Nni.SON, Anita, Lawrence, L.I. and notes, 1909. Mem. Methodtet Episcopal
Born on 15th St., N.Y. City; dau. Alfred and Church. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of
Annie P. (Embler) Neilson; ed. by governess and America, Nat. Geographic Soc, Monday Club
in private schools of N.Y. City and Lawrence, and Shakespeare Club (Delaware, Ohio).
LL; studied in Scliool of Applied Design, NY. j,el80N. EUle Coates (Mrs. William Marbury
City. Mem. Governing Board of N.Y. City, Con- Neiaon) West Chesapeake Av.. Towson, Baltl-
sumers' League since 1899 (sec. two years;. Has more Co Md ^ , j->"» i
a'mem ^f^"L7 ^hamy^SVSzaUonaS?[' Ste^^ E°^° Philadeiphia, Oct. 12. 1872; dau. George
ChS'r!ueslid^\nd"h'^s^onTc'\i'urch°w^k. ^^e^' ^I'./^f ^^,^^^, ^'ill'^LSXr- .f^ p'rl^n "^J?
ooti, A „„ „v,i., ri;„f r-KT V nif..\ „(■ mr^Tvo,, o„f private scnool, fnllacelpnia, and Bryn Mawr
fr^Ke Pa^v'^ mem ^Eaual Franchise League" Coll.; m. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1902. William
Hafwork^'^foroTher suffrage organTzatl^^^^ Marbury Nelson; children: Cleland Kinloch,
A)t.n ^r;^ XT V rii^ ^r^yff^r^onf^ Laura Lloyd, Georgo Morrlsou Coates. Interested
A!bany and N.Y. City. Episcopalian. ^^ ^U ^^^'^^^ questions and churcn movements.
NEII.SON, Nellie, Mount Holyoke College, notably In missions and societies for welfare of
South Hadley, Mass, babies and children. Interested In atlileUca.
Professor of history; b. Philadelphia. 1873; dau. Protestant Episcopal. Democrat.
William George and Mary (Cunningham) Neilson; «t-,^ „^», ,, , „. ,,, ,,,,, ^ », ,
ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; A.M. '94; Ph.D; NI^^SON, Helen Steams (Mrs. Milton G. Nel-
'99; held resident fellowship in history, 1894-96; ^°'^'- Z^^^ ^' A^ -.r . ^ „r,„
Coll. Alumnffi Ass'n fellowship, 1895-96. Reader , Born Norwich, Conn. Nov. 4. 1885; dau. Will
In English. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-02; instructor J^ ^^^ ^i^'^'?^^* i,^'*^'?.^ r?'f^™?l ^^- Norwich
In history, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1902-03; prof, his- ^^e Acad., 03; Cornell Unlv 08 (Kappa Alpha
tory, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1903-. Favors woman ^heta) ; m. Norwich, Conn., Aug 7 1912, Milton
suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League g: Ne son. Taught one year at Baldwin School
of Mass. Author: Economic Conditions on the Watertown, Conn. ; three years at West Hartford
Manors of Ramsey Abbey (Philadelp'hia), 1899; pigh School. West Hartford. Conn. Congrega-
Customary Rents (Oxford Studies In Social and Mem. College Junior Soc. (Raven and
Legal History, II.). Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Serpent). College Senior Soc. (Der Hexenkreis) ;
Historical Ass'n. Am. Economic Ass'n, the Selden ™^"^- Patrons of Husbandry (Grange).
Boc. NELSON, Merab Josephine (Mrs. Wllna O. Nel-
NEILSON, Sarah Claypoole Lewis (Mrs. Thomas son), Union City, Ind.
Neilson), 325 S. Twelfth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nat. Sec. of Pythian Sisters; b. Greentown,
Born Philadelphia; dau. William D. and Sarah Ind., Nov. 16, 1857; dau. E. P. a«d Matilda C.
(Claypole) Lewis; m. Oct. 11, 1849, Thomas Nell- (Beeson) Gallion; ed. Greentown. Ind.. and later
Bon; children: William D., Robert Henry. Sarah, by private tutors; m. Greentown, Ind., March
Thomas Rundle, Lewis, Emma Florence, Mary 27, 1878, Wllna 0. Nelson (died May 15, 1891).
Alice Lewis. Opposed to woman suffrage. Prot- Editor; established The Guest. Feb., 1895. Pre-
estant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. of Colonial viously principal of Primary Dep't In Oakville
Dames. (Ind.) High School, 18S4-SS; photographer, 1888-93.
