��tras. Taught in private studio and Epworth Univ., Oklahoma City, Okla., 1911; in lyceum work througii Okiahoma, Texas. New Mexico and Mis- souri, 1912; now concertizing with sister (violin- iste) in extension course of Univ. of Wis.
NORRIS, Clara Maud, 283 Clifton St., Maiden,
Teacher; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll.. B.A. '01; Boston Univ.. M.A. '02. Teacher of English, Newburyport (Mass.) High School, 1903-07; Maiden (Mass.) High School since 1907. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Nat. Educational Ass'n.
NORRIS, Grace Mabel, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
Physician, writer; b. South Columbia, N.Y. ; grad. Richneld Springs High School, '98; Wom- an's Med. Coll., Baltimore, Md., M.D., '04. En- gaged in medical practice and has held medical positions in State institutions. Author of medi- cal stories: Thirteen Uncanny Tales (one vol.); Strange Medical TaJes; The Parasites of Man; also medical stories contributed to The Recorder. Part author (with Luis B. D' Alvarez): A B C of the Spanish Language; also (with Dr. A. Lap- thorn Smith): The Mysterious Disappearance of S.S. Cedric (novel). Artist in pen and water color work. NORRIS, Harriette Bronson Holbrook (Mrs.
Edward A. Norrfs), 304 Moffett Av., Joplin,
Bom Jackson, Mich.; dau. J. Milton and Sara (Bronson) Holbrook; ed. in Detroit schools; m. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 12, 1872, Edward A. Norris; children: Robert Falley, b. Oct. 3, 1875; Edna CHiaffee, b. Sept. 3, 1877. Social leader; mem. several philanthropic organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Organized the Joplin Suffrage League, 1912. Newspaper and magazine writer. Christian Scientist. Organized Joplin Chapter D.A.R. (regent seven years), became State vice- regent D.A.R. of Mo. Traces ancestry to Thomas Holbrook of Weymouth, England, in 1601; mem. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Daughters of 1812. Recrea'tion: Country life. NORRIS, Jeaa Hort^nse (Mrs. Thomas H.
Norris), 27 William St., N.Y. City.
La-wyer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1877; dau. John Giles and Maria Theresa (Ford) Noonan; ed. private German school; Brooklyn CJirls' High School; N.Y. Univ., LL.B. and LL.M.; m. June 30, 1897, Thomas H. Norris (died 1899). Retained as ass't transfer tax attorney in N.Y. Co. for the State Comptroller; special counsel for State Comptroller in foreign transfer tax proceedings; special counsel for corporations and attorneys in N.Y. Co. in Federal, State and city tax matters, and in general practice. Interested in religious, social, philanthropic and other activities. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author of articles on In- heritance taxation, national health and unem- ployment Insurance of Great Britain, which have appeared in the Woman Lawyers' Journal, and pa.mphlet on Laws Affecting Women and Chil- dren. Introduced in N.Y. Legislature in 1913. Catholic. Mem. N.Y. University Alumni, N.Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n, Collegiate E^qual Suf- frage League. Associate editor Women Lawyers' Journal. Recreations: Walking, traveling, read- ing, golfing, ' "iding (horseback). Chairman Bu- reau of Legislation of Women Lawyers' Ciub; chairman Com. on Legal Interests of Women of the New York Women's Press Club. NORRIS, Katharine Hosmer (Mrs. Rollin Nor- ris), 221 Glenn Road, Ardmore, Pa.
Born Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 1869; dau. Addison A. and Amanda (Sturges) Hosmer; ed. in Washington, D.C ; George Washington Univ. and in Univ. of Pa.; m. Washington, D.C, Rol- lin Norris; one son: Hosmer Rollin Norris. In- terested in social work, housing and town plan- ning, charity organization work. Started a housing reform movement in Washington, D.C, 1893, by the formation of a Housing Com., whose Investigations brought about better conditions and the organization of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Co. for the construction of decent houses for working people, becoming one of its directors; aJso in 1895 initiated a reorganization of the Washington Associated Charities with
��greatly improved and more efHcient methods. After marriage removed to Philadelphia and later to Ardmore, a suburb of that city, and in 1911 started a movement for suburban housing and town planning in the organization of tha Main Line Housing Ass'n, follcKwed by a Subur- ban Planning Conference of which she was sec., and from which she organized a Suburban Plan- ning Ass'n, with a paid sec. The Conference Legislative Com., of which she was a member, drafted an act for a Suburban Metropolitan Planning Commission, which has recently become a law. Mem. Consumers' League of Philadel- phia; contributing mem. Philadelphia Soc. for Organizing Charity, Philadelphia Woman Suf- frage Ass'n, Nat. City Planning Conference (or- ganization). Mem. Civic Club and Contemporary Club, Philadelphia. Compiled the Philanthropic, Educational and Religious Directory of Philadel- phia, 1902. Socialist. Favors woman suffrage.
NORBIS, Kathleen Thompson (Mrs. Charles Oilman Norris), Port Washington, L.I., N.Y. Writer; b. San Francisco, Cal., July 16, 1880; dau. Jaraes Alden and Josephine (Moroney) Thompson; ed. by tutors and In special school and courses; m. N.Y. City, April 30, 1909, Charles Gilman Norris (brother of the late Frank Nori-is, author of The Pit, The Octopus, etc); children: Frank, b. Nov. 2, 1910, and twin daughters, Josephine and Gertrude Norris, b. Feb. 15 (died Feb. 18.), 1912. Became a settle- ment worker in San Francisco immediately after the earthquake and fire of 1906; her first con- tributions to the newspapers being some random sketches of her work there. Gave up her regu- lar work at time of her marriage and two yeara later wrote her short story, "Mother," which aroused such interest as an argument against race suicide that it was expanded from magazine to book form, and later republished as a serial in the Ladies' Home Journal (a very unusual distinction), and was published in book form in 1911; also author: Mrs. Burgoyne, 1912; Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby; Saturday's Child, and short stories in leading magazines since 1910. Roman Catholic.
NORRIS, TJllian Horsey (Mrs. Rastus Ransom
Norris), Pine Croft, Crisfleld, Md.
Born Crisfield, Md., Oct. 22, 1882; dau. William P. and Clara Louise (Roach) Horsey; ed. Cris- fleld High School; Western Maryland Coll., A.B., cum laude; Goucher Coll., Baltimore (mem. Zeta Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta); m. Crisfleld, Md., June 24, 1908, Dr. Rastus Ransom Norris; chil- dren: Juliana, Juliet. Against woman suffrage. Methodist. Recreations: Automobiling, yachting.
NORKIS, Mary Harriott, Colbath House, Mor-
ristown, N.J.
Author: b. Boonton, N.J., March 16, 1848; dau. Charles Bryan and Mary L. (Kerr) Norris; de- scendant in seven distinct lines from 17th century settlors in New England and N.J. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '70; delivered annual address during Commencement at Vassar Coll., 1872; hon. mem. class of '99 of Northwestern Univ. Waa founder and principal of a private school In N.Y. City. 1880-96; dean of women. North- western Univ., 1898-99. Mem. of Authors' League of the Com. of One Hundred on Nat. Health; pres. N.Y. Branch Associate Alumnao of Vassar Coll.; trustee of Equal Franchise Soc. of N.J. Author; Frauleln Mina; Ben and Bentie Series (4 vols.); Dorothy Delaflcld; A Damsel of the Eighteenth Century; Phebe; Afterward; The Nine Blf^ssings; John Applegate, Surgeon; Lake- wood; The Gray House of the Quarries; The Grapes of Wrath; The Story of Christina; The Veil; editor of editions of Silas Marner, Mar- mion, Evangeline, Kenilworth and Quentin Dur- ward; contributor to various periodicals. Rec- reation: Travel. Mem. Woman's University Club (Evanston. 111.), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaj, Nat. Geog. Soc.
NORRIS, Mary Hog:e (Mrs. Alexander M. Nor- ris). S47 Park Av.. Baltimore. Md. Born Washington, DC, Feb. 24, 1887; dau. Schofleld and Mary Barlow (Stearns) Hoge; ed. Force School, Central High School, Washington; Boxwood, Old Lyme, Conn.; m.