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��NETTI.ETON, Harriette (Mrs. Orrin L. Nettle- ton), Milford, Conn.

Born Woodstock, Vt., Apr. 19, 1850; dau Elijah and Fannie (Cox) Clough; ed. Windsor High School; also attended schools in Woodstock, Barnard and Bridgeiwater, Vt. ; m. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 2, 1874, Orrin L. Nettleton; children; Alice, Ernest, Arthur, Beatrice, Q. Ray (de- ceased), Bernice, Charles, Reginald C. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Tuesday Afternoon Club (prea. since 1906).

NETZ, tella Vail (Mrs. R. H. G. Netz), 617 S. Elm St., Owatonna, Minn. Teacher; b. St. Louis, July 8, 1869; dau. John D. and Fanny (Sherriff) Vail; ed. high school and Kindergarten Training School at Marshall- town, Iowa; Normal School at Winona, Minn.; m. MarshalltDwn, 1S96, R. H. G. Netz; children: Charles Vail, Norita. Taught kindergarten schools in Marshalltown, Iowa; Colorado Springs, Colo.; Omaha, Neb., and Owatonna, Minn.; pub- lic schools, charity schools, deaf school and In State School for Neglected Children. Interested in Sunday-school work and improvement of pub- lic schools. Favors woman suffrage. Has writ- ten articles for newspapers In Marshalltown, Colorado Springs, Omaha and Owatonna on kindergarten and educational subjects. Uni- versallst. Progressive. Mem. Nineteenth Cen- tury (3lub of Owatonna.

NEUMANN, Julie Wurzbnrger (Mrs. Henry Neumann), 304 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn, N.T.

Bom N.Y. City, 1875; dau. Adolph and Pauline (Hecht) Wurzburger; ed. public school, 1881-90; Ethical Culture School, 1890-92; Oswego State Normal School, 1892-94; Barnard Coll., B.A. 1S96-1900; Teachers' Coll., diploma for teaching in secondary schools, 1898-1900; m. N.Y. City, 1906, Henry Neumann, Ph.D.; children: Janet (iecilia (deceased), Paula, Ruth. Taught in Ethical Cul- ture High School, 1900-06. Sup't Brooklyn Soc. for Ethical Culture Sunday-school; pres. Exten- sion Ass'n of Public School No. 91, Brooklyn. Actively engaged in religious, social and philan- thropic work of the Brooklyn Soc. for Ethical Culture. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Alumni Ass'n of the Ethical Culture Sch&ol, N.Y. Soc. for Ethical Culture, Charity Organization Soc, Madison House, Brooklyn Soc. for Ethical Cul- ture, Oswego State Normal School Alumni Ass'n. Recreations: Gardening, walking, reading, social intercourse.

NEVILLE, Linda, 722 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky.

Born Lexington, Ky., April 23, 1873; dau. John H. and Mary T. (Payne) Neville; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95. Private tutor. Mem. Lexington Board of Education, Advisory Com. of the Fa- yette Juvenile Court, Associated Charities of Lexington and Fayette Co., Exec. Com. of the Nat. Com. on Prison Labor; director Moral Im- provement League of Lexington; director Moun- tain Fund, principally for needy eye sufferers; executive sec. Kentucky Soc. fcr Prevention of Blindness. Pres. Fayette Equal Rights Ass'n, 1910-13; first vice-pres. 1913. Has written numer- ous articles on the prevention of blindness (many are unsigned and many issued in the name of the Kentucky Society for the Preven- tion of Blindness). Episcopalian. NEVLN, Anne Paul- (Mrs. Ethelbert Nevin), sum- mer address, Airly Beacon, Bluehill, Me.; win- ter, N.Y. City.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. J. W. and Susan Paul; ed. Pittsburgh and Germany; m. Pitts- burgh, Ethelbert Nevin (distinguished composer, died 1901); children: Ethelbert Paul (grad. Princeton, 1912), Doris, b. Berlin, Germany. In- terested in music, particularly the Music School Settlement, where she has the Ethelbert Nevin Scholarships. Episcopalian.

NEVIN, Elsa»map Hawes (Mrs. John Irwin Nevin), 246 Frederick Av., Sewickley, Pa. Born Huntingdon, Pa., Aug. 31, 1852; dau. Rev. Lowman P. and Mary J. (McGahen) Hawes; grad. Washington (Pa.) High School, '68; Canons- burg (Pa.) Normal School (with honors), '70; m. Sewickley, Pa., Sept. 23, 1873, Col. John Irwin Nevin (died Jan. 6, 1884); children: Daniel E., b.