NELI.IS, Emma Virginia McAfee (Mrs. D. C. Treas. Nat Council of Women, 1906-10; delegate
Nellis), Palantine Hill, Topeka, Kan. 1° •.^°'^™^'- ,„?n°"°° ^^ Women at Geneva
Born Leavenworth, Kan.. June 28. 1855; dau. Switzerland 1909; recording sec Nat Council of
Hon. (Rev.) J. B. McAfee. M.A., and Anna ^^T^?^^^^^^- Nat. sec. Pythian Sisters since
Rebecca (Fowler) McAfee; 4d. Washburn Coll. J^O^. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scien- and Bethany Coll., Topeka; m. M^r. ,A-*8Tr— ^- ^^J^' }:°9^^ Council of Women of Union
Judge D. C. Nellis; children:_J.««fe- McAfee gi^y, Ind ; chairman press com. of State (Ind.)
Celeste Birdelia (Mrs. H. «rS^^ Anna Marie 5^-. °^ ^lubs, 1913 Recreations: Books, dancing.
(Mrs. A. C. Phillips). Favors woman suffrage, diving, automobihng, horseback riding.
Republican. Mem. Sorosis Club. Good Govern- NELSON, Nellie Cynthia Cbase (Mrs. Julius
ment Club. Kansas Authors' Club. Nelson), New Brunswick, N.J.
NELSON, Candis Jane, Shenandoah, Iowa. Born Madison. Wis.. 1860; dau. Samuel L. and
Teacher; b. Tipton, Ind.; dau. Sandford W. Helen M. (Larkin) Chase; direct descendant of and Margaret (Alexander) Nelson; ed. Western Samuel Chase, signer of the Declaration of In- Normal Coll., B.D. 1900; Univ. of Neh., A.B. dependence; maternal grandfather was eight '05, A.M. '10; has done work of Ph.D. in Univ. years Territorial treas. of Wis.; grad. Univ. of of Cal. and Univ. of Neb. Hglds high-school Wis., B.L. '82, M.L. in '84; m. Madison, Wis, teaching credentials In Cal., and several life 1888. Julius Nelson, Ph.D., prof, of biology In diplomas from other States. Teacher of method Rutgers Coll.; children: S. Max, Thurlow C, in Western Normal Coll.; principal of a ward Theodora, Ingrid C, Marguerite H., J. Richards, school five years at Lincoln. Neb. Principal of Mem. Second Reformed Church of New Bruns- Normal dep't and prof, of education, Greenville wick, N.J. ; pres. of Parent-Teachers' Ass'n ot (111.) Coll. Supervisor of practice and prof, of Rutgers Elementary School. Favors woman suf- education and psychology. Neb. Wesleyan Univ.; Irage. Recreations: Social functions, college fellow in Am. history and ass't In psychology, circles, out-door picnics. Mem. Reading Circle. Univ. of Neb.; ass't prof, of education and psy- NELSON, Olive Downing (Mrs. James Poyntz chology In Valley City (N.Dak.) State Normal. Nelson), 336 Linden Walk, Lexington, Ky. Favors woman suffrage; State sup't of fran- Bom New Orleans, La., May 24, 1868; dau. chise of North Dakota; charter mem. and pro- James and Mary (Downey) Downing (French moter of the Votes for Women League. Con- and Irish ancestors); ed. Daughters' Coll., Har- trlbutor to periodicals on Childhood and Health, rodsburg, Ky.; grad. Sayre Inst., Lexington, Ky., The Physical Child, Moral Education, How Chil- with honors for English, 18S6; m. Lexington, dren Spend Their Money, Who Is To Blame, June 22, 1893, James Poyntz Nelson of Oakland, Women and the Rural Schools, a monograph on Hanover Co., Va. (land manager and real estate The Fifteenth Amendment, a source Investlga- agent of Chesapeak'e and Ohio Railway). Inter- tlon, and many other topics. Methodist. Mem. ested in helping the poor. Favors woman suf- W.C.T.U. and Y.W.C.A. frage. Author of literary articles and also of NELSON, Clara Albertine, Delaware, Ohio. various translations (French and Spanish); also
Professor French, .Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; b. original short stories (English) for local news-
Tiffin, Ohio, Apr. 4, 1852; dau. Alexander and Papers. Episcopalian. Recreations: Gardening,
Jane Z. (Morrison) Nelson; ed. Baldwin Univ., dairying, music and travel.
Berea, Ohio, and Ohio Wesleyan Univ., A.B. NESBITT, Elsie Iloopes (Mrs. Will Curtis Nes-
(Phl Beta Kappa) '72, A.M. '96; student In bltt), 2216 Gilpin Av., Wilmington, Del.
Germany, 1S95, and at the Sorbonne and College Born Wilmington, Del., Sept. 20, 1885; dau.
de France, 1902-03 (diploma). Head of French Edgar M. and Elizabeth (Osborne) Hoopes; ed.
dep't, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., since 1896; also lee- Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; m. Oct. 30, 1908,
turer on history of art. Lecturer before women's Will Curtis Nesbitt; one daughter, Elizabeth
clubs; mem. territorial com. of Y.W.C.A, Edited Louise. Woman suffragist. Presbyterian. Mem.
Bornler's La Fille de Roland, with Introduction Wilmington Country Club.