��ed. Pierce Aead., Middleboro, Mass.; Appleton Acad., New Ipswich, N.H.; State Normal School, Framing-ham, Mass.; m. West Acton, Mass., Jan. 1, 1869, Frederick Gushing Nash, lawyer. Taught in high schools of Marlboro and Danvers, Mass. ; after marriage studied larw with her husband at Columbia Falls, Me., and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, October, 1872 (the first woman admitted to the bar In New England). Practised law in part- nership with her husband at Columbia Falls, Me., until 1876, and afterward in Portland, Me., for several years, then retired from practice. Baptist. Mem. Pentagon Club, Portia Club (Boston). NASH, Nina May, Dillon, Mont.
Teacher; b. JanesvUle, Wis.; dau. Newman Curtis and Jennie E. (Williston) Nash; ed. pub- lic schools of Canton, S.Dak. ; Janeaviile (Y/is.) High School; Madison (S.Dak.) Slate Normal (graduated); grad. Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., N.Y. City. Taught in rural schools of S.Dak., later taught in home town; Canton, S.Dak., three years; Puyallup, Wash., 2% years; Elk Point, S.Dak., 5 years. Principal Training School of Northern Normal and Industrial School, Aberdeen, S.Dak., 1903-10; supervisor intermediate grades, Montana State Normal Coll., 1910 — . In- terested in the education and social development of adult foreigners. Teaches Sunday-school class. Fourth vice-pres. Mont, branch of Peace Soc. Fa- ^■ors wrman suffrage. Has written letters and de- scriptive articles of places visited for home pa- pers. Congregatlonalist. Mem. P.ebekah Ijodge (Odd Fellows), Eastern Star (Masonic) of Can- ton, S.Dak. ; sec. S.Dak. Educational Aas'n two years; mem. D.A.R. RecreaticEs: Walking, ten- nis, traveling. Mem. Shakespeare Club, Aber- deen, S.Dak; chairman Literature Com. of S.Dak. Fori, of Women's Clubs. 1909-11. NASH, Stevonia Evans, Greenville, Ala.
Teacher; b. Warsaw, Ala., December, 1863; dau. Stephen Evans and Carolyn Foy (Stanton) Nash; ed. Tuscaloosa (Ala). Industrial Inst, and Coll., Columbus, Miss.; Univs. of Ala. and Tenn., M.A. and teachers' first grade life certificate. Teacher for 15 years in high schools of Ala, and colleges of Miss., Ga. and La. Interested in the civic and educational work now being done In women's clubs; making most earnest efforts to raise the standard of education and citizenship. Has written theses for club members and makes up year books for literary clubs. Mem. Drama League of America, Order of Eastern Star, D.A.R. (ancestors from Va.), Twentieth Century Club, Woman's Club. Recreations: Tennis, bas- ketball. Methodist. NASON, Kmina Hnatingrton (Mrs. Charles H.
Xason), 30< Brunswick Av., Gardiner, Me.
Born Hallowell, Me., Aug. 6, 1845; dau. Samuel W. and Sally (Mayo) Huntington; ed. Hallowell Aead.; Maine Weeleyan Coll., Kents Kill., A.B. '65 (classical course); A.M. '67; m. Ha'lowell, Me., May 23, 1870, Charles H. Nason; one son: Arthur Huntington Nason. Interested in the work of the Maine literary clubs and Maine historical societies. Author: White Sails, 1888; The Tower, with Legends and Lyrics, 1895; Old Colonial Houses In Maine. 1908; Old Hallowell on the Kennebec, 1909. Mem. Soc. Mayflower Descendants, and of Soc. of Descendants of Colonial Governors; historian Nat. Soc. of Col- onial Dames Resident in the State of Maine; mem. Koussinoc Chapter D.A.R. (Augusta), Maine Historical Soc, Unity Club (Augusta).
N.4.THAN, Maud (Mrs. Frederick Nathan), 162
W. Eighty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City, Oct. 20, 1862; dau. Robert Weeks and Annie Augusta (Florence) Nathan; ed. private schools in N.Y. (the Misses Hoffman and Gardner Inst.) and In high school of Green Bay, Wis., where was one of the six to pass 100 per cent, in examinations; head of class with chem when graduated; m. Frederick Nathan; one daughter (died when nine years of age). Mem. Consumers' League; first vice-pres. Nat. Consumers' League; pres. of Consumers' League of N.Y. City; mem. Internat. Lyceum Club, Barnard Club. National Arts Club, City Fed. of
��Clubs, D.A.R. (Manhattan Chapter), Council of Jewish Women, Nat. Inst. o£ Social Sciences. First vice-pres. Equal Franchise Soc; first vice- pres. Equal Suffrage League; cor. sec. Woman Suffrage Party, Manhattan Borough; delegate to Internat. Woman Suffrage Alliance Convention at Stockholm, 1911; elected delegate to congress to be held at Budapest, June, 1913. Author of various articles published in leading magazines and newspapers and annual reporta of Consumers' League of N.Y. City. Jewess. Mem. League for Political Education, Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Child Labor Com., N. Y. Peace Soc. Recrea- tions: Reading, motoring, cooking, singing, dancing. Has made many public addresses In various cities in this country and in Europe; baa made them In German and French as well as EJnglish. Has participated In municipal cam- paigns and has several tlm^ea been the only woman speaker at mass meetings arranged by men. Was honorary Inspector of Board of Health; two years chairman of Com. on Industry of Women and Children In Nat. Fed. of Women's Clubs; spoke for Progressive platform during recent campaign.
NAVARRO, Mary Anderson de (Mrs. Antonio de Navarro K The Court Farm, Broadway, Wor- cestershire, England.
Former actrees; b. Sacramento, Cal.; dau. Charles H. and Antonio (LeuguB) Anderson; ed. Ursuline and Presentation Convents; m. London, England, Antonio de Navarro; children Jos^, Elena Antonia. President of Mt. Ladies of Birm- ingham diocese (founded by St. Vincent de Paul); constantly interested in works of charity. Author: A Few Memories, Collaborated in "The Garden of Allah,' with Robert Hickens. Catholic. Rec- reation: Music. Mem. Colony Club, N.Y. City. NAYLOE, Fannie Comstock (Mrs. John Naylor), 14 Arlington St., Haverhill, Mass. Journalist; b. Norwich, Conn.; dau. Alexander Stewart and Mary A. (Benson) Comstock; ed. public schools in Norwich, and Norvrlch Acad. ; m. John l>Jaylor, of Walsall, Eng. ; lived In Haverhill 1891-98, and returned to Norwich for several years. On editorial staff of the Haver- hill Evening Gazette, HaverhiU, Mass., since 1903, In charge of the social ne-ws and of wooien's clubs. Including State and National organizations. Mem. Trinity Church. Episcopalian. Mem. Round Table Club, In which has served in the various oflBeial positions and as pres. 1911-12, and mem. Hannah Dustln Club. Musical critic and student of art.
NEAl., Josephine BlclmeU, 184 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Physician; b. Belmont, Me., Oct. 10. 1880; dau. Alton J. and Mary (Alexander) Neal; ed. Bates Coll., A.B. '01; Cornell Med. Coll., M.D. '10 (Alpha Omega Alpha, Alpha Epsilon Iota). Clin- ician and bacteriologist for the Meningitis Com. at the Research Inst., N.Y. City. Mem. Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. City. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Women's Political Union. NE.-VX, Mary He=ter, 46 N. Fifth St., Newark, Ohio.
Born NeTvark, O., May 18, 1883; dau. William Wells and Anne (Klbler) Neal; ed. Denlson Univ., O., one ye3.r; Wellesley Coll., B.A. (metn. Kappa Phi at Denison, Phi Sigma at Wellesley). Taught for two vears at the All Saints' School. Sioux Falls, S.Dak. Mem. Church Sewing Club, Bridge Club Country Club, Library Ass'n; formerly of Music Study Class (studying Liszt). Interested in civic improvefments and library aid. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Club: Monday Talks (literary club, was pres., 1911-12).
NE.\I., Minnie Elncra, 27 E. Bay St., Jackson- ville. Fla.
Photographer; b. Galllpolls, O. ; dau. John C. and Fannie R. (Farrand) Neal; ed. Terre Haute (Ind.) High School fleading the class in general proficiency). Interested in missions; for several years sec. Fla. Christian Endeavor Union and editor of State paper; since 1904 pres. of FU. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, building up the union until It Is an Important factor Is reform legislation and activities. Favors woman