��1875; Mary H., b. 1877 (died 1898); Ernest, b. 1880 (died 1911); Olive A., b. 1882 (now Mrs. Herbert Muzzey, of Los Angeles, Cal.). Teacher in Sewickley Normal Acad., 1872-73 (previously for two years In public schools in vicinity of Pitts- burgh). Mem. of Board of Trustees of Pa. Coll. for Women; some time sec. of Woman's Home Mission Soc. of Shadyside Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Socs. Recreations: Motoring, concerts, lectures. Mem. Query Club of Sewickley. NEVIN, Elizabeth Booth BliUer (Mrs. Franklin

Taylor Nevin), 601 Hopkins St., Sewickley, Pa.

Born Media, Pa., Feb. 22, 1875; dau. Isaac L. and Clara (Booth) Miller; ed. Media BYiends School, Swarthmore Coll., B.A. '95, M.A. 1900; Univ. of Pa., Univ. of Berlin, Germany (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Media, Pa., May 24, 1904, Franklin Taylor Nevin; children: Margaret Williamson, Franklin Taylor. Mem. Woman's Club, History Club and two reading clul>s. Favors wocian suffrage. Recreation: Flower gardening. NEVIN, Harriet Mlddleton Offden (Mrs. Charles

Wordsworth Nevin), "Oakdene," RIverton, N. J. ;

The Boulders, Jamestown, R.I. ; The Rltten-

house, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., July 7, 1859; dau. Ed- ward H. and Sarah Morris (Perot) Ogden; ed. the Truman School, Philadelphia; m. Riverton, N.J., Oct. 11, 1888, Rev. Charles Wordsworth Nevin; children: Dorothy, Ogden, Charles Words- worth 2d, Perot. Pres. Philadelphia Home for Incurables; mem. Calvary Church Settlement, Legal Protection Com. New Century Club for Working Women, Female Ass'n of Philadelphia for Relief and Employment of Sick and Infirm Poor; pres. Riverton Branch Needlework Guild of America. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. the Pa. Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America (recording sec), Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R. (recording sec). Pa. Soc. of New Eng- land Women (cor. sec), the Welcome Soc, Huguenot Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Philadel- phia Geographical Soc. ; life mem. Zoological Soc. of Philadelphia. Mem. New Century Club and Acorn Club (Philadelphia), Porch Club (Riverton, N.J.). NEW, Catherine McLean (Mrs. Harry Stewart

New), 1002 Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind.

Author; b. Toronto, Ont., 1870; convent educa- tion at Chatham, Ont; m. N.Y. City, Aug. 18, 1891, Harry Stewart New of Indianapolis. Author: A Woman Reigns. NEWBERKY, Mary Wheeler (Mrs. Trusten Polk

Newberry), Monnett Hall, Delaware, Ohio.

Teacher; b. Waymart, Pa., June 14, 1861; dau. Rev. Henry Wheeler, D.D., and Mary (Sparkes) Wheeler; gTad. Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., '79; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, B.A. '85. M.A. '90; graduate student at Radcliff© Coll., 1903-04; m. July 29, 1886, Rev. Trusten Polk Newberry; one son: Trusten Polk Newberry, b. May 21, 1887 (died Dec. 20, 1902). Preceptress at Pennington Sem., N.J., 1900-03; since 1904 prof. English and associate dean of women at Ohio Wealeyan Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Meth- odist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Shakespeare Club, Equal Suffrage Club (Dela- ware, Ohio). NEV/BERRY, Paige Eells (Mrs. Arthur St. John

Newberry), 2097 E. Forty-sixth St., Cleveland,


Bom Cleveland, Ohio, April 8, 1857; dau. Dan Parmeles and Mary M. (Howard) Eells; ed. Wells Coll., 76 (mem. Alpha Theta); m. Nov. 11, 1880, Arthur St. John Newberry (died Nov. an, 1912); children: Winifred Eells (Mrs. Richard Hocker), b. 1881; John Strong, b. 1883; Mary Witt, b. 1885. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Y.W.C.A. Clubs: Country, Mayfield, Twentieth Century, Tea and Topics, Garden. NEWBOLD, Ethel Packard (Mrs. William Ro-

malne Newbold), 212 St. Mark's Sq., Philadel- phia, Pa.

Bora BTDoMyn, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1875; dau. Rev. George Thomas and Anna Jane (Spraffue) Pack-


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