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��ard; ed. Miss Low's School, Stamford, Conn., 1888-92; Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, 1892- 93; special student Architectural School, Univ. of Pa., 1909-11; m. Boston, Mass., April 9, 1896, Prof. William Romaine Newbold, Ph.D. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. NEWCOMB, Elizabeth J. M. (Mrs. C. R. New- comb), 3136 Irving Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher; b. Wendell, Mass., March 26, 1S33; dau. Rev. William and Sarah K. (Morrill) Clag- gett; ed. (grad.) at Kimball Union Acad., Meri- den, N.H., 1866 (pres. of Minervian Soc, of K.U.A.); m. West Hartford, Vt., Nov. 2, 1856, Prof. C. R. Neweomb; children: Marie An- toinette, Mabel Valentioe. Teacher in Ba.mboo (Wis.) Sem., Seminary Floyd, Carroll Parish, La.; Rio Granda Seminary, Brownsvllie, Texas; Humphrey Acad., Wis.; taught classes in par- liamentary law,. Colorado Springs, Colo. Char- ter mem. of Woman's Council 'parllamentjtry sec); registrar Minneapolis Chapter D.A.R., served as State organizer and lecturer of W.C.T.U., 1889-1902. Congregationalist Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Minneapolis Political Equality Club. Progressive.

NEWCOMB, Elizabeth WUmot (Mrs. James Edward Neweomb), 118 W. Sixty-ninth St., N.Y. Cltv.

Philanthropist; b. Ithaca, N.Y.. Feb. 12, 1863; dau. William Allen and Catherine (Borden) WU- mot; ed. Ithaca, N.Y., and N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, March 23, 1887, Dr. James Edward New- comb, distinguished physician (died August 27, 1912). Largely identified with anti-tuberculosis work, especially for working girls in X.Y. State. This has led to herbuildingthe Stony Wold Sana- torium at Lake Kushaqua, N.Y, of which she has been president since Its organization in 1901. Mem. Tuberculosis Com. of the Charity Organi- zation Soc. of N.Y. City: mem. Ass'n of Tuberculosis Clinics, City of N.Y. ; mem. Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Director of Working Girls' Vacation Soc; mem. Soc. of New England Women, N.Y. City. Uni- tarian.

NEWCOMB. Florence Ward Danforth (Mrs. H. Victor Neweomb), 509 W. Ormsby Av., Louis- ville, Ky.

Born Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Joseph Lewis and Frances Antoinette Elizabeth (Ward) Danforth; ed. by tutors and private schools in Louisville, Ky. ; m. H, Victor Neweomb, once pres. Louis- ville and Nashville Railroad in Louisville, Ky. ; children: Edyth Ward, Herman Danforth, Flor- ence Danforth. Interested in woman suffrage. Author: The Carnival of Venice, and Other Poems. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Founders Chapter, Colonial Dames of America, entered through General Artemas Ward of Mass., called the Father of the Revolution, as he raised the first 20,000 men of the Revolutionary War. Through the Henshaws, her pedigree goes back tnrough the Plantagenets to Henry 3d, King of England.

NEWCOMB, Katharine Hinchman (Mrs. Charles B. Neweomb, 1470 Beacon St., Brookllne, Mass. Writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 16, 1852; dau. James A. Hinchman and Elizabeth (Norton) Hirctman; ed. Detroit (Mich.) Yo'jng Ladies' Sem.; m. Boston, Mass., July 27, 1887, Charles B. Neweomb. Writer on metaphysical subjects, teach<^r acd healer. Favors woman suffrage. Au'.hor: Helps to Right Living; Steps Along the Path.

NEWELL, Anna Grace, Morris House, North- ampton, Mass.

InstrucLcr; b. Flint, Mich., Dec. 23, 1876; dau. Minor S. and Sara (Webb) Newell; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. ISO'O; MA. 'OS. Student Univ. of Leipzig, Naples Marine Biological Station, Cor- nell Univ., and Univ. of Pa. Instructor in zo- ology and entomology Smith Col). Mem. En- tomological Soc. of America, and Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science. Favors woman suffrage. NEV/EJLL, Charlotte (Mrs. U. A. Newell), 1533 Linden Av., Baltimore, Md. Teacher; b. Lynchburg, Va., 1S60; dau. Henry L. and Mary (Cobbe) Davis; ed. by private in- Btruction, Univ. of Va. (course In Latin, English,

