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��Auxiliary; mem. local Advisory Board of Censors for motion pictures and vaudeville. Teacher of advanced class of girls in Sunday-school; mem. Literature Dep't General Federation of Women's Clubs; cor. sec. and chairman Press Com. Ore- gon State Equal Suffrage Ass'n; chairman Press Com. Coll. Ekiual Suffrage League; chairman State Central Campaign Com., and chairman precinct work for woman suffrage. Pres. Civic Progress Circles. Protestant Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Outdoor sports (devoted to baseball). Mem. Woman's Club of Portland; pres. Woman's Club (season 1910-11); mem. Drama League of America. NEWLON, Anna L.. Skiles (Mrs. Robert Hunter

Newlon), 17 E. Twenty-fourth St., Minneapolis,


Bom Uniontown, Pa.; dau. Isaac S. and Kath- erine (Jackson) Skiles; ed. Oakland Sem., Mor- risto<wn, Pa. ; m. Uniontown, Robert Hunter New- lon. Interested in Associated Charities. Mem. Woman's Club, Minikahda Club (Minneapolis). Presbyterian. NEWMAN, A. Evelyn, 35-37 E. Sixty-second St.,

N.Y. City.

Teacher and social worker; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Isaac and Elizabeth (Bryant) Newman; ed. Louisville High School, and Normal school, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. '07, M.A. '08; won spe- cial honors in English and In senior college work, won Graduate English scholarship. Taught graded and high school in Louisville, Ky. After receiving master's degree in English taught Eng- lish and sociology in Minn. State Normal College. Was assistant head of Beecher Hall, one of the women's halls at Univ. of Chicago, for two years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Politi- cal Union, N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n, Equal Franchise See, College Suffrage Ass'n. Has written educational and sociological papers and lectures, and a pamphlet on the professional schools and art student life. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Nat. Conference of Charities and Corrections, N.Y. Probation Soc, League for Political Education, Conference for Working Girls' Homes, the Uni- versity of Chicago Alumnse Club and the Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. For past three years gen. sec. Studio Club of N.Y. City. NEWMAN, Jeanie Stevens (Mrs. Albert Harding

Newman), Concord, Mass.

Born Boston; dau. Charles Whipple and Har- riet (Farnsrworth) Smith; ed. in private schools; m. Boston, Oct. 18, 1897, Albert Harding New- man; children: Albert Lee, Harding Carruth, Dorothea. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Colony Club of N.Y. NEWMAN, Mary, 1951 Woodward Av., Detroit,


Principal of private school; b. Newburyport, Mass., June 17, 1872; dau. Sidney F. and Mary J. (Bayley) Newman; ed. Putnam Free School, New- buryport, Mass., 1888; Salem (Mass.) Normal School, 1891, Radcliffe Coll., lSOG-07. Taught three years in Mass. schools, eight years in De- troit Sem. ; established North Woodward School, Detroit, 1906. Favors woman suffrage. Congre- gationalist. NEWMAN, Willie Betty (Mrs. J. W.- Newman),

Nashville, Tenn.

Artist painter; b. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1864; dau. Col. W. F. M. and Sophie (Buckner) Betty; general education private, studied art in the school of the Cincinnati Musieum of Art and in Paris under Jean Paul Laurens, Bouguereau and others; m. Alexandria, Tenn., Jan. 2, 1882, J. W. Newman. During the years 1891-1900 main- tained studio in Paris and exhibited annually (except 1892 and 1899) in the Salon (received hon- orable mention, 1900) ; exhibited also at Paris Exposition in 1900. Work is chiefly in genre pic- tures which have been exhibited in American as well as foreign galleries, and portraits, among which that of the late Vice-President Sherman is one of the best known. NEWNHAM, Letitia Agnes (Mrs. Jervois Arthur

Newnham), Blshopsthorpe, Prince Albert,

Sask., Can.

Bom Pembroke, Ont, Apr. 14, 1865; dau. Rev.

��William Henderson, D.D., and Mary Agnes (Bur- gen) Neiwnham; m. 1892, Right Rev. Jervoia Arthur Newnham, Bishop of Saskatchewan; five daughters. Assistant to husband in missionary work around the shores of Hudson's Bay, and now in Saskatchewan.

NEWSOM, Vida, S14 Franklin St., Columbus, lud.

Club woman, social worker; b. near Columbus, Ind. ; dau. of Jesse Ruddick and Mary (Cox) New- som; grad. Columbi:s High School; A.B., In- diana Univ., 1903; A.M. 1906. Mem. Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumn«; second vice-pres. Indiana Fed. of Clubs, 1911-13; cor. sec. Indiana Fed. of Clubs, 1909-11; mem. Children's Bureau of Indiana; pres. Columbus Playground Ass'n, Magazine Club; mem. Columbus Culture Club, Grange, City Associated Charities; sec. Board of County Charities, Co. Branch of State Organization for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Volunteer probation ofiBcer. Presbyterian. Teacher Sunday- school class. Mem. Missionary Soc. Favors woman suffrage; county chairman Woman's Franchise League of Indiana. Wrote article on "Playgrounds," published In Indiana Bulletin of Charities and Correction, October, 1911, and in Indianapolis Star, July 15, 1912; reports of club work in American Woman's Review, May, 1911, and The Farmer's Wife, January, 1912. Traveled in Europe, Egypt and the Holy Land. NEWSON, Mary Frances Winston (Mrs. Henry Bryon Newson), 1620 Massachusetts St., Law- rence, Kan.

Assistant professor of mathematics; b. For- reston. 111., Aug. 7, 1869; dau. Dr. Thomas and Caroline E. (Mumford) Winston; grad. Uni- versity of Wisconsin, A.B. '89; fellow In mathe- matics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-89; honorary fellow in mathematics, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93. Eluro- pean fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-96; student in mathematics, Univ. of Gottingen, 1893-96, Ph.D. '97; m. 1900, Henry Bryon Nowson; children: Caroline, b. June 5, 1901; Josephine, b. Oct. 15, 1903; Henry Winston, b. Nov. 26. 1909. Teacher of mathematics. Downer Coll., Milwaukee, 18S9-91; prof, mathematics, Kansas State Agricultural Coll., 1897-1900; ass't prof, mathematics, Wash- burn Coll., Topeka, Kan. Favors woman suf- frage.

NEWTON, Clara Pease (Mrs. Walter R. New- ton), 39 College Av., New Brunswick, N.J. Born Charlotte, Vt., Aug. 11, 1860; dau. Hon. Peter E. and Cordelia (Rich) Pease; ed. high school, Burlington, Vt. ; Univ. of Vt., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '80 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Burlington, Vt., Aug. 29, 1888, Prof. Walter R. Newton. Taught six years in Burlington, Vt. ; two years In Bradford (Mass.) Acad. Fitted young ladies for college by private tutoring. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Recreations: Golf, cards, rowing, walking and gardening. Hon. mem. November Club (Andover, Mass.); mem. local reading clubs and Bridge Club, Neiw Brunswick Country Club, Jersey Chapter Phi Beta Kappa.

NEWTON, Elsie Eaton (Mrs. Charles WUUam Newton), The Concord, W^ashingtqn. D.C. Supervisor Indian schools, U.S. Indian Service; b. Washington, D.C, Feb. 6, 1871; dau. Gen. John Eaton, Commissioner of Education, and Alice (Shirley) Eaton; ed. Lake Erie Coll., Palnesville, Ohio; m. Waterloo, N.H., Sept. 6, 1894, Dr. Cliarles William Newton, of Toledo, Ohio, who died Feb. 2, 1904; children: Janet, b. April 7, 1897; Mary Alice, b. Aug. 25, 1899. Favors ^oman suffrage. Author of magazine articles, chiefly on Indians. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuber- culosis, Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, Nat. Indian Ass'n, Lake Brie Coll. AJumnas Ass'n. Charter mem. Sorosis, Toledo, Ohio.

NEWTON, EmUy Norcross (Mrs. J. H. Newton), 1766 Northampton St., Holyoke, Mass. Bom Winchester, Mass., Aug. 17, 1859; dau. Warren Fisher and Emily (Colbura) Norcross; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '80, M.A. '84 (mem. Phi Sigma); Harvard Annex, 1883-84; Amer- ican Archaeological School at Athens, 1888-89; m.


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