher Coll. Manager of Baltimore Charity Organization Soc, 1906-09; ass't sec. of Com. of Physical Welfare of School Children, N.Y. City, 1906-07; manager Home for the Friendless, N.Y. City, 1908-10. NORTH, Louise McCcy (Mrs. Frank Mason
North), 121 W. 122d St., N.Y. City.
Born Lowell, Mass., Oct. 31, 1859; dau. James Monroe and Anna Maria (Dennis) McCoy; ed. Lowell public schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '79, M.A (Phi Beta Kappa) '82 (mem. Zeta Alpha Sorority), Germany, 1879-80; m. Wellesley Coll., Dec. 23, 1885, Rev. Frank Mason North, D.D.; one son: Eric McCoy North, b. 1888. Instructor in Greek in Wellesley Coll., 1880-85. Trustee of Wellesley Coll.; vice-pres. Board of Managers of St. Christopher's Home for Children; mem. Central Com. on United Study of Foreign Mis- sions; mtsn. Student Com. of the National Board T.W.C.A. ; hon. vlce-pres. N.Y. Woman's For-
��eign Missionary Soc. and various church and philanthropic interests. Favors woman suffrage. Author: History of Wellesley College, 1875-1900; also various magazine articles on educational, philanthropic and religious subjects. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnte, Woman's University Club of N.Y. City, N.Y. Wellesley Club, Rota Club and Haarlem Phil- harmonic Soc. (N.Y. City). NORTH, Mary Myers (Mrs. Joseph B. North j,
Herndon, Va.
Born Washington, D.C. ; dau. Henry J. and Mary Elizabeth (Wilson) Leonhardt; ed. public schools and Union Acad., Washington, D.C; m. Rev. Joseph B. North, LL.D. ; children: M. Theodore, Henry Norman, Joseph Beverly. Pres. Am. Woman's Press Ass'n; vice-pres. League ol Am. Pen Women; historian Nat. Ass'n of Pa- triotic Instructors; recording sec. Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress; chairman Press Com. Nat. Council of Women; past Nat. junior vice-pres. of Woman's Relief Corps. Author: A Prairie Schooner; An Historic Church; Patriotic Selections; also short stories, poems and music. Presbyterian. Mem. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Nat. Civic Ass'n. NORTHEY, H. Maud Richardson (Mrs. William
M. Northey), 36A The New Sherbrooke, Sher-
brooke St., Montreal.
Born Compton, Quebec, Oct. 5, 1868; dau. Charles F. and Charlotte (Savage) Richardson; ed. private schools, Montreal; m. Montreal, Apr. 3, 1902, William M. Northey. Rec. sec. the Prot- estant Infants' Home; treas. Laura Ferguson Girls' Club. Anglican. Mem. Montreal Women's Art Soc, Montreal Suffrage Soc, Women's Branch Antiquarian Soc, Montreal Amateur Athletic Ass'n. Mem. Montreal Women's Club.
NORTHROP, Anna Leiseuring (Mrs. Frank Northrop), 6 E. Forty-fifty St., N.Y. City. Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Henry G. and Lydia A. (Rockhill) Leiseuring; ed. Friends Central High School, Philadelphia; Chautauqua Circle and Woman's Law Class of Univ. of N.Y. ; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1885, Frank Northrop. Treas. George Washington Memorial Ass'n, N.Y. League for Animals. Identified with many re- ligious, social and philanthropic activities. NORTHUP, Carrie ftTysTS (Mrs. Clark Suther- land Northup), 407 Elmwood Av., Ithaca, N.Y. Born Gouveraeur, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1374; dau. Dr. Albert and Mrs. Olive Ann (Graven) Myers; grad. Gouvemeur High School and Cornell Univ., A.B. '96 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Gouverneur, N.Y., July 12, 1838, Dr. Clark Sutherland Northup; children: Olive Emelyn, Helen Frances, Nicholas Carr. Mem. Child Study Club, Campus Club. Favors woman suffrage.
NORTON, Alice Pst»ubet (Mrs. Lewis Mills Norton), 1326 E. Fifty-eighth St., Chicago, 111. College professor; b. Gloucester, Mass., Feb. 25, 1860; dau. Rev. Dr. Francis N. and Mrs. Mary Abby (Thaxter) Feloubet; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '82, A.M. '97; Boston Normal School of Household Arts, '96; stuisnt at Macs. Institute of Technology, 1896-97; graduate student at Univ. of Chicago, while teaching (mem. Alpha Soc, Smith Coll.); m. Natick, Mass., June 6, 1883, Lewis Mills Norton, Ph.D., of Chemistry Dep't, Mass. Inst. Technology (died 1893); chil- dren: Margaret, John Foote, Grace Peloubet, Louise Chabrier, Lewis Mills. Teacher Brook- line (Mass.) High School, 1896-1900; teacher Chi- cago Inst., 1900-01; ass't prof., teaching of home economics. School of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-04; ass't prof, of household administration, Univ. of Chicago, 1904; chairman Food and Mar- kets Com., V/oman's C'ty Club of Chicago, 1911-12; chairman Household Economics Com., 111. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1910-12; pres. Chicago Smith College Club, 1911-12. Particu- larly interested in religious and social work. Lecturer Lasell Sem. on Sanitary Science, 1893-99; Hartford School of Sociology. 1895; Bos- ton School of Cooking and Boston Y.W.C.A., 1898-1900; School of Domestic Science, 1895-1900; director of Chautauqua (N.Y.) School of Domes- tic Science, 1900-05. Favors woman snffrage.