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��NICHOLS, Mary Louise, 3221 Racf St., Phila- delphia, Pa.

Teacher; b. Brookville, Pa., Feb. 19, 1873; dau. Aurin B. and Mary (Thompson) Nichols; grad. Friends Central School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1S90; Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. 1900; research v^crk at Marine Biological Ijaboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Favors woman suSrage. Author of Spermato- genesis of Oniscus Asellus (Linn.); Comparative Studies in Crustacean Spermatogenesis; Develop- ment of Pollen in Sarracenia: Spermatogenesis of Euchroma Gigantea; Nesting Habits of the Burrowing Bee, Emphor Puscojubatus. Mem. Con- sumers' League, Civil Service Reform Aas'n, Pa. Soc. for Prevention of Social Disease, A.A.A.S., Marine Biological Ass'n, Biological Seminar of Univ. of Pa., College EJqual Suffrage League, Philadelphia Teachers' Ass'n, Alumni and Alumnae Ass'n of Univ. of Pa. Recreation: Violin. Mem. New Century Guild for Working Women. XICHOL8, Mary Schofleld (Mrs. John B.

Nichols), Compton, Cal.

Teacher; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1875; dau. George W. and Edella (Pitcher) Schofield; ed. Indianapolis public schools; grad. Indianapolis High School, 1895; m. Orange, Cal., June, 1308, John B. Nichols. Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist. Republican. Mem. O.E.S.; pres., 1910- U, of Ventura County Ass'n of Women's Clubs. NICHOLS, Maud K«Dmey ;Mrs. Wocdfeury F.

Nicho'.s), 67*5 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

Dentist; b. Providence, R.L, July 4, 1878; dau. William F. and Sliza'jet'n (Murray) Kenoey; ed. Providence public and high schools, Tufts Coll. Dental School, D.M.D. '04; m. Woodbury Frank- lin Nichols, D.M.D. Engaged in practice of den- tistry from graduation. Catbolic. Mem. Khode TeJand Dental Soc. Aca-»at. wKman suffrage. XICHOLS, May Louise, Miss Porter's School,

Farmington, Conn.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '88, M.A. '98; fellow Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1897-98; Hoppin Memorial fellow in same, 1898-99. Teacher of classics. Concord (Mass.) High School, 1891-97; Greek and Greek archae- ology, Vassar Coll., 1899-1901; Greek and history of art. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n; life mem. Archaeological Inst, of America. NICHOLS, Minnie Bowen (Mrs. Lucius Tombes

Nichols), Chester, S.C.

Born Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9, 1869; dau. James Columbus and Frances L. (Powell) Bowen; ed. Girls' High School of Atlanta, m. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17, 1885, Lucius Tombes Nichols of Va. (general manager C. and N.W. Railroad): chil- dren: Watkins Eugene, Ethel, Lucius Bowen, Charles Victor, John Melton, Thomas i^-eroy, Francis Alexander. Ex-chairman of Domestic Science, Dep't of S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. of Civic Improvement Ass'n of Chester, S.C; pres. Social Club. Has served as pres. Missionary Soc. and director Public Library of Chester. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Baptist Church (mem. Ladies' Aid Soc. and Missionary Soc). Recreation: Travel. Mem. and organizer Palmetto Literary Club and two Domestic Science Clubs. Has served as chairman of Library Ex- tension Dep't of S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs; introduced a State Library Commission bill, which failed to pass. Served two years as vice- pres. of S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. NICHOLS, Rnsf Staudisb, -:5 Mt. Vernon St..

Boston, Mass.

Garden architect; dau. Arthur IT. and Fliza- beth F. (Homer) Nichols; ed. private .ichcol?; Mass. Inst, of Technology. Director of Boaton Soc. of Decorative Art and of '.he Cooperative Building Soc. Author: finglish Pleiiiiure Gtar- dens. .Mem. Sesame Club (London), Women's f'oiinopolitan Club (N.Y. City). i^-ecreations: Conversation, needlework. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. NICHOLS, SuRan Pvrrlval, Obfrlln College,

Oberlin. O.

College professor; b. Brownsville, Me., May 12, 1873; dau. Charles Leiwifl and Anna (Flint) Nichols; grad. Cornell Univ., AJB. '98 tSigma Xi); Univ. of Wis., Ph.D. '04. Associate prof, of botany, Oberlin Coll., since 1910.

��NICHOLSON, Eugenie Konntze (Mrs. Meredith

Nicholson), 1500 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis,


Born Oma'ha, Neb., July U, 1867; dau. Herman and Elizabeth (Davis) Kountze; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '88 (Phi Beta Kai^pa) ; m. Omaha, June It), 1896, Meredith Nicholson (author); chil- dren: BJlbiabeth, Kugenie, Meredith, Lionel. Pres. Indianapolis Woman's Club. Favora woman suffrage; Yico-pres. Woman's Pranchisa League of Indiana. BplsoopaJIan. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Consumers' League of In- dianapolis, Indiana Vassar Club, Woman's Uni- versity Club (N.Y. City), Contemporary Clnb. NICHOLSON, HAtherlce LeoiiAi-d Le» (Mrs.

William H. Nicholson), 327 S. Second St.,

Millville, N..T.

Born Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., Not. 15, 1878; dau. J. TatnaJl and Annie Anderson (Cabeen) Lea; ed. Mrs. Irwin's School, Phila- delphia; m. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1906, William H. Nicholson Jr.; children: Anne, William H. 3d, Joseph Tatnall, Richard Matlack. Active in civic work in Millville Woman's Club (of which la second vice-pres.), Vvorking Girls' Club and work In Millville Organized Charity Ass'n (second vlee-pres.). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Vine- land Equal Suffrage League. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Prevention of Infant Mor- tality. Agnes Irwin School Alumnae Ass'n. Rec- reations: Gardening, motoring, reading. Mem. Acorn Club, Philadelphia Skating Club and Humane Soc. (Philadelphia).

NICKELS, Frances Jacobs (Mrs. Frank Camp- bell Nickels), 2500 Plllsbury Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Washington, D.C. ; dau. Horace G. and Hannah (Slater) Jacobs; ed. Stanford Univ., ■93; George Washington Univ., 1S94-98, A.B. '98, M.A. '99; post-grad, work in Univ. of Minn., '09 (mem. PI Beta Phi); m. Washington, D.C, Feb- ruary, 1900, Frank Campbell Nickels; one son: Horace Jacobs, b. 1905. Pres. Maternity Hospital ; director Y.W.C.A. ; chairman Extension Dep't Y.W.C.A. ; interested In Women's Welfare work. Missionary teacher in Sunday-school. Mem. Thursday Musical Club. Baptist.

NICOLAY, Helen, 1621 Massachusetts Av.,

Y/ashingrton, D.C.

Born Paris, France, Mar. 9, 1866; dau. John Gsorge Nicolay (former private e6c. of Pres. Lincoln, and joint author with John Hay of Abraham Lincoln — A History) and Theresa (Bates) Nicolay; ed. at home and by private In- struction. Author: The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln; The Boys' Life of Ulys&es S. Grant; Personal Traits of Abraham Lincoln; also articles in various magazines.

NICOLL, FdJth Trav^rs (Mrs. Kdward Holland

NicoU), Granite Springs, N.T.

Born Flus-hing, L.I., Aug. 4, 1861; dau. Edward Montague and Harriet Van Cortlandt (West) Trovers; ed. Miaa Susan Hoffman's private school in Flushing; m. Flushin;, 1885, Edward Holland Nicoll; children: Charlotte V. C, Nancy, Edward Holland. Interested in church work, local charities, village improvement, etc. Against woman suffrage. Episcopal ian. Mem. Cathedral League of St. John the Divine, N.Y. City; pres. Woman's Progressive Club, Granite Springs.

NIEHACS, Hegiaa Armstrong 'Mrs. Charles H.

Niehans), Quaker Ridge Road, Nct Rcchelle,


Writer and art critic; b. Virginia; dau. Thomas J. and Jane Ann Welsh (von Roth) Armstrong, of Lancaster, Ohio, and great-granddaughter of Hon. Jacob Van Metre of Westmoreland CIo., Va. ; privately educated; en. N.Y. City. 1900. Charles Henry Nlehaus (sculptor). Society editor Sun- day Times, Memphis, Tenn., 1892-93; editor Social Graphic, lS9:i-96; edi'or Impressionist (N.Y. City), 18-99-1900. Contributor to various Jlterary and art publications. Including The Studio (London). Author (pen-name "Regina Armstrong"): Sculp- ture of Charles Henry Nlehaus, 1902; C Mylea Collier, A Memoir, 1909. Mem. Municipal Art Soo. of N.Y. ; Equal Suffrage League of New Rochelie.


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