��history, and special courses in French and Ger- man), also in Harvard Summer School; m. Wytheville, Va., 1885, U. A. Newell, State Sup't of Schools of Md., founder and 25 years principal Md. Normal School; children: James Alexander, Josephine Cucking. Teacher of English, and dean of High School for Girls in Jacob Tome Inst, Port Deposit, Md., 1894-1911. Pres. Hythe- ham Club, Port Deposit, 16 years; chairman Standing Com. on Traveling Libraries, Md. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. of Md. Library Commission. Lecturer on literary subjects. Favors T.'oman suffrage. Mem. Just Government League, Equal Suffrage League. .^-pit<; opal tan. Democrat. Recreations: Cards, boating. Was for some time connected with Baltimore i>a,pers; has contributed to magazines. NEWELL, Edith Kriley (Mrs. E. W. Newell),

Garden Prairie, III.

Born Belvldere, 111., July 31, 1S73; dau Loretua M. and Carrie M. (Pettit) Kelley; ed. Boioit (Wis.) High School; m. Cedar Falls, la., Sept. 7, 1892, E. W. Newell (died 1907); ehUdren: Lynden, Neva, Kenneth, Bryce. Prea. Lacif^' Aid Soc; mem. Garden Prairie Woman's Club (pres. 1910-11); mem. Home Culture Club; vlce- pres. Epworth League. Methodist. Favors wo- man suffrage. NEWELL, Louise Decator, 167 Corey St., West

Roxbury, Mass.

Bom Boston, Jan. 1, 1872; dau. George W. and Mary E. (Shedd) Decatur; ed. Boston High and Normal schools; m. Boston, Oct. 16, 1895, Dr. Walter G. Newell. Interested in hospital and charity work. Associated Charities and Settle- ment work, also civic and church work. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Commodore Decatur Chap- ter Daughters of the Revolution. Recreations: Sailing, swimming, traveling, needlework. Mem. Charity Club, Pilgrim Women's Club, West Rox- bury Woman's Club (founder). Municipal League, Legislative Com. of City Federation, which re- ports on proceedings of (2ity Council, and advises action of clubs.

NEWELL, Louise L., Chevy Chase Sem.lnar7,

Washington, D.C.

Teacher; b. Southbridge, Mass.; dau. Samuel and Elizabeth (Jenks) Newell; ed. schools of Southbridge and Vassar Coll., A.B. (mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc), European travel and study. Principal of Miss Dana's School, MorristoTrn, N.J., 1908-12; teacher and lecturer on history of art subjects for many years. Interested in social service, church and missionary work. Author of short articles in art magazines. Pres- byterian. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate AJumnse.

NEWELL, Mrs. Mary O'Connor, 225 Wiscon- sin St., Chicago, 111.

Writer; dau. James and Anne Tatton) O'Con- nor; grad. Univ. of Michigan, B.A. "99; m. 1335; one son: Robert O'Connor Newell, b. N.Y. City, Sept. 22, 1906. Book reviewer, Record-Heraid. 1899-1904; newspaner and magazine writer in N.Y. City, 1906-10; special writer Chicago Hscord- Herald since 1910. NEWHALL, Anna Scott (Mrs. Aimer Mayo

Newliall), 110 Forbes Av.. San Rafael, Cal.

Born San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 1, 1886; dau. William A. and Eva (Meams) Scott; m. April 28, 1900, Aimer Mayo Newhall; one son: Aimer Mayo Jr. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Town and Country Club, Marin Golf and Country Club. NEWILL, Ella May (Mrs. Arthvr Cotton

NewIIl), 774 Iloyt St., Portland, Ore.

Tutor; b. Washington, la., Oct. 30, 1871; dau. John Wiseman and Honora B. (Rank) Wiseman; ed. in private and public schools of ChiUlcothe, O., and Chicago; N.Y. State Normal (Potsdam, N.Y.); Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs; School of the Good Shepherd (I5piscopal), Ogden, Utah; m. Ogden, Utah, Dec. 22. 1390, Arthur Cot- ton Newill, of England; children: Nora Mar- garet Newill (deceased), and Arthur Philip Henry Newill, b. Aug. 24. 1902. Pres. local chapter Daughters of the King (organization ol Episcopal Church). Former pres. Junior Auxil- iary of Diocese of Orefon; mem. Woman'i